![The good life?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/mgtowgoodlife.jpg?resize=580%2C327&ssl=1)
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam celebrates the simple pleasures of
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou
Reddit’s MGTOW contingent has a somewhat different notion of what constitutes the good life. It involves a motorcycle in one’s bedroom.
Last week, one Man Going His Own Way proudly posted the photo above to the MGTOW subreddit, where it received more than 80 upvotes and pretty much universal acclaim.
“People always ask when I would leave this ‘narcissistic immature lifestyle’ behind and just man up and get married already,” he wrote. “Why would I want to wake up to anything other than this in my bedroom???”
Replacing the wine, bread, and poetry of Omar Khayyam’s little scene we have:
- An air mattress
- A motorcycle
- A bigass flat-screen TV
- A Playstation 4
- Two video games
Replacing the tree, a Minecraft poster tacked to the wall.
Replacing “thou?” Whatever … that is on the bed, I guess.
You go, boy.
That’s definitely a fair point, but I do still think, judging from the attitude alone that he’s living simply by choice. Which is fine, of course. But the misogyny isn’t.
We also don’t know if the motorcycle is functional.
I meant the point about not judging people by their stuff. Not touching the ableism conversation stuff right now!
*sighs* I really tried to be nice about the callout this time, you know.
I… What? o__O Where on Earth did you get that from?
The point is that whenever there’s a killing, the media, society at large and especially people with similar views to the killer’s use “Oh, he’s just crazy, he’s not responsible for his actions” as a way to brush the real reason under the rug and cut off any discussion regarding the systemic societal issues involved (namely misogyny and racism). It has nothing to do with “Waah.”
I’m confused again.
*Real reasons, rather. Confused M not grammar so goodly.
![comment image](https://i.imgur.com/aaw7R1W.jpg)
Could you…at least google what ableism is? Seriously. It’s, like, if you don’t know a concept, look it up. Don’t just use it if you don’t understand it.
I don’t get the reaction of some people thinking anybody’s moking the guy for being “poor”? When I look at this guy’s place I don’t see poverty (hell, for all I know the guy could be rich and it wouldn’t change anything) but a room that doesn’t look very homely. Which is his point, right? he can have his manly cave all the ugly he wants because there are no shallow women around to say silly things like it’s disgusting to have a motorcycle in your room.
But hey, that surely gave a lot of depth and motivation to the character of the man who witnessed that. We all know how important it is to remind us all that batman is a very tortured and troubled man because his story is so tragic.
*just stares for a while*
From a new poster, that would have pissed me off. From Fnoicby, nope, just reeeally confused and wondering if I misread something somewhere.
Anyway, back to Arkham Knight.
Eew. Fridging Ivy and referring back to the one and only thing people keep asking them to stop referring to? Just, eew. So much for the good will they’d earned with the anti-#GamerGate joke. =/
If I recall correctly, the sound was due to some flaw (er, characteristic) in the engines of the first ones that were made, but it became so iconic that they’ve tuned them ever since to produce the same sound – it’s very much avoidable, but it’s so much of a signature that they choose not to!
David, thanks for the explanation, I understand where you’re coming from.
I’d also like to speak up and say I think that people can be too harsh to ableist comments on here – I know it really upsets some people, but I think that it can really come off as hostile and spark arguments with good people that just made a mistake and are slightly confused by it. I misstepped a few times myself, just through not realizing that using words like “crazy” implied that these people’s awful way of thinking wasn’t their own fault but due to a brain disorder, and that people with brain disorders (I’m on pills myself) were somehow dangerous.
But more simply – Flint, it can upset people here. Can you try to avoid it?
Makes me think of this classic Simpsons bit.
Also, is Gamergate still going or is it just those two wallies and their terrible overbudgeted undertalented documentary film remaining? I haven’t seen it doing a whole lot of… anything. (While we wait for that to come out, I did finally watch Lust in the Time of Heartache after hearing so much about it. It… was a treat I wasn’t expecting.)
It’s hard to maintain your cool and perspective when family (inlaws) use your disability to drive a wedge between you, your spouse and your children, my apologies if I was harsh.
SFHC and pandapool, that’s a sentiment I’ve seen expressed in comments here and elsewhere on several occasions. Seems to be a common perception out there. As I said, I don’t believe that’s the thing about ableism that is a problem. I agree, that has little to nothing to do with the issue. SFHC, there was a response to flints comment after yours telling them to “fuck off” which is what I was responding to as being a bit over the top, imo.
So anyways, even when people AREN’T saying “oh he’s crazy, he couldn’t have been expected to control himself”, any mention of mental illness/depression/personality disorder/whatever potentially being a factor seems to bring out the most vitriolic responses from some commenters here. I understand y’all get sick of explaining ableism on the daily, but you realize you’re not explaining it to the same person over and over, right? I mean I’m sure it starts feeling that way. But ableism awareness just isn’t mainstream, so people are going to come here without an understanding pretty frequently. Strikes me that it’s more beneficial to those who are victims of ableism to share what it’s all about.
I’m sorry, I know everyone hates going down the ableism rabbit hole every other day. And nobody here is obligated to be “nice” or “kind” according to my standards. Just wanted to throw my two cents in.
Yeah, I’m trying to give them one chance before going into argh-not-again mode, but to be fair, we’re all just sick of it after the utter clusterfuck that was the Nolan thread (like, even moreso than usual). By the end of that one, I wanted a keyboard macro to do it for me. =P
You wouldn’t get snippy having to do this in almost every thread to people who are purposely being obtuse and as obnoxious as possible? Because it’s mainly the trolls who are doing this or the assholes who just post that “this guy is C~R~A~X~E~H~~~~!!!!” and are never heard from again.
Honestly, everyone who post meaningful comments either already understand ableism or quickly apologize and correct themselves. We don’t automatically snap at people, it’s the assholes who KEEP doing it or the people who do it when earlier in the thread we JUST EXPLAINED WHY THIS IS BAD that we tell to “fuck off”. These are people either trying to disrupt or people who jump in with no clue about the rules or what the conversation is about.
To be honest, if he’s happy with it, no harm, no foul. No reason to mock, either, as far as I’m concerned. Yeah, it’s not to my standards, but then, I’m not living with him, so I don’t get a say in how he lives. I mean, okay, he clearly lives in an area where he’s not able to access on-street parking for his bike, or where the vehicle theft rate is high enough to make it safer to keep his transportation in his bedroom, but aside from that… well, can’t really say much. He either cleaned the place before he took the photo, or he’s just moved out after an argument with Mum and Dad, is my guess.
I have to wonder whether he lives on take-away, though, since there doesn’t appear to be anywhere in that space set up for cooking or eating – not even a kettle or a coffee machine! If this is his room in a shared house, then okay, he probably has access to shared cooking facilities (and I do hope he’s neighbourly and actually cleans them up after using them). But otherwise… I suspect the next things on his internal list of “furniture to purchase” may well be a bar fridge, a kettle and a microwave (maybe also a bedside cabinet to store food-type stuff in, too?).
A compromise? If we agree to stop saying fuck off at the first offense, will people stop doubling down when asked to knock it off?
Also, like, it’s in out rules which people should read before posting, like every other goddamn forum.
Yes please. Hell, I’d weld a spork to my forehead if it stopped the doubling down.
My understanding is that it’s still a thing in the same way that lots of hateful internet subcultures are. That is: it’s no longer the energetic movement it once was – trying to get particular sites shut down and achieve widespread cultural change and all that – and has instead coagulated into a handful of message boards where people complain about “SJWs,” post hateful crap, and sometimes coordinate misogynist harassment campaigns. Sadly, I think it’ll be around, in some capacity, for a while – hateful subcultures die slowly on the internet…
I get where the “fuck off” was coming from, considering the poster didn’t sound receptive to feedback but rather defensive and unwilling to look at why it might be ableist before knee-jerk responding. It does get old. That said, they were understanding of the sexist part so maybe one more patient explanation before telling them to fuck off would help. ^.^
I told you. Forehead spork.
Not to mention the doubling down looks even worse when the doubler down explains that xe really, really wants to blame things on mental illness because xe believes that it will better society. See: Nolan thread
David Newton said much better what I was trying to get at. SFHC, I don’t take issue with the comment you left flint, sorry I wasn’t more clear in my first comment.
Oh, I dunno…diesel fumes, maybe?