4chan antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture

“Did you know that there is no proof that punishing rape is actually beneficial for a society?” 4Channer asks


It’s amazing just how quickly a visit to 4chan’s /pol/ board can strip you of any lingering faith in humanity.


Consider the following 4chan “infographic” posted recently on Twitter:


A quick Google search of the language in this graphic led me to an archived 4chan thread, where this particular “argument,” and the graphic itself, seem to have originated, making it exceedingly unlikely that (as per the small print on the graphic) “Prof. Owl” is actually a “married father of four daughters and three sons” and exceedingly likely that he is instead an overgrown adolescent nursing a giant grudge against women.

The good news is that not everyone in /pol/ agreed with Prof. Owl’s reprehensible views; the not-so-good news is that their views on rape were often just as reprehensible.

So let’s take a look at some of the, er, highlights of /pol/’s debate on the proposition that rape is “nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.”

1) Prof. Owl’s contribution

But is rape rally all THAT bad?  1. Rape is not only exaggerated 2. but rape legislation is unproven to be beneficial. There is no proof that harsh rape punishment outweighs the detrimental effects of false rape allegations.

2) “The true male equivalent of rape is not rape, but rather paternity fraud.”

>So why do feminists, see rape as the worst thing that can ever happen to woman and we aren't even talking about the obvious bullshit ''rape'' as in ''he stared at me in the elevator, it's like I was just raped!''.   Sexual selection. Rape means losing the authority over who you mate with, meaning possible shit offspring. That's why rape is so traumatic for women and not so much for men.   The true male equivalent of rape is not rape, but rather paternity fraud.

3) “We live in a cunt overglorification culture thus it’s blown completely out of proportion.”

>Yeah, but why exactly? Why is rape such a horrible thing to most people?  Women love to pull the victim card.   A woman being penetrated by a man is the same as a man being circumcluded by a woman.   Not a big deal.  but we live in a cunt overglorification culture thus it's blown completely out of proportion.

In case you’re wondering, here’s what this fella’s graphic says:


4) “It is actually more traumatic for men … Getting forced to accept a dick in the anus shows that that man is not able to protect anything. Which makes him unqualified for mating.”

not so traumatic for men  Are you fucking kidding me? It is actually more traumatic for men, the reason is simple. Men have believed that they are conquerers, that they are the stable income of the household and are the commander of their family. Getting forced to accept a dick in the anus shows that that man is not able to protect anything. Which makes him unqualified for mating.  Rape is equally shit for both sides.

5) “Rape is significantly less traumatic than being jumped by a gang of nigs.”

Rape is significantly less traumatic than being jumped by a gang of nigs

6) “The violence should be punished of course. But the heterosexual rape itself only minimally.”

The violence should be punished of course. But the heterosexual rape itself only minimally.  So if a man hits a woman and breaks her arm and then rapes her then then hitting and fracture should be punished, the rape itself only minimally.

7) “If people just stopped their victim privilege and lend a help to someone who is raping them and just went with the flow. There wouldn’t be any rape incidents.”

I know right, if people just stopped their victim privilege and lend a help to someone who is raping them and just went with the flow. There wouldn't be any rape incidents.

(I’m really hoping that this guy is being sarcastic, but sadly I think he probably isn’t.)

8) “My female friend told me it was a complete turn off for her if someone asked her directly if she wanted to have sex, which … feminazis completely ignore.”

Ironically OP, most men and women are engaged in what would be called rape in any legal sense every time they meet at a bar and go home afterwards and have sex, because consent is never explicit, it is always implied.  Even my female friend told me it was a complete turn off for her if someone asked her directly if she wanted to have sex, which I agree with, and feminazis completely ignore.

9) “Maybe I’m just an old fashioned guy with a sense of historical perspective. Rape may not be so bad.”

Long ago rape was considered bad by men because they considered women to be property. Rape has never been uncommon. Sadly cunts get equally wet through the gentle loving touch of a cherished partner and through the panty ripping, slam the cock in, sex act we associate with rape. In days gone by either way was considered good.  Maybe I'm just an old fashioned guy with a sense of historical perspective. Rape may not be so bad  pic related. a few nice Scandinavian chaps here to introduce themselves to your ancesters cunt


10) “I was raped once, and it was really unpleasant when it started. But then after I let myself go and loosened up it actually felt quite good.”

I was raped once, and it was really unpleasant when it started. But then after I let myself go and loosened up it actually felt quite good.

11) “There is no such thing as rape. … There is only the fair and equal redistribution of pussy.”

Females make up half of the population, but they control 100% of the vaginas. This vagina inequality is wrong. We need social ownership of the means of reproduction.  There is no such thing as rape. Rape is just a feminist construct. There is only the fair and equal redistribution of pussy. I am the 50%.

12) “I’d be mad if I were raped, but as long as I wasn’t injured or infected I’d get over it pretty quick”

I'd be mad if I were raped, but as long as I wasn't injured or infected I'd get over it pretty quick. I mean, I was sexually abused as a kid and I don't lose any sleep over it.  Every organism on Earth suffers from the sinister urge. How can you blame someone for wanting to mash their flesh against you. They're designed for it. Their very being compels them to do it. People grossly overestimate their will. And really, rape isn't personal. It's not like they want to psychologically scar you. They just wanna fuck.  Most of the trauma of rape has to due with social implications - perceived emasculation, promiscuity, etc. Which is the fault of the victim for tying their head in a knot over absolutely nothing. It's stupid. "What will they think of me?!" They'll think you're over-reactive and histrionic.

13) “When a woman is raped her entire identity (her vagina) is being stolen for free, when usually you’d have to buy her shit, date her, marry her or whatever.”

Because as much as they might not like it, vaginas are a commodity.. a good to be traded, sold, given etc.  when a woman is raped her entire identity (her vagina) is being stolen for free, when usually you'd have to buy her shit, date her, marry her or whatever.

14) “It undercuts their princess status.”

Women know that their entire worth as a human being lies on their ability to offer vagina. >This is why they are TERRIFIED by sexbots, male contraception, etc, and this is also why they are TERRIFIED by rape, because it means someone "stole" their "ware" for free, lowering the value of pussy on the market if it becomes "accepted" practice.  This!!  It undercuts their princess status in two ways:  1. Their usage of beauty to achieve what they want failed (i.e. they could not make a man stop)  2. Their main asset (pussy) is taken without pay.  It's a double bummer and therefore it's so humiliating.  You can EMULATE rape by telling cunts to imagine that they have to pay to get sex. It's not as drastic as rape, but it's a very similar feeling in their head.  Women are parasites and as such are not used to pay for something.

15) “Who /rapist/ here? I’ve raped 7 girls”

Who /rapist/ here?  I've raped 7 girls

Please, please, please let this asshole be trolling.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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9 years ago

These men are rapists. No doubt about it. If Prof. Owl is a father, I pity his daughters. He’s probably raping them too.

9 years ago

It has nothing to do with bodily autonomy, yep, it’s all about reproduction, which is why no one voluntarily uses birth control.

/pol/ once again echoes their appreciation of male rape, without a hint of awareness to what their response to being raped would be.

9 years ago

“Rape legislation is unproven to be beneficial”?

Well, if THAT’s the case, it’s because it gets applied so very seldom.

(I confess I only skimmed the rest of that word soup, because ugh…SCUM.)

9 years ago

Terrible. Really terrible.

And to think that I used to think that ‘men hate you’ tag on some radical feminist blogs was an exaggeration.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

“And really, rape isn’t personal. It’s not like they want to psychologically scar you. They just wanna fuck.”

What the fuck. Sometimes there just isn’t enough fire in the world.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Wow. I’m gonna be sick.

9 years ago

Also, what the hell is this “circumcluded” shit? That’s not even a word!

(See what I mean by scummy word soup? Ugh.)

9 years ago

The bile… it rises.

9 years ago

“And really, rape isn’t personal. It’s not like they want to psychologically scar you. They just wanna fuck.”

“They” = YOU, dude. Be honest now.

And no one cares what you want. If we don’t want the same, you don’t get any. See how that works?

9 years ago

“Circumcluded” I had to look that word up. Apparently, it has very different meanings on urban dictionary and in traditional dictionaries.

4chan really is the cancer of the internet.

9 years ago

comment image?w=604

Wow. Even their graphics are nonsensical, scummy word soup.

It’s almost impressive, in a repugnant kind of way.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(And remember, #GamerGate was banned from /pol/ for being too sexist, racist and violent. Christ. That’s like being too anti-Semitic for Hitler.)

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

…The “I was raped but totally liked it” has to be fake. Or they need therapy. A lot of therapy. That and what’s with the “they control 100% of the vaginas!” um…. kind of a part of our bodies? And not all women have them? =__=

9 years ago

“It is actually more traumatic for men … Getting forced to accept a dick in the anus shows that that man is not able to protect anything. Which makes him unqualified for mating.”

Protecting one’s anus is a prerequisite for males mating? Then where does that leave guys who like being pegged by women? Or, you know, getting a finger or two inserted there during vaginal intercourse, after letting her know he’d like it if she did that? Here’s a shocker, dude: Some straight guys LIKE a bit of anal massaging…consensually, of course. Some even INSIST on it!

Also, unwanted vaginal penetration hurts. How much? Well, about the same as having something forcibly rammed up your ass. So much for “more traumatic”. This isn’t the Oppression Olympics, asshole.

And, having said that, I have run out of even to can’t. I’ll see if I can tackle more of this idiocy later.

9 years ago

Welp, looks like that’s enough internet for today.

*logs off*
*takes a walk into the woods to scream and beat trees with fallen logs*

9 years ago

Blaming women for being so highly objectified as a reason for rape, while objectifying women throughout. I don’t know how these people can so consistently lack self-awareness, but there you go. I think that’s about the only thing I can stomach talking about from this post, it all just made my skin crawl.

9 years ago

But of course, “teach men not to rape” is absolutely ridiculous, because everybody knows what rape is and knows that it’s bad. Nobody is misinformed about what consent is, and everyone has a built-in, well-developed sense of empathy that makes them realize that sex is at minimum a two-player game with another full human being that has their own desires and preferences.

9 years ago


Also, what the hell is this “circumcluded” shit? That’s not even a word!

I’m not sure, but he might be trying to express a concept like enveloped or engulfed.

otoh, there’s good evidence that he’s not overly impressive on the thinking front, so it could be some vague/ weird notion unrelated to anything anyone’s ever heard of.

9 years ago

I can sorta see where it came from… for instance, “circum” means “around,” like in “circumscribed,” and maybe “cluded” comes from “occluded” as in hidden from view? Kinda sounds cute when put that way.

Oh hai little penis, now you see it, now you don’t! Now you see it, now you don’t! Ta-daa!

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

I am not a big fan of swearing, but scum like this just give me the urge to scream “Go fuck yourself with a pitchfork” to each and every one of them.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

(I don’t know why a pitchfork. Just seems to work well with the cadence. Oddly enough, when I think it in Hebrew the word that comes to mind is “rake”, for the same reason.)

9 years ago

Can we just nuke 4chan from orbit? It’s the only way to be sure.

And really, rape isn’t personal. It’s not like they want to psychologically scar you. They just wanna fuck.”

This is the opposite of true. Many rapists are perfectly able to get consensual sex. They rape because they want power and domination. Not because they want to fuck. Rapists themselves admit this.

In fact, the other comments in that very thread are admitting that. They gleefully talk about rape as something that takes away “princess status” and “female privilege.” They love that the threat of rape keeps women in their place. They love dehumanizing us by refer to us as cunts and talking about rape as a violation of our vaginas rather than a violation of the people who have these vaginas.

These people are just the worst.comment image

9 years ago

FFS it makes me ashamed to be a bloke, knowing that there are arseholes like this. Fucking fraudulent liars the lot of them, if they’d had an iota of life experience beyond the privilege basement then… Oh I dunno, they deserve the anger that people feel towards them.

As a father if two daughters and a husband if a rape survivor, I’d love to meet professor owl and have a little face time with him. Just sit there, have him look me in the eyes and ask him to repeat all this verbatim to me. I’d cheerfully show him pictures of my family ask to see his and get him to repeat it very very slowly and outline his key points to my face.

I’d ask him to explain to me his rhetoric and try to convince me to belive his world view with the understanding that I am diametrically opposed to his way of thinking. I’m not the kind of guy to be trifled and I seriously promise not to be violent in any way. But I would just like to explain to him just what it’s like to love, care for and support a rape survivor and the difficulties that a rape survivor undergoes.

I’d be quite happy to take other thoughts and opinions along and discuss them with him.

9 years ago

Why everyone in /pol/ isn’t on a watch list somewhere is beyond me. This is FLDS-level nasty, and yeah, I had to skim most of it too. >.<

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