Every once in a while, a hostile commenter wanders into the discussion here nattering about the evils of “Cultural Marxism.” One stopped by last night, prompting another commenter to ask what exactly this Cultural Marxism was, anyway.
I responded by saying the term essentially meant, at least to most of those using it, “the Evil Jews But We’ve Learned We Can’t Just Say That Publicly Outside of 4chan and Stormfront Without People Realizing We’re Basically Nazis.”
Oh, sure, once upon a time “cultural Marxism” was indeed a school of Marxist thought dealing with, you guessed it, culture. But in recent years the term has become a popular buzzword amongst neo-Nazis and other proud bigots on the far right, who use it to suggest a vast Jewish conspiracy against Western Civilization and the white race … without having to use the J-word, which tends to give their anti-Semitic game away.
But it’s not as if the opponents of “Cultural Marxism” go to great lengths to hide their racism and anti-Semitism. Indeed, a quick look at some of the “memes” and other graphics used by the Cultural Marxism-haters makes pretty clear where they’re coming from.
So here are some of the most, well, revealing images that popped up when I did a quick image search for “Cultural Marxism.” I’ve done this a couple of times before, but I felt it was time for a refresher, just a little reminder how many of the opponents of “Cultural Marxism” actually see the world.
CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries you can imagine, and then some.
The last one is especially charming: don’t believe YOUR conspiracy theory, believe MINE.
Oh, and if these people start bringing up The Frankfurt School, well, it’s not because they’re interested in discussing the theories of actual cultural Marxists like Theodor Adorno or Herbert Marcuse. No, it’s just another way for them to say “teh evil Jews,” as this little “infographic” makes abundantly clear.
I should note that not everyone who talks about the alleged evils of alleged “Cultural Marxism” is a neo-Nazi. Some of them are simply people who, perhaps unknowingly, are getting a good deal of their “information” about the world from neo-Nazis who aren’t necessarily very upfront about being neo-Nazis. (There are a lot of these types hanging about in the manosphere and in GamerGate circles.)
If you’re one of the non-neo-Nazis and you’re dropping the phrase “Cultural Marxism” into your conversations online and possibly off, take a good hard look at the images above. The people who made these images are the people you’re aligning yourself with.
These are people who actually believe a secret cabal of hook-nosed Jews runs the world. These are people who think interracial classrooms = white genocide, and that supporters of multiculturalism not-so-secretly yearn for a world without white children. These are people who think Adolph Hitler had a lot of really good ideas, and not just about landscape painting. These are people, in other words, that you should have nothing to do with.
Well, there are some for whom this isn’t true, but everyone I know who goes through the burn/peel cycle would happily trade that for a bit more melanin.
One quibble, though: That’s not even necessarily the defining characteristic of “whiteness” – just look at how long the Irish weren’t considered “really white” in the US, and you’d be hard pressed to find a group of people with skin better adapted to low UV conditions.
Don’t trust him, Bakunin!
The cake is a lie!
The dude in the green coat and floofy hat, in the right-hand set of images, is Banastre Tarleton, alleged war criminal and anti-abolitionist:
Someone once told me I was his reincarnation.
Well I could comment on what London State and Independent primary schools are like cos my two kids are in primary school in EastEnders primary school.
Does it matter what the ethnicity is? I don’t think so, the kids are there to receive an education. Does the diversity matter? They all end up following the English curriculum, otherwise Ofstead gets pissed off with the school, they’ll all get their culture from the curriculum and TV, (mostly Adventure time, Regular Show and other US made shows – hmmm! Cultural Colonisation of our children’s minds that’s a good conspiracy theory).
Basically, I don’t think any of these fuckers who complain about diversity in schools, have kids in school (or have kids).
East END…. Not EastEnders – although I live in the bit where its supposed to be set… Jellied eel anyone
@Gaebolga – curses! My cultural Marxist cake ploy has been foiled! [If you imagine that in a speech bubble, coming out of the mouth of a disgustingly racist stereotype, it could probably be one of these memes]
I’m as whitebread as it comes, but in my current state of tanning my genetic heritage from the Steppes of Russia is showing through. I’d probably be denounced as some form of non-white mongrel by the neo-Nazi crowd. The kicker? I’m from one of the staunchest ally countries that Nazi Germany had during the clusterfuck that was Operation Barbarossa (Finland, for those who are interested). Both my grandfathers fought in the retreat from Eastern Karelia, and through the Isthmus of Karelia; both survived but carried the emotional scars for the rest of their lives. I can’t fucking stand this neo-reactionary, Nazi crowd. We’ve had quite enough of the Third Reich over here, thank you very much. 😐
Rant over, sorry about that.
@Adam Pack: I think the speech bubble should come from the little old schoolteacher with the ruler and the badly-photoshopped Star of David on her forehead.
Yeah, I don’t get neo-nazis, or even white nationalists (there can be a subtle, if still dumb, difference). Okay, I kind of get it in a basic, primal sort of way. Humans tend to relate most easily to people most like them. There’s a familiarity when it comes to race and culture.
But still, multiculturalism is good. It literally built America. See, back in the day, Americans didn’t think of the Irish, the Germans, the Slavs, etc, as ‘white people’ they thought of them as dirty immigrants who were different, and weird, and we don’t want them dating our daughters and sons. They were insulted, discriminated against and tossed into poor tenement housing. Then, after enough generations, they assimilated into our broader culture and our broader culture shifted as a result of what they brought to it. And we became a stronger nation for it. There’s literally, biologically, no difference between an Irishman and a man of African descent. Or a German and someone from china. Or a Croatian and someone from Honduras. There’s a difference in culture, yes and that will affect how long the acclimation process lasts, but race is a bullshit aesthetic argument clung onto by people ignorant of biology to try and make themselves feel better, and feel superior to other people.
We are all one big family of 52nd cousins currently (and I believe temporarily) stuck on an inconsequential rock in the middle of the void, we are all human, we are all star-stuff. Go go Team Homo sapiens. Unite. Cooperate. Mix. Progress.
I’m really tempted to say; you patronising fucker. What type of Arab? Saharan, Egyptian,Yemeni, Somali (that sort of confuses me, but that’s what the fellas say), Iranian? And Indian? Hindi, Bengali, Mayalam,Tamil,Kashmiri,Bangla. – Let’s not forget the Pushtun, Turkmeni, Azeri and Uzbeki in between the Indians and the Arabs. Walk down Commercial Road in Bethnal Green and they are all English doesn’t matter where someone comes from we all live in the same place. Know the people you live with
I think it’s “talking about gender, or concepts involving the word `gender’, in the mainstream media, education, or anywhere that people might unexpectedly hear it”. This is unacceptable because as “gender theory” is just a theory (y’know, like gravity), and a fringe interest that doesn’t have any relevance to the real world, it should be permitted only in gender studies classes (provided they’re not paid for by taxes) and on SJW blogs (provided the comment policy allows absolute freeze peach).
@autosoma – there are a lot of different types of people round here, that’s why I was being vague. Not patronising. Even ‘Indian’ was too specific but I didn’t want to write a list of thirty different ethniçities (for the record, my street is mostly Hindi, Bengali and a wide selection of mostly Gulf Arabs, but if I go three streets away it might be Afghans and Somali (I didn’t know they were Arabs, incidentally. How interesting. I suppose it makes sense because it’s not far from the main Arab regions by ship, and the Arabs have always been major seafarers).
You know what? I’m sicking of letting “white nationalists” get away with the tiny bit of false respect they unreasonably demand by saying they’re not Nazis.
They love fascist ideologies and racism. They have the bad parts of being Nazis down pat, and whatever ideological distinctions they think differentiate them are not ones that deserve consideration.
As far as I can tell, the only difference is they don’t get regularly shouted at by a small man with a smaller moustache.
heh 😉
THIS! So much. They always act like they have outsmarted everyone around because clearly never ever has anyone had the idea to play the “I’m so great because I don’t hate white men unlike all those other b****es”-card before when someone tried to point out that some people are oppressed because they belong to a minority/marginalised group.
Yup. And it’s bigotry all wearing the same hairdo, too…one which my own very curly hair won’t allow me to emulate — and I’m as white as it gets, short of maybe albino.
(I should also add that all three of those “diverse” models look like their hair is dyed.)
I believe in humanism
I did too. Imagine my embarrassment when it turned out it *wasn’t* a dietary preference.
“Who needs people of colour? The white women I fantasize about can have one of three hair colours.”
Haha! And I thought it was not possible to beat the anti-gay mantra of “real diversity”, meaning that heterosexual marriage brings together male and female, thus that’s the real diversity, not what these abominable gayfolk want! How terribly wrong I was. Turns out the diversity in the truest God-ordained patriarchal sense means that a man can also choose between a blonde, brunette and a redhead to have a genuine God-ordained diversity. And these horrible bigoted SJW’s want everybody to be, think and behave the same anyway. *sarcasm-off*
Nonsense. They hate on white overweight and disabled as well.
As for England, my friend lives in Portugal and he’s said he does miss the kind of racial diversity that is in the UK, so if there are less blacks and what-else in Portugal, it can seem a bit monocultural if the society there is mostly made up of people from clear European extraction.
That’s not Friedrich Pollock pictured in the last image, that’s a younger Erich Fromm. Whoever made that image, aside from knowing nothing about the ideas of anyone listed, fails at a basic google image search. Neo-nazis are morons.
Sex quotas are necessary because gender is a social construct” not sure what that means, or whether sex quotas mean we need to have more sex or lessNeither. The “sex quotas” in question are hiring quotes that would demand a certain number of jobs for women in each industry. The right-wing syndneytrads are opposed to sex quotas.
Knowing that the cesspit of cesspits that is the 4chan board /pol/ is the source of many of these and that board is full of “ironic” racists that love to rile up the actual racists with stupid garbage that error may be intentional in order for the original creator to get laughs when it gets reposted
or its just genuinely stupid.
its hard to tell with those goddamn facists
Most unlikely cultural marxists ever!
The secret code in Jeb! is even now being decoded! Expect documentation soon!