Men’s Rights Activists love to “warn” women that they may soon face a day of reckoning if they don’t shape up and start acting the way MRAs think they should. Don’t make men angry, they say; you wouldn’t like us when we’re angry!
Still, most MRAs making these “predictions” at least make a token effort to pretend to be horrified at the notion of men rising up to wreak vengeance upon uppity women. This isn’t what we want, they assure women; it’s just what will happen if you continue to “provoke” men with your bad behavior.
Other MRAs find it impossible to contain their glee; like doomsday preppers with well-stocked bunkers and enough ammo to kill every living thing within a 500 mile radius, they can’t wait for the end of the world.
Peter Andrew Nolan is one of these other MRAs. And he’s started to celebrate a little bit early.
In a series of recent blog posts and Tweets, Nolan has heralded a number of murders of women at the hands of their exes in his native Australia as portents of a new age of antifeminist retribution. (Click on screenshots below to see archived versions of these Tweets.)
I’m sure actress Denise Richards was delighted to find the above in her Twitter notifications, sent as a reply to a Tweet of hers wishing her father a happy Father’s Day.
Several feminists who ended up in a discussion with him on Twitter were treated to the following.
As Nolan sees it, the murder of women in Australia and Ireland is now perfectly legal, as he has officially declared war upon both countries.
Nolan thinks politicians and police officers are also legitimate targets in his “war.”
And he assures us this “war” will continue until he is properly compensated for whatever terrible injustices he thinks have been done to him.
Now, Nolan’s “legal” claims are of course ludicrous, and he is obviously in no position to “release” any murderers of women in either Ireland or Australia.
But as bizarre as his arguments are, Nolan is no troll; as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, he’s deadly serious about all of this.
The man who used to call himself Peter-Andrew: Nolan©, but who now prefers to call himself Joschua-Brandon: Boehm©, is a follower of the exceedingly strange and dangerous Sovereign Citizen movement. He thinks the odd punctuation he’s added to his various names actually means something important, and he does indeed believe that he is at war with Ireland and Australia, that murdering women is legal in both countries, and that he has the right to enforce these claims of his as best he can.
Happily, he is not actually in either of these countries — last I heard, he’s in Germany, and as I understand it, he is barred from entering Ireland and possibly Australia as well. At least according to the laws that the rest of the world follows.
This isn’t the first time Nolan has justified or indeed celebrated violence against women. His declarations of “war” are not new. He’s offered some (barely) qualified praise for far-right mass murderer Anders Breivik, and at one point he warned any women thinking of commenting on his laughable Facebook ripoff MAN-BOOK that he just might just kill them for it.
But these recent Tweets are pretty brazen, even by his standards. He is clearly a threat to women, as well as to politicians and government employees regardless of gender.
H/T — @TheFirstPaige
NOTE TO COMMENTERS: Please avoid describing Nolan as “crazy,” or attempting to diagnose his mental health. Mental illness doesn’t cause hate. And please refrain from violent language, even when it is clearly metaphorical.
Even if James Feisley’s quotes had any impact they would still only amount to a “no u”.
Gross, gross, gross; please stop this 19th centuary thinking will you Bob?
Hmm… a bold monster. A pretty rare beast if I remember correctly. It was supposed to end after “this”.
I’m in two minds about this. On one hand I don’t think this Peter Nolan chap has anything like schizophrenia or Asperger’s or whatever. So in that sense he might very well be absolutely sane, as it is possible to be both sane AND evil! But on the other hand his mentality does seem to be very extreme even for an MRA. Most garden variety MRA’s would simply leave things at demonising feminists. But this chap not only thinks, but publicly announces that women deserve to die simply because their very existence somehow alienates them. That is absolutely out of order and I don’t know what has happened in his head that he’s arrived to such an extreme (to put it mildly) position. Either way I hope he can be stopped before harming anyone.
@The Mad Cow:
*Deep sigh* Once again, Solanas didn’t shoot Andy Warhol because he was a man. The violent act was over an artistic dispute. In reality, Solanas maintained warm relationships with the men in her life. She was not a female equivalent of Elliot Rodgers or any other misogynistic asshole, no matter how you try to paint the issue. Since misandry is not an all-encompassing social force like misogyny is, finding a gender equivalent is practically impossible anyway. If society taught women that reacting with violence to spurned advances is completely reasonable (as it does us men), then yes, we would see more women murdering men over perceived slights. But this is not the case.
Anyway, since you seem to have expert knowledge on feminists in Solanas’s times, could you please point out the sources for your claim that, and I quote, ”a feminist could get serious, chin-scratching consideration for her proposal to “eliminate the male sex.””?
Comparing shithead Nolan to Solanas is doubly disingenous, as it not only ignores the actual, studied socially oppressive elements that could create a counter-culture icon such as Valerie Solanas in an attempt to paint a fairly typical misogynist shithead who tries to uphold the status quo as an influental counter-culture figure, but also because this kind of shit is fairly typical of MRAs, and not restricted to Nolan. The so-called ”Men’s Rights Movement” is in no ”similar place” to where feminism has ever been, because feminism was not inspired by the loss of privilege and the control of men’s lives (despite what the more reality-detached MRAs try to tell you), but by the desire to make women equal to men. MRAs, like all right-wing ”activists” from all ”proud to be heteros” to the KKK are not combating an unjust society, they’re angry that society is slowly becoming less and less unfair in their favor.
Indeed, by claiming that ”MRAs feel so powerless that they talk openly of violence as the last, necessary resort”, you’re not only ignoring that a lot of them (like Nolan, who is not ”desperate” by any measure) are, in fact, gleefully proposing and awaiting such violence, but you’re also ignoring centuries of patriarchal systematic violence against women by men. There is no amount of turgid rat shit to cover up the smell of that particular turd.
Well, on the upside, at least your horribly pretentious and ignorant rant finally prompted me to actually get around to reading the SCUM manifesto. It was… a strange read, I’ll give you that. But its rhetorical focus was certainly more on bringing down the status quo (something I, as an anarchist, whole-heartedly agree with) than the rather chuckle-worthy anti-male rant at the beginning.
And finally:
Oh, yes, they are. Once Paul Elam stops being able to support himself on his followers’ donations, AVfM, the most influental MRM site, will be no more than an embarrassing insect turd in the footnotes of history.
The MRM is not a legitimate movement in any sense of the word. Paraphrasing from what someone on this very blog once commented, MRAs can’t even give any coherent reply on what they actually want besides ”we don’t like women having rights”.
Good luck releasing murders, you laughable loser, when you can’t even enter the country.
Can’t even blame autocorrect…
Anarchonist: Absolutely – trying to compare Solanas with this guy is ridiculous. I would also add that that art scene was full of extreme people who did a lot of provocative and ill advised things. I think that people generally interpret such things differently when put in the ‘artistic’ context to what this horrible horrible man is doing. Not to say that you cannot provoke someone to violence through art, but I cannot think of any solid example off the top of my head. Whereas it is obvious that the poison that Rodger immersed himself in on the internet was certainly contributory to his actions, for example.
Thanks to the peeps who have given me info on the sovereign thing – I have interpreted it as ‘far right-wingers who believe in only that which directly benefit them’!
From Twitter rules:
“Violence and Threats: You may not publish or post threats of violence against others or promote violence against others.”
Aside from breaking the rules of common sense and common decency, he’s breaking Twitter’s own rules. How is he still at this?
Would like for his ability to post on the internet to be taken away, don’t suppose that’s practical.
Would also like the Australian government to charge him with some crime and ask for extradition. Maybe inciting violence?
If a few of the leaders faced serious consequences-large fines and jail time, there’d be a lot less of this type of incendiary posting.
He’s doing the internet equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater, at some point there has to be someone saying “no, you can’t do that.”
Really appreciate this site and the work David does. Most of what he posts from the manosphere seems disgusting, obscene and hateful, but ultimately harmless- it’s just too silly to be taken seriously. The proper response to most of the stuff David posts here is to mock it . This is different, this is hate speech.
Are there any stats about the MRAs? How many are there? Is there a lot of turnover? My hope would be that many of them are men/boys just out of a painful relationship using these sites to vent and then, when the anger subsides, moving on with their lives
Y’know, you’d think that the fact that, when discussing antifeminist murders that happen with disgusting regularity, MRA’s constantly try to bring up the exact same woman from like forty years ago, someone would realize that if their argument wasn’t utter bullshit, they’d have another example by now.
re:Sovereign citizens
We get them pretty regularly here at my job. Part of the issue is they are frequently successful getting out of parking tickets and similar minor legal issues because they create so much of a headache for judges that they just let them get away with it. Then they gradually escalate until they end up filing fraudulent liens for billions of dollars against judges who rule against them. In the US at least their roots are in the white supremacist movement although most of the Chicago-area SC-types are Black. They also tend to have beliefs that documents are only legally binding if they are signed with a certain color of ink, and seem to be under the impression that the Uniform Commercial Code is actually international law. They also have a Scalia-like tendency to scour ancient treaties and dictionaries to come up with interpretations of laws that conform to their desired outcomes.
This individual obviously doesn’t have any idea what true feminism is. It’s equality for BOTH genders and every gender-variant in between. NOT support of one and not the other. That being said, in this country his remarks would have been considered hate crime and terroristic threats. If he thinks he can kill me for being a female and thinking he is ridiculous, here I am. He can take his chances.But I, as a feminist and a person, won’t be phased by his irrelevant opinion.
In the words of Elaine Boosler “once a man’s first priority is no longer sex, he becomes dangerous”.
I’m sorry I thought we where in 2015 not the 1950s Any more I be damned if some man has control over me and my words and actions! I do what I want! And if its respect you want then you have to earn it and if not then I will not give it! I can do a factory job and I can do it better than a man like I have before! Just because I’m a woman does not mean that I am a fragile little flower far from! So the first guy tyrs to do this BS will get a 9mm to the balls I bought it for a reason! This not being one But if it comes down to it so be it! So who ever the men believing this bull shit you my friends are stupid
Yes. I’m sure that a judge was going to commit him. Until he looked at this comments section and had a change of heart. Now anything Nolan does is all our fault. Thanks, Obama! Er, I mean, thanks, Mammotheers!
Misogyny is part of our culture. It’s normal. That’s what’s so scary about it. Three women a day in the US alone are killed by their partners/spouses. Do you really think all of their murderers are just “crazy” lone wolf types. By labelling misogyny and violence against women “insane” you fail to address the underlying issue. That misogyny is baked into our culture and people are socialized into it. What you’re doing is helping to maintain the status quo and keep misogyny normalized.
But if you’re so convinced that misogyny is a sign of mental illness, please, by all means tell me the specific diagnosis. Back that up with DSM V citations. Please tell me which mental illnesses have misogyny as a symptom.
For the millionth fucking time, mentally ill people are more likely to be the victim than the perpetrator of violent crime.
Oh, great, again with the “Asperger’s (it’s all called autism now, btw) causes people to be violent jerks” thing. I think SFHC covered the other part, so.
1) Autism is not a mental illness.
2) Autistic people act differently than neurotypicals, so we often have trouble interacting with them. This is not the same as “not seeing people as people” or whatever garbage A$ is hand-wringing about today.
3) You have insulted at least two commenters, possibly more. (I can’t remember how many of us are on the spectrum.) Please think before you comment. It will help you not throw random people under the ableism bus.
(Yes, I know you said you don’t think he’s autistic or schizophrenic. You still used those as examples of ‘violent people mental illnesses.’)
MRAs sometimes have a point. There is extremism in the feminist movement, and there are sometimes legitimate grievances mrn can have. I consider myself a feminist (of the second-wave pro-sex variety) and I can recognize this. in a rational world we could all meet at the table and talk of our needs and our grievances and make a better way forward that has the most benefit for the most people regardless of what group they do or do not belong to. Women’s rights are human rights, yes, but so are men’s rights. All humans deserve to have their rights respected and their needs met to the greatest degree that is practical and reasonable.,
I can even agree to a point that in some cases and in some ways men are being backed into a social corner and that some will snap and lash out because that’s what people do when they become frustrated and miserable to the point of utter desperation. This is driven by the extreme fringe of feminism that delights in punishing men any way they can and taking away anything they can for them with the goal of taking out sociopolitical vengeance on individuals of the group they perceive as the enemy. This behavior from radical extremist feminists is not addressed or called out nearly enough, and it’s the majority of good, rational and responsible mainstream feminists that need to do more of the calling out.
This guy though…. good gods he’s freaking lost it and needs to be under investigation. And probably on medication. I genuinely feel the horror the article describes at the concept of men snapping and becoming violent, and don’t want it to happen. I feel it is the consequence of extremist punitive policies that some who are pushed beyond their limits will snap, and this must be prevented by any and every means available. This psychopath,however, revels in it. He needs to be in a padded cell where he can’t hurt anyone.
I think it is the responsibility of rational and reasonable individuals to recognize extremism wherever it appears and push back against it. There are no “sides” to human rights, every human being has rights that deserve to be respected regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, national origin, whatever. ALL human beings have rights. We need to stop this “us vs them” bullshit and work together to ensure human rights for all.
someone has an unresolved Oedipal Complex……..
Apologies and do stand corrected on the issues of autism/schizophrenia.
However, may I venture a suggestion that if any of these violent MRA’s (it may or may not apply to Nolan) do have a pathological psychology, they might actually have a personality disorder, most probably the antisocial personality disorder. Or would such suggestion still throw people with personality disorders under the ableism bus? This is of course an inquiry in good faith, I solemnly swear.
Report him to the FBI. He’s harassing people, discussing plans to kill people, promoting hate speech, attempting to incite violence.
It’s really not a useful thing to speculate about? There is no way to know if you’re right, for one thing. For another, all it does is scapegoat neuroatypical people for violence that neuroatypical people are more than capable of engaging in.
I think it would be best not to Internet diagnose them in general, but thank you for actually listening! We’ve been getting a lot of rants from people who decided to do some strange concern-trolling variant. :/
The 2nd instance of “neuroatypical” in my comment should actually be “neurotypical.”
Fair enough. I think it is indeed safe to say that MRA’s can be fairly neurotypical and STILL pull off an Elliot. Or a Lepine.
OH GOOD GRIEF. No. Stop. Back yourself up, read the comments, and come back when you’re ready to not be ableist.
What a tiny penis he must have! Hedwig and the angry quarter-inch!