Men’s Rights Activists love to “warn” women that they may soon face a day of reckoning if they don’t shape up and start acting the way MRAs think they should. Don’t make men angry, they say; you wouldn’t like us when we’re angry!
Still, most MRAs making these “predictions” at least make a token effort to pretend to be horrified at the notion of men rising up to wreak vengeance upon uppity women. This isn’t what we want, they assure women; it’s just what will happen if you continue to “provoke” men with your bad behavior.
Other MRAs find it impossible to contain their glee; like doomsday preppers with well-stocked bunkers and enough ammo to kill every living thing within a 500 mile radius, they can’t wait for the end of the world.
Peter Andrew Nolan is one of these other MRAs. And he’s started to celebrate a little bit early.
In a series of recent blog posts and Tweets, Nolan has heralded a number of murders of women at the hands of their exes in his native Australia as portents of a new age of antifeminist retribution. (Click on screenshots below to see archived versions of these Tweets.)
I’m sure actress Denise Richards was delighted to find the above in her Twitter notifications, sent as a reply to a Tweet of hers wishing her father a happy Father’s Day.
Several feminists who ended up in a discussion with him on Twitter were treated to the following.
As Nolan sees it, the murder of women in Australia and Ireland is now perfectly legal, as he has officially declared war upon both countries.
Nolan thinks politicians and police officers are also legitimate targets in his “war.”
And he assures us this “war” will continue until he is properly compensated for whatever terrible injustices he thinks have been done to him.
Now, Nolan’s “legal” claims are of course ludicrous, and he is obviously in no position to “release” any murderers of women in either Ireland or Australia.
But as bizarre as his arguments are, Nolan is no troll; as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, he’s deadly serious about all of this.
The man who used to call himself Peter-Andrew: Nolan©, but who now prefers to call himself Joschua-Brandon: Boehm©, is a follower of the exceedingly strange and dangerous Sovereign Citizen movement. He thinks the odd punctuation he’s added to his various names actually means something important, and he does indeed believe that he is at war with Ireland and Australia, that murdering women is legal in both countries, and that he has the right to enforce these claims of his as best he can.
Happily, he is not actually in either of these countries — last I heard, he’s in Germany, and as I understand it, he is barred from entering Ireland and possibly Australia as well. At least according to the laws that the rest of the world follows.
This isn’t the first time Nolan has justified or indeed celebrated violence against women. His declarations of “war” are not new. He’s offered some (barely) qualified praise for far-right mass murderer Anders Breivik, and at one point he warned any women thinking of commenting on his laughable Facebook ripoff MAN-BOOK that he just might just kill them for it.
But these recent Tweets are pretty brazen, even by his standards. He is clearly a threat to women, as well as to politicians and government employees regardless of gender.
H/T — @TheFirstPaige
NOTE TO COMMENTERS: Please avoid describing Nolan as “crazy,” or attempting to diagnose his mental health. Mental illness doesn’t cause hate. And please refrain from violent language, even when it is clearly metaphorical.
This is what a sociopath looks like. This is one thing I fight as a feminist.
I’m kind of surprised that Nolan can make such explicit threats without any apparent consequences. He’s literally celebrating and encouraging the killing of women (as well as police officers and politicians). Wow. Just wow.
Why hasn’t the law responded to him?
The sovereign citizen movement basically believe that there are two kinds of citizens: natural citizens (people born in their country of origin) and citizens legally owned by the state. They believe that the state tricks people into becoming the latter by agreeing to things like accepting post with their name attached and answering court summons or tax bills or other government property, but can opt out this and thereby out of being governed, abiding by laws or having to pay taxes by bizarre rituals like changing their name to something filled with punctuation like colon-man here.
Nolan was actually in court once being sued by his wife who believed he was hiding most of his assets during their divorce, and he refused to enter the court on the grounds that only maritime law applied to him. This meant that the court was apparently a pirate ship and the judge a pirate captain trying to steal his stuff. She was awarded ninety percent of his possessions.
Typically these ideas tend to be sold to desperate people by conmen who notably do not use such defences themselves. My favourite description of this is probably from Canadian Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke’s description of what he called “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments”:
“The bluntly idiotic substance of Mr. Mead’s[sic] argument explains the unnecessarily complicated manner in which it was presented. OPCA arguments are never sold to their customers as simple ideas, but instead are byzantine schemes which more closely resemble the plot of a dark fantasy novel than anything else. Latin maxims and powerful sounding language are often used. Documents are often ornamented with many strange marking and seals. Litigants engage in peculiar, ritual‑like in court conduct. All these features appear necessary for gurus to market OPCA schemes to their often desperate, ill‑informed, mentally disturbed, or legally abusive customers. This is crucial to understand the non-substance of any OPCA concept or strategy. The story and process of a OPCA scheme is not intended to impress or convince the Courts, but rather to impress the guru’s customer. (emphasis in original)”
@Film Runner
So they’re like a less funny, more harmful Dale Gribble?
§ 1: We [women] are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men (Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the Founding Mother of US-Feminism)
§ 2: The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. (Sally Miller Gearhart, the pioneer of US Gender Studies)
§ 3: Under patriarchy, every woman’s son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman. (Andrea Dworkin, Feminist leader, spokeswoman for the feminist anti-pornography movement)
§ 4: Women have very little idea of how much men hate them (Germaine Greer, major feminist voice of the mid-20th century)
All men should be declared as subhuman rapists by law (§1, §3), reduce their percentage to 10% of the whole human race (§2) and should be also forbidden by law to show any anger or hate towards Aryans … erh.. women (§4).
It’s all there. BTW, if you all, misogynist raping pigs, see any similarity to Nuremberg Laws, it is just your dumb sunhuman brain, unable to see the caring unearthly nature of women who care about you.
“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act.” (Robin Morgan co-founder of MS Magazine)
“He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women…he can sexually molest his daughters… THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN IN THE WORLD DO ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE.” (Marilyn French)
The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever it’s ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.
(Linda Gordon)
Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage. (Sheila Cronin NOW)
Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear. (Susan Brownmiller)
All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman. (Catherine MacKinnon)
There must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. (Mary Daly)
Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” – (Catherine Comins)
“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” (Sally Miller Gearhart)
I think that testosterone is a rare poison. (Germaine Greer)
I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it. (Barbara Jordan)
Until now it has been thought that the level of testosterone in men is normal simply because they have it. But if you consider how abnormal their behavior is, then you are led to the hypothesis that almost all men are suffering from “testosterone poisoning.”
(The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)
Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession… The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn’t be. (Vivian Gornick)
We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
Women have very little idea of how much men hate them. (Germaine Greer)
MALE:…represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants…the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female. (The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)
Men’s sexuality is mean and violent. (Judith Levine)
MAN:…an obsolete life form… an ordinary creature who needs to be watched…a contradictory baby-man. (The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)
I’ve never seen King of the Hill, but checking his wiki page he seems about right.
@James Feisley
“Men should be eaten with Weetabix as part of a well-balanced breakfast” (Film Runner)
Oh, James. LOL.
We don’t expect you to magically know, but we do expect something other than an ableist tantrum after it’s explained…
I would like to see the efforts of MRAs condemning this.
BTW, I have a new feminist blog. If you would like to see some fresh tyakes, please visit http://feminismxx.blogspot.com/
O. heck I mean fresh takes of course.
@James Feisley
Thanks for all those quotes from feminist writers I’ve never heard of from 40-60 years ago but for some reason MRAs love bringing up.
It’s amazing that all the crap they’ve said still pales in comparison to what shit the MRM says and pumped out in the few years it’s been around. Even the most vitriol “man-hater” quotes an MRA can pull up can’t match the disgusting misogynist shit you can see in the first few post of many a subreddit. It puts everything in perspective.
I find him very bizarre and very dangerous….
Not quite. Nolan claimed that the gold fringe on the flag in the courtroom made the courtroom a ship, and therefore that it ran under maritime law, and he was trying to get the judge to acknowledge that and basically accept his framework before he’d even set foot past the rail that sectioned off the pews. The judge was having none of it, so it didn’t go well for Nolan.
That’s pretty typical of sovereign pseudo-law, believing that what the flag looks like determines which laws are in effect. They also tend to advocate for the gold standard, and do things like demand settlement in Troy ounces of gold instead of legal tender.
And even those outright made-up quotes or quotes deliberately taken out of context still aren’t as violent as Colon Nolan(c)’s. Nice try though.
This guy (and the commenters who defend him) need to be put in straitjackets. And committed to a psychiatric facility for observation and follow-up care if needed. I don’t see anything unethical about this. Involuntary commitment is written into law in all 50 states. Oh, and this guy also needs a free, no-obligation attitude adjustment.
Why does every MRA leave the same copypasta of debunked quotes like we’ve never seen them before? It’s boring.
Even if most of those weren’t misquoted or out of context, how do they excuse Nolan? Is there a fallacy for this? It’s kind of false equivalency, but this is a more specific derailment, the “both sides do it” excuse.
You know, The Stepford Wives was a warning about this kind of thing.
Right, so you don’t apparently think there’s anything wrong with deciding it’s okay to lock people up for being (whatever you deem) mentally ill. Or taking people’s rights away until their brains work how you want them to (which might be never, how convenient.) THE LAW IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. THE LAW IS NOT ALWAYS JUST.
Just because it’s a horrible person in this case doesn’t make it right to do, so you can take the Nope train back to troll-land. Don’t forget to take your ableism with you, Bob. We don’t want you leaving it here.
Tl;dr: Your ableist comment is bad, and I don’t care if you feel bad as long as you do it somewhere else.
Argh. I’m sorry, all you wonderful not-troll peoples. I shouldn’t get so angry about this; this whole “forcing people into an asylum is a-ok” thing just scares the heck out of me.
I hope I haven’t overstepped?
Forcing people into an asylum willy-nilly is definitely not a-ok.
I just wish all these random people who keep showing up to do their weird variant concern trolling would get that…
Even if you set aside the ethics of involuntarily committing someone for holding abhorrent opinions, I still vote no.
Who would get locked up under these loosened regulations? Not virulent misogynists. It would be the same people who got locked up (and often sterilized) last century. Women, people of color, gay and trans people, disabled people, the homeless, etc. It would just be used as a weapon against marginalized people in order to keep power structures in place.
So much this. Thank you. I have been not good at words today, and that was pretty much exactly what I was trying (and probably failing) to say. Thank you so much.
…In brain-bleachy news, there is a Daddy Longlegs hanging from a web in my bathroom that is about two inches from the floor. It is adorable.