a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism crackpottery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) threats your time will come

MRA Peter Nolan: “Killing women is the only path to justice for men now.”

Peter Andrew Nolan: At war with women
Peter Andrew Nolan: At war with women

Men’s Rights Activists love to “warn” women that they may soon face a day of reckoning if they don’t shape up and start acting the way MRAs think they should. Don’t make men angry, they say; you wouldn’t like us when we’re angry!

Still, most MRAs making these “predictions” at least make a token effort to pretend to be horrified at the notion of men rising up to wreak vengeance upon uppity women. This isn’t what we want, they assure women; it’s just what will happen if you continue to “provoke” men with your bad behavior.

Other MRAs find it impossible to contain their glee; like doomsday preppers with well-stocked bunkers and enough ammo to kill every living thing within a 500 mile radius, they can’t wait for the end of the world.

Peter Andrew Nolan is one of these other MRAs. And he’s started to celebrate a little bit early.

In a series of recent blog posts and Tweets, Nolan has heralded a number of murders of women at the hands of their exes in his native Australia as portents of a new age of antifeminist retribution. (Click on screenshots below to see archived versions of these Tweets.)


I’m sure actress Denise Richards was delighted to find the above in her Twitter notifications, sent as a reply to a Tweet of hers wishing her father a happy Father’s Day.

Several feminists who ended up in a discussion with him on Twitter were treated to the following.




As Nolan sees it, the murder of women in Australia and Ireland is now perfectly legal, as he has officially declared war upon both countries.


Nolan thinks politicians and police officers are also legitimate targets in his “war.”


And he assures us this “war” will continue until he is properly compensated for whatever terrible injustices he thinks have been done to him.


Now, Nolan’s “legal” claims are of course ludicrous, and he is obviously in no position to “release” any murderers of women in either Ireland or Australia.

But as bizarre as his arguments are, Nolan is no troll; as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, he’s deadly serious about all of this.

The man who used to call himself Peter-Andrew: Nolan©, but who now prefers to call himself Joschua-Brandon: Boehm©, is a follower of the exceedingly strange and dangerous Sovereign Citizen movement. He thinks the odd punctuation he’s added to his various names actually means something important, and he does indeed believe that he is at war with Ireland and Australia, that murdering women is legal in both countries, and that he has the right to enforce these claims of his as best he can.

Happily, he is not actually in either of these countries — last I heard, he’s in Germany, and as I understand it, he is barred from entering Ireland and possibly Australia as well. At least according to the laws that the rest of the world follows.

This isn’t the first time Nolan has justified or indeed celebrated violence against women. His declarations of “war” are not new. He’s offered some (barely) qualified praise for far-right mass murderer Anders Breivik, and at one point he warned any women thinking of commenting on his laughable Facebook ripoff MAN-BOOK that he just might just kill them for it.

But these recent Tweets are pretty brazen, even by his standards. He is clearly a threat to women, as well as to politicians and government employees regardless of gender.

H/T — @TheFirstPaige

NOTE TO COMMENTERS: Please avoid describing Nolan as “crazy,” or attempting to diagnose his mental health. Mental illness doesn’t cause hate. And please refrain from violent language, even when it is clearly metaphorical.

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9 years ago

@Mad Cow

I’m going to break this down for you.
A now-dead feminist committing violence many years ago is not a threat to the world of today.

A MRA today, speaking from a position of privilege, has more power to harm others. He is alive today. He is only fringe in his supposed movement because of his sovereign citizen WTFery. His violent views are mainstream in the MRM. Misogyny has produced several shooters, and you can find only one feminist one. Who is currently dead.

I think that this says something about who is taking what as a serious call to action.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

Hey, anyone got any interesting folk bands? Or bands that do epics about elves, dragons and magic stuff? You guys look like you’re not doing anything over here but a bad Abbott and Costello skit, so I’d just thought I’d ask.

I have a fondness for Cats Laughing. A bit old, and they only ever really did one demo tape and one album, but what else can you say about a band that has fantasy authors like Emma Bull and Steven Brust as members?

If you really want songs about elves, dragons, and magic, you might want to look at some of the filk stuff out there, folks like Leslie Fish and Urban Tapestry. Maybe skim down the Pegasus awards or the Filk Hall of Fame to find things you might like.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


There’s a filk hall of fame?

Sarah McManus
Sarah McManus
9 years ago

Why should we not throw cuss words around and diagnose him when he is gleefully justifying the killing of women? This guy is a psychopath thru and thru. H needs to be put away NOW!

9 years ago

They don’t need activists. They only think they do because they’re terrified of losing their dominant position and becoming an equal. God, I hope no woman was stupid enough to marry any of them.

9 years ago

Ian, uh…you read the above post and commented on *feminist* hate?!?!

Do you even read, bro?

9 years ago

OK, that was weird. I just got an entire page of comments from yesterday /earlier today that wasn’t there before. (It was mostly Mad Cow saying the same crap, so I guess I didn’t miss much)

9 years ago


The same thing happened to me. Perhaps the thread itself is rebelling against Mad Cow’s boring, repetitive comments and is trying to hide them from view.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Whelp, those who fear equality benefit from inequality.

9 years ago

Why is this group not considered a “Terrorist Organization”? If this man is not welcome in Ireland than he is on at least 1 terrorist watch list. Humanity can only hope his group gets worldwide terrorist status and is dealt with accordingly.

9 years ago

Hey, anyone got any interesting folk bands? Or bands that do epics about elves, dragons and magic stuff? You guys look like you’re not doing anything over here but a bad Abbott and Costello skit, so I’d just thought I’d ask.

Steeleye Span is a group that fuses traditional Irish, Scottish and English folk songs with rock and roll. They have plenty of elves in their songs, but the fickle, vengeful kind, not the sad and benevolent sort. I love ’em.

Rhapsody is more traditionally white-boy empowerment fantasy. I had one of their albums that was largely narrative and involved fighting dragons. I think they managed to do a track with Sir Christopher Lee on another album.

9 years ago

To be fair, mental illness can cause hate, potentially. Anger, bitterness, etc as well.

Not the case with this guy though.

Daniel Guillot
Daniel Guillot
9 years ago

SURE Murder is always the best option,,,,WERE YOU BORN STUPID OR DO YOU WATCH FOX NEWS?

9 years ago

To be fair, mental illness can cause hate, potentially. Anger, bitterness, etc as well.

Not the case with this guy though.

Seriously? After pages of arguments on this topic, we’re doing this again?
comment image

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

They have plenty of elves in their songs, but the fickle, vengeful kind, not the sad and benevolent sort.

Awww yuuus.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

To be fair, mental illness can cause hate, potentially. Anger, bitterness, etc as well.

Not the case with this guy though.

To be fair, series cancellation can cause hate,potentially.Anger, bitterness,etc as well.

So why is nobody saying “Man, that dude is really hung up on Farscape not getting another season.”

9 years ago

Reblogged this on eachone.

9 years ago

The SCUM manifesto is HILARIOUS for ONE, SINGLE, reason; it gets men who argue that graphic depictions of violence and hate against women are “jokes” upset. I don’t fully believe that Solanas truly intended it as satire; after all she did shoot 2 men and used her manifesto as justification. However, as far as unintentional jokes go, it’s hilarious.

So men, how do all those stereotypes and “funny” depictions of violence feel on the flip side? You men should take a shot of Valium to calm down quickly. Women have been raised since birth to be maternal caretakers of men, after all. No need to get so upset!

(/s, for thé slow.)

9 years ago

This man is NOT an MRA member. He is very sick and needs help.

9 years ago

So a guy who says he’s not an MRA, explains in one of his rambling idiotic videos why he dislikes the MRA and who is roundly dismissed by those who self identify as MRAs is somehow an MRA leader in your world.
I just don’t understand, I’ve seen this over and over. As soon as some moron spouts some anti woman bullshit, he’s labelled an MRA and his opinion is seen as indicative of the movement, whether he shows any interests in men’s rights at all!
I’m pretty new to all of this but as far as I can see, these MRAs simply want to bring forward discussion and highlight issues unique to men and boys. I’ve yet to see anyone self identifying as an MRA say anything about encouraging violence towards women or trying to have rights removed from women or anything of the sort. Honestly, you’re all bloody mental!

9 years ago

So he’s not a True Scotsman then?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Maybe we label him an MRA because he has the same exact talking points as any MRA?

I mean, it’s splitting hairs. Whether it’s the KKK or Nazis or apartheid supporters, they’re all white supremacists, so anyone who spouts anti-women rhetoric is an MRA pretty much. A Nazi is a Klan member is a “race realist”.

Maybe he should try NOT doing that is he doesn’t want to be called one?

9 years ago


See Paul Elam’s little ‘Bash a Violent Bitch Month’ campaign. You know, the head honcho of the MRM.

His views on how women who flirt in bars are ‘freaking begging’ to get raped is also worth mentioning.

Honestly, you’re all bloody mental!

Also, fuck off with your crass ableism. So human rights, much wow.

9 years ago

I now pronounce the angry sovereign citizen dude who has declared violent acts against women a-ok because they are the eeeeeeevil enemy which he (and supposedly other like-minded persons) at war with….a scientologist! (I thought we were playing “guess the diagnosis for the crazy-acting and insane-making”…?)