a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage creepy empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse homophobia internet tough guy mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings straw feminists

Is revenge porn the fault of feminism? Return of Kings douchebags say “yes.”

On Return of Kings, anyway.
On Return of Kings, anyway.

Well, you have to admire their ingenuity, I guess: The terrible people at the lady-hating megasite Return of Kings have figured out a way to blame feminism for … revenge porn.

No, really. Here’s the argument, such as it is, from regular RoK contributor Mark Webster:

What we are seeing with so called ”revenge porn” is an example of the disturbing but inevitable consequences of the first generation of women who, brainwashed by feminist propaganda, truly believe they can do no wrong, and that there are no consequences for their actions. … 

Like so many other modern social problems, feminism is definitely to blame for “revenge porn.” This warped ideology has always irresponsibly promoted the delusional idea that women have all the same rights as men, but without responsibilities or consequences for their actions.

They were the ones who encouraged a life of reckless hedonism and narcissism for young women, with no thought for their futures. They were the ones who spun the gross lie that being pumped and dumped by men who couldn’t care less about them is “empowering.”

Webster pauses for a moment to reflect on the possible culpability of the ex-boyfriends who, you know, actually posted these pictures online as a form of petty revenge, but figures that, since the women chose to go out with these guys, it’s really still the women’s fault anyway.

Now admittedly putting them on the web for the whole world to see is a pretty low act, but they don’t call them bad boys for nothing. You can bet your bottom dollar these are the guys who are far more likely to receive and distribute “sexts” than the nice guys forever languishing in the friend zone.


Webster is right about one thing, though: the proliferation of revenge porn is very definitely related to the issue of consequences. That is, the almost complete lack of consequences faced by the dirtball guys who post these sometimes stolen, sometimes gifted pics online without permission.

But that has started to change. Let’s hope the 18-year-sentence meted out to revenge porn kingpin Kevin Bollaert — who combined internet-age skeeviness with some old-fashioned extortion — is a sign of things to come.

The readers of RoK have some rather different ideas about possible “solutions” to revenge porn.

(If you’re having a decent day, or would simply rather not read puerile fantasies about domestic violence and suicide, you may just want to stop reading here.)

As Black Poison Soul sees it, any woman who takes nude pics of herself should face these “consequences.”

1/ tattoo the word “slut” on her face
2/ put her into the local sluttery (aka free whorehouse)
3/ problem solved

Plus it semi-forces the red pill down men’s throats. I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.

Remember. There is always a loser in the game of musical cocks.

Idonggor thinks the problem would be solved if American men were more willing to, well, punch “their” women.

As much as I dislike feminist bull dykes and other self entitled cunts, I also equally blame American men for acting like faggots. I hear many times even from so called “red pill” men that hitting women is wrong.

With that kind of mentality, you are bound to get a chick who will act out of her line.

In the Middle East and certain parts of Russia (where it is ruled by ALPHA MEN), girls would not dare to act like spoiled Americunts. Why?

Because they are scared of their men.

You need to get your women to be scared of you guys…. Have her fear you.

I used to feel sorry for American men for getting all the shit but you guys pretty much deserve it.

If you act like coward faggots, you are doomed to get your women acting like cunts.

BlueSkyGreyWolf, meanwhile, suggests that women who have their pics posted on the internet without their permission just kill themselves.

If the stupid cunts are so guilt ridden ain’t nothing stopping them from killing themselves. In fact, the more worthless female parasites who off themselves, the better off the woorld will be.

Something must be terribly wrong with the “red pills” these guys are taking; they seem to be turning everyone who pops one into literally the worst human beings on planet Earth.

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

Nicola Luna,
That one’s sadly close to legit conspiracy theories. My favorite celebrity theory is about the Boy Meets World cast being brainwashed agents of the NWO.

epitome of incomprehensibility

The first person I got was So You Think You Can Dance judge Nigel Lythgoe, but he wasn’t dead. Anyway…

Queen Salamasina of Samoa, before she died, discovered that The Numbers Gang was secretly sponsoring innocence, due to messages secretly encoded in One Week at a Time (a TV show about rugby). Documentation will be released soon.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The dumbest celebrity theory I’ve ever heard would be a toss-up between “Lady Gaga is an alien and her outfits are how she communicates details about our species and governments to the mothership” and “Miley Cyrus is a robot/clone/robot clone; the real one was murdered by Disney.”

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Also, Handel didn’t order anything to be sung. It happens to be the text of the piece. Which isn’t by Handel, but was compiled by someone else, mostly from the Bible.

Also, since it was originally performed as a fundraiser for an orphanage, I assume Messiah is a terrible piece of SJW-dom. Or was the orphanage just a front?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I picked up DF again. My fort managed to weather a forgotten beast that attacked long before my military was ready (I literally drafted everyone in the space of about a minute, and my epic miners managed to deal the death blows with their picks) only to have half the survivors drop dead of apparently old age the following year.

This is clearly a metaphor for abortion – the forgotten beast was coded into the game as a representation of feminism, while the hapless mainly-unarmed emergency draftees were meant to remind me of the multitudes of embryos destroyed by abortion. The dead-by-old-age represented the 80-odd-percent of embryos that abort naturally before the end of the first trimester.

It’s all the cycle of life, you see, coded into a no-res game. It’s trying to inure players to the horrors of abortion and make them pro-choice.

9 years ago

I like the one about Lindsay Lohan having a twin who was murdered, again by Disney after The Parent Trap was filmed.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I really want to play Fallout Shelter, but I don’t has smartphone/tablet. *sobs in the corner*

The android version isn’t coming out until next month anyways. : P

9 years ago

BTW doesn’t it scare you how SJW is becoming such a common term around circles where you would not expect it to be? Perhaps the façade of your dreams of world domination is crumbling?

Who’s the “you” that you refer to in the first sentence? How do dreams for future world domination have a façade? How soon will the Documentation will be released?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


It’s coming out next month? :O

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

How soon will the Documentation will be released?

It’s being edited right now, but the editor wants another $15,000 for it.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Speaking of games, I was playing around with Dragon Age Keep and found out that my first Origins playthrough was ALMOST finished before it got corrupted. >(

9 years ago

I’ve grown bored with Dwarf Fortress and taken up Baldur’s Gate 2 again. I think my strategy of trying to clear dungeons in one go is making the game harder than it should be. I need to remember to retreat and rest when I am able.

I remember getting as far as the Underdark, a long way from the shops in Athkatla, and having to make decisions about whether to pick up new magic items or not, so maybe I should practice some inventory-clearing this time around.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I’ve never played Baldur’s Gate but considering it’s BioWare/Black Isle…

9 years ago

I have seriously seen people sing the praises of the Baldur’s Gate games and the first two Fallouts (so basically Black Isle) as being the pinnacle of the top-down, isometric computer RPG, and I can’t really say them nay.

Somehow, I’ve never quite finished BG2 and it took me a decade to finish BG1. There’s just so much to do, and I have the attention span of something with not a very long attention span at all.

9 years ago

The Baldur’s Gate games are a fairly good simulation of 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. You can’t quite do just anything you want, like start a new thieves’ guild or go to Waterdeep or Calimshan, say, like in tabletop, but there’s plenty of content nevertheless.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Hey, do you ever find it weird that early 2D computer RPGs actually let you do more than modern ones? Many of the older games seems a lot more flexible, like, 2003 and earlier. Shouldn’t be, like, the opposite way around? We have games that would take 10-100x the storage space of most older RPGs but they’re somehow more constraining?

It’s the graphics. All those objects, textures and effects take up so much disc space compared to simple code for the actual game part. :<

9 years ago

But I was overcome by the Holy Spirit to drop truth here.

I’ll just bet you were…

…and I’ll bet that Holy Spirit is in a high-proof alcoholic form, judging by the general tenor of your tinfoily maunderings here.

Either way, it is very interesting to generate ideas and content here.

I’ll take “Drunk Off My Ass” for $1000, Alex!

9 years ago


It’s being edited right now, but the editor wants another $15,000 for it.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Bina | July 7, 2015 at 10:52 pm

But I was overcome by the Holy Spirit to drop truth here.

I’ll just bet you were…

…and I’ll bet that Holy Spirit is in a high-proof alcoholic form, judging by the general tenor of your tinfoily maunderings here.

Must…resist…urge…to make blasphemous…fictional booze branding…


9 years ago

weird, I just started playing BG2 for the first time too (I only got to play maybe 2 hours of it on some else’s computer years ago)

(this is a way better discussion than anything that could come of the depressing bullshit above)

9 years ago

Hey, do you ever find it weird that early 2D computer RPGs actually let you do more than modern ones? Many of the older games seems a lot more flexible, like, 2003 and earlier. Shouldn’t be, like, the opposite way around? We have games that would take 10-100x the storage space of most older RPGs but they’re somehow more constraining?

They’re certainly shorter. Let’s see. X-Wing consists of three tours with 12 missions in the first two and 14 missions in the last one (the Death Star assault is 2 missions), with two expansions of 20 missions apiece. TIE Fighter is even bigger, with more battles that typically run about 6 missions each, and more expansions.

Rogue Squadron, Rogue Squadron II, and Rogue Leader have like a dozen missions apiece, and while they have a lot going on and can run a lot more ships at once than X-Wing could, you get rewarded for getting it all done as fast as possible.

The early Medal of Honor games had 12+ maps each, but somewhere around 2005, MoH European Assault cut it down to four regions with one or two missions each.

Yeah, I think it’s the polygons.

Stranded in Babylon
Stranded in Babylon
9 years ago

Balder’s Gate is a very sinful game because it is named after a Norse god so please cease and desist playing it. Hildegarde von Bingen and Mozart both predicted the abomination that is video games and warned us not to indulge them. Even Susan B. Anthony was working on science fiction which included predictions of video games replacing religion.

9 years ago

weird, I just started playing BG2 for the first time too (I only got to play maybe 2 hours of it on some else’s computer years ago)

Hey! Jon Irenicus Hate Club represent!

9 years ago

Balder’s Gate is a very sinful game because it is named after a Norse god so please cease and desist playing it.

You missed the really obvious Dungeons & Dragons hate opportunity there. Weaksauce. 2/10 would not be harangued by again.

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