Well, you have to admire their ingenuity, I guess: The terrible people at the lady-hating megasite Return of Kings have figured out a way to blame feminism for … revenge porn.
No, really. Here’s the argument, such as it is, from regular RoK contributor Mark Webster:
What we are seeing with so called ”revenge porn” is an example of the disturbing but inevitable consequences of the first generation of women who, brainwashed by feminist propaganda, truly believe they can do no wrong, and that there are no consequences for their actions. …
Like so many other modern social problems, feminism is definitely to blame for “revenge porn.” This warped ideology has always irresponsibly promoted the delusional idea that women have all the same rights as men, but without responsibilities or consequences for their actions.
They were the ones who encouraged a life of reckless hedonism and narcissism for young women, with no thought for their futures. They were the ones who spun the gross lie that being pumped and dumped by men who couldn’t care less about them is “empowering.”
Webster pauses for a moment to reflect on the possible culpability of the ex-boyfriends who, you know, actually posted these pictures online as a form of petty revenge, but figures that, since the women chose to go out with these guys, it’s really still the women’s fault anyway.
Now admittedly putting them on the web for the whole world to see is a pretty low act, but they don’t call them bad boys for nothing. You can bet your bottom dollar these are the guys who are far more likely to receive and distribute “sexts” than the nice guys forever languishing in the friend zone.
Webster is right about one thing, though: the proliferation of revenge porn is very definitely related to the issue of consequences. That is, the almost complete lack of consequences faced by the dirtball guys who post these sometimes stolen, sometimes gifted pics online without permission.
But that has started to change. Let’s hope the 18-year-sentence meted out to revenge porn kingpin Kevin Bollaert — who combined internet-age skeeviness with some old-fashioned extortion — is a sign of things to come.
The readers of RoK have some rather different ideas about possible “solutions” to revenge porn.
(If you’re having a decent day, or would simply rather not read puerile fantasies about domestic violence and suicide, you may just want to stop reading here.)
As Black Poison Soul sees it, any woman who takes nude pics of herself should face these “consequences.”
1/ tattoo the word “slut” on her face
2/ put her into the local sluttery (aka free whorehouse)
3/ problem solvedPlus it semi-forces the red pill down men’s throats. I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.
Remember. There is always a loser in the game of musical cocks.
Idonggor thinks the problem would be solved if American men were more willing to, well, punch “their” women.
As much as I dislike feminist bull dykes and other self entitled cunts, I also equally blame American men for acting like faggots. I hear many times even from so called “red pill” men that hitting women is wrong.
With that kind of mentality, you are bound to get a chick who will act out of her line.
In the Middle East and certain parts of Russia (where it is ruled by ALPHA MEN), girls would not dare to act like spoiled Americunts. Why?
Because they are scared of their men.
You need to get your women to be scared of you guys…. Have her fear you.
I used to feel sorry for American men for getting all the shit but you guys pretty much deserve it.
If you act like coward faggots, you are doomed to get your women acting like cunts.
BlueSkyGreyWolf, meanwhile, suggests that women who have their pics posted on the internet without their permission just kill themselves.
If the stupid cunts are so guilt ridden ain’t nothing stopping them from killing themselves. In fact, the more worthless female parasites who off themselves, the better off the woorld will be.
Something must be terribly wrong with the “red pills” these guys are taking; they seem to be turning everyone who pops one into literally the worst human beings on planet Earth.
Viscaria, I’m pretty sure “Cultural Marxism” means “the Evil Jews But We’ve Learned We Can’t Just Say That Publicly Outside of 4chan and Stormfront Without People Realizing We’re Basically Nazis.”
I suppose it’s possible that some people who use the term don’t realize how how loaded it is, but, you know, they should probably spend five minutes googling it. A google image search is particularly instructive.
How do you submit something to David? I would love to see him tear this apart:
I find that this charming little graphic sums up the mindset of those who think Cultural Marxism is a thing pretty well.
I’ll attempt to make it link and not embed because it’s gross but my computer skills are lacking, so fingers crossed!
Wow, OK:
*sniffle* The blockquote mammoth got me 🙁 Trying again… Can the old one be deleted?
Stranded in Babylon:
Why should sex be confined to marriage? What is the moral reasoning for that? Simply because some religions say so? You’re basing morality on authority rather than any sort of actual morality. That’s pretty messed up. You sound like one of those people who say that if they suddenly found out there was no god, they’d totally start committing murder because there’d be no punishment in Hell. It isn’t based on any actual respect for other people’s humanity and right to live, just fear of punishment after death, and that makes them freaking evil.
It’s compatible with feminism because it has nothing to do with feminism? Feminism doesn’t mean all women are awesome, it means women shouldn’t be oppressed based on their gender. Individual women are still capable of being horrible people… But it has nothing to do with their gender. You really don’t seem to understand feminism at all… Or morality.
Anyway, “they are being sued for not baking a cake for gay couples.” Ha. Way to boil it down to meaninglessness. As if people randomly walked up and demanded cake! CAKE NOW! No, it’s a business, and they are discriminating against customers based on the genders of the couple. I guess you’d be fine with a sign that said “whites only” too because hey it’s human rights! I’m sure they can come up with sinceeeeere religious reasons not to serve anybody but white people.
Gay people and now animals!? When will the happiness and love ever end!? /massive sarcasm
@Stranded in Babylon:
As an avid baker, I find it extremely petty that these women should refuse people cake because they’re gay. When Christ multiplied bread and fish, did he say “but don’t give it to the gay?” At Canaan, did he say “all right, I’ll turn your water into wine, but I don’t want gay guests to drink it because they’re icky?” Did he interrogate all of Larazus’s acquaintances to make sure he’d never looked at another man with excessive admiration before raising him from the dead? Because that is not in my Bible.
I know that you’re trying to go for “these poor women didn’t give in to the gays’ demands for cake and now they’re getting suuuued! This is like St Blandine and St Catherine all over again!” But the only thing you’re achieving is exposing how extremely petty these anti-feminists really are.
Look, he was both out of his mind on absinth and a rebellious teenager. These things happen.
@Stranded in Babylon,
I’m very sorry you’re stranded. However, until you find someone to give you a lift, may I suggest you check out the gardens? They’re pretty spectacular and a lovely place for a walk.
Or actually, perhaps you should go to Babylon in the present day. There’s a lovely group of people there who seem to share most of your beliefs, though I’d be careful not to mention the whole “Christian” part if I were you.
And yes, Rimbaud was an odious little shit (and I’m not just talking about his writing methods), and the only question about Verlain shooting him is why it took him so long. But even if you don’t like his poetry, which I don’t actually much, many people have enjoyed it, and it is one of the foundations of all 20th century French poetry, which even more people have enjoyed and which simply by existing has improved countless lives, if only by giving them a moment or two of pleasure, or by causing them to think. Which means that even Rimbaud’s shittiest poem has done more for the human race at large than anything or for that matter everything any of your ilk has ever or I daresay will ever write, or say, or do.
You are, of course, welcome to disagree. You are also welcome to shake Rimbaud’s hand.
I, meanwhile, am free to read Rimbaud while listening to Hildegard von Bingen’s music. And if I am feeling kind, I may take a nanosecond to pity you for how you limit yourself.
…No. No it doesn’t.
Stranded in Babylon: If someone asks you to bake a cake for a gay wedding, bake for them two.
And I know that even Jesus hung out with the guy who was gonna to betray him, gave the soldier back his ear and healed him when one of his friends cut it off and when he was dying on the cross while the people were mocking him he didn’t yell at them that he was son of God or they were going to hell he looked at God and cried: “forgive them father” AND one (or both) of the men who were dying along side of him asked “will you remember me?” Meaning that he believed in Jesus and asked for forgiveness Jesus replied “I will remember you” all in all Jesus and God are pretty awesome people. They don’t want revenge but want salvation and love.
Hildegard von Bingen composed some wonderful music
Morality does not exist for animals so their sexuality does not matter. God created humanity as superior to all other life forms; that’s why Satan got jealous and tempted Adam.
Yes I forgot to write my pro-life comment about Lila Rose and note that half of all fetuses murdered are female. Robert Kennedy realized this in 1968 and shortly after his life ended.
Same with Thomas Merton.
Anyway, I oppose racial segregation laws, but sexual orientation has absolutely no relation to race. It’s Africa where some of the worst anti-gay laws are. The feverish drive to drive out intolerance is going to drive unsophisticated conservatives in the arms of the racist. We should all stand together to avoid this social irresponsibility.
Anyway read new documentation to be coming out…Mozart predicted gay marriage and abortion rights just before his death and warned us against it.
I realize that Fruit and I do forgive you all. I hang out with all sorts of immoral people in my life and none of them would ever know my true opinion. But I was overcome by the Holy Spirit to drop truth here.
Was he also the one who told you about Janis Joplin?
Seriously, forget the boring conservative talking points. I want to hear more about how you predicted what a dead person would have done next.
Mozart wrote codes in the Requiem; it’s also encoded in the novels of Jane Austen and poetry of William Blake.
Alexander Hamilton fought the duel with Aaron Burr over the issue of abortion because Aaron Burr was pro-choice. His gun was tampered with by freemasons. Alexander Hamilton also predicted revenge porn and warned against it. and Aaron Burr said he would probably be an MRA if that ever exists (I’m not one BTW).
Oh my god, PLEASE tell me more about this. I’m not being sarcastic.
That was beautiful, thanks for sharing and applause for the one who wrote that.
What Da Vinci Code book is that from?
William Blake?
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen:
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And “Thou shalt not” writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love,
That so many sweet flowers bore;
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briers my joys and desires.
You…you have to be joking at this point, right? I mean, you must be hitting the “random article” button on Wikipedia and plugging in a conservative talking-point-or-conspiracy-theory chosen by spinning a wheel, right? “Alexander Hamilton and…*spin spin spin*…Abortion!”
Serious question. Are you my uncle Rick?
Please, for the love of Mythal, I HOPE to the GODS they’re completely serious because hopefully they’ll post links and rant about the proof.
I will stay up all night for the proof, for real.