a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage creepy empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse homophobia internet tough guy mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings straw feminists

Is revenge porn the fault of feminism? Return of Kings douchebags say “yes.”

On Return of Kings, anyway.
On Return of Kings, anyway.

Well, you have to admire their ingenuity, I guess: The terrible people at the lady-hating megasite Return of Kings have figured out a way to blame feminism for … revenge porn.

No, really. Here’s the argument, such as it is, from regular RoK contributor Mark Webster:

What we are seeing with so called ”revenge porn” is an example of the disturbing but inevitable consequences of the first generation of women who, brainwashed by feminist propaganda, truly believe they can do no wrong, and that there are no consequences for their actions. … 

Like so many other modern social problems, feminism is definitely to blame for “revenge porn.” This warped ideology has always irresponsibly promoted the delusional idea that women have all the same rights as men, but without responsibilities or consequences for their actions.

They were the ones who encouraged a life of reckless hedonism and narcissism for young women, with no thought for their futures. They were the ones who spun the gross lie that being pumped and dumped by men who couldn’t care less about them is “empowering.”

Webster pauses for a moment to reflect on the possible culpability of the ex-boyfriends who, you know, actually posted these pictures online as a form of petty revenge, but figures that, since the women chose to go out with these guys, it’s really still the women’s fault anyway.

Now admittedly putting them on the web for the whole world to see is a pretty low act, but they don’t call them bad boys for nothing. You can bet your bottom dollar these are the guys who are far more likely to receive and distribute “sexts” than the nice guys forever languishing in the friend zone.


Webster is right about one thing, though: the proliferation of revenge porn is very definitely related to the issue of consequences. That is, the almost complete lack of consequences faced by the dirtball guys who post these sometimes stolen, sometimes gifted pics online without permission.

But that has started to change. Let’s hope the 18-year-sentence meted out to revenge porn kingpin Kevin Bollaert — who combined internet-age skeeviness with some old-fashioned extortion — is a sign of things to come.

The readers of RoK have some rather different ideas about possible “solutions” to revenge porn.

(If you’re having a decent day, or would simply rather not read puerile fantasies about domestic violence and suicide, you may just want to stop reading here.)

As Black Poison Soul sees it, any woman who takes nude pics of herself should face these “consequences.”

1/ tattoo the word “slut” on her face
2/ put her into the local sluttery (aka free whorehouse)
3/ problem solved

Plus it semi-forces the red pill down men’s throats. I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.

Remember. There is always a loser in the game of musical cocks.

Idonggor thinks the problem would be solved if American men were more willing to, well, punch “their” women.

As much as I dislike feminist bull dykes and other self entitled cunts, I also equally blame American men for acting like faggots. I hear many times even from so called “red pill” men that hitting women is wrong.

With that kind of mentality, you are bound to get a chick who will act out of her line.

In the Middle East and certain parts of Russia (where it is ruled by ALPHA MEN), girls would not dare to act like spoiled Americunts. Why?

Because they are scared of their men.

You need to get your women to be scared of you guys…. Have her fear you.

I used to feel sorry for American men for getting all the shit but you guys pretty much deserve it.

If you act like coward faggots, you are doomed to get your women acting like cunts.

BlueSkyGreyWolf, meanwhile, suggests that women who have their pics posted on the internet without their permission just kill themselves.

If the stupid cunts are so guilt ridden ain’t nothing stopping them from killing themselves. In fact, the more worthless female parasites who off themselves, the better off the woorld will be.

Something must be terribly wrong with the “red pills” these guys are taking; they seem to be turning everyone who pops one into literally the worst human beings on planet Earth.

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9 years ago


9 years ago

Not only saying that, but thinking they’re the “nice guys” as well! It’s… incredible to think that people justify that in their minds.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

To the idiot waste of air that wrote the following;

I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.

Or, you know. Institutionalized violence, branding and enslaving women for enjoying their freedom sexually, is the kinda extreme tyranny that will end with violent social revolution, quickly. At best you get a quick overthrow of the misogynist culture, at worst it turns your culture into a mess of violent factions constantly fighting.

But then again, you idolize the Middle East and Russia – respectively a place of constant violent unrest, and a place of growing corruption and fascism and “strong man politics” tithering on the edge of becoming a place of constant violent unrest. So I suppose this is what you actually want. Violence. Bloodshed. Rule of the strongest.

Also. In your little dream sharia-state, can men take nude pictures of themselves? Is it ok if a man takes naked pictures of a woman? (or vice versa). Is is just women who will be punished if they are sexually assertive?If so, how do you justify that (or do you just revel in your injustice and simply don’t care if it’s wrong)?

9 years ago

So, they believe revenge porn is something a guy does, after HE’S rejected a woman, or to use RoK vernacular, pumped and dumped?

Because up to now I was under the impression that revenge porn was something a man did as revenge, either for being dumped by the woman or by committing the sin of having a hackable online account.

However I think Webster’s line of reasoning will be very popular among consumers of revenge porn who would like fresh excuses not to take responsibility for their own actions.

9 years ago

I looked at a couple of these sites because I wanted to see for myself what these guys are prepared to do and I found a load of photos of a fully clothed (probably Indian) woman! Just by association she is shamed… except of course anyone who isn’t a complete shithead knows that this says a number of things about the people responsible for putting those photos there, and all it tells us about the woman in the photos is that she was right to break up with a complete loser.

9 years ago

Musical cocks sounds like a great party game. I want to play it after drinking whiskey.

Why not skip the whiskey drinking and go straight to the musical cocks playing? :p

9 years ago

Another iteration of “a bloo bloo women won’t have sex with me”. It’s amazing how transparent the real root of their anger is.

9 years ago

As far as I can tell, the only thing that stops women from turning all the dick pics into revenge porn is that sending them to the owner’s friends and family and workplace would basically constitute yet another case of online harassement. Nobody’s happy about recieving dick pics they didn’t explicitly ask for.

9 years ago

I don’t like it at all that I came up with this idea, but, I think “act out of her line” really meant “act out of HER line.” As in, there’s a “line” someone can “act out of” as a woman, and an entirely (and less restrictive) different line for a man in their imaginary world.

Don’t like it, but, I can forgive myself because I know what kind of people are putting down what I picked up.

9 years ago

I can’t imagine why these guys don’t have women lining up for their manly attention. Just when I think the internet can’t get worse, it does. I am going to vomit now.

9 years ago

Oh good grief. What poopyheads.

9 years ago

So, they believe revenge porn is something a guy does, after HE’S rejected a woman, or to use RoK vernacular, pumped and dumped?

Because up to now I was under the impression that revenge porn was something a man did as revenge, either for being dumped by the woman or by committing the sin of having a hackable online account.

See, the only reason it all makes sense to them is because it all boils down to “a woman is always to blame”. She had sex with a guy she loved at the time? She’s to blame! She sent him pix that he asked for, or let him take pix of her? She’s to blame! She stored her private photos in a cloud computer? She’s to blame! She dumped him when he boinked her so-called friend? She’s to blame! Et cetera.

Motto: Always, ALWAYS blame the woman, because women are always, ALWAYS sluts.

9 years ago

“Nude on the internet? Your punishment is death”.

Yep, every time I see someone arguing “There should be consequences for actions” it’s always in favor of disproportionately harsh punishment for those actions. Always the fallacy of the excluded middle: the fear that someone is getting off light for their behavior.

9 years ago

davidknewton | July 6, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Not only saying that, but thinking they’re the “nice guys” as well! It’s… incredible to think that people justify that in their minds.

Most of the “game” shitheads will tell you that they ~used~ to be nice guys, but that they stopped being nice because it wasn’t getting them laid every Saturday night. Never to enter their puerile little minds is the notion that being nice solely to manipulate a woman into having sex with you isn’t nice at all, so they never actually qualified.

9 years ago

I, for one, am up for some musical cocks.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


IATWF (It’s All The Women’s Fault).

This useful acronym sums up the entirety of the manuresphere. And, curiously (not*) it’s the one that the manurespherians, so fond of acronyms, do not use, even though it describes their views to a T.

*They prefer to waste everyone’s time moaning and groaning on the theme ad nauseam (and ad absurdum).

9 years ago

I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.

I’m thinking of the reaction of the vast, vast majority of guys I know to this. I’ve got quite a lot of very close friends who are of the dudely variety.

I don’t think they’d be thinking about how the woman was a slut in this case. I’m pretty sure they’d be full of rage aimed at whoever did this.

9 years ago

sunnysombrera that video is the best thing I’ve seen in ages

9 years ago

May I say that the continuing harassment, which has become torture, of the young red-haired student activist in Canada whom misogynists have chosen to destroy over and over, is beyond disgusting, immoral, and obscene. If I ever hear that she is requesting donations to fuck her torturers over in a court of law which would happen the moment her case was heard, I will contribute generously.

Stranded in Babylon
Stranded in Babylon
9 years ago

The Catholic church and most other traditional religions frown on sex tapes. Therefore, the regulars of this site are still operating within a flawed paradigm, even if you are on balance certainly more moral than the PUAs. Sex should be confined to marriage; if that were so, there would not be some of these problems. As the oddly insiteful poetess of the hippy debacle, Janis Joplin, sagely sung “Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose.” (BTW isn’t it suspicious that she died right before criticizing Vatican II? Documentation on that will be out soon).

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


9 years ago

Janis Joplin died right before criticizing the Vatican? So, she criticized from beyond the grave? Cool!

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

I wrote out a long reply then just sort of sat there forlornly because in the end it would make no difference. People would continue to think like this and out there somewhere someone’s going to act on it sooner or later, again and again and again.

9 years ago

And you know, this lionizing of (insert ethnicity they’re obsessed with) women is always absurd.

You know what my experience with extremely antifeminist women has been, like women from Russia who are super obsessed with alpha manliness?

They’re fucking horrible. Everything these douchecanoes complain that women do (policing their emotions, belittling weakness, insisting they pay for them, treating them like cash machines) I’ve typically ever encountered in women from uber-paternalistic cultures.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That’s some serious debunking of Catholicism if she criticised it while dead, for sure.