Well, you have to admire their ingenuity, I guess: The terrible people at the lady-hating megasite Return of Kings have figured out a way to blame feminism for … revenge porn.
No, really. Here’s the argument, such as it is, from regular RoK contributor Mark Webster:
What we are seeing with so called ”revenge porn” is an example of the disturbing but inevitable consequences of the first generation of women who, brainwashed by feminist propaganda, truly believe they can do no wrong, and that there are no consequences for their actions. …
Like so many other modern social problems, feminism is definitely to blame for “revenge porn.” This warped ideology has always irresponsibly promoted the delusional idea that women have all the same rights as men, but without responsibilities or consequences for their actions.
They were the ones who encouraged a life of reckless hedonism and narcissism for young women, with no thought for their futures. They were the ones who spun the gross lie that being pumped and dumped by men who couldn’t care less about them is “empowering.”
Webster pauses for a moment to reflect on the possible culpability of the ex-boyfriends who, you know, actually posted these pictures online as a form of petty revenge, but figures that, since the women chose to go out with these guys, it’s really still the women’s fault anyway.
Now admittedly putting them on the web for the whole world to see is a pretty low act, but they don’t call them bad boys for nothing. You can bet your bottom dollar these are the guys who are far more likely to receive and distribute “sexts” than the nice guys forever languishing in the friend zone.
Webster is right about one thing, though: the proliferation of revenge porn is very definitely related to the issue of consequences. That is, the almost complete lack of consequences faced by the dirtball guys who post these sometimes stolen, sometimes gifted pics online without permission.
But that has started to change. Let’s hope the 18-year-sentence meted out to revenge porn kingpin Kevin Bollaert — who combined internet-age skeeviness with some old-fashioned extortion — is a sign of things to come.
The readers of RoK have some rather different ideas about possible “solutions” to revenge porn.
(If you’re having a decent day, or would simply rather not read puerile fantasies about domestic violence and suicide, you may just want to stop reading here.)
As Black Poison Soul sees it, any woman who takes nude pics of herself should face these “consequences.”
1/ tattoo the word “slut” on her face
2/ put her into the local sluttery (aka free whorehouse)
3/ problem solvedPlus it semi-forces the red pill down men’s throats. I would think it’s hard to validate some whore when you constantly see “slut” every time you look at her face. Even if you’re a blue-pill white-knighting mangina enabler.
Remember. There is always a loser in the game of musical cocks.
Idonggor thinks the problem would be solved if American men were more willing to, well, punch “their” women.
As much as I dislike feminist bull dykes and other self entitled cunts, I also equally blame American men for acting like faggots. I hear many times even from so called “red pill” men that hitting women is wrong.
With that kind of mentality, you are bound to get a chick who will act out of her line.
In the Middle East and certain parts of Russia (where it is ruled by ALPHA MEN), girls would not dare to act like spoiled Americunts. Why?
Because they are scared of their men.
You need to get your women to be scared of you guys…. Have her fear you.
I used to feel sorry for American men for getting all the shit but you guys pretty much deserve it.
If you act like coward faggots, you are doomed to get your women acting like cunts.
BlueSkyGreyWolf, meanwhile, suggests that women who have their pics posted on the internet without their permission just kill themselves.
If the stupid cunts are so guilt ridden ain’t nothing stopping them from killing themselves. In fact, the more worthless female parasites who off themselves, the better off the woorld will be.
Something must be terribly wrong with the “red pills” these guys are taking; they seem to be turning everyone who pops one into literally the worst human beings on planet Earth.
Good! Let’s hope it’s a tough one.
I would REALLY like a game that has multiple hero NPCs in it that do quest you’re mucking around NOT doing. o3o
It would rock if it were, like, a heist plot or something, where if you don’t steal something in time, someone else will.
There are loads of heist movies but almost no heist games. Why not?
Isn’t Payday, one? And heists are big in GTA V, and you can do them in multiplayer now. But that’s all I can think of right now.
I guess it’s because there’s not a lot of “variety” and likely NOT getting caught would be the goal, which means shooting would be the last resort, which, of course, is the opposite of every game ever that gets bank.
Oh, and Monaco, if you’re interested.
A heist is mostly about careful planning and not about doing. A good heist is almost entirely a bunch of plans, and if it goes well nobody notices and there’s no actual action. This may be why heists make superb RPGs but lousy video games.
Hmm, now I have the beginnings of an idea for a multiplayer smartphone heist game. Users sign up as a particular job (lookout, face, techie, etc.) and complete various related minigames. For gathering info, for instance, you might have to follow a signal around a public park or mall. The more tasks your team completes in the allotted time, the higher the chance of a successful heist.
I must consider this further.
Actually, in Skyrim, it makes sense for you to be able to do both, considering that they’re both in bed with Maven Black-Briar.
I just wish there was a quest where you could refuse her and/or ruin her and her family. The only one worth a damn is her alchemist daughter. Her sons are scummy, to say the least. One’s an abuser of the worst order, and the other walks around with his lips firmly planted on Maven’s ass.
I never liked her. She threatened me with the Thieves’ Guild and the Dark Brotherhood, and I just kind of had to scoff. And I’m the one who brought them both back from the brink! She didn’t do shit.
So, no, no more for you. We’re doing fine, thanks. You’re not needed. Get pissy. Try to ruin me, and I’ll expose you for what you really are. I know things, Maven. I know so many things.
(Although I do like Maven in that “holy shit she’s got a collar on everyone” kind of way. Like, begrudging respect for her underhanded ways? And…other stuff…)
I’m more likely to go, fuck subtlety, ICE SPIKE!
Also, I have Sanguine’s Rose, and thus my very own pet Daedra.
Drezden: That sounds like the premise of a thriller. The twist would be that it’s run by an actual cabal using unsuspecting smartphone users to plan its heists.
When I finally get a computer that can actually run Skyrim, remind me to upload the Dremora Thrall spell I wrote. I can’t even call it a mod, more just something that should have been in the game in the first bloody place, but running around with two Dremoras flanking me like Hollywood movie bodyguards is badass.
(… Or you could just Google somebody else’s. There’s no way I’m the only person to have thought of that.)
@katz: I admit nothing. I was never here.
But you can summon two Dremora if you max out your Conjuring?
E’scuse me…*runs off to cry with her stack of dick pictures from strangers, from dating sites, from social media, a few boyfriends, and the ones turned into a photo flip-brag book version of hot male celebrities who happen to have wandering around the internet, some pictures, clearly showing their engorged genitalia in good lighting conditions which happened to magically appear on the computer while I perused my photo library one day looking for the Kermit the frog/Muppets images for use on my next photo-scrapbook of peen section because I like organizing a collection in themed sub-sectional format.***
OK all better now that I got those lady-feels over with.***clutches the dirty naked mens pics tightly and mutters “My precious.” ***
…And, sheeeeeeeeesh – I’d consider possibly listening to what RP/MRA’s if they made a concerted effort to not be a dick and at least pretend they think I’m allowed to talk- not like the man club rules/requirements/standards for women to not speak and when to speak to them, too much, too loudly. Or have the same human and legal rights as they do I don’t go out of my way to hunt them on the internet for the purpose of making them miserable with legitimate harassment behaviors and mostly find it annoying that they give their bro-personas with their big……egos…..(/s/) a few self strokes the great white buffalo”, show off how high they can piss on a tree amongst their friends, and conclude their experience by yelling “ALL WOMEN ARE BAD”./whores/vagina buses/employed/vagina cupcakes.
I may not like what they have to say but as long all they do is sit around whining at the world not being fair, talking/writing about their views and not acting them out on me or mine – better not be doing it to any female within my ability to see it because I have no problem wielding a lamp, soup ladle, high waist plus sized ladies underwear ((plus size has more possible ways to bring about death DIY: Kill with Panties,,a weapon to defend against the RP/MRA horde, Because I an such a conscientious person,I want to demand the state give me money to theorize academically about the biggest college ‘hors’ -and start “Slut-walking you home – You really make bad decisions about sex when drunk” keeping them from walking home drunk in places where these RP/MRA types are known to hang around – no woman deserves to make a drunken state where they might actually sleep with one of them. showing up to a post to derail a discussion (if they ever get out of their mom’s basement and share with the creepy tenant she rents part of the house to seeing as mom is always the root of all evil/ruined father son bonding time with the divorce then needed a long string of men as “boarders”)…