
Makeup proves that women are hateful, deceptive creatures with too many rights, Men’s Rights Redditors agree

No-makeup selfie
No-makeup selfie

So Em Ford, a popular YouTuber known for her makeup tutorials, recently put up a video detailing some of the nasty and abusive comments she got when she dared to put up some pictures of herself without makeup, revealing red skin, pimples, and, you know, other human imperfections.

Someone posted about her video to the Men’s Rights subreddit, and the regulars there offered some nuanced and measured thoughts on our society’s beauty ideals.

Just kidding! They attacked women as fickle, hateful narcissists who use makeup to deceive men — and who should probably not be allowed to run companies.

As Ultramegasaurus sees it, ugly men are the real victims here.

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Uh, I’m not so sure about that height thing. I’m pretty sure you can do something about that.


Actingverystrangely, meanwhile, seems quite upset that while women can cover up their pimples with makeup, men who lie about owning Ferarris are looked down upon by society.

So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong. …

As an experiment, why not tell the next woman you meet that you drive a Ferrari and have an Amex Centurion Card and a luxury yacht moored in Monaco? When she asks to go for a drive in the car, look wistfully into the middle distance and say

“It is society’s unrealistic expectations that forced me to present myself as affluent and successful. But I’m sure you recognise that I am successful in my own way, and that …wait! Where are you going? Wait, I can explain…

But it is coolsanta who wins the thread with his spirited defense of ugly men — and his even more spirited attack on the makeup-wearing women who (allegedly) hate them and want them dead.

Fact: Ugly men are much more likely to be accused of being creepy than good looking men. Woman generally regard unattractive men as a nuisance. When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men out there the last thing she wants is for the ugly (= creepy) men to notice.

Yep. that’s right, fellas: when women dress up, it’s mostly to impress — and possibly sexually frustrate? — their bisexual friends. Who knew?

That makes them feel abused while similar attention from a good looking man would have the opposite effect. If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

Or possibly the woman simply won’t go out on a date with that guy again? From the point of view of the regretful woman, this seems like much less of a hassle than, you know, going to the police with a false rape charge, having a rape kit done, having yourself attacked in court, and so on and so forth.

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

That’s right: all women are secret Hitlers who yearn for a world cleansed of ugly dudes.

Less attractive men will always be socially disadvantaged / undermined with women in control, to keep them out of social circles.

Wait, women are in control?

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

Woah, dude, what happened to SPOILER ALERT? I haven’t seen Jurassic World yet.

Dressing up pretty, with high heels and make-up are women’s confirmation of this important fact – the importance of looks.

Wait, now women are “dressing up pretty” to keep from being eaten by dinosaurs? Bisexual dinosaurs?

It takes a special type of person to read this and not recognize the danger of giving so much legal and social power to such a fickly, sometimes hateful, creature.


In the board room they won’t tolerate the fat, bald and more capable guy ruling over the handsome guy – it clashes with their psyche because in nature they would have ended up having to have sex with the guy in control.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but there are plenty of fat, bald guys in the world’s boardrooms. Do I need to pull out the pictures again?

Other than that, though, your theory seems solid as hell.

H/T — r/againstmensrights



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9 years ago

I’m glad to know that my concealer fu is oppressing men like this one. I will grind them down by applying eyeliner! With lip balm I shall conquer them and while dragging product through my hair dance on their corpses.
Or maybe this guy and his ilk can survive such oppression if they really really try.

9 years ago

And if you don’t wear makeup and try to look good, you’re this misandrist, feminazi dyke. I mean, unless you’re Erin Pissy.

9 years ago

So you go with “Jurassic” …

No, you go with “Jurassic.” The consonant really does make a difference in how the word is perceived.

9 years ago

*Everything women do is for us, men but women are the narssicists


*Women who wear make up are trying to deceive us and if they don’t wear make up then they’re ugly and are not worth my time but women are the shallow ones and the ones who judge others by appearance because of height and whatever.

Pretty much what I got out from all this.

9 years ago

“Men’s Rights = I should be able to be utterly repulsive inside and out, and still have women touch my boner on demand.”

Isn’t that a bit of a straw man? My experiences of MRAs are limited, but they really don’t seem as petty as you guys are trying to claim.

9 years ago

My experiences of MRAs are limited, but they really don’t seem as petty as you guys are trying to claim.

Your experience with them is limited. Our experience with them is extensive. Maybe, just maybe you shouldn’t try to splain them to us? Because that actually sums up MRAs really well.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“I’m not an MRA, but…”


9 years ago

My experiences of MRAs are limited, but they really don’t seem as petty as you guys are trying to claim.

Our experience with MRAs is extensive, and they really are that petty.

9 years ago

Ninja’d verbatim by WWTH.

9 years ago

@robertshaw – if it was you what coined “mostly cretaceous park” – let me just say I love that and have used it and will continue to do so. I did my BSc in Geology – and although I’ve never been a dinosaur buff* so don’t actually know which period different dinos belong to, it just plum tickles me.

*I was always a hard rock, mineralogy kinda gal.

Rohan Roger David Zener
Rohan Roger David Zener
9 years ago

Hitler was a handsome guy, aside of his evil, so even he would not be a suitable analogy for women’s identity.

9 years ago

So, a friend of mine posted this on Facebook today. It seems to fit this conversation pretty well.

9 years ago

I wonder what they’d make of me…. Far and away my most extensive make up work goes into creating something like the first image in this story. For reasons of deliberate deception and perceived power.

Because it’s kinda hilarious when dudebros wet themselves in terror.

Of course, I’m in no way discriminatory with the doling out of terror: there is no level of theoretical cute that makes them safe.

9 years ago

isn’t it a bit extreme calling women deceptive because they wear make-up? Most women wear make-up because they feel pressurized by society to wear make-up. Also, men can be deceptive as well, as famous celebs who are male use photo shop to enhance their pictures by making they’re shoulders broader and they’re muscles stand out more.

9 years ago

When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friendsWow. It’s like he heard the common saying (“Women’s fashion is about impressing other women, not appealing to men”)–which itself combines an insightful idea (looking good isn’t just about sex) with a tiresomely sexist one (clothes are a girl thing for girls) — then ran it through the still-more-tiresome PUA-style “everything is about sex” filter.

Yeah, women (and men) often dress for their female (or male), but it’s not just for the bisexual ones.

9 years ago

Hmmm, learning that MRAs find women wearing make-up to be so detrimental to the universal wellbeing of entitled misogynists almost makes me want to actually wear it. But since women NOT wearing make-up is also considered to be a blatant act of misandry and is cheaper, better for my skin, and takes a lot less effort, I will continue with that method of making boners sad.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

I’m deceptive when i wear makeup and lazy when i don’t. K

There’s nothing stopping men from wearing makeup. Oh, right, other men are cuz society says men don’t wear makeup. I think i just confused myself.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago


Judging by the dinosaurs in Michael Crichton’s original book, you could more accurately call it the Norian/Sinemurian/Lots of Tithonian/Famously Albian/Lots of Campanian/Famously Maastrichtian Park

Of the more notable dinosaurs, all the large herbivores were either Late Jurassic (around early Tithonian age 150 mya) or Late Cretaceous (mostly Campanian 75-80 mya), Dilophosaurus was Early Jurassic (Sinemurian 190-200 mya), Deinonychus aka “Velociraptor” was about middle Cretaceous (Albian 110 mya) and Tyrannosaurus was end-Cretaceous (Maastrichtian 65-70 mya).

9 years ago

If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

This quote makes me want to grab that person by the shoulders and shake them. There’s just so much wrong, so much delusion there. Grrr…

I’ve actually not felt pressured to wear makeup, and until recently only put on makeup a couple times a year on average. I never wear makeup to work. Yes, I am lazy. I would rather sleep in a bit more than spend time putting on makeup. Another part of this is that I have sensitive skin, so makeup can irritate it, and so it’s not worth the bother. I’ve not gotten crap from anyone IRL about it one way or another.

I do think makeup helps accentuate flattering features, so I’m practicing this makeup thing more to get better at applying it and figure out what kind of style I like. I am with a committed partner (who actually prefers me sans makeup), so what would these jerks make of occasions I put on makeup? I’m usually at a special event or out with friends, and there’s no flirting going on (so they can’t apply their stupid sexual market place crap to it). I wonder if they can ever accept that some people put on make up because they like the way it makes them look period. There doesn’t have to be some devious ulterior motive, but I guess they can’t help projecting themselves onto everything.

Their comments treat makeup like it’s some powerful magic. If they seriously believe that, they should go out and get makeup for themselves. But I guess they are weak to the powers of toxic masculinity, which prevents them from doing so.

9 years ago

I like make up. It’s fun. It’s decorating me. I like decorating me. It’s a wee little celebration. I like to break the rules. Apparently women my age shouldn’t wear colorful make up that sparkles, but sometimes I’m like: comment image

“I do what I want.”

9 years ago

When it comes to MRAs and their “thoughts”, women are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. So, by logical extension, our attitude to what they want should be a resounding FUCK THAT NOISE, followed by us doing whatever the hell we feel like: Wear makeup, or not, entirely of our own free will.

(And if non-MRA dudes want to wear makeup, that’s fine with me, too. In fact, I quite like it.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Lea – Ha ha, that’s awesome. I want a glitter helmet now (provided I get a space to see and breathe).

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


You be as sparkles as you want. You deserve to be the classiest looking discoball of us all.

Haters gonna hate because you’re so fab.

9 years ago

In other me news:
I had to lose the vivid color in my hair for my new job. I thought I’d miss it, but not so much. Happily, the platinum blonde I’m rocking suits me just fine. I got my first compliment on it tonight. (Damn but people around here are friendly.)

…aaaand it turns out staying friends may have been a nice little fantasy I invented for myself. (Apparently I’m the BEST at that.) The immaturity that was once endearing, then wearing thin, then mildly irritating, then something to love past, then a deal breaker is now just fucking obnoxious. Like, people who talk during movies obnoxious, but if you recently found out those people ruined your credit. That kind of obnoxious.
*sips generic soda*
This too shall pass and that friends thing probably won’t be as difficult as it feels right now. But tonight I’m contemplating making a little voodoo doll with a dog tick where the heart should be and popping it in the microwave.

Anyway, I’m a little wiser, I gotta job and the hair really is super cute. I didn’t think there was any way I’d pull it off but I got it toned just right and it’s shweeet. So, that’s a relief. with hair this cute, I can definitely take on the world.

All in all I’m feelin kinda…

9 years ago

Fuck. Wrong song.
This one: