
Makeup proves that women are hateful, deceptive creatures with too many rights, Men’s Rights Redditors agree

No-makeup selfie
No-makeup selfie

So Em Ford, a popular YouTuber known for her makeup tutorials, recently put up a video detailing some of the nasty and abusive comments she got when she dared to put up some pictures of herself without makeup, revealing red skin, pimples, and, you know, other human imperfections.

Someone posted about her video to the Men’s Rights subreddit, and the regulars there offered some nuanced and measured thoughts on our society’s beauty ideals.

Just kidding! They attacked women as fickle, hateful narcissists who use makeup to deceive men — and who should probably not be allowed to run companies.

As Ultramegasaurus sees it, ugly men are the real victims here.

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Uh, I’m not so sure about that height thing. I’m pretty sure you can do something about that.


Actingverystrangely, meanwhile, seems quite upset that while women can cover up their pimples with makeup, men who lie about owning Ferarris are looked down upon by society.

So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong. …

As an experiment, why not tell the next woman you meet that you drive a Ferrari and have an Amex Centurion Card and a luxury yacht moored in Monaco? When she asks to go for a drive in the car, look wistfully into the middle distance and say

“It is society’s unrealistic expectations that forced me to present myself as affluent and successful. But I’m sure you recognise that I am successful in my own way, and that …wait! Where are you going? Wait, I can explain…

But it is coolsanta who wins the thread with his spirited defense of ugly men — and his even more spirited attack on the makeup-wearing women who (allegedly) hate them and want them dead.

Fact: Ugly men are much more likely to be accused of being creepy than good looking men. Woman generally regard unattractive men as a nuisance. When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men out there the last thing she wants is for the ugly (= creepy) men to notice.

Yep. that’s right, fellas: when women dress up, it’s mostly to impress — and possibly sexually frustrate? — their bisexual friends. Who knew?

That makes them feel abused while similar attention from a good looking man would have the opposite effect. If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

Or possibly the woman simply won’t go out on a date with that guy again? From the point of view of the regretful woman, this seems like much less of a hassle than, you know, going to the police with a false rape charge, having a rape kit done, having yourself attacked in court, and so on and so forth.

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

That’s right: all women are secret Hitlers who yearn for a world cleansed of ugly dudes.

Less attractive men will always be socially disadvantaged / undermined with women in control, to keep them out of social circles.

Wait, women are in control?

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

Woah, dude, what happened to SPOILER ALERT? I haven’t seen Jurassic World yet.

Dressing up pretty, with high heels and make-up are women’s confirmation of this important fact – the importance of looks.

Wait, now women are “dressing up pretty” to keep from being eaten by dinosaurs? Bisexual dinosaurs?

It takes a special type of person to read this and not recognize the danger of giving so much legal and social power to such a fickly, sometimes hateful, creature.


In the board room they won’t tolerate the fat, bald and more capable guy ruling over the handsome guy – it clashes with their psyche because in nature they would have ended up having to have sex with the guy in control.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but there are plenty of fat, bald guys in the world’s boardrooms. Do I need to pull out the pictures again?

Other than that, though, your theory seems solid as hell.

H/T — r/againstmensrights



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9 years ago

I’m quite interested in the fact that they complain that women “would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes,” and yet they regard women who are anything less than thin, beautiful, and subservient to be either non-existent, worthless, or find their mere existence to be actively offensive.

Not to mention that this is of course completely and provably false, since plenty of ugly men have wives and children.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Let’s see if I get this:

The ones claiming women should not HAVE to use makeup, but who also say both women AND men should be free to do so, or not, as they want as *individuals* – are usually feminists.

The ones saying men SHOULD NOT wear makeup or pay any overt attention to their looks (or even hygiene) – while at the same time BERATING women who do not go out of their way to please teh boners – are usually proponents of toxic types of masculinity; MRAs, RedPillers, PicuUpArtists, “Incels”, etc…

The first groups are most often women, but there are a fair size of men who also think like this, *thankfully*. The latter group however, consists mainly of men, and only a miniscule amount of women….

HOWEVER, in the minds of this dude and those who agree with him – that women use makeup and men “can’t” – IS WHOLLY THE FAULT OF TEH EVIL WIMMINZ (who anyway should be barred from positions of power and be chained in the kitchen and be required to please the boners of despicable, rude, inconsiderate, misogynists…).



Sweet Mother of All, this bro is dumb…

9 years ago

I’m a dino nerd too, Mr. Robertshaw, but I wish people wouldn’t make such a big deal over the name of the park not matching the majority of the reconstructed fauna. If you’re going to name your dinosaur park over a time period when dinosaurs naturally lived, you have basically four options: Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, or Mesozoic. Marketing best practices dictate that it should be easy for the public to remember and pronounce and have some nice snap to it. “Mesozoic” is out because it’s four syllables where the others are three. “Cretaceous” sounds too soft. “Triassic” has that weird “vowel-on-either-side-of-the-syllable-break” thing going on, and you don’t want the name of your park to have “ass” in the middle. “Jurassic” is the winner by virtue of sounding the best.

9 years ago

All of those asking about what’s up with some men, especially in the MRA world, obsessing with height. It’s a handy thing to reduce your flaws to, because you can’t do anything about it. Almost everything else can be fixed, at least in theory.

9 years ago

Well, you can quibble all you want, but the simple trooth is that men don’t use cheap tricks to attract potential mates.

9 years ago

But then, of course, these are not Scientists(TM). Fatness, shortness etc. can be evolutionary advantages in the right circumstances. Survival of the Fittest doesn’t mean only those who go to the gym are evolutionarily successful.

Isn’t one of the theories about why there is so much obesity in food abundant societies precisely this? A propensity to store fat is an adaptive trait to have if you go through times of food scarcity. You can make the most of the calories you do get and have fat to live off of so your body doesn’t eat muscle and organs.

If that apocalypse the manospherians wish so fervently for ever happens, those cross fit bros with 4% body fat they admire so much are going to have a difficult time. It’s not going to be like the movies where the survivors are all fit and toned and thin – but not famine thin.

9 years ago

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

I’ve been boycotting Woody Allen movies for the past several years, but I might go see the new one that’s coming out this summer, if he gets eaten by dinosaurs in it.

9 years ago

“Triassic” has that weird “vowel-on-either-side-of-the-syllable-break” thing going on, and you don’t want the name of your park to have “ass” in the middle.

So you go with “Jurassic” …

9 years ago

Anyway, the Triassic period doesn’t have very much of what we’d consider the classic dinosaurs. Swift and spry crocodiles, sure, we can do you them, but what people really want in a dinosaur is Apatosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.

9 years ago

Re: the height thing

I *like* dating short guys. I have never used height as a rejection criteria for dates. My longest-lasting relationship was with a guy who was ‘5 “7. My current boyfriend is about the same height. I *like* dating men close to my own height (‘5″5), and whenever I dated dudes substantially taller it never really worked out. They were assholes to a man; I don’t ascribe that to their being tall but maybe it contributed. After all, they spent the adult lives looking down on women and most everyone else.

When I was younger, a guy being tall was something of a dealbreaker for me. I actually preferred guys on the short side of medium (I’m the same height as you, or maybe five-six on a good day.) Shorter guys apparently knew they couldn’t just make an impression with their height alone, so they had to work on their OTHER attributes. Nowadays, though, I’m not so picky…short guys can be assholes too, and these MRA whiners are a major case in point. They think we’re actively discriminating against them on the basis of height? Nope. It’s all the whining and defensiveness and general assholery that does them in!

9 years ago

Re: makeup

There’s this double standard about women and makeup (and nice clothes, too) that I first noticed in the 2008 presidential election. I call it the Palin/Hillary Problem.

Sarah Palin spent a lot of money on fancy, feminine clothes during her vice-presidential run. She tended to wear a lot of makeup, blown-out long hair and high heel shoes. Democrats mocked Palin for doing this because it was ditzy or superficial (though her ideas were ditzy enough.) I sometimes think Palin pretended to be dumber than she was because she thought acting like Barbie (i.e. Like eye candy) was what the voters wanted.

Hillary Clinton (and a bunch of other female politicians, like Angela Merkel or Margaret Thatcher) take the other route: they favor short hair, little to no makeup, wear pantsuits, and in general dress like their male counterparts. But they get mocked for looking dowdy, old, and not-feminine!

It’s an impossible problem. Palin was mocked for being too feminine (the news people sure got a lot of mileage out her shopping sprees at Nieman Marcus) whereas Hillary was mocked for not being feminine enough! And neither strategy really worked with voters in 2008.

Though I think Hillary will probably win in 2016 (I hope so anyway), this double standard still bothers me. I really wish women in politics could dress like women (instead of like men) and get treated fairly.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

So I guess these guys boycott consumer products, too, because ads are so deceptive. How dare they show sports cars going fast on empty roads! How dare they show young, fit, attractive people flirting as a result of beer! How dare they photograph food in such a flattering light!

And how dare women try to put their best self forward! Do they think they’re in some kind of sexual marketplace or something? Self-improvement and relationship cheat codes are only for MEN.

These guys really have a huge phobia about being deceived by women, don’t they? They look at us and see nothing but Venus flytraps, waiting to lure them into enslavement and death. Then they quickly retreat to the safety of MRA land, where they can high-five each other over their cleverness at not being taken in. Uh, congratulations, I guess? You’re lonely and bitter and miserable, but at least you weren’t fooled by harlot paint into thinking favorably about women!

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Um, no. Makeup doesn’t alter basic bone structure or facial proportions. It’s not like putting on a Halloween mask, or covering up holes in drywall. Does this guy think women can spackle on foundation with a trowel and – voila! – Giselle Bundchen?

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs

Seems to me the short, bald, etc. guy is far more likely to get romantically paired with a hot female partner than fed to dinosaurs. The reverse isn’t true, though. Short, fat, etc. women are barely even visible on movie screens.

9 years ago

Do you get scared when people change clothes?

I actually do, because I’m terrible at telling faces apart and so things like clothing are the ways I figure out who is who until I know them really well. (Voice is the other big one.) For the first couple weeks after my spouse and I got together I had issues distinguishing them from somebody else we were spending a lot of time with.


I’m 5’6″ – the only time it was ever an issue was when taller partners were concerned that I would be uncomfortable with the difference. Shortness being a dealbreaker was always otherwise accompanied by somebody looking for “traditional family values” or somesuch which was a dealbreaker for me. So it worked out pretty well, actually.

/anecdotal evidence


Ninja’d by Falconer.

9 years ago

Good Lord! Those people hate women so much and have a vision of manliness that is so twisted that all they say are bollocks!

9 years ago

One thing I thought the books handled better was the idea that we actually have zero idea if dinosaurs could spit poison, or secreted hallucinogenic mucus, or had chameleon-like skin (like in Lost World) or had sedatives in their saliva (which I think Chrichton gave the compys?), so the park handlers were constantly discovering new, annoying things these animals could do that they had no way to have accounted for.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

[nerd] Actually, we can know whether or not dinos spit poison. Animals with venom glands have characteristic pits in their jaws and grooves in their teeth. That’s how we know some therocephalian synapsids could inject venom, for example. It is possible (even likely) that some carnivorous dinos had toxic bites due to bacterial growth, but that’s not the same thing and they wouldn’t be able to spit it. [/nerd]

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


You nerd away; love hearing about stuff like this!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

maistrechat | July 6, 2015 at 11:54 am

Do you get scared when people change clothes?

I actually do, because I’m terrible at telling faces apart and so things like clothing are the ways I figure out who is who until I know them really well. (Voice is the other big one.) For the first couple weeks after my spouse and I got together I had issues distinguishing them from somebody else we were spending a lot of time with.

My apologies. It slipped my mind that this was a thing for some people.

9 years ago


No apologies necessary (at least not for me). I’m not offended in the least since it seems an apt comparison.

9 years ago

You know what really irritates me about guys like this? They go on these fucking tangents about women wearing makeup “to deceive men,” (which 9 times out of 10 is not even the reason) are the same guys who sit there and treat women that never wear makeup exactly like how they think women that do wear makeup treat those guys. They’re just a bunch of annoying, insecure hypocrites.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Oh no, the MRAs have got me! I admit to using makeup sometimes to make people think of me differently.

Now, the point isn’t necessarily to “look pretty.” It’s even more insidious! The point is to look like I’m dressed up.

See, I’ll wear lipstick when I’m expected to dress up (such as a job intervew or a date). Lipstick’s handy because it suggests I have other makeup on too when I usually don’t… not that most people will probably notice anyway…

Er, I mean, yes, they’ll notice, and I’m terribly, terribly manipulative! “Trying to look dressed-up sometimes” is one step away from “trying to control all the men,” am I right?

9 years ago

Now, the point isn’t necessarily to “look pretty.” It’s even more insidious! The point is to look like I’m dressed up.

Yup. There are always two things I will wear if I’m going more than a few steps beyond my own doorstep: Lipstick (or gloss) and my watch. I feel naked in public without them.

Funnily, though, I never hear MRAs frothing about evil deceiving sluts wearing timepieces, rather than relying on random men to give them the time of day.

9 years ago

I always figured that “Jurassic Park” was picked by Hammond and his corporate lackeys because it sounded best–it actually underlines the themes of the book, that way.

AltoFronto | July 6, 2015 at 6:52 am


Men’s Rights = I should be able to be utterly repulsive inside and out, and still have women touch my boner on demand. If she expects even basic adult behaviour from me, she’s an uppity b*tch. All women should be naturally flawless or they will not meet the standard my boner deserves and will not sufficiently please my boner. Any use of make-up is a deliberate attempt to cheat me out of my hot feeemale boner-pleaser, and false advertising.
Hollywood is the same as real life, and look at how all those gorgeous movie stars get all the good stuff. Misandry!!

Not quite. Oh, all of this is true, but Men’s Rights Activists also believe that they should never have responsibility for the consequences of sex, in particular they want the right to not pay child support AND get preferential treatment in custody disputes. And women cannot expect to lay around the house, but they must also not attempt to enter high-paying fields dominated by men; instead, they are expected to work enough hours at menial, low-paid labor to be self-sufficient, so that no man will ever be expected to provide for them (or their kids).

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

What an irredeemable moron. Never mind that not-conventionally attractive/overweight women are all but invisible in our society, especially to douchebags like the one in the OP (I mean, good riddance to bad rubbish, since I don’t want any of these red pill dumb asses creeping on me). The pressure to be pretty is big in our culture. Women still are valued for their youth and beauty, rather than personality and intelligence. Any lady less than a “HB7” is not even worth these assholes’ time. It’s all about the looks, to these shallow guys. And he has the temerity to accuse us women of that? Imbecile.

As others have pointed out, this dude’s rant smacks of projection.

9 years ago

Who knew that when I put on some concealer(even its name tells what a lie it is!) to turn a bright red spot to a mildly pink spot, I was bringing about the end of ugly men? Imagine what I could do if I ever learned to actually do full make-up.