
Makeup proves that women are hateful, deceptive creatures with too many rights, Men’s Rights Redditors agree

No-makeup selfie
No-makeup selfie

So Em Ford, a popular YouTuber known for her makeup tutorials, recently put up a video detailing some of the nasty and abusive comments she got when she dared to put up some pictures of herself without makeup, revealing red skin, pimples, and, you know, other human imperfections.

Someone posted about her video to the Men’s Rights subreddit, and the regulars there offered some nuanced and measured thoughts on our society’s beauty ideals.

Just kidding! They attacked women as fickle, hateful narcissists who use makeup to deceive men — and who should probably not be allowed to run companies.

As Ultramegasaurus sees it, ugly men are the real victims here.

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Uh, I’m not so sure about that height thing. I’m pretty sure you can do something about that.


Actingverystrangely, meanwhile, seems quite upset that while women can cover up their pimples with makeup, men who lie about owning Ferarris are looked down upon by society.

So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong. …

As an experiment, why not tell the next woman you meet that you drive a Ferrari and have an Amex Centurion Card and a luxury yacht moored in Monaco? When she asks to go for a drive in the car, look wistfully into the middle distance and say

“It is society’s unrealistic expectations that forced me to present myself as affluent and successful. But I’m sure you recognise that I am successful in my own way, and that …wait! Where are you going? Wait, I can explain…

But it is coolsanta who wins the thread with his spirited defense of ugly men — and his even more spirited attack on the makeup-wearing women who (allegedly) hate them and want them dead.

Fact: Ugly men are much more likely to be accused of being creepy than good looking men. Woman generally regard unattractive men as a nuisance. When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men out there the last thing she wants is for the ugly (= creepy) men to notice.

Yep. that’s right, fellas: when women dress up, it’s mostly to impress — and possibly sexually frustrate? — their bisexual friends. Who knew?

That makes them feel abused while similar attention from a good looking man would have the opposite effect. If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

Or possibly the woman simply won’t go out on a date with that guy again? From the point of view of the regretful woman, this seems like much less of a hassle than, you know, going to the police with a false rape charge, having a rape kit done, having yourself attacked in court, and so on and so forth.

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

That’s right: all women are secret Hitlers who yearn for a world cleansed of ugly dudes.

Less attractive men will always be socially disadvantaged / undermined with women in control, to keep them out of social circles.

Wait, women are in control?

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

Woah, dude, what happened to SPOILER ALERT? I haven’t seen Jurassic World yet.

Dressing up pretty, with high heels and make-up are women’s confirmation of this important fact – the importance of looks.

Wait, now women are “dressing up pretty” to keep from being eaten by dinosaurs? Bisexual dinosaurs?

It takes a special type of person to read this and not recognize the danger of giving so much legal and social power to such a fickly, sometimes hateful, creature.


In the board room they won’t tolerate the fat, bald and more capable guy ruling over the handsome guy – it clashes with their psyche because in nature they would have ended up having to have sex with the guy in control.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but there are plenty of fat, bald guys in the world’s boardrooms. Do I need to pull out the pictures again?

Other than that, though, your theory seems solid as hell.

H/T — r/againstmensrights



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9 years ago

Whoa, I think his logic train crashed.

9 years ago

This reminds me of:

So put on some lipstick, dudes.

Oh, that’s right. The kind of ugly these creeps are goes all the way to the bone. All the blush in the world isn’t going to hide the nastiness within.

9 years ago

Now we know why Bryce Dallas Howard’s Jurassic World character spent the whole movie in heels. Heels are a talisman that protect women from dinosaurs! I hope the creationist museums alter their exhibits to reflect this very important biotruth.

When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men

These guys just can’t accept that women ever do anything that isn’t about either pleasing or defying boners. They take the old cliché about women dressing up to impress their friends, and turn it into women dressing up for their bi lady friends. There’s literally no female behavior that isn’t seen through the lens of somebody’s boner.

I-Over 42 Blast (@JoeKlemmer)

He’s probably referring to the guy in Jurassic Park who stole the embryos and got eaten by the poison spitting dino with the neck fans.

9 years ago

So, why are these guys so angry at feminists again? Feminists think that make up should be a choice. If a woman doesn’t like it, she shouldn’t have to wear it. If a man wants to wear it, that’s just fine! It’s the patriarchy they’re so desperate to preserve that requires women to wear makeup and disallows men from wearing it.

That wasn’t a serious question BTW. I know they’re just misogynists and will look for any excuse to view women as bad.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Why don’t these “ugly” dudes wear makeup then? I mean, really. Makeup has only been “just for ladies” for about a hundred years. Go to it, guys! Really!

9 years ago

And yet… if a woman doesn’t wear make up and look “pretty” then obviously she doesn’t care about her healthy and appearance. As opposed to, you know, not wanting to bother with it.

Seriously, somebody point out to these manly-men that historically makeup has been unisex.

9 years ago

I mean, a Google image search for “guyliner” turns up plenty of male celebrities who are considered attractive by many. Jared Leto and Johnny Depp feature heavily. Michael Fassbender and Zac Efron are on there too.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

The MRA obsession with men’s height is so cute: “Really, it’s not that women find me unappealing because of the crappy way I treat them! It’s, um, my height! Something I totally can’t control, not my behavior!”

BTW, I’m bi and I had NO idea random women were dressing up for me. Why does no one tell me this stuff?

9 years ago

The best foundation for a flawless look is the blood of thine enemies.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Yup, a “privilege” that costs hundreds of dollars a month (If you get the good stuff that actually works) to maintain.

And one you menfolk can indulge in too. No one’s stopping you.

As for men, I wasn’t aware that “height increasing elevator shoes” weren’t a thing. Or that men couldn’t get plastic surgery (especially for their scrotes), or that men don’t use penis pumps to make their dicks bigger, or that they don’t go and do hair restoration surgery when they go bald, or that they dye their hair if they don’t like it gray, etc, etc, etc.


So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong. …

Uh…not really? It’s just kind of fucking rude, and it’s just like “no shit Sherlock”? Makeup doesn’t permanently alter a face.

Do you get scared when people change clothes? Do you think my keys disappear when I put them behind my back? Are you an infant?

As an experiment, why not tell the next woman you meet that you drive a Ferrari and have an Amex Centurion Card and a luxury yacht moored in Monaco? When she asks to go for a drive in the car, look wistfully into the middle distance and say

“It is society’s unrealistic expectations that forced me to present myself as affluent and successful. But I’m sure you recognise that I am successful in my own way, and that …wait! Where are you going? Wait, I can explain…

Except in your example you’re deliberately lying, whereas if a woman was wearing makeup, chances are it was because she just wanted to.

You’re lying about material possessions. You think I’m lying about my face. Nice little Freudian slip there. We all know you think wimmens aren’t people, but objects for you to stick your cocks into.

Fact: Ugly men are much more likely to be accused of being creepy than good looking men. Woman generally regard unattractive men as a nuisance. When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men out there the last thing she wants is for the ugly (= creepy) men to notice.

comment image

No, women usually regard “unattractive” men as a nuisance if they’re acting like a goddamned nuisance. If this “unattractive” man is harassing her at the bar and won’t leave her alone despite her repeatedly telling him “no, go away”, he’s going to get more unattractive by the moment.

Because, for some women, it’s not just your looks or money that matter. It’s also your personality. Hell, I don’t know what you look like, what you do for a living, or how much money you make, and I’m already very unattracted to you.

The last thing I want when I go out is for a guy to not leave me alone. That’s creepy.

Oh, and when I put on a nice dress and makeup, I’m only out to make myself feel good. If you’re impressed, great. If not, I don’t care.

That makes them feel abused while similar attention from a good looking man would have the opposite effect. If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

On today’s episode of Red Pill Douchebags Throw Around Terms they Obviously Don’t Understand

In other words, if a man who a woman actually felt comfortable around and didn’t act like a creeper approached them, she’d be more likely to chat them up? Shocker.

And if the “ugly” guy managed to get her in bed, and there was some form of coercion or she was drunk, then yes, it’s rape.

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

You mean like how you guys don’t pay any attention to a woman who’s below an HB7 at the least, and think that a woman who won’t fuck you is good-for-nothing?

Huh. Someone needs to Google the meaning of “projection”, because this asshole could open a cinaplex.

Less attractive men will always be socially disadvantaged / undermined with women in control, to keep them out of social circles.

Or maybe you’re just assholes and no one likes you? Just saying.

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

Isn’t there a trope where the “hot” chick in horror movies gets brutally murdered in every. American. Horror. Movie.

Or, how women are constantly considered disposable?

Or how women are constantly fridged to further a man’s story?

Nope. Totes only the ugly dudes who get offed. [/sarcastic eyeroll]

Dressing up pretty, with high heels and make-up are women’s confirmation of this important fact – the importance of looks.

One, high heels were originally made for men.

Two, men are the ones who say that women look good in heels. Now that we’ve decided that women think women look good in heels, suddenly it’s bad?

It takes a special type of person to read this and not recognize the danger of giving so much legal and social power to such a fickly, sometimes hateful, creature.

And that’s why you’ll never be a CEO, coolsanta. Sad face.

In the board room they won’t tolerate the fat, bald and more capable guy ruling over the handsome guy – it clashes with their psyche because in nature they would have ended up having to have sex with the guy in control.

Or it’s just the fault of the “handsome dudes” who control who gets promoted? Or there’s also a bunch of ugly, old-as-dirt white dudes running a lot of companies?

Or how about the only place I’ve heard of women sleeping with their superiors is in porn?

Or how about the fact that it’s the fault of the masculinity that other men define for you that you have to be good looking and successful?

Of course, the chances of the redpillers admitting any of this, especially the last one, are slim.

Uncivilized Elk
Uncivilized Elk
9 years ago

Don’t watch Jurassic World. It’s terrible.

9 years ago

Why are these MRA MGOTW dudes so OBSESSED with height?

9 years ago

Make up is a privilege if you think about it. A woman can cover her ugliness (the model is a perfect example), yet man has to live with his facial ugliness (or height).

Oh shit, this again? Dude. King Louis XIV invented high heels, and men wore them first. Also, elevator shoes are still on the market! Makeup: Actors wear it. So do rock stars. Gary Numan, David Bowie, Nick Rhodes and David Sylvian are just a few dudes I can think of off the top of my head who wore (and/or still wear!) full-face makeup fabulously. And hey! If you’ve ever plastered cover-up on a zit, guess what? You’ve worn makeup. So don’t give me that “guys can’t conceal their shortcomings” bit.

(You may want to adjust those rolled-up socks in your crotch, BTW.)

As an experiment, why not tell the next woman you meet that you drive a Ferrari and have an Amex Centurion Card and a luxury yacht moored in Monaco? When she asks to go for a drive in the car, look wistfully into the middle distance and say

“It is society’s unrealistic expectations that forced me to present myself as affluent and successful. But I’m sure you recognise that I am successful in my own way, and that …wait! Where are you going? Wait, I can explain…

Dude. She’s not leaving because you’re not rich. She’s leaving because you fucking LIED. Women date, sleep with, and even marry men who don’t have much money all the fucking time. They don’t care how much you have, as long as you’re not bullshitting about it. Who wants to date a pathetic, transparent liar? Not I!

Fact: Ugly men are much more likely to be accused of being creepy than good looking men. Woman generally regard unattractive men as a nuisance.

FACT: This dude is projecting. He’s probably more likely to write off a not-conventionally-attractive woman as a creep himself, especially if she expresses any interest in him. Men generally regard unattractive women as a nuisance, if they regard them at all. I bet dollars to doughnuts this same guy considers any woman over 25, over 110 pounds, with non-blond hair and non-blue eyes (and/or non-white skin), to be hideous and therefore best ignored.

When she puts on the make-up and that revealing dress to impress mostly her bisexual friends and to some degree the handsome men out there the last thing she wants is for the ugly (= creepy) men to notice.

Wrong again. I couldn’t care less who looks. I don’t know which women among my friends are bisexual, but I’m not dressing to impress them. And for all I know, the handsome men among my friends might also have a few bisexuals among them. So what? I dress to please one person, and that person is ME. Anyone else who likes what they see? Bonus, but no biggie.

That makes them feel abused while similar attention from a good looking man would have the opposite effect. If an ugly guy should manage to woo them and get them into bed there is a very high likelihood of regret followed by a rape charge.

Dude, please. I’ve dated guys who were, by their own lights, ugly. I didn’t do it because they had pots of money, fancy cars, etc. (they didn’t; all of them, to a man, drove shitboxes), but because they were enjoyable just to be with. You know, that’s what dating actually is: BEING WITH SOMEONE YOU LIKE.

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

Projection, again. Just because you assholes would like to see “land whales”, “cougars” and all other “undesirable” women purged, doesn’t mean women think the same of equally unhandsome men. (Although, to be frank, if I woke up tomorrow to a world where all the shitty personalities like this dude had simply gone POOF!, I can’t say I’d miss them terribly.)

Less attractive men will always be socially disadvantaged / undermined with women in control, to keep them out of social circles.

Keep telling yourself that, dude, and watch your words become a self-fulfilling prophecy when women find your ugly attitude to be not worth the effort of getting to know you. But it won’t be “women in control” that’s responsible for that rotten bit of luck; it will be YOU, driving them away without even realizing it.

Indeed, even movie directors know its ok if the short, bald, fat, ugly, bespectacled guy is torn in two by the dinosaurs… The fat guy seems to be cowardly and deserving of his fate – however, he is afraid with good reason.

Sigh. What a lucky thing that no one will ever bring dinosaurs back to life with just a drop of preserved-in-amber mosquito blood, eh? Give thanks, dude, that you’re basically “afraid with good reason” of a shitty piece of FICTION.

Dressing up pretty, with high heels and make-up are women’s confirmation of this important fact – the importance of looks.

And all this has been uttered without the faintest sense of irony by a dude who would probably not look at any woman who isn’t prettily dressed, with high heels and makeup to augment an already considerable natural set of assets. A dude who, himself, probably isn’t much to look at either, but expects to get, at bare minimum, an HB8 with no more effort than it takes to run a toothpick ’round his gums.

It takes a special type of person to read this and not recognize the danger of giving so much legal and social power to such a fickly, sometimes hateful, creature.

WHAT FUCKING POWER, DUDE? You expect US to look unrealistically good for YOU, right down to the most ridiculous fucking corporate dress codes imaginable, but then whine and pee yourselves at having to expend even a tenth the effort to look good for us in return? Someone’s got a shitload of legal and social power here, all right…but it damn sure ain’t us.

In the board room they won’t tolerate the fat, bald and more capable guy ruling over the handsome guy – it clashes with their psyche because in nature they would have ended up having to have sex with the guy in control.

‘Fess up, dude…you’ve never sat in a real boardroom, have you? Because in fact, they’re dominated by fat, bald men (not necessarily “capable” ones, mind you, but that’s another story). Handsome men are no more common in the boardroom than they are outside of it. And there’s a perfectly simple explanation for that: Corporate cultures tend to be dominated by MEN, not women. And men don’t make a beauty contest out of corporate leadership.

And what is this “in nature” shit? Short, fat, bald guys wouldn’t even exist today if our cave-dwelling prehistoric foremothers hadn’t found at least SOME of them pleasant and worthwhile enough to sleep with and thus carry those short, fat, baldish genes forward. Because those genes are still with us to this day, and they’re not with us due to any of the vagaries of modern capitalism…they’re with us because nature (which we still exist in, like it or not) has decreed that if you would be loved, you have to be lovable. And that means making a fucking effort to develop your personality, fella. And to expand your horizons beyond the upper “numbers” of your stupid feeeemale-ranking system. (If you’re smart, you’ll do away with that system altogether, because it sure as hell ain’t serving you anything but shit sammitches, bub.)

9 years ago

I guess obsessing about height makes a little bit more sense than obsessing about wrist circumference. That’s all I’ve got.

9 years ago

I will never understand why these guys are so aggrieved over the fact that women don’t look the same without makeup as they do with. It’s akin to getting mad that someone Googles the answer to your question instead of knowing it off the top of their head. You still got the answer from them, didn’t you? It just maybe took an extra minute.

9 years ago

Let me just correct that sentence for him:

“In the boardroom, they won’t tolerate pretty much any women whatsoever.”

Yep, that looks a bit more accurate.

9 years ago

WWTH: Bryce ROCKED that role! Other than looking at Chris Pratt (sigh!) she was my fave part of the whole film!


Some actually quite attractive people, including another woman in heels, do indeed get eaten by dinosaurs in JW.

9 years ago

So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong. …

And here we see yet another example where “point out that” is code for “being extremely rude and nasty about.” Same problem gamergoobers have. For some reason they’ve decided that “free speech” really means “be as much of an asshole as I like and nobody should tell me not to.” Except that they’ve further decided that “being an asshole” isn’t a real thing, and politeness doesn’t exist, and are therefore blind to how their “comments” come across.

Hate this trend so much… of defending your odious statements by falling back to the most abstract interpretation of them and pretending that the actual content is completely irrelevent.

9 years ago

I love how they all unwittingly manage to hate the patriarchy along with hating women all in the same short sentence. It’s like they’re clueless child men… oh wait!

9 years ago

RE: The height obsession so many of these guys have

My theory is, some women on Tinder, Plenty of Fish, or other online dating sites have stipulated a height cut-off point for potential dates, probably just to filter all the responses they get.

Additionally, there’s nothing these man can do to change their real height…it’s a non-nasty way to reject someone, although shallow as hell.

I couldn’t care less about height. I’m only about 5’2″. My spouse of more than 20 years is about 5’9″.

9 years ago

Fun Fact for these dudes: makeup and high heels were originally invented for and worn by MEN. One of the first women to dress as flamboyantly as the men in her life was Marie Antoinette and she was mocked for trying to be “manly” and criticized for spending too much money and time on her appearance, even though nobody had said anything about the men. But, because of her position of power, women all over France and then eventually Europe began to dress extravagantly, wear heels and makeup and wear their hair large. This was mocked by many political cartoonists because it wasn’t “natural”. Women were supposed to be (in the minds of men at the time) spending their time running a household, looking after and bearing children and waiting hand and foot on their husbands, who would hypocritically spend a good deal of time, money and effort on their own appearances.
Apparently, this attitude never disappeared…sorry about the long comment, I’m just a huge fan of Marie Antoinette!

9 years ago

The guy does know that Nedry didn’t actually get torn in half right? The dilophosaur most likely wouldn’t have been able to tear him in two anyway considering it was smaller than him. If the Telltale game is indeed canon, well let’s just say that the end result is not pretty. The lawyer was the one that got torn in half and, well he was hated not for being ugly but amoral.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

They would prefer the undesirables eradicated from society, and would think nothing of it, as they serve no purpose in their eyes.

This would make sense if “They” meant “MRAs” and “The undesirables” meant “Women who wear makeup. And women who aren’t conventionally attractive without makeup. And women who are conventionally attractive without makeup. Basically just all women. HEIL ELLIOT RODGER.”

9 years ago

So hiding your spots with make up is not deception. But pointing out that you don’t actually look the same without make up as you do with make up is wrong.

Well, not “wrong” really. I’d go with something more like “indicative of weapons grade stupidity.” I mean, what the actual fuck do you think make up is for? The covering up of a flawless complexion? Did you actually think, because some woman had no visible pimples when you met her at the club, that she was immune to pimples? That’s not dishonesty, douchebro, that’s someone being honestly unaware that it’s even possible to be quite so oblivious to reality.

Also pleased* to see that women being more receptive to the advances of men they find attractive than to the advances of men they don’t find attractive is still a criminal offense with these guys.

*for certain values of “pleased” equivalent to “repulsed”.

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