davis aurini jordan owen sarkeesian!

Sarkeesian Effect duo split again! Aurini demands another $15,000, Owen disowns him

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! The Sarkeesian Effect duo have split up again! It’s a Fourth of July Miracle!

So today, a furious Jordan Owen put out a video denouncing his now ex-partner Davis Aurini. Why? Because Aurini is demanding another $15,000 to edit the “film” and has set up a fundraiser without Owen in order to raise it. 

According to Owen, Aurini has been “dicking around” with the footage for months in hopes of squeezing more money out of the project’s backers. Owen is having none of it, and is telling the backers not to give Aurini another cent, saying that he (Owen) will be editing the footage himself and putting out the film on schedule.

Also, the alleged “big reveal” that was going to come out in the “film?” According to Owen, Aurini decided based on watching one of Sarkeesian’s videos that she had been raped by her father, and was evidently shopping around to find a therapist who would agree to say as much on camera. Aurini’s completely unqualified internet diagnosis: that was their big reveal.

Just watch the video. It’s delicious.

And here, below, is Aurini’s fundraising video, which is what Owen is reacting to. Aurini’s unctuous, earnest tone is especially hilarious in the wake of Owen’s denunciations. Also his repeated references to “we,” as if Owen is on board with him.

At one point he assures would-be backers that he’s “streamlined” his life so he can work on the editing of The Sarkeesian Effect full-time. “As well as writing and doing Youtube videos, which I regularly do,” he adds. “And the podcast.”

Also he needs to do more filming.

He’s evidently hoping to keep the gravy train going until September.

Apparently he’s been so busy with the full-time editing (and writing and doing Youtube videos, which he regularly does, and the podcast) that he’s forgotten to shave his head.

And he seems to have fired his skull.

H/T — @srhbutts

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Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

I’ll never get how people can be so irked by how somebody interprets a cultural product in a different way. This is not a discussion about a number of plot points, it’s a question of interpretation.

Anita is not interested in a critique of one specific game as a whole, the whole approach is to show how pervasive certain tropes are in the media we consume. The argument here is not that all those games are representing women in sexist ways; it’s that even if a game or movie does have complex, well-rounded female characters, it still sometimes reverts to using sexist tropes. Anita’s argument is not about the quality of specific games, it’s about the quantity and pervasiveness of harmful stereotypes in popular media that influence our way of seeing the world. You can criticise her for that, but you’ll have to do it on a conceptual level, not by claiming that she didn’t get one particular game right.

9 years ago

And the Patreon account is now officially below 300 supporters (298 at last check). Let’s see if we can get it under 200 by the end of the month

9 years ago

Oh, and Jordan is clarifying the mediator situation:

9 years ago

Sarkeesian is the only person in the universe where everyone feels the need to begin every conversation about her by mentioning that there was one time in one of her videos where she maybe got a single detail about a single game wrong.

I mean, hell, the nostalgia critic once said Rhino the hamster from Bolt was a guinea pig, but I don’t feel the need to bring that up every time he’s mentioned as something that invalidates everything he’s ever said.

I once spelled a couple words wrong when arguing with a troll. Does that mean my whole position was invalid? :'(


9 years ago

Davis M.J. Aurini 11 hours ago
+JustCause:Reason Most of his critiques were things I was already planning to do – in other words, I think they were excellent, since I completely agreed with them!

Yeeeaaah. This guys work is definitely going to go from strength to strength.

But seriously I can’t even with both these clowns. The only good thing is that the longer this clusterfuck continues the weaker their already flimsy arguments against Anita Sarkesian get.

Also it’s still brilliant that #gamergate, MRA’s and the such will scream about the evil wimmin being con artists but will happily throw money at any smarmy snake oil salesman that placates their fragile egos.

9 years ago

Also it’s still brilliant that #gamergate, MRA’s and the such will scream about the evil wimmin being con artists but will happily throw money at any smarmy snake oil salesman that placates their fragile egos.

Because paying for a date and then not getting laid is a scam, whilst paying thousands for a blatantly shoddy product/service is helping to fight a noble cause (as long as the salesmen are MRA adjacent).

9 years ago

Any bathtubbing this time?

9 years ago

Re: Hucksters, even beyond the constant Aurini/Owen bullshit, it amazes me every time I think about it that these dumbasses are contributing to a movie where Jack Fucking Thompson empathizes with their oppression.

“Sure, he has tried over and over again to actually ban our favorite games rather than just show how sexist our favorite games might have been, but that bastard hates women as much as we do. You have to admire that.”

9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | July 4, 2015 at 8:28 pm
“This video seems fitting. That might just be because I’m a bit drunk.”

That song is a guilty pleasure of mine, although I probably shouldn’t admit that on the internet.

9 years ago

The irony of Owen complaining about consent is nauseating.

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
9 years ago

Hate begets hate, and whenever you have a ‘movement’ that is based on hate, the movement will inevitably turn on its own.

When you are motivated by hate, eventually, you have to turn on everyone you know.

The whole concept of hate is based on the fact that one group feels the need to be stronger and more superior than another group, but eventually you end up just being the group who was once the strongest and the most superior as you watch another group take your power away from you.

…it’s a pointless endeavour, but, it seems, one some men are determined to pursue over and over again to the detriment of humanity…and the animal world.

Live your life and be free; STOP TRYING TO RULE THE WORLD!!!

…it is a pointless endeavour, and one that can never be satiated.

9 years ago

@Shalimar Yeah I agree completely.

Also I don’t remember them forming a hashtag movement when Robert Florence wrote his ‘A Table of Doritos’ article for Eurogamer. Also a genuine movement highlighting some of the problems in games journalism would have been nice during the Kane & Lynch and Driver 3 debacles, and many others I’m probably forgetting about. Then again like a mob of Humpty Dumpties ‘Ethics in Games Journalism’ now means what they want it to mean. Which is hating women who make games I don’t like or have opinions I don’t agree on.

9 years ago

Is Sarkeesian’s father still living? Couldn’t he bring a massive slander case against Aurini if he persists with such accusations? I’m surprised Aurini hasn’t had the sense to consider that.

9 years ago

“Even if [person] had been sexually assaulted by her father”
Just a thought, but won’t quoting this bullshit make it show up in Google searches for her name? I can totally see the Gators, in a few months, saying “Hey, if you don’t believe me, just Google for [person] raped!”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

But that would lead the hypothetical Googlers to a site that debunks every word #GamerGate’s ever said. That’s a good thing.

9 years ago

Also, the alleged “big reveal” that was going to come out in the “film?” According to Owen, Aurini decided based on watching one of Sarkeesian’s videos that she had been raped by her father, and was evidently shopping around to find a therapist who would agree to say as much on camera. Aurini’s completely unqualified internet diagnosis: that was their big reveal.

Well, they’re lending further proof to my theory that the only people making false rape claims are MRA’s and that’s why MRA’s think everyone is doing it. In any case, making a fake rape claim for the sole intent of humiliating/discrediting the alleged victim is a level of shit subhuman that I didn’t think even GamerGater would stoop to, but there you are.

9 years ago

….just wow.
I was living in a nice little feminist bubble and didn’t know anything about gamergate until a prominent atheist I follow started producing insane videos about feminism and Anita Sarkesian. This guy is logical and rational about religion but seemed to come completely unglued because Anita said some video games are sexist. With the amount of hate directed at her, I thought for sure that she must be roasting fluffy rabbits, penises, and small children in Feminist Rituals aimed at destroying all men, but no…..all she did was make some videos critizing video games? I’m at a loss…..

These MRAs go around screaming about their right to free speech – which, in their opinion should include rape and death threats against any woman with an opinion about anything, but if a woman dare say anything negative about their games, that should be silenced?!

I cannot understand this…..even if every word out of her mouth is a bold-faced lie, why do they care? In what way are these people so threatened that they feel she, and anyone who supports her, needs to be taken down this way? The amount of vitriol out there is frightening and I can’t imagine what it feels like to be Anita or anyone else they target….it’s truly frightening. I’m glad your website is shining a spotlight on this issue but I am appalled there is a need for it.

9 years ago

I am just now clueing in that the entire point of the movie is to discredit Sarkeesian’s arguments. I thought it was an examination (aka: extended tantrum) about SJW’s in general, but the way Aurini talks about it, it’s all about ‘proving’ there’s no need for a feminist critique of video games?

Holy shit, it’s dumber than I thought. And that’s saying something.

I’m only a few minutes into Aurini’s first video, but already have great expectations of French Press as a character. While lacking the cool authority of Plastic Skull, it emanates a subtle aura of wisdom and trustworthiness – a Morgan Freeman to the skull’s Samuel L. Jackson, if you will. If Aurini is smart, he’ll have French Press handle the narration for the film… though I expect that may up the budget and require another round of fundraising. Such is the price of art.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Hey Davis, I’d be willing to appear on camera to admit that Anita Sarkeesian is really three ducks in a human suit if you pay me a few thousand dollars.

9 years ago

I just watched Aurini’s response to Owen’s accusations.

I think the sequel to ‘The Sarkeesian Effect’ should be ‘Jordan By Gaslight’.

(Though I think they’re both jerks)

Probably Homestuck Trash
Probably Homestuck Trash
9 years ago

I could make a documentary called”the Owen/aurini affect”… all I need is a director and fifteen thousand dollars.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Omg, what a joke.

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

So, if #Gamergate is legitimately supposed to be about ethics in games journalism, WHAT THE HELL is The Sarkeesian Effect doing anywhere near this meet-up? It’s a “film” all about Social Justice Warriors and Anita Sarkeesian. Nothing in there about journalism. She’s not a journalist. As close as I can tell by the trailer, any journalists they’ve managed to interview are all people who have been “discredited” or gotten in big trouble that calls their own ethics into question. If they really cared about ethics, why aren’t they going after those people, instead of offering them tea, dumplings and a platform with which to yell at everyone and to smear their sour grapes all over the place?

By the way, hi, everyone! This is my first post. 🙂

9 years ago

Fun fact: Jordan Owen will censor your YouTube comments if he doesn’t like them.

9 years ago

Voltaire’s god must have heard Anita’s prayer.