Happy July 4th, United Statesians! (Happy July 4th to the rest of you, too. I mean, why not enjoy today?)
Good day for a barbeque. Or a nap.
Happy July 4th, United Statesians! (Happy July 4th to the rest of you, too. I mean, why not enjoy today?)
Good day for a barbeque. Or a nap.
Some more picnicking cats:
Wait a minute, I don’t think those are cats.
Peacocks and cats picnicking together! Mass hysteria!
LOL!!!!! How the hell did that cat get in there?!?! Adorable. The barbecue looks kinda gross, though. o.O I think that cat is going to need a bath! Anyway. Yay, wombats!
Happy 4th of July!!
Dave’s pic of the four cats on and around the picnic bench?
~one of these things is not like the other~
Yes, the orange kitteh definitely looks out of place.
Happy 4th of July!
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs-WHAT?! Cats and Peacocks picnicking….. TOGETHER?! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHH!!
As for the cat in the barbecue. LOLNESS! how did it get in there? Adorable! The barbecue looks kinda gross, though. O.o I think the cat will be needing a bath!
“Wait a minute, I don’t think those are cats.” YAY! Wombats! I love wombats. 😀
Lady Mondegreen-And I’m pretty sure that one cat is actually a skunk! O.O
ha, I didn’t even notice the infiltrator in that one.
another interspecies picnic:
Sorry, for the double post everyone. It didn’t show up the first time.
Now I now why that ginger cat is giving it such a dirty look! It is not a cat at all. 🙂
David-Racoons and cats together! The adorableness is just too much! *dies of cuteness overload*
Nobody’s perfect.
Lady Mondegreen-LOL! Maybe it is Pepe Le Pew and he has fallen in love with one of the cats. XD
RE: Raccoon & cat picnic.
Those are some plump raccoons.
I’ve had them in my house (obviously different ones than in Dave’s picture, ha ha). They came in thru the cat door. They really didn’t seem all that afraid of humans…the had to be STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to leave:)
Several summers ago, the neighborhood raccoons discovered our aboveground pool. We (temporarily) became a major stopping point on the local perambulation until we got a secure pool cover. They certainly sounded like they were having a whee of a time out there, in the wee small hours.
RoscoeTCat-Oh dear! I hope they didn’t cause too much mess. ^^; Australia has a similar problem with bush turkeys. They are becoming a bit of a pest now that their numbers are increasing and if they get into the house and literally ransack the place. 😀
I had to work today (I’m on break right now), but it’s been a surprisingly slow day and I’m getting time and a half, so it’s all good. Plus, I had my 70 day review today, and my boss had nothing but nice things to say about me, and my dad’s bringing me home a pretzel from the baseball game he’s at. I don’t much care for baseball, but ballpark pretzels are the bomb.
childrenofthebroccoli-That’s awesome! Congrats on receiving such a positive review. 😀 Enjoy your pretzel, too! 😛 You deserve it.
Ha ha ha!! This has made my day! 🙂
Yay on your positive review! And yay for Pretzels!
In other news, my chihuahuas are under my bed because of the fireworks and one of them is now panting, staring at me and whining. Poor thing.
Thanks guys! And yes, the pretzel was delicious.
My son’s birthday today. Poor kid can’t have a proper birthday party on the day of, due to all his friends being out of town camping and stuff. We went out for a good burger though, and he got a free chocolate molten lava cake at the restaurant. At least he was able to have some fun with friends yesterday.
In other news: went fishing the other day with the hubby (something we love to do together). On two separate occasions, some strange guy would come up to us and start giving unsolicited advice about fishing, and how that day wasn’t a good day for fly fishing, how we needed to be careful wading, blah blah blah. Now, understand, my husband is about as expert as it gets when it comes to trout fishing–could be called “the trout whisperer.” So, all that advice that he graciously said “thank you,” to (his level of tolerance for that crap is higher than mine) was very unsolicited.
This is a prime example of “Fisher-mansplaining”
My dad’s dog freaked out at the fireworks too. She barked at them quite a bit. Now she’s all passed out exhausted from her hard work.
I found a pink California glowworm tonight. o3o I saw it yesterday but I got to see it again today, so, awesome.
They’re one of nature’s fireworks.
I got to try horchata for the first time today. It tastes like cold liquid cinnamon buns! *0*
I also had BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and my uncle got my mom’s recipe for ambrosia fruit salad.
Grandma also made potato salad, but she put pickle relish in it, so I passed on that. : I
Second picture didn’t work properly. Ack.