off topic open thread

July 4th Cat BBQ Open Thread


Happy July 4th, United Statesians! (Happy July 4th to the rest of you, too. I mean, why not enjoy today?)

Good day for a barbeque. Or a nap.


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9 years ago

Happy birthday to your son, A.A! ????

9 years ago

So the last couple days have been working at the new job and I won’t lie, I like it. 😀 It’s active but not too stressed out, the customers are chill, the staff are very friendly and VERY encouraging, and it’s not hard to get into a good mood. The shifts are kind of unusual (a full day is 10am-3.30 then 5.30 until 10/10.30pm, but half days are either one of those shifts) but I’m happy with that. Like I said before, I don’t plan to do it forever, but it’s a good job for now.

9 years ago

sunnysombrera-I am so glad your new job is going well! My new job is going well, too! Even though I am still getting over the new job nerves. I haven’t been fully employed for almost 2 years, so it is a lot to get used to. I get really stressed about not being perfect that I keep making many stupid little errors, which stress me out even more. What makes it worse is that the guys expect me to know everything and where everything is (I work in a small but extremely disorganized warehouse) by now, even though I only been working there for a few of weeks. They even expect me to know the dimensions of all the boxes. I get told off for picking up the tape measure to measure them. ANNOYING! I am a fast learner, but it seems like they want me to know everything instantly. Oh well. I just need to not stress myself so much and I will be fine. 🙂

9 years ago

misseb – Sorry to hear they seem to be demanding perfection from you. I guess my best (unsolicited) advice is to keep telling them what youve said here ie. you haven’t quite got things memorised but you quickly will, and you’ll pick it up faster if they help by just letting you learn.

I don’t have the same stress luckily but then there is a lot to learn with my job (bar, diner, booksales, presenting, front of house etc) so for me to know everything in a few weeks is unrealistic.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Thanks missbe47!

Neon Vincent
9 years ago

I don’t have any pictures of cats, but I do have a video about Bald Eagles. Enjoy learning something about our national bird. Also, the rest of you can grill; I’ll bring drinks.

GoldMark City
9 years ago


9 years ago

*bounces around happily*
My computer stopped working, but the computer shop fixed it.
Then I couldn’t get the monitor re-connected but a friend fixed that (with a sharp knife to straighten bent pins)
SO I am online again!!
I talk to people online, even people who are friends in meatspace, since I am pretty much a hermit, so it is WONDERFUL to be in contact again!

9 years ago

Well I spent my fourth totally hammered because I had no fireworks. So all in all a good day.

9 years ago

You are very welcome A.A Wils ????

9 years ago

sunnysombrera-Thank you. ???? I will definitely take your advice if they keep behaving that way. I think it is because they have been working there for so long, over 10 years for some of them, that they have completely lost the ability to empathise with new employees. They seem to have forgotten how disorganized and how illogical the set up is. It is actually very hard for a new person to find anything. They remarked that I am doing much better than they did they first started, perhaps they need reminding of that? Fortunately my boss seems much more understanding and warned me that the first few weeks would be difficult and seems to be satisfied with my work. I am just worried about receiving unjustly negative reports from my colleagues.

Elliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Elliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
9 years ago

I think Donald Trump is a neoreactionary, although he might not be aware the term exists.

He admires dictators ( and says that as president he’d have chummy relationships with them.

He prefers women who are much younger than he is (“if she weren’t my daughter, I’d probably be dating her”), in true Redpiller fashion. He also seems to prefer Eastern European women. His beauty contests are all about determining women’s SMV.

He’s a racist (or at the very least, an anti-Hispanic xenophobe). He doesn’t seem to care whether people think he’s racist or not, which is why he didn’t apologize for his comments about Mexicans. He doesn’t give a fig for political correctness.

He’s super-wealthy and seems to think himself innately superior to all of us peasants. The guy has a king-sized ego, fit for an actual king.

The whole premise of “The Apprentice” revolves around being hand-picked to a leadership position by an even more powerful leader, rather than by being democratically elected.

Andrew Anglin loves him.

Yep, definitely a Dark Enlightenment sort of person.

9 years ago

*peers around for Aussies*


Lisa Petriello
9 years ago

I don’t know, but I do want to say how annoying and frankly anti-semitic it is when some people say “The Old Testament is full of violence and bigotry, but the New Testament is so nice and loving.” First of all, read Revelations sometime. It’s a part of the New Testament full of blood and gore. Second of all, if you believe the New Testament then you have to believe that Jesus IS the Old Testament God.

9 years ago

Um… Lisa? Can I have some context? Because even if it’s an open thread, being all “People who follow religion X are Z and by the way if you believe Q you have to believe R” is kind of sort of…

… I dunno the right word to use, there. It just strikes me as a little odd. If there’s a particular reason it’s bugging you, like a recent news thing or a recent experience with a particular person unloading some jerk behavior and doing the whole “BUT THE NEW TESTAMENT IS ALL NICE” handwaving, that’s one thing. I’m pretty sure we’d be down for discussing that if that’s what you want.

I’d really rather not start an atheistic posters vs. religious posters thread war, though.

9 years ago

Sorry, I was just venting because of what some jerk said to me (not here, offline). Don’t want to start anything. And the “I don’t know, but” part wasn’t supposed to be part of my post. We can drop the subject.

On a happier note, have you heard about the pro-LGB decision the EEOC made, that sexual orientation is covered under employment discrimination law?

9 years ago

YESYESYESYESYESYES! Good job, EEOC! A bit overdue, but at least it’s happening.

I hadn’t heard, because I don’t have TV to watch news and I don’t google news half as often as I really should…

Thanks for sharing!