a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism Dean Esmay entitled babies literal nazis mansplaining misogyny MRA oppressed white men patronizing as heck racism whitesplaining

Dean Esmay, MRA and big old white dude, tells feminist women of color they’re “Aunt Jemimahs”

Dean Esmay: Considers himself qualified to judge your blackness
Dean Esmay: Considers himself qualified to judge your blackness

Dean Esmay — Men’s Rights Activist, AIDS “skeptic,” big old white dude — has added another skill to his resume: Arbiter of Blackness.

If you haven’t been following the activities of Mr. Esmay of late, the A Voice for Men “chief operations officer” has been having a rather extended Twitter meltdown, posting endless puzzling yet impassioned Tweets to his own #SpankAFeminist hashtag, addressing an assortment of imaginary feminist enemies.

Some of the more puzzling have involved race, like his repeated charge that feminists are a bunch of white racists because, well, let’s let Esmay explain:

(Archived here.)

In Esmay’s mind, apparently, the fact that feminists recognize that rapists and abusers come in all colors is … a racist attack on black men.

(Esmay also seems to think that black men own “their women,” a belief that has a more than a little in common with the fears of white racists — like one Dylann Roof — who worry endlessly about black men raping “our” — that is, white — women.)

But, one might wonder, if feminism is fundamentally racist, why do many black women embrace the movement, even with reservations?

Esmay has now provided what he evidently sees as the definitive answer to that question:

(Archived here.)

You can tell how well-versed Esmay is in black history by the fact that he has misspelled the name of Aunt Jemima, the famous racist stereotype and pancake pitchwoman.

Esmay is even more contemptuous towards black feminist men.

(Archived here, here and here.)

It’s certainly true, as no sensible feminist would deny, that white feminists, even those with the best of intentions, have said and done a lot of racist shit over the years. Pretty much all white people have. (That’s not an excuse, just a sad fact.)

I’m just not sure that Esmay is really the best person to determine who is and who isn’t an “Uncle Tom.”

In addition to being a patronizing white dude, Esmay is the “chief operating officer” of a website that has repeatedly published the work of a Holocaust denier; has enthusiastically promoted the videos of white “nationalist” RamZPaul; and has been waging a long if somewhat ludicrous battle against the Southern Poverty Law Center, an influential and effective opponent of far-right racists; indeed, Esmay has himself declared the SPLC a “a multimillion $$ fraud organization” and “America’s #1 Hate Group.”

In 2013, Esmay’s boss at AVFM, Paul Elam, after glomming onto bogus information first spread by 4chan trolls and white supremacists at Stormfront, helped to lead an abortive hate campaign against a young woman falsely accused of discriminating against white male applicants to Georgetown university

Dean Esmay: apologist for racists, arbiter of blackness?

EDIT: I removed a paragraph in which I got the Sad Puppies and Vox Day’s Rabid Puppies mixed up. In my defense, it’s very early in the morning.

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9 years ago

Minor correction: If he’s promoting Vox Day’s Hugo slate, he’s supporting the Rabid Puppies, not the Sad Puppies. Not that there’s a fantastic amount of difference between the two.

9 years ago

Neonazis accusing people of being racist for not being sexist.

I hate the internet.

9 years ago

Next up from Esmay’s Backwards World of “I’m Rubber, You’re Glue”: The NAACP is “racist”. (Hey, he thinks feminism is “sexist”, so why not?)

9 years ago

Dean Esmay: apologist for racists, arbiter of blackness?

More like arbiter of wackness.

Yeah, I as a black cishet man never get tired of presumptuous white gasbags lecturing me about who and who isn’t truly black.  That never gets ol …


Oh, I’m sorry.  Esmay also seems to be good at distributing verbal Sominex.

9 years ago

And today in “Adventures in Flinging around SJW Terms that I Don’t Like or Understand but Seem to Win Arguments…”

9 years ago

Also, the irony of a white dude using an imaginary black woman (Aunt Jemima, misspelled even!) to lecture actual black women on the evils of fighting racism AND sexism simultaneously should not be lost on anyone.

But it will be lost on Deano, because irony is invariably lost on the ironic.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Don’t forget that he’s also come out against a softcore porn magazine as being part of the femicommunazi agenda. If he used to have any sort of understanding of reality, it’s long gone now.

9 years ago

There is no more pathetic specimen than a Man Of Color who sells out and turns feminist. Oh my God. So sickening. #SpankAFeminist

Actually, what’s sickening is Deano, castigating guys who actually GET it, and who recognize racism and sexism (and the various LGBT-hating phobias, too) as parallel evils that must be fought as a unit, especially in oneself. That’s not “selling out”. Selling out, actually, is what happens when someone gives up that fight and turns right-wing stooge because the money’s better.

9 years ago

Dean, stop trying to make #SpankAFeminist happen. It’s not going to happen!

9 years ago

…..does he think that people of one race stick solely to dating/marrying members of their own race, or does he only wish it was that way?

This guy is so disgustingly creeptastic. Like “unknowingly had a spider on me and thought it was just a hair until I looked down” icky. So many flavors of ‘ew’ he could start his own restaurant chain. I CAN’T THINK OF MORE METAPHORS I’M SO GROSSED OUT SEND HELP

9 years ago

And now I’m wondering just how much MRAs have in common with Mean Girls. I mean, Register Her is pretty much the Burn Book, right?

9 years ago

Yes #feminism is #racist. That’s because it posits that black men routinely beat and rape their women & have for centuries.

There’s got to be some story behind this. What quote is he referring to? Is it Dworkin? Solanas? One of the racist suffragettes? Inquiring minds must know! If only to know what they’re pointing and laughing at.

Or does he just lump everybody he doesn’t like into one category, then post context-lacking, angry tweets that are incomprehensible to anyone but him? Inquiring minds would also like to know that.

Anyway, yeah, that whole “their women” thing is pretty dang revealing. Reveals a mindset that fundamentally separates different skin colors into isolated subsections of humanity (with men as the leaders and owners of those subsections), rather than fundamentally recognizing that all people are just people.

9 years ago

Selling out, actually, is what happens when someone gives up that fight and turns right-wing stooge because the money’s better.

Case in point, David Horowitz.

9 years ago

I have one phrase that I think sums up this whole thing for any cishet Bllack person in the US. And yes, I’m speaking for every Black person who is alive, has ever been alive or will be alive at any point in the future

Fuck You, Dean Esmay!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Y’know, in an alternate reality where Twitter’s moderators actually did their damn job, I wonder how many times #SpankAFeminist would’ve gotten Deano banned by now.

9 years ago

Can you imagine someone posting all this in earnest, reading it back and somehow not realizing what a complete bell-end they are? There’s some serious lack of self-awareness here.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
9 years ago

“Minor correction: If he’s promoting Vox Day’s Hugo slate, he’s supporting the Rabid Puppies, not the Sad Puppies. Not that there’s a fantastic amount of difference between the two.”

Given the colusion between the two groups on Vox’s failed Tor Boycott movement, the only people who are claiming there’s a difference are the handful who realise exactly how awful the people they’ve gotten into bed with are.

9 years ago

I’m shocked that Dean doesn’t understand that Aunt Jemima is not simply the female version of the Uncle Tom and that the Mammy stereotype is its own separate thing.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
9 years ago

Makes me wonder if he’s somehow got Uncle Tom confused with Uncle Ben.

9 years ago

Fuck You, Dean Esmay!

Say it loud, say it proud, lkeke35.


OK, so feminism doesn’t have a perfect record in regard to race, but I think it has in general performed better than the US as a whole. For decades and decades elites have maintained their power — particularly in the South, but in the rest of the country as well — by playing off poor whites and blacks against each other. In that sense, even slavery oppressed poor whites by competing with non-slave labor and keeping wages artificially low. (No, I’m not saying that white workers were oppressed to anything like the same degree as slaves, just that in effect slavery was a form of unfair competition that harmed low-skill white agricultural workers as well.)
Anti-feminists frequently and loudly try to convince WoC that feminism is a racist whites-only movement because they are afraid that if white women and WoC manage to bridge the gap that now exists between them, feminism will become a much more powerful force and a much greater threat to both white and male supremacy.

The Knitting Cinephile
The Knitting Cinephile
9 years ago

I think Ol’ Dean has some sexual issues regarding a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth.

9 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger As am I, and by shocked I mean shaking my head and going “Yeah it makes sense he doesn’t know that.”

That is what we’re using shocked to mean right? 😀

9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
Oh, yes, of course. Black folks will TOTALLY let Dean Esmay tell them how to black. Especially feminist black women.

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