
Today, another little treasure from the trash pile — that is, a comment someone left here but that I decided not to let through but which I have since decided might be worth sharing with the world.
This particular commenter — an excitable Man Going His Own Way reacting to my post Women are overpriced vagina buses that won’t let you ride them — has a bit of a fixation on a certain word that starts with “C,” which he managed to use 14 times in his tl;dr rant.
I’ve taken the liberty of cutting out boring stuff, breaking up his wall of text into paragraphs, and highlighting some of my favorite bits. And, in the interest of making the world a slightly nicer place, I’ve replaced each instance of the word “cunt” with “bundt cake.” Who doesn’t like cake?
Let’s see what Poltergeist1981 has to say, shall we?
Wow – look at all the bundt cake-hurt on this comment section! Nothing but baseless statements, Strawmen, and a myriad of other logical fallacies combined with emotional trauma. Not amazed or surprised through, bundt cakes hate it when you call them out on their bundt cake bullshit, especially if they are biased feminazi bundt cakes. …
Damn. I’m hungry already.
What are the feminists doing now? Complaining about how men sit? Man Spreading they call it? Give me a fucking break you bundt cakes – we have something in between our legs that makes it uncomfortable to sit like you do! It’s too bad you can’t grow a cock and pair of balls to understand that, but none the less what a pathetic fucking group it has become.
Ah, manspreading. If what I’ve seen is any indication, the overwhelming majority of the talk about “manspreading” has come from men who are absolutely furious that anyone could possibly suggest that maybe they shouldn’t take up more than one seat on a crowded subway. With all the talk about the possible harm to their allegedly HUGE BALLS, it’s almost as though they’re afraid of some sort of symbolic castration.
Angry dudes: some people with cocks and balls as big as yours manage do this on a regular basis — in part to avoid getting harassed or worse by transphobes — so quit your bellyaching about having to keep your legs together for a few minutes on the subway.
Feminists need to fuck off about the first world – you have more than your fair share of human rights (way more than men now) – and need to start focusing on the middle east where they still force bundt cakes to wear burkas or however / whatever you call them.
Spoken like a real expert on gender in the Middle East. Are you by chance Richard Dawkins?
Do they really focus on that though? No – they focus on bullshit like man-spreading. You want to know why? Because first world bundt cakes are superficial – idiotic – and are only good for what is between their legs, and half of you aren’t even good for that now – fucking STD infected land whales.
Uh, if these “land whales” aren’t even “good for” sex now, how is it that so many of them (at least in your imagination) have managed to get Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
Put the fork fucking down and close your fucking legs.
I would say “or” rather than “and” here. Nothing wrong with forks, or with sex, but combining the two may not be the best idea. You could put an eye out.
[A]ll you bundt cake are so extremely superficial, fucked up, nasty, no morals, can’t fucking cook, can’t fucking clean, just overall good for nothing, and you’re only good for sex assuming your bundt cake is clean and you’re not a fucking whale.
True, a clean bundt cake is preferable to a dirty one.
[I]t’s not that we can’t get laid – it’s because we just don’t want it from you anymore – it’s not worth our trouble.
I get more enjoyment from fucking a fleshlight to my favorite porn now than going through the trouble of being with some boring good for nothing / nasty / etc bundt cake to then eventually bust a nut with.
That poor, poor Fleshlight.
Also why would I or any of us want to have a “deep / intimate / close” relationship with you? You are not interesting, fun, uplifting, or anything what women USED to be back during the days where traditional conservative women were the norm.
I’m sure women who were systematically denied education were much more interesting conversationalists.
You say that “patriarchy” forced them to be that way when really, they simply just had more class than you.
Uh, that’s not how things work.
Myself? 32 yrs old, Never married – 0 kids – make over 100k / year doing java programming, 0 STDs, Great body work out every day, Near perfect credit, awesome house, Ferrari (not an expensive one a modest one I got for a great price :D), and a PC master race gaming habit i’ll never leave.
Gosh, an angry MGTOW who’s a computer programmer and gaming enthusiast who thinks it’s hilarious to refer to himself as part of the “master race.” Way to dismantle the stereotypes, dude!
I love my life. Why should I fuck it up with marriage.
I’ll agree with you on this one. Do not fuck up your life — or, more to the point, anyone else’s — by getting married
I look at things like an economic transaction when it comes to women.
Boy, there’s a shock.
When you consider myself – the value I have will continue to grow as I get older – i’ll continue you make more and more money, and increase my market value.
Now take a woman – when it comes to most of you the only thing you’re really only good for is what is between your legs and your looks. That is what I consider a depreciating asset since eventually your looks will fade. Why should I have to MARRY you? No what I will do though – I will lease you. When our contract is up – I’ll replace you with a newer model.
Wait, weren’t you just declaring that women are worthless, and singing the praises of your Fleshlight? And now you’re bragging about “leasing” young hotties with your Java money? Money that could be spent on Steam, or on a replacement Fleshlight? You’re going your own way SO HARD that you brag about bribing women into having sex with you?
You ask who will take care of me when I get sick? My new model or you if you have not depreciated enough to be replaced at such a time. I will ALWAYS have a replacement..
Yes, keep telling yourself that.
Now if I found a woman that actually has many values / morals / etc that is worth keeping around – EVEN THEN – I would still not marry her. Why? Because a woman like that probably ALREADY has a job that pays really well, she can take care of herself, she does not need my money – she would be seeing me because we have mutual interests and SHE IS INTERESTING and not superficial –
I shudder at the thought of a women who has “mutual interests” with you, given that your main interest seems to be calling women “cunts” on the internet.
BUT SHE HAS ALL THIS MONEY??!?! So why should I risk losing HALF OF MY SHIT to a woman who is making as much IF NOT MORE money as myself? Where is the logic in that shit?
We don’t care if you don’t marry. I’d much prefer you didn’t.
Honestly until the laws that fuck guys financially GO AWAY from drivoces go the way of the dinosaur – MGTOW 4 fucking life. Fuck that shit.
And now we’ve reached the part of the rant in which the ranter descends into gibbering incoherence.
I would like to ask some of you bundt cakes. Is your pussy worth my life? Is it? I seriously fucking doubt it – and to the those who say Yes – it is – fuck off and die – you are what is wrong with the world and women today mmmkaY? kkthxbai
MGTOW 4 life, bundt cakes.
Bundt cake for life, MGTOWs!
… While we’re coining words, I call that one nerdstalgia.
Eh, if there’s one thing you can say about java developers, it is that they have a good chance of being employed for a long time because with each passing year, no-one else wants to do that shit. Those three cheap interns? Will not be doing java, they’ll want to use something that was invented this side of the millenium. Loads of big, rich enterprises use the stuff, and as all your peers quit or die, your value will go up (see also, COBOL, and all the banks panicking as their software was developed in the 60s and everyone who can understand it is dead).
This is of course a great combination with a common software engineer character flaw; the feeling that they’re too clever to be sexists, and that all their misogyny is perfectly lucid and logical. So they get older, and richer, and have a chip on their shoulder because the work they do is Serious Business. They’ll remain single and just turn from hateful man children into hateful, bitter old men surrounded by ‘frivolous children who don’t understand’, and ungrateful bundt cakes who don’t realise what a choice piece of man flesh they’ve missed out on.
I’ve worked with quite a few of these people. Their eventual passing will not be mourned.
@sn0rkmaiden Hahaha, nicely done.
“I’m sure women who were systematically denied education were much more interesting conversationalists.” << This. And don't forget all those prescription drugs trying to treat life situations instead of neurological conditions and making them charmingly braindead.
Dude, the point of feminism is not to get you personally to marry anyone. Not gonna lie, it sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself than us, and that convincing yourself is one of your main hobbies.
MGTOWs, for the last time: We don't make fun of you because you want to be single, we make fun of you because you frame being single as some sort of moral and political victory over half the population of the world, and spend all your time talking about how awesome you are because of it.
And when exactly did marriage become a female long con again? I gotta brush up on this. Right around the time women started to be treated slightly less like property, maybe?
Please do let me know when you find your "traditional conservative [woman]" who makes "as much IF NOT MORE money," because I think I dropped my Relaxing Bedtime Crash Cymbals CD in the same place. I'm sure she's ambitious and modest and sexually adventurous and virginal and glamorous and docile, just like you like 'em.
I used to GM a (very good) tabletop RPG called Unknown Armies, which is a postmodern spin on occult horror / urban fantasy. In it there are various styles of magic all called “-mancy”; plutomancy, oneiromancy, bibliomancy, epideromancy, et cetera. A gynomancer, therefore, would be a person who gains magical powers through obsessing over vaginas.
…I now need to run an Unknown Armies campaign in which the villain is a hyper-powerful Eve Ensler.
@Pie Well said. And I WAS wondering who’s patient enough to work in or pay that much for Java programming.
I have yet to meet a male programmer who wasn’t a smug, woman-hating sociopath. ARE ANY OF YOU OUT THERE???
What amuses me is that ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ initially sounds like men wanting to be, say, Ernest Hemingway (okay, not the happiest man, but talented, and a ‘character’, as they say), or an explorer dude like Rannulph Fiennes. But no, the reality is someone sitting in front of a computer ranting about how they’re not getting laid but that’s okay cos modern women are DEPRAVED.
@Shaenon Exactly.
Very nicely done. I lol’d.
@ EJ and Boogerghost,
thanks, I would’ve embedded the images, but I can never get that to work here.
If it’s anything like what they do in the present, i.e. nothing, I think we’re good.
I do not think he’s lying about being 32. If you’re alpha enough and you MGTOW hard enough, you can reverse the aging process.
A guy who brags about boning his fleshlight… a real winner there. He must REEK of lonely guy smell.
Well, I can see why you didn’t let that one through originally!
He doesn’t mention children – I am assuming and hoping that he intends not to have children. No child deserves that.
And WHO is ging to hit the wall THEN, huh?
Its funny that women say they are left with real men but the reality is most of you wont sniff one so enjoy. Im glad to be off the market because most of you arent real women your hand me downs so I think I will stick to my red pills.
Please do. Have a nice life. Buh-bye!
I… what? I’m pretty sure I know lots and lots of real men. Even misogynist, creepy dudebros are real men (they’re just not ones I want anything to do with). And I’ve definitely smelled real men before, usually because they need to take a shower.
And while I can practically guarantee 1) that the women commenting here are real women, due to being humans who identify as such, and 2) that we are not hand-me-downs, due to not being owned by someone else, I’m not sure why this affects your GYOWness. But regardless, it is certainly your prerogative to GYOW and pop whatever color of metaphorical pill makes you happy. Nobody is stopping you. Nobody’s feelings are hurt. Have a party.
You keep on taking those methamphetamines then, john.
I always picture MRAnts as being spoken by flappy-mouthed hand puppets. I think it’s due to the misspellings, lack of punctuation and run-on sentences.
Nah, I know a lot of kids who still know JavaScript, mostly cause it’s an easy way to write browser games.
With stuff like COBOL, it’s much more hard-coded into the machines themselves, making it impossible to dig out without gutting the whole system.
I wish these guys would stop pestering women* on the internet with their “I don’t want anything to do with women I am totally OVER THEM” rubbish. (Note to MGTOWs – you’re not fooling anyone but yourselves). Wasn’t there that guy Mark who kept going on about how MGTOW was the answer to everything, and then out of the blue launched into possibly the most hardcore misogynistic rant we’ve witnessed here?
*I know some of the regulars here are dudes, but I don’t think john considered that.
I’m pretty sure that “I will stick to my red pills”, in the light of the OP revelations, actually means “I will stick to my fleshlight”. That gives me a whole new perpective on people who cal themselves “redpillers.”
Mentally, at least. That definitely works.