
Today, another little treasure from the trash pile — that is, a comment someone left here but that I decided not to let through but which I have since decided might be worth sharing with the world.
This particular commenter — an excitable Man Going His Own Way reacting to my post Women are overpriced vagina buses that won’t let you ride them — has a bit of a fixation on a certain word that starts with “C,” which he managed to use 14 times in his tl;dr rant.
I’ve taken the liberty of cutting out boring stuff, breaking up his wall of text into paragraphs, and highlighting some of my favorite bits. And, in the interest of making the world a slightly nicer place, I’ve replaced each instance of the word “cunt” with “bundt cake.” Who doesn’t like cake?
Let’s see what Poltergeist1981 has to say, shall we?
Wow – look at all the bundt cake-hurt on this comment section! Nothing but baseless statements, Strawmen, and a myriad of other logical fallacies combined with emotional trauma. Not amazed or surprised through, bundt cakes hate it when you call them out on their bundt cake bullshit, especially if they are biased feminazi bundt cakes. …
Damn. I’m hungry already.
What are the feminists doing now? Complaining about how men sit? Man Spreading they call it? Give me a fucking break you bundt cakes – we have something in between our legs that makes it uncomfortable to sit like you do! It’s too bad you can’t grow a cock and pair of balls to understand that, but none the less what a pathetic fucking group it has become.
Ah, manspreading. If what I’ve seen is any indication, the overwhelming majority of the talk about “manspreading” has come from men who are absolutely furious that anyone could possibly suggest that maybe they shouldn’t take up more than one seat on a crowded subway. With all the talk about the possible harm to their allegedly HUGE BALLS, it’s almost as though they’re afraid of some sort of symbolic castration.
Angry dudes: some people with cocks and balls as big as yours manage do this on a regular basis — in part to avoid getting harassed or worse by transphobes — so quit your bellyaching about having to keep your legs together for a few minutes on the subway.
Feminists need to fuck off about the first world – you have more than your fair share of human rights (way more than men now) – and need to start focusing on the middle east where they still force bundt cakes to wear burkas or however / whatever you call them.
Spoken like a real expert on gender in the Middle East. Are you by chance Richard Dawkins?
Do they really focus on that though? No – they focus on bullshit like man-spreading. You want to know why? Because first world bundt cakes are superficial – idiotic – and are only good for what is between their legs, and half of you aren’t even good for that now – fucking STD infected land whales.
Uh, if these “land whales” aren’t even “good for” sex now, how is it that so many of them (at least in your imagination) have managed to get Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
Put the fork fucking down and close your fucking legs.
I would say “or” rather than “and” here. Nothing wrong with forks, or with sex, but combining the two may not be the best idea. You could put an eye out.
[A]ll you bundt cake are so extremely superficial, fucked up, nasty, no morals, can’t fucking cook, can’t fucking clean, just overall good for nothing, and you’re only good for sex assuming your bundt cake is clean and you’re not a fucking whale.
True, a clean bundt cake is preferable to a dirty one.
[I]t’s not that we can’t get laid – it’s because we just don’t want it from you anymore – it’s not worth our trouble.
I get more enjoyment from fucking a fleshlight to my favorite porn now than going through the trouble of being with some boring good for nothing / nasty / etc bundt cake to then eventually bust a nut with.
That poor, poor Fleshlight.
Also why would I or any of us want to have a “deep / intimate / close” relationship with you? You are not interesting, fun, uplifting, or anything what women USED to be back during the days where traditional conservative women were the norm.
I’m sure women who were systematically denied education were much more interesting conversationalists.
You say that “patriarchy” forced them to be that way when really, they simply just had more class than you.
Uh, that’s not how things work.
Myself? 32 yrs old, Never married – 0 kids – make over 100k / year doing java programming, 0 STDs, Great body work out every day, Near perfect credit, awesome house, Ferrari (not an expensive one a modest one I got for a great price :D), and a PC master race gaming habit i’ll never leave.
Gosh, an angry MGTOW who’s a computer programmer and gaming enthusiast who thinks it’s hilarious to refer to himself as part of the “master race.” Way to dismantle the stereotypes, dude!
I love my life. Why should I fuck it up with marriage.
I’ll agree with you on this one. Do not fuck up your life — or, more to the point, anyone else’s — by getting married
I look at things like an economic transaction when it comes to women.
Boy, there’s a shock.
When you consider myself – the value I have will continue to grow as I get older – i’ll continue you make more and more money, and increase my market value.
Now take a woman – when it comes to most of you the only thing you’re really only good for is what is between your legs and your looks. That is what I consider a depreciating asset since eventually your looks will fade. Why should I have to MARRY you? No what I will do though – I will lease you. When our contract is up – I’ll replace you with a newer model.
Wait, weren’t you just declaring that women are worthless, and singing the praises of your Fleshlight? And now you’re bragging about “leasing” young hotties with your Java money? Money that could be spent on Steam, or on a replacement Fleshlight? You’re going your own way SO HARD that you brag about bribing women into having sex with you?
You ask who will take care of me when I get sick? My new model or you if you have not depreciated enough to be replaced at such a time. I will ALWAYS have a replacement..
Yes, keep telling yourself that.
Now if I found a woman that actually has many values / morals / etc that is worth keeping around – EVEN THEN – I would still not marry her. Why? Because a woman like that probably ALREADY has a job that pays really well, she can take care of herself, she does not need my money – she would be seeing me because we have mutual interests and SHE IS INTERESTING and not superficial –
I shudder at the thought of a women who has “mutual interests” with you, given that your main interest seems to be calling women “cunts” on the internet.
BUT SHE HAS ALL THIS MONEY??!?! So why should I risk losing HALF OF MY SHIT to a woman who is making as much IF NOT MORE money as myself? Where is the logic in that shit?
We don’t care if you don’t marry. I’d much prefer you didn’t.
Honestly until the laws that fuck guys financially GO AWAY from drivoces go the way of the dinosaur – MGTOW 4 fucking life. Fuck that shit.
And now we’ve reached the part of the rant in which the ranter descends into gibbering incoherence.
I would like to ask some of you bundt cakes. Is your pussy worth my life? Is it? I seriously fucking doubt it – and to the those who say Yes – it is – fuck off and die – you are what is wrong with the world and women today mmmkaY? kkthxbai
MGTOW 4 life, bundt cakes.
Bundt cake for life, MGTOWs!
/Agree with everything except liking the old theme music more.
I thought they kept the same theme song, actually. I guess I had better make a comparison.
The closing credits theme is lovely. I have this idea that it’s Rebecca Sugar singing, I don’t know where that came from. I know she wrote the lyrics.
It’s the same theme it’s just Steven, and I think Greg and Connie, sing in it too,
(Also, omg, I was totally reminded of MediEvil today! :O Anyone remember it>)
MediEvil was my SHIT when I was a kid. I also played Spyro, Xenogears, and Resident Evil 3.
Resi3 scarred me for life though. Nemesis is terrifying. ; u ;
I really hope I still have MediEvil. I don’t remember if we rented it or if we owned it.
Oh, I was reminded of MediEvil by a Nerdist video. There’s a remake in the make of it on the Unreal Engine.
“BUT SHE HAS ALL THIS MONEY??!?! So why should I risk losing HALF OF MY SHIT to a woman who is making as much IF NOT MORE money as myself? Where is the logic in that shit?”
Has he never heard of a pre-nup?
Been thinking about games for the blind, got some ideas. Multiplayer might be fun, don’t think there’s much of that.
Also, site seems to be up for the moment!
Mostly technical stuff about problems I’ve encountered, should have something more interesting to show soon.
What could possible be done is a narrative driven game with a voice over.
For instance, you can have the player moving along and come to a plot specific object, when the object is picked up, the narrator can be like, “Here they found some sort of glass object, smooth and cold to the touch, completely round and solid, as it was quite weighty.”
Sound design wise it must have very specific sounds with little variance. There can be a tutorial level where people get used to the sounds the player makes when they do something, like walking on certain surfaces or in certain size rooms, picking up certain objects, jumping, that sort of thing.
Once they’re in the game, enemies and such, must be introduced with unique sounds that don’t obscure movement sounds. Until it’s too late, that is.
Console games or controller compatibility would be very useful since you can also use different vibrations to indicate things, like surface textures and such.
In fact, if you aren’t using many textures, you can introduce different textures as vibration in the tutorial. Each texture will also have its own sound. And, of course, players should have some sort of sound and vibration encyclopedia so if they’re returning to the game, they can listen to everything and refresh themselves.
And, well, it would be nice if it was also deaf accessible. This can be done by having different symbols indicate different sounds. They can “play” from objects or areas to indicate where they’re coming from. Symbols on the edge of the screen can determine which way behind the sound is coming from, symbols playing in front can change size and thickness to determine how loud or far away something is. That sort of thing.
The option to have these can be turned off or one by a voiceover text screen before you get to the main menu, so everyone can turn off or on whatever they’d need or don’t want.
If there are any visual, they should be in a highly contrasted, small but varied palette for those who are colorblind.
Yeah. That would be a very mechanic driven game.
He may have a Ferrari, but I have a Bitch’n Camaro!
Looks like I’m getting divorced. It’s a disappointment. But, for the best. We have differing views on where our relationship needed to go and he’s opting out. I think he’s right to, though I wish he weren’t quite so angry about the choice he made. Lot’s of passive aggressive stuff getting tossed around. I’m starting to think we should have done this ages ago. Bless us, we both tried to be people we weren’t to make each other happy and it took a toll. 19 years married this month. We’ve changed alot in that time and so have our priorities. Hopefully, we’ll still be friends when this is all over. We all but have a mental link at this point. we can think jokes and read them on one another’s faces. There is so much love and understanding there, but also a mutual urge for change and moving on. Nobody wants anybodies money. Untangling our assets won’t be hard. I’m looking for work. He’s looking for a place to stay. I’m not even mad. I think he’s mad at the situation and he’s taking it out on me because I’m closest, like humans do. We’ll hopefully get through this as a team and keep raising the kids the same way. If he decides to get ugly, then I’ll forgive him just like he’s forgiven me a thousand times before. Shit happens and friends cut each other some slack.
Oh man, Lea, that sucks. It sounds like you’re handling it well; hopefully he will come around too. Like you said, it’s understandable to be upset, it’s a very human reaction to a distressing situation, but hopefully he will come to terms with it and be able to be more respectful through the process eventually. Hugs if you want them, and good luck :/
Hey, Lea, good luck. Hopefully it’ll turn out better for the both of you.
I’m fairly certain that the damage control will be a loud round of “See? See? We told you this would happen, and you didn’t listen! It’s all your fault!”
I’m so glad you shared this. This fucking guy, man…
Feelgood thread of the Summer.
Well, shit. Sorry to hear that, Lea. Hang in there.
Hugs, Lea.
My parents had an amicable divorce and are friendly with each other, so it is possible. Best of luck.
I saw it as a smile of relief. Steven knew about Ruby and Sapphire, and it was like a weight has been lifted. I’m sure she didn’t like keeping secrets.
REMEMBER WHEN I WAS ALL WORRIED ABOUT DONALD TRUMP RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AND YOU GUYS WERE LIKE, “Hey, it’s alright! He doesn’t take this seriously. No one takes him serious!”
Or does this also not serious?
Yeah, but it’s 12% approval rating, Jackie. I’m sure most of that is simply just from people being “ironic” and/or Trump’s the only name they recognize.
Shit, Hilary’s got 62%.
I wouldn’t be happy if she won though, because she’s not doing shit for feminism by simply being a woman who happens to be running for president (And she’s only all about cishet rich white women too. Bleh.). I’m still throwing myself in the Sanders camp.
Yeah, but if he gets on the Republican ballot, because there’s a 4% difference between him and the lead Republican (out of a billion Republican candidates), and people don’t go out and vote…
It’s okay, though. I have found some fabric I can make my mourning dress out of for the death of the nation.
Also the fabric would be perfect for my cape.
He’s a champ. He’ll be fine. It’s just going to take time. I get very sad, but I can’t feel mad. We all but raised each other. Unless he morphs into a totally different, less groovy person, we cool.
Just to be clear, that Trump poll is a poll of who people would vote for in the primary, not a poll of approval ratings, which are typically a lot higher.
However, I’d take the whole thing more as a sign that the Republicans don’t have any serious candidates that anyone would actually vote for, rather than that Trump is a powerhouse candidate we need to watch out for.
You telling me there aren’t people who would vote for Trump if he was the Republican candidate just to spite? Because I’m pretty sure that’s Fox’s audience.