
Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulous convinces gullible MRAs he’s been hired as a Men’s Studies professor by Oberlin

Really? I better look it up.
Really? I better look it up.

Milo Yiannopoulous — the Gamergate icon and reactionary Breitbart “journalist” — has some exciting personal news to report. In a Breitbart post today, he proudly announced “I’ve just been appointed the first visiting professor of Men’s Studies at Oberlin College.”

You may be wondering why Oberlin college would hire a far-right hack journalist with no academic credentials to head up its new “Vladimir Putin Global Centre for Masculine Awesomeness”. And that’s because Oberlin didn’t. The post is an obvious, albeit gratingly unfunny, joke from Milo.

Don’t tell that to the folks in the Men’s Rights subreddit, who are convinced his appointment and the Putin Centre are totally legit.

In his post, Milo quickly “clarifies” that he’s not being hired by the real Oberlin Colllege in Ohio, “home of hate crime hoaxes, false allegations of rape, and the shameful treatment of feminist professor Christina Hoff Sommers,” but by a Polish college with a similar name, the “the lesser-known Oberlinksi [sic] College, established, according to legend, by the great educationalist Czesław Benedykt Oberlinski.”

Needless to say, “Oberlinksi College,” the correctly-spelled “Oberlinski College” and Mr. Oberlinski are all wholly imaginary.

Milo’s post couldn’t be a more obvious joke if it had the words “obvious joke” superimposed over the text in 96-point type. I mean, the “Vladimir Putin Global Centre for Masculine Awesomeness?” And his promise that

on the first day of class, the illegitimate and oppressive myth of the “gender pay gap” will be symbolically burned on a campfire, the manliest bonding activity we can think of.

While some of the commenters on Breitbart seem to have gotten the joke, such as it is, the regulars on the Men’s Rights subreddit actually think that their beloved reactionary Milo is going to be a real professor.

In two separate topics on the front page, each with dozens of upvotes, some of the more gullible regulars are enthusiastically celebrating his imaginary appointment to an imaginary school:

A Gay Man has been Appointed the Professor of Men's Studies at Oberlin College (self.MensRights) submitted 5 hours ago by thekarateguy Article here. I couldn't be happier. Milo is awesome. And for anyone not familiar with his badassery, please click this link and watch him debate this harpy about women in science.

One hailed the imaginary appointment it as “good news for genuine egalitarianism.”

InBaggingArea 11 points 4 hours ago  This is terrible news for third wave feminists, even if it is only Oberlin college in Poland. The rot begins. Their bigotry may be challenged increasingly on home turf: the university. Good news for genuine egalitarianism. Milo is spot on. Well done

Oh, Milo has his detractors. Some commenters noted they were none too happy about his pro-circumcision stance; another wondered a little about his lack of qualifications for teaching imaginary classes at an imaginary school.

DrNowt 5 points 2 hours ago  I think it's a great idea to have mens studies as a substantive area of research and teaching at a university / college, but is Milo actually qualified to do the job? It seems that he has no academic qualifications, and indeed appears to have dropped out of uni (twice). Given this it looks more like a publicity stunt than a serious endeavour. Which is a shame.

But no one there — at least as of this writing — seems to have realized that Milo’s “appointment” and his “Vladimir Putin Global Centre for Masculine Awesomeness” aren’t real.





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9 years ago

Let’s face it: MRAs didn’t invent the Deep plate.

9 years ago

Is there any other pun to the “Czesław Benedykt Oberlinski” bit? Am I missing something or is it just about an Oberlin pun?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

EJ (The Other One) | June 30, 2015 at 2:12 pm
That just means he isn’t trying to flirt with us, Paradoxical.

(That joke never gets old.)

Ah yes, how could I forget? “Alphas” only put effort into anything if they think it’ll somehow get them laid.

9 years ago

Milo’s got nothing on these “carriers”comment imagecomment image?w=580&h=378comment image?w=580&h=388
All hail Katie

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Bina | June 30, 2015 at 12:48 pm

Men’s studies can be (and I understand, usually is) compatible with feminism.

No, it isn’t, and where the hell did you get that “understanding”? “Men’s Studies” claims that men are OPPRESSED by feminism.

Men’s Studies is a legit academic discipline. It’s mostly looking at men and masculinity through the lens of feminist gender theory. I’m not an expert or anything, but it seems strongly pro-feminist and generally a good thing.

I’ve heard MRAs (like Milo) try and co-opt the term, or maybe just use it in ignorance because they don’t know it actually exists. Those who do know about it don’t like it, and have made attempts to replace it with an antifeminist hack discipline, as mentioned in LG’s link to Jezebel.

9 years ago


since Milo was joking… what was the point or goal of the joke exactly?

You’ve hit the nail on the head right there, that’s a big part of why I thought it was real. Like, who is this aimed at? What would be the point of this “joke”?

9 years ago

Have you all seen this?

Girl Scouts choose transgender girls over $100,000 donation

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Being called a “girl scout” is now the highest compliment anyone can receive.

9 years ago

The Girl Scouts are awesome. I almost regret dropping out. They’ve never hesitated to be inclusive.

9 years ago


Agreed, the Girl Scouts were awesome. My troop was a good one, and we were not afraid to get out in the dirt. In fact, my troop was picked to go to the Girl Scout camp before it opened and clean up the trails. They gave me a machete and told me to be careful.

I was ten, and I had an overprotective mother who would scream if I picked up a steak knife. The Girl Scouts gave me a frickin’ machete.

9 years ago

“Free bleeding” is a fake feminist thing made up on /pol/ by white supremacist dudes who hate feminists. They thought they could fool some real feminists into campaigning with them/posting pictures of bloody pants and thighs and that would prove how frivolous and stupid feminists are.

Needless to say, nobody on Tumblr actually used the hashtag.

9 years ago
Reply to  DonVoyage

Why do all these people hate themselves deep down? I feel like once you peel back the layers each one of these guys nourishes a very special kind of self loathing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Rick Thomas

Well who wouldn’t be jealous of Milo’s carrier? The man’s always on his cell phone and the call *never* drops.

In fact as much of a hateful hack Milo Yiannopoulous is let me speak no evil of his carrier. That communications company is a boss and they totally charge Milo extra for being an idiot.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Go Girl Scouts! …I wasn’t great at paying attention or following instructions when I was a little kid, so I dropped out after Sparks (which is before Brownies), but I still remember my 5-year-old self saying “I promise to share and be a friend.” I got a T-shirt with that slogan on it, too!

So yeah, even according to the baby version of the Girl Scout motto, transphobia isn’t cool. Okay, maybe the donor was sharing (at least in the narrow sense of being *apparently* willing to give money), but they weren’t really being a friend, were they.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Also, since we’re talking about Milo’s carrier, I, personally, am not jealous of the person who delivers his mail.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

mockingbird | June 30, 2015 at 3:46 pm
Have you all seen this?

Girl Scouts choose transgender girls over $100,000 donation

Girl Scouts > Boy Scouts 5eva.

9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

it came from me being tired and stressed at work and misunderstanding everything. I noticed how ridiculous I was a few minutes later.

9 years ago


I can’t wait for his “explanation” of the joke. It all sounds… off.