![You meow kiss the bride. The other bride.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/catwed2.png?resize=580%2C252&ssl=1)
We’re taking a day off from the regular nonsense to celebrate marriage equality, which is now a thing in all states here in the USA.
We’re taking a day off from the regular nonsense to celebrate marriage equality, which is now a thing in all states here in the USA.
Congratulations United States! 🙂
Appropriate because Neil Patrick Harris.
Welcome to the club, US of A.
*wild cheering*
We still have a whole lot left to go, but woo! Hurrah for marriage equality! 😀
We already had marriage equality in my state, but I’m glad it’s in every state and territory now too. Whoohoo!!!
Woo hoo!! I wonder if the right wing nutjobs with rip their clothing and walk around in sackcloth and ashes. O.o Maybe they’ll make good on their threat to leave the country.
Aaaaaaaand the bigots have found a “solution”: Moving to Canada XD
Today was a day I feel I could drink before 6.
However, someone drank all the vodka and tequila, so I’m just having a non-alcoholic pink energy drink.
It’s just helping me dance harder.
Sadly, already the Gov of Texas, Kansas and OK and LA have come out with positions that suggest some level of treason.
cause “states rights” or something.
The most ammusing was Texas who said (in all seriousness as far as I can tell) “he was going to challenge the ruling”. Which, you know, other than to god, I guess, who do you go to after the USSC has slapped you down?
“Woo hoo!! I wonder if the right wing nutjobs with rip their clothing and walk around in sackcloth and ashes.”
No ableism here please.
Congrats, United States!!! It’s Pride Week here in Toronto, and I bet the celebrations will be massive tonight.
@Moocow, your link isn’t working – but, uh, the bigots are in for a surprise if they mosey on up these here parts 😉
They always threaten to move to Canada for things that Canada already has. Always.
Hit post too soon. I meant to add, fuck the dominoes falling one by one shit. They’ve been knocked down in one swoop!
Yey, america is becoming less of a second world country!
The sweet sweet smell of schadenfreude….
Happy marriage equality day, America! Good on you.
But really. While this is great it is also pretty fucked up to read about how one of the biggest countries in the world makes gay marriage legal in 2015. 2015! We’re in the future but this has only gotten around to happen now!? I know some states have already made it legal a few years back (like california) but still, damn. That is a scary country over there, filled with laws that make no sense and ancient ideals.
But then again, the USA (which isn’t really a country, more like a whole lot of countries) is atleast better then some other countries in the world, like North Korea!
Suck it fundamentalists!
Because now you can do it while joined in holy matrimony, the way everyone has always known you wanted to.
Yes, better than North Korea. And Germany.
Anyway, congrats! Progress, I say! Hopefully, this will put pressure on – well, probably not North Korea, but the effing German effing Christian effing Democrat effing ruling Party.
Whaaaaat. Embed mammoth, how dare you! Here’s the link without any fancy attempts at HTML: