
Happy Marriage Equality Day!

You meow kiss the bride. The other bride.
You meow kiss the bride. The other bride.

We’re taking a day off from the regular nonsense to celebrate marriage equality, which is now a thing in all states here in the USA.

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Josh Miller
Josh Miller
9 years ago

@ freemage

Thanks, that makes me feel better. Guess I should’ve seen right away Tom was trolling, but I’m new-ish here, didn’t know if maybe he was a regular and I committed a no-no out of ignorance.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Alan: That was a lovely story! Thank you for sharing!

We don’t have any stone circles in the US that I’m aware of, so I won’t be able to have a cool wedding at one. ; n ;

(Unless I marry a Brit maybe. 😉)

9 years ago

Josh: Once you’ve been here awhile, you start to recognize the patterns. They only have a few–if they were imaginative, they’d probably not be MRAs.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxical Intention

You do have medicine wheels. They’re pretty similar in terms of form and layout (and even age in some cases); so you could always use one of them.

If I ever get hitched it will be at that particular circle though. One of my friends has agreed to do the hand-binding. Nowadays it’s just a ritual; your friends come up and add a cord each time. At the end though they come off. Originally the prospective spouses were tied together for up to three days. The theory was that if, after that time, they’d managed to cooperate in all necessary tasks without murdering each other then they were probably compatible 🙂


Somebody posted a comment by Judge Richard Posner on another blog, and I think it’s worth posting here.

“John Stuart Mill drew an important distinction between what he called “self-regarding acts” and “other-regarding acts.” The former involves doing things to yourself that don’t harm other people, though they may be self-destructive. The latter involves doing things that do harm other people. He thought that government had no business with the former (and hence—his example—the English had no business concerning themselves with polygamy in Utah, though they hated it). Unless it can be shown that same-sex marriage harms people who are not gay (or who are gay but don’t want to marry), there is no compelling reason for state intervention, and specifically for banning same-sex marriage. The dissenters in Obergefell missed this rather obvious point.

I go further than Mill. I say that gratuitous interference in other people’s lives is bigotry. The fact that it is often religiously motivated does not make it less so. The United States is not a theocracy, and religious disapproval of harmless practices is not a proper basis for prohibiting such practices, especially if the practices are highly valued by their practitioners. Gay couples and the children (mostly straight) that they adopt (or that one of them may have given birth to and the other adopts) derive substantial benefits, both economic and psychological, from marriage. Efforts to deny them those benefits by forbidding same-sex marriage confer no offsetting social benefits—in fact no offsetting benefits at all beyond gratifying feelings of hostility toward gays and lesbians, feelings that feed such assertions as that heterosexual marriage is “degraded” by allowing same-sex couples to “annex” the word marriage to their cohabitation.”

9 years ago

Originally the prospective spouses were tied together for up to three days. The theory was that if, after that time, they’d managed to cooperate in all necessary tasks without murdering each other then they were probably compatible 🙂

That is great. I approve.

And then do your friends hang around and make pests of themselves by asking you to braid their hair and stuff like that?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

In other news, Mozambique just decriminalized homosexuality and abortion.

9 years ago

I was at the wedding of two women on Saturday (it had been planned for quite a while, the fact that the ruling was announced on Friday just made everybody that much more excited). Unfortunately, it was an outdoor wedding and it was pretty rainy, but that meant that once it stopped raining there was a nice big rainbow overlooking the wedding.

It was a pretty impressive string of coincidences that resulted in a pretty awesome weekend.

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