On Fathers Day, somewhere on the internet, the following meme was posted:
The Men’s Rights subreddit reacted, as it so often does, with manly indignation: how dare these women take our Fathers Day from us! Even by normal Men’s Rights standards for empty outrage this seems a bit much. After all, it’s not exactly news that a lot of women raise their kids by themselves, when the fathers of their children, refuse to act as, well, fathers to their children. Indeed, “financial abortions” — that is, consequence-free child abandonment for men — is one of the central demands of the Men’s Rights movement.
But to one anonymous commenter on the Men’s Rights subreddit, this meme could well be the final insult that transforms the men of the world into angry panda impersonators destroying everything within reach.
According to this anonymous observer,
this really scares me, enough that I wake up at night thinking about it.
Wait. You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about … a meme?
No one could deny that there is open warfare on men all throughout western society. Whether or not it is deserved is somewhat irrelevant (you’ll see why in a second). There’s a minority of men who are alarmed but the vast majority just doesn’t have this on their radar…yet. This is mostly because it doesn’t affect them directly.
How can there be “open warfare” on men if most men haven’t even noticed it? Has there ever been a war in which the majority of those ostensibly affected by it don’t even know that it exists?
But never mind, because “[t]hat’s all going to change soon.”
Mixing his metaphors with wild abandon, this anonymous Men’s Rights Nostradamus predicts that
It won’t be long until the inroads that feminism has blazed start to butt up against the everyday Joe that’s just living his life.
Ah, the ever-reliable “everyday Joe,” beloved icon of reactionary grumblers since pretty much forever. In 2008, he took the form of a plumber (well, sort of). In 1970, they made a movie about him.
It appears that feminism doesn’t know when to quit and I clearly see the movement doing something that causes ‘Joe’ to not only look up from his newspaper but also impact him in a negative way.
You wouldn’t like me when I look up from my newspaper!
This lights the fuse.
Throughout history the one thing men are good at is responding to threats, whether they are real or not. I’m reminded of a video of a robbery at a convenience store I saw. The robber had a knife pointed at the clerk, demanding the contents of the register. Two random men were behind him, watching it all go down. One guy looked at the other and did the “upward head nod”. The other guy responded with the same discreet movement and they launched at the robber, taking him down. These two guys didn’t know each other at all but they, like most all men, are given to cohesive bonding when a threat is present.
Men also make up the vast majority of those robbing convenience stores, but never mind.
Feminism gives a perfect storm for this response and it’s going to be really ugly. When men get pissed, especially when they feel disenfranchised or morally wronged, they start breaking things.
Are you sure you haven’t confused men with toddlers having tantrums?
If this starts to steamroll it will make Ferguson look like a dress rehearsal.
That escalated quickly. Good old everyday Joe was just sitting there reading his newspaper, when all of a sudden he caught sight of a feminist meme on the internet. Next stop, literal rioting in the streets.
Those cops that will be asked to stop it? Those are overwhelmingly men too. Many will be sympathetic and I see lines being crossed.
A Man/Cop Alliance of Rioting Manbabies?
Yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if this doesn’t get dealt with that it could be something on par with a major social upheaval. It’s going to be expensive, bloody, and it’s going to change everything for several generations. Once men start hammering, it ALL looks like a nail.
Yeah this bothers me a lot. I hope I’m badly wrong.
No you don’t. MRAs and other reactionary misogynists are forever airing these kinds of apocalyptic fantasies, in which the evil feminists “push men too far” and the men “finally explode” like some kind of “male bomb.” Civilization crumbles, and those evil complainy women get their final comeuppance.
Some of the men profess their deep “concern” that the women they want to shut up won’t shut up until it’s “too late.” Others can barely conceal their glee at the prospect of a bloody Manpocalypse that will put women back in their place.
Because this isn’t a warning. It’s a threat. It’s what every wife-batterer does when he “reminds” his wife that she won’t like him when he’s angry. It’s a way to control women through fear. Or at least an attempt to.
The only difference now is that the dude doing the “reminding” isn’t threatening his wife at home; he’s playing to the crowd in the Men’s Rights subreddit, and getting upvotes for it.
All over a meme.
So which gender is supposed to be the emotional one again?
H/T — r/againstmensrights
This has been a delightfully bad week for reactionary twits.
Which spelling should I use for gender-neutral or -unspecified?
Not trying to be a smartarse, but I quite like having words that don’t need to take account of gender.
@EJ (The Other One)
It terrifies me that there are thousands of young women out there who apparently just let the men they sleep with push their penises into their anuses with nothing but a dash of spit. Because that seems to be the extend of lubrification porn movie scripts allow on-camera…
I realize that actual, factual information about how sex works at the level where genitals and other orfices are touching each other or are being touched is hard to come by, but you’d imagine that anybody’d just not do something that’s something between not particularily pleasurable to painful without proper preparations.
And this is why the sex education system needs a monumental overhaul. Start education on consent waaaay before college, for example.
I imagine it’d be whichever you felt more comfortable with. I’ve seen plenty of people use them interchangeably here in the States. Case in point, the shitty memes.
In a dearth of other information, that’s what people watch. More worryingly, people normally watch it with their hands inside their pants, which is a terrifyingly Skinnerian method for conditioning yourself to find the degradation sexual.
Mic drop.
(Not to derail further or to restart the fight we had recently, but if there are religious commenters here, I’d be grateful for their views on consent-based sex education for children. All the opposition I’ve seen to it has come from religious quarters and seems to correlate closely with the general “I don’t want anyone but me teaching my children things” thought-line. Has that been your experience too? In your opinion, what can be done?)
Why is this any different than:
If I want sex, I am A MANLY ALPHA STUD
If you want sex, you’re a SLUT
You don’t get to pearl-clutch over one double standard and demand that everyone adhere to the other one.
The lack of self-awareness in that sentence…
Dude, if you have to highlight key points of your manifesto in CAPITAL LETTERS as if you’re talking to kindergarteners, it means your argument is weak. Self-evident statements stand on their own, without garish neon rhetoric.
I guess those memes come from an Indian MRA site. I wonder if our Hitler loving friend from AVFM is involved.
TIL that any two random guys witnessing a convenience store robbery automatically turn into Chuck Norris. And that armed robbery is nothing compared to an internet meme promoting the earth-shattering message that not all families have two parents. That’s going to be the final straw that incites frenzied mobs of looting, hammering men to do something or other that will upheave society for generations. Even the cops hate internet memes.
I wish these guys would learn to use grownup language to express their disagreement with something, instead of resorting to cartoon revenge fantasies about blowing up the world.
Maybe it’s a forum dead letter code, your only supposed to read the caps words and add your own sentence structure that’s been agreed in advance. GCHQ monitors gaming forums as they are used by Daesh and AQ (and others) for grooming, recruitment and message passing purposes.
Congratulations to the Yanks on same-sex marriage being legal soon.
I think it’s more likely he did have a genuine emotion to express (of the not male tears variety) and was told to man up and stop being a little bitch… by other men. That’s usually how it goes amongst a group of guys and it’s toxic as fuck.
Why he then decides to blame feminism instead of realizing that feminism is fighting against the bullshit stereotype that men aren’t emotional is ridiculous.
@autosoma – True. It could be a coded message telling them to show up at Ladies’ Night wearing heels, makeup, and a blonde wig.
I agree with consent based education 1000000000%. I agree with teaching about sex as things are today, not how they used to be, and not how certain people want them to be as well (for the love of God Himself, religious fundies, abstinence only just doesn’t work. Please realise that>). I believe in teaching about sex not just in a “insert tab A into slot B” way but with all the emotional considerations as well, with the utmost importance on consent, contraception, and mutual pleasure. I want to see the destruction of double standards and the part of toxic masculinity that tells men they’re not Real Men if they don’t shove women into sex and then proceed to have sex with no consideration towards her in any way. I believe very strongly in telling children that porn is staged, exaggerated and is basically not real sex. And that although inspiration can be taken from it, NOBODY should feel that they have to mimick it or pressure their partners into mimicking it (again, I’m looking at you toxic masculinity).
I believe in telling kids that if they want to be abstinent except for a special someone, that’s fine. If they don’t want to, that’s also fine. If they’re a virgin, no problem. If they’ve had plenty of partners, no problem. The biggest measuring stick should not be how many partners they have or haven’t had, or what they’ve managed to make someone do, but how safe is their sex and how mutual is the experience.
Soon!? The ruling has an immediate effect. We have Homo Nups now!
I’m walking around with the biggest, cheesiest grin on my face. I don’t think I’ve grinned like this since I heard George Takei got married!
Holy shit. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I am instantly regretting it.
Same-sex marriage legalized…
Just saw this on Twitter
(It’s everyone’s favourite Elven wizard of indeterminate sex and zir spouse celebrating same-sex marriage, and also there’s a definite lesbian kiss.)
Well, I played a little Dwarf Fortress. It’s like extremely low-res, sandbox Dungeon Keeper, minus the awesome evilness and with the complexity ramped up to 9000.
I don’t know how much more I’ll play. I was never attacked by weregiraffes (or anything except thieves) but the learning curve is honestly too steep for me. Nothing terrible happened, yet I realized that I had spent like 6 hours hollowing out a mountain and still didn’t know basic stuff like how to provide fresh water. I realize this is what a lot of game are like these days, but the fun of a game for me is playing it, not figuring out how to play it.
That’s a fair criticism. It’s not for everyone. There are cartoons on the web about how steep the learning curve is.
Now I need to go around alll the webcomics I read to see if they say anything.
I’m just going to drop this:
And this here:
(I sincerely need that shirt.
Who wants to spoil me?)@sunnysombrera
I’d be glad if the whole idea that foreplay is something that men only have to engage in in order to prep vaginas would just fucking die. Aside from being helpful to exactly nobody as it basically made skipping on foreplay seem like a reward to men, I feel it’s an artifact produced by the way they measured arousal in the sexes.
Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi congratulates~~~
We all need that shirt.
Finally, we have marriage equality in all fifty states! Celebration time 😀
But I do wonder how long it will take for MRAs to exploit homophobia in order to bash fem…aw, son of a gun…