anti-Semitism antifeminism Dean Esmay dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about gaslighting gross incompetence gullibility hate speech imaginary backwards land literal nazis lying liars marital rape misogyny MRA racism rape culture

Leading MRA site A Voice for Men continues to publish a Holocaust denier and marital rape apologist

Some other Holocaust deniers
Some other Holocaust deniers

Last month, I reported that Indian Men’s Rights Activist and marital rape apologist Amartya Talukdar — a regular contributor to leading Men’s Rights site A Voice for Men — was a Holocaust denier.

The evidence? A series of Tweets in which, among other things, he declared that the “Holocaust is a lie of gigantic proportion,” expressed a certain admiration for Hitler and, bizarrely, declared that Hillary Clinton was a “Jewess.”

When I asked AVFM’s then-managing editor Dean Esmay about these troubling Tweets from someone he had published on his site only a few days earlier, he responded … by calling me a “stalker madman” and threatening to call the police if I ever emailed him again. (It was, as far as I recall, the only time I’ve ever emailed him.)

Well, ok, I thought, the folks at AVFM seem to be congenitally unable to ever admit to being wrong, even when the evidence is right before their eyes. But I didn’t think AVFM would be dumb enough to post anything by Talukdar ever again. 

I was wrong. Yesterday, AVFM put up a new post by him. No, it contains no Holocaust denial or defenses of Hitler. But the question remains: why is AVFM continuing to post the writings of a Holocaust denier even after being presented with irrefutable evidence of his noxious beliefs? 

The answer may be that the folks at AVFM live so completely in their own little bubble that they cannot see the evidence right in front of them.

In my email to Esmay, I not only provided a link to my post on Talukdar’s Holocaust denial but also provided direct links to archived copies of four of his most troubling Tweets. Esmay didn’t have to take my word for anything or even look at my post. All AVFM’s “managing editor” had to do was to click four links and read four tweets in order to see the sort of vile nonsense Talukdar had been tweeting. 

It’s not clear if Esmay was able to bring himself to do even this much due diligence of a writer he was responsible for publishing. 

Instead, as I discovered when looking back through Talukdar’s tweets today, Esmay’s “investigation” of the matter may have consisted of nothing more than this brief Twitter exchange, in which Talukdar, using a technique popular amongst small children and liars of all ages, simply told Esmay what he wanted to hear:


Talukdar took a similar tack with me, though he took a little more time in getting to the “telling me what I wanted to hear” part. Here’s just one of the rather surreal exchanges I had with him on Twitter (click here for more context).

David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle @a_talukdar If you think Hitler was a hate monger, which of course he was, why did you tweet taluk2

I got no reply to this last question, but I guess I shouldn’t complain; Talukdar also offered no response, at least not on Twitter, to Esmay’s questions on whether or not his remarks had been “taken out of context” or whether he had been “making intemperate remarks you did not mean perhaps?”

I’m not sure in what circumstances saying that the “Holocaust is a lie of gigantic proportion,” or calling Hillary Clinton “a “Jewess” could be dismissed as nothing more than “intemperate remarks” made in the heat of passion; that would be akin to excusing Mel Gibson’s famous rant on how “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” as just one of those things people say when they’re pulled over for drunk driving.

But I can help Esmay out with the whole “context” thing. Here are some of Talukdar’s Tweets in their original context on Twitter. (Click on the screencaps below to see archived versions of the Tweets.)


Huh. Somehow that doesn’t seem any better in context.


That’s just as bad.


Not only anti-Semitic, but we’re in tinfoil hat territory now.


Dude, “hail Hitler” is not the preferred nomenclature. It’s “heil.”

As far as I can tell, Talukdar has never apologized for or even directly acknowledged his Holocaust-denying Tweets; he’s content to pretend they never happened, as is, evidently, Dean Esmay.

Weirdly, Talukdar’s attempts to cover up his Holocaust denial have been as cursory as Esmay’s quarter-assed “investigation.” Not long after I posted about him, Talukdar tried to clean up his Twitter timeline by deleting the offending Tweets. But he didn’t get them all.

Indeed, when I searched Twitter for his handle and the word “holocaust” today, I found three of his Holocaust-denial Tweets still up, lurking at the bottom of the search results. (I’ve archived the search results, as well as the individual tweets (1, 2, 3), in case he goes back and deletes them today.)

On his Twitter page, Talukdar describes himself as, among other things, a “Humanist.” A Voice for Men describes itself as the voice of the “Men’s Human Rights Movement.”

So I have to wonder: Do Talukdar and his editors think those killed in the Holocaust were somehow less than human?

H/T — Talukdar himself, who Tweeted me about his latest AVFM post

EDIT: Proofreading correction, minor tweak, added the H/T

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9 years ago

If a woman is pure she can save and purify man. She can purify the race. She can make a home a sacred temple. Hindu women have been the custodians of the Hindu race.

Don’t worry, Mommy will clean it up. And if she can’t or won’t, we get to yell at her!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I find your victim blaming appalling. Over one MRA a year gets an email from David. This is a serious problem in our culture. Akin to white tears and not getting a reply from most of the women you’ve spammed on OK Cupid. I’ll thank you not to make light of this issue.

Email is slutty. All right-thinking men should renounce email. By the time it gets to you, it’s ridden the alpha node carousel, and God only knows what viruses it carries.

Anyway, you feminists need to lighten up! It was just satire.

9 years ago

I have read an article by Talukdar on AVfM the other day. He is a terrible writer and not very good at drawing conclusions. I see that AVfM is now trying to make out India to be a misandrist country controlled by evil feminazis. I don’t know much about India, but I am reluctant to believe anything on AVfM since the core of their philosophy is “every country in the world is a misandrist, gynocentric feminazi paradise where women have it absolutely great and the poor man are opressed.”

9 years ago

Seriously, Karen Straughan argued that the Taliban Afghanistan was worse for men than for women.

Film Runner
Film Runner
9 years ago

The part of Holocaust denial that gets me is how they can explain away both the millions of people with stories of their time in the camps and serial numbers tattooed on their arms, and the hundreds of thousands of ex-Wermacht and SS people with stories about their experiences carrying out the Holocaust. And no-one in this conspiracy has ever defected or exposed it.

9 years ago

Email is slutty. All right-thinking men should renounce email.

Renounce email in all its forms!!

9 years ago

The baby hippo is soooo cute. I love it’s little ear wiggles! Thank you for posting that. It gave me warm and fuzzy feelings.

9 years ago

@Film Runner,

yes, only a few months ago the news was full of the trial of Oscar Groening, ‘Bookkeeper of Auschiwitz’. he accepted full culpability for his part in what happened, and related all kinds of atrocities that he had witnessed. Now what possible reason could he have for lying? And where do holocaust deniers think all those millions of people who apparently faked their own deaths went? My own Non Partner’s grandfather lost most of his family, was he just a conspirator?

Maybe holocaust deniers believe that everything that’s happening now in the Middle East is all a fabrication?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Shockingly, AVFM is wrong [TW for all links]. And by “Shockingly” I mean “Obviously.”

9 years ago

Does anybody know if Holocaust denialism is held more widely in India? I’ve read that it is quite common in Iran and to be honest, it seems easy for cranks to conflate the academic use of “Aryan” (1) with the pseudoscientific racist use of it (2). I wonder if Talukdar is part of a larger trend/movement.

(1) Examples:
(2) It seems however taht the Nazis thought that Indian (and Iranian) peoples were not ‘Aryans’:

9 years ago

I think that a visit to Auschwitz and/or Dachau should be a part of the education of all children. I know that it’s not really feasible to anyone outside Europe, and not even all countries in Europe. I just know that seeing the camps in the flesh at it were would be a pretty strong inoculation against Holocaust denial. Also, I feel that it should be mentioned at this point that to the lasting shame of me and my compatriots, Finland did send three ships full of Jews to the Third Reich. Never forget. 🙁

9 years ago

What SFHC said. And it’s not only rape and dowry killings, but also women being cut off from their family after traditional marriage in some birth groups. Sati (burning of widows) is also even returning because of the Hindutva movement. Without doubt, that’s just scratching the surface. The “Indian masculinists” are bizarrely wrong about their own entitlement.

9 years ago

Ah but to a ‘masculinist’, anything that clips the wings of their privilege even slightly is horrible, smothering oppression, remember?

9 years ago

As I grow older I get nostalgic for the honest creeps of yore. They denied the Holocaust and made no bones about it. They wrote books on the subject and sold their books pre-Amazon. They went to court like men and tried to make a public case. They didn’t piddle around sniping and ducking on Twitter. They didn’t succeed very well, there is that, which may be why their followers have turned out sneakier.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(I wonder how long before the MRA trolls who scream “First world problems!” when we discuss sexism in Western countries run in here and scream “Racism!” now that we’re discussing sexism in non-Western countries.)

9 years ago

(2) It seems however taht the Nazis thought that Indian (and Iranian) peoples were not ‘Aryans’

Well, no. How could a colonized people have built all those wonderful ruins, anyway? They were brown, for heaven’s sake! (MASSIVE sarcasm here.)

Anyway, white thinkers in the 19th Century managed to turn the Indo-Aryan migrations on their head and started arguing that everyone had come from Scandinavia. So Nazi mythology didn’t have to work very hard to come up with an ancient Golden Age.

9 years ago

MRAs couldn’t give less of a crap about anyone but themselves. So any beliefs that aren’t impinging on cis het white male privilege are 100% kosher (excuse my word choice). In fact, bigoted beliefs against anyone other than them are more often bonuses than not. If you start caring about racial minorities, it’s a slippery slope into possibly caring about women, after all!

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Yeah, it’s not like feminism has anybody that has a questionable past

A “questionable past“!? Tweets he made the same month he was published in AVFM?

I realize that MRAs are incapable of thinking clearly, but can’t you lot at least try reading for comprehension?

9 years ago


Silly girl, don’t you know that every single media outlet (including Wikipedia) is controlled by evil lying feminazis? Only AvfM knows The Truth™.

9 years ago

She’s a fool and a liar. Luckily, that combo means she isn’t a very good liar.

I would also like to declare my love for baby hippo.

9 years ago

This is a thing that I have a great deal of difficulty dealing with, reading about holocaust deniers make me want to turn to ultra right Zionism or become a Likudnik.

I’d like to share this about one of my hero’s

And in London we have Cable St
A place I take my girls to every year so they understand the power of standing up for what’s right.

I often disagree with the ultra orthodox and what goes on in and around Israel, but I can’t tolerate antisemitism.

My Grandmother was with the Anti Nazi League in the 70’s protesting against the NF (she also did Greenham Common – another time).

I’ve gone in for pleanty of rucks with the NF, BNP and the combat18 fuckers and recently against the EDL (but I didn’t assault anyone which I’m proud of).

I know this is ot, but I just felt the need to say it.

9 years ago

“As you can see here, the distribution of general IQ is different for each sex. When you look at the extreme ends of the bell curve you notice that men dominate, both in high and low intelligence, while women’s IQs are grouped more toward the average.

That means a lot more men than women with the intelligence to do things like design rockets. It also explains why you see so many more men at the helm of Fortune 500 companies, leading governments and doing all other sorts of things ideologues like to blame on sexism. It is not sexism. Let’s call it smartism, because that is what it is. Science, technology, innovation and leadership are predominately driven by men because they are the ones more likely to possess the intelligence to excel.”

You are not one of those men, Paul, but I don’t doubt you’ll take the credit anyway simply for having a dick.

9 years ago

It also explains why you see so many more men at the helm of Fortune 500 companies, leading governments and doing all other sorts of things ideologues like to blame on sexism.

Is there even any evidence that have high IQs? If they want to use IQ as evidence that men are naturally suited to run things, they need to at least show a high positive correlation between leadership positions and very high IQ. That alone wouldn’t be enough in and of itself to prove the hypothesis, but it would least be a start.

9 years ago

Oof. A whole chunk of a sentence just got left off. I meant to ask if there was any evidence that corporate executives and elected officials have unusually high IQs.

9 years ago

Yeah, it’s not like feminism has anybody that has a questionable past. Simone de Beauvoir.

Are there any feminists who are holocaust deniers and are currently being promoted by a big mainstream feminist or pro feminist site or organization? If not, it’s a false equivalence and it’s pretty pathetic that this is your best excuse for aligning yourselves with a Hitler “hailing” holocaust denier.