a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dan perrins Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse gynocracy incoherent rage internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains sarcasm racism rape culture rape jokes straw feminists the c-word twitter whitesplaining why can't men punch women? women are children

MRA Dean Esmay elevates the discourse with new #SpankAFeminist hashtag, gratuitous rape references

Dean Esmay
Dean Esmay wants you to know that you’re a cruel bitter bitchy hatemongering bigot harpy who needs to be spanked, metaphorically.

Dean Esmay, the Chief Operations Officer (whatever that is) of A Voice for Men, has scored a major public relations coup for the Men’s Rights movement with his aggressive promotion of an exciting new Twitter hashtag, #SpankAFeminist.

In what I can only assume is an attempt to convince the world that MRAs do indeed spend a good portion of their days fantasizing about doing physical harm to feminists, Esmay explains in a post on AVFM that the hashtag is necessary “because it’s finally time to put abusive liars over the knee.” 

In case you’re wondering, when he refers to “abusive liars” he means feminists and not, you know, people who think that publicly fantasizing about spanking feminists is 1) hilarious and 2) some kind of actual activism on the behalf of men.

Esmay is quick to assure his readers that he is only referring to metaphorical spankings over metaphorical knees.

As he sees it, feminists are pretty much all just begging to be spanked (metaphorically).

Why would you spank a feminist? Well in reality, we know a lot of them would complain but some might actually enjoy it. Who knows? Maybe they’re just shit-testing us all and waiting and feeling frustrated that we aren’t responding right.

Evidently, in Esmayland, when women challenge their male partners with so-called “shit tests” it’s because deep down they want to be physically assaulted.

Also, feminists are a bunch of meanies, anyway.

[A]ny time you meet a feminist, you should spank him or her until they cry. And do it every time they open their mouths to spew forth their hateful lies about standing for tolerance, inclusion, and equality, when there is no movement in the modern world that does more to fight against tolerance, inclusion, freedom, and equality than feminism. Not even real life fascists or communists can top them at this point.

Feminism is an intolerant, hateful, racist, anti-gay, misandrist, misogynist, gynocentric religion and hate movement.

Yep, that’s right: In Esmayland, feminists are actually worse than real Nazis.

So how is the spanking going so far? Here are a few of Esmay’s contributions to the hashtag. As always, he is a master of subtlety. CONTENT WARNING for terrible rape references. Also a WAIT, WHAT? WARNING for some of the nonsensiest nonsense I think I’ve ever seen.

You may have noticed that Esmay favors some rather colorful descriptions of feminists and feminism. Here are a few others he’s used in the hashtag over the last day or so.

  • Bitter bitchy harpies
  • Cruel violent abusive harpies
  • Hatemongering cultist[s]
  • Misandrist bigot[s]
  • Bigots and bullies
  • Hateful feminist bigot and bully
  • Bigot feminists

It’s weird that someone who complains so much about alleged feminist “bigotry” is fine with publishing articles written by a literal Holocaust denier.

Also, given how evil we feminists are, it seems a bit strange that Esmay tried to friend me on LinkedIn the other day.

Dean Esmay, man of many surprises.

While Esmay’s tweets seem to make up roughly half of the #SpankAFeminist hashtag, a handful of other terrible people have enlisted in Esmay’s (metaphorical) spanking crusade. Here are some of the most charming of the bunch, and when I say “charming” I mean CONTENT WARNING for gratuitous rape references, violent gifs, and Dan Perrins being Dan Perrins. (I’ve omitted the assorted porn pictures the #SpankAFeminist folks have posted.)

All of this is truly good for bitcoin Men’s Rights.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I have yet to encounter a feminist caught doing a false-flag operation. Anti-feminists have been caught doing this, with GGers in particular openly planning the best methods to false flag.

It boggles me that anyone would be so … naive doesn’t quite capture it … as to think that Dean Esmay is secretly a feminist working to undermine the MRM.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

They’re not naive, they know it’s bullshit. They’re just liars.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | June 22, 2015 at 10:09 pm
They’re not naive, they know it’s bullshit. They’re just liars.

Who want to continue to promote their “good” side to try and make it look like they’re being reasonable.

“No, you don’t understand! I was framed by the evil feminists! They were just pretending to be one of us! I know I agreed with them, but I’m not a bad person, honest! They’re not even with us! False flag!”

9 years ago

zoon echon logon on-Yep! It seems that they believe that being laughed at is being hurt ‘for real’. What’s that saying again? “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them”. Yep, that’s the one!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

If every MRA who says something incomprehensible is actually a feminist false flag, does that mean that the MRM is actually not a thing?

comment image

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago



*raises hand* Ooh, me, let me try!

*ahem* Our ancestors on the savannah were in constant danger from many fierce beasts, so the menz, who were always sacrificing themselves for the good of the women, bathed in hyena dung so that the predators would think “yuck, there’s a bunch of smelly hyenas over there,” and steer clear. As the noblest and alphaest of the males smelled the ripest, the hotties in the group chose them to mate with. Then they split up with them and kept the cave (yes, there were caves on the savannah; it was the olden days–shut up) and settled down with a beta cuck.

#evopsych #justsostories

9 years ago

Sorry guys, I was being sarcastic. Shutting up now.

9 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen,

Oh, my, well, that does explain it then, doesn’t it?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


We get trolls all the time that say things like that, so we wouldn’t know if people are being sarcastic or not unless they tell us they are. Try adding a /s or /sarcasm at the end to denote your sarcasm next time.

This, of course, tells you how ridiculous anti-feminist trolls are.

9 years ago

Speaking of false flags, there was a gater on Gawker today arguing that he shouldn’t be mocked for claiming that Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu were harassing themselves to false flag. He said anytime people allege false flags it should be taken seriously and investigated objectively. Lol. I’ll get right on that.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

My apologies to you CL. Again, Poe’s Law in action. It’s hard to tell who’s being serious or not anymore. : /

weirwoodtreehugger | June 22, 2015 at 10:55 pm
Speaking of false flags, there was a gater on Gawker today arguing that he shouldn’t be mocked for claiming that Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu were harassing themselves to false flag. He said anytime people allege false flags it should be taken seriously and investigated objectively. Lol. I’ll get right on that.

But any claims of harassment should be ignored because “they’re just kids”, “it’s obviously just trolling”, “it’s faked!”, etc.

Goobers demand we take their claims of “fake!” seriously, but we’re not supposed to listen to women who are harassed.

Must be another day ending in Y.

9 years ago

It’s a tour-de-barf exploration of Esmay’s subconscious. Most humans don’t so obviously relish giving others a glimpse into the dankest and slimiest corners of their innermost selves in the same way I’m not going to invite a new acquaintance to smell the sweaty contents of my gym bag; beyond the shameful aspect, it’s just bad manners.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

And now I’m arguing with a guy on the John Oliver video who says that the massacre threat at the University of Utah was a “false flag” because police said so after the talk was canceled and refused to “violate the second amendment rights of the attendees”.

And there’s another person who’s saying that it’s not fair that Anita shut off her comments section because they should get a chance to debate her face to face! And it must be because she’s not being truthful that she shut off the comments section, not that she was being endlessly harassed!

I hate this planet sometimes.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That’s why I have the Hide Fedora plugin for Chrome. I don’t even see those stupid comments and its great.

9 years ago


At least you acknowledge your past wrongdoings and are keeping to the straight and narrow. It’s important to learn from your own past mistakes, after all. I know that I was a terrible person in my late teens and early 20s and I can only thank my stars that I didn’t run across anything like AVFM or the other MRA crap. I’d have lapped it up and who knows what I’d be like today? 🙁

9 years ago

It’s by no stretch of the imagination an easy task to hold myself accountable to my own past. And it now a life long task to keep myself accountable and mindful.

I see AVfM and the MRA’s as self-centered arch manipulators who wallow in their own self pity and then use that as an excuse to abuse people. If Paul Elam’s only example of an abusive childhood is being forced to take medicine and then use that as a shining example of why he’s right, then I have no time for his shallow posturing as he and his ilk’s posturing in no way matches my own. And I can categorically say that for all the nasty things I did, it was nothing like the garbage they talk of, the opposite in fact.

All I can say is that if Deano wants to spank a man who discovered feminism in all its varieties and supports it, by all means he can have a go… But I think he’ll have a miserable experience.

9 years ago

And now I’m arguing with a guy on the John Oliver video who says that the massacre threat at the University of Utah was a “false flag” because police said so after the talk was canceled and refused to “violate the second amendment rights of the attendees”.

Um, what? How does that “prove” it was a false flag? How is “someone told me” anything more than an anecdote?

I remember a former friend of mine making the same exact claim. The funny part is that the moment I asked as to where he heard it, he acted aggrieved by the question and tried to avoid further discussion by saying he’s not into arguing online…which is why he decided to argue with me online. I take it as meaning he saw that on reddit and didn’t want to admit such.

And there’s another person who’s saying that it’s not fair that Anita shut off her comments section because they should get a chance to debate her face to face! And it must be because she’s not being truthful that she shut off the comments section, not that she was being endlessly harassed!

Right, ’cause YouTube commentators are such an eloquent and reasonable bunch who never say anything horrendous or make a conversation devolve into an incomprehensible yelling match…

Seriously, the site would be improved ten-fold if they didn’t have comment sections at all.

I hate this planet sometimes.

Want to hitch a ride to Mars? I’ll pay half!

9 years ago

How is “someone told me” anything more than an anecdote?

Penis = rational = if I believed it, it must be true. If I don’t believe it, you can’t change my mind unless you present me with video evidence that I’m wrong which you probably faked anyway so don’t bother.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

NickNameNick | June 23, 2015 at 12:54 am
Um, what? How does that “prove” it was a false flag? How is “someone told me” anything more than an anecdote?

Well, the police said it was “not a threat” after Anita canceled the talk, so this person (aptly named “Hello Murrica”) claimed that it was a “false flag” and thus, Anita had to have been lying.

Though, I brought up that the threat was null after the talk was canceled, and politely informed them that their second amendment rights end when they use their gun to threaten to kill people. I don’t care if Utah’s an “open carry” state. If someone gets threatened with being shot, there should be a way to prevent that beyond “Well, we can’t do anything about a gun if they have a permit”. Lives should be more important than guns. Period. Dot. The End.

I remember a former friend of mine making the same exact claim. The funny part is that the moment I asked as to where he heard it, he acted aggrieved by the question and tried to avoid further discussion by saying he’s not into arguing online…which is why he decided to argue with me online. I take it as meaning he saw that on reddit and didn’t want to admit such.

If he didn’t want to reveal his “sources”, chances are they weren’t very credible in the first place, and he knew it.

Right, ’cause YouTube commentators are such an eloquent and reasonable bunch who never say anything horrendous or make a conversation devolve into an incomprehensible yelling match…

Which was the point I made. There was just so much swill that it was more prudent to just shut the whole thing off. The initial comment that kicked off my conversation with him was him asking me “How does turning off the comment section target harassers?”

Which I replied it wasn’t the point to “target” harassers, but rather to just stem the tide of bullshit swill being hurled her way.

I went on to compare it to Nintendo’s Swapnote app on the 3DS, which was for sending photos, drawings, and hand-written notes back and forth to friends. Nintendo clipped the fuck out of it a while back because people were sending each other nude photos and bullying each other and apparently a child predator was using it to get to kids, and made it so you could only send notes to people you ran into via Spotpass.

Does it suck that the entire system was pretty much shut down for me because I don’t live close to my friends? Yeah. Do I agree with Nintendo’s decision to clip Swapnote to protect the younger kids who might be using the app? Absolutely. There are other ways I can message my friends. It’s not like Nintendo’s cutting me off from them completely.

Same thing with Anita. I keep having to say that just because Anita’s comment section is closed off on YouTube, it doesn’t mean you’re barred from speaking about her videos at all. I suggested that if they have a problem with her videos, that they go make a rebuttal video of their own, or they start a forum thread or make a post elsewhere about it. Start a damn discussion. It doesn’t have to be right on her video.

And if they want to bring up something with Anita directly, she still has Twitter and tumblr pages they can message.

I fail to see how this is an argument. “Anita doesn’t want discussion!” No, she doesn’t want to deal with one of the shittiest comment section communities on the internet, even as admitted by the comment section community themselves.

And then they ignored everything I said and went on about how “It’s so odd that she’d shut down her comments section. If what she says is true, why is she not letting us talk about it?!”

Thanks for listening, dude, seriously. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, the site would be improved ten-fold if they didn’t have comment sections at all.

It’s like that on my 3DS app. No comments. You just scroll down and see more videos you can watch. It’s rather nice. (But the videos look like shit, so there’s the catch.)

Want to hitch a ride to Mars? I’ll pay half!

I heard somewhere that someone was planning to do a Big Brother type reality show on Mars.

9 years ago


And then they ignored everything I said and went on about how “It’s so odd that she’d shut down her comments section. If what she says is true, why is she not letting us talk about it?!”

Ugh, I hate it when they do that. Fortunately it does usually mean that they just don’t have a rebuttal but can’t admit that so they go swimming in denial. Call them out on that shit, see how they react 😛

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Prominent feminist writer Clementine Ford was suspended from Facebook over abusive PMs. She didn’t SEND them though – they came from a bunch of jerks after she posted a partially nude pic of herself in response to victim blaming comments by an Australian morning TV show. Clem posted screenshots of the messages with sender names clearly visible. Apparently this was worse than the messages themselves.

So hey, remember when AVFM flipped its collective shit because Facebook pulled its finger out of its arse and told the world it was going to start following its own rules, then sniffed said finger and forgot was TAKEN OVER BY FEMINISTS FOREVER?

Yep. Feminists everywhere. As far as the eye can see. [/I need a sarcasm-proof keyboard, this one’s melting again]

Mercurial poirot
Mercurial poirot
9 years ago

Really? A #spankafeminist is violent? U guys are laughable. In fact both u lot and Mras are ridiculous.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Noadi, on BDSM terminology:

@epitome of incomprehensibility Yeah, language is weird. Basically domme was created by adding “me” to the end of “dom” to make it look like it’s feminine french but really isn’t because it isn’t actually derived from a french word.

Looks like a case where people had the gender-neutral term dom/dominant and then decided they wanted gendered terminology, so they kept the neutral term for masculine and made a half-assed derivation for the feminine. Because male is the cultural default, especially in BDSM domming 🙂

There’s no male BDSM equivalent for “domina” (Latin for mistress, masculine form would be “dominus”).

There’s no male equivalent for “dominatrix” (apparently Fake Latin, masculine form would be “dominator”).

And finally, there’s no male equivalent for “domme”.

9 years ago

Really? A #spankafeminist is violent? U guys are laughable. In fact both u lot and Mras are ridiculous.

…Pretty sure bending someone over the knee and spanking them, without consent, is a violent act. I don’t see how it can’t be described as such.

What then, to you, DOES count as violence?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“I’m not an MRA, but…” you say?

*Googles username, figuring something like “Mercurial Poirot” would be unique*

*finds YouTube account*

*75% of the liked videos are MRAs ranting about eeevil feminists*
