a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dan perrins Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse gynocracy incoherent rage internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains sarcasm racism rape culture rape jokes straw feminists the c-word twitter whitesplaining why can't men punch women? women are children

MRA Dean Esmay elevates the discourse with new #SpankAFeminist hashtag, gratuitous rape references

Dean Esmay
Dean Esmay wants you to know that you’re a cruel bitter bitchy hatemongering bigot harpy who needs to be spanked, metaphorically.

Dean Esmay, the Chief Operations Officer (whatever that is) of A Voice for Men, has scored a major public relations coup for the Men’s Rights movement with his aggressive promotion of an exciting new Twitter hashtag, #SpankAFeminist.

In what I can only assume is an attempt to convince the world that MRAs do indeed spend a good portion of their days fantasizing about doing physical harm to feminists, Esmay explains in a post on AVFM that the hashtag is necessary “because it’s finally time to put abusive liars over the knee.” 

In case you’re wondering, when he refers to “abusive liars” he means feminists and not, you know, people who think that publicly fantasizing about spanking feminists is 1) hilarious and 2) some kind of actual activism on the behalf of men.

Esmay is quick to assure his readers that he is only referring to metaphorical spankings over metaphorical knees.

As he sees it, feminists are pretty much all just begging to be spanked (metaphorically).

Why would you spank a feminist? Well in reality, we know a lot of them would complain but some might actually enjoy it. Who knows? Maybe they’re just shit-testing us all and waiting and feeling frustrated that we aren’t responding right.

Evidently, in Esmayland, when women challenge their male partners with so-called “shit tests” it’s because deep down they want to be physically assaulted.

Also, feminists are a bunch of meanies, anyway.

[A]ny time you meet a feminist, you should spank him or her until they cry. And do it every time they open their mouths to spew forth their hateful lies about standing for tolerance, inclusion, and equality, when there is no movement in the modern world that does more to fight against tolerance, inclusion, freedom, and equality than feminism. Not even real life fascists or communists can top them at this point.

Feminism is an intolerant, hateful, racist, anti-gay, misandrist, misogynist, gynocentric religion and hate movement.

Yep, that’s right: In Esmayland, feminists are actually worse than real Nazis.

So how is the spanking going so far? Here are a few of Esmay’s contributions to the hashtag. As always, he is a master of subtlety. CONTENT WARNING for terrible rape references. Also a WAIT, WHAT? WARNING for some of the nonsensiest nonsense I think I’ve ever seen.

You may have noticed that Esmay favors some rather colorful descriptions of feminists and feminism. Here are a few others he’s used in the hashtag over the last day or so.

  • Bitter bitchy harpies
  • Cruel violent abusive harpies
  • Hatemongering cultist[s]
  • Misandrist bigot[s]
  • Bigots and bullies
  • Hateful feminist bigot and bully
  • Bigot feminists

It’s weird that someone who complains so much about alleged feminist “bigotry” is fine with publishing articles written by a literal Holocaust denier.

Also, given how evil we feminists are, it seems a bit strange that Esmay tried to friend me on LinkedIn the other day.

Dean Esmay, man of many surprises.

While Esmay’s tweets seem to make up roughly half of the #SpankAFeminist hashtag, a handful of other terrible people have enlisted in Esmay’s (metaphorical) spanking crusade. Here are some of the most charming of the bunch, and when I say “charming” I mean CONTENT WARNING for gratuitous rape references, violent gifs, and Dan Perrins being Dan Perrins. (I’ve omitted the assorted porn pictures the #SpankAFeminist folks have posted.)

All of this is truly good for bitcoin Men’s Rights.

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9 years ago

#spankfeminist, since “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” was so good for the MRM.

Also his kindergarten argument of “You’re UGLY!” is as hilarious as it is pitiful.

9 years ago


Ta, I just felt that Deano should see that he’s as ridiculous as an old man’s butt who doesn’t agree with his idiotic posturing. Also he’d better have a good spanking arm ‘cos I’ve an exceptionally high pain threshold (betcha he’d want to use a paddle rather than his hand – tcha wuss). I once fell asleep during a five hour tattoo session and was only woken when the vibration on my collar bone tickled all the way up to my ear.

9 years ago

Yeah this needs to stop. These asshats give spanking a bad name. GTFO of kink, you have no idea what the fuck you’re even doing.

My only reaction to their tweets:×153.png

9 years ago

Is this the point where they blatantly admit they aren’t using logic? Dean basically said don’t use logic just hashtag at feminists.

9 years ago


I just wish I was able to see Dean-o’s face when he sees that picture… Well, no, I really don’t, but thee gets my point I’m sure. 😀

It really makes me sad that there are still guys out there who think that violence is the answer to all of life’s problems. SMH 🙁

9 years ago

Face it, it isn’t safe to be a woman in this world without the fear that a man can and will assault you if he chooses. It doesn’t matter what you look like, how you dress or what you’re doing.
I get harassed just by being outside walking my dog. I don’t ask for it and I don’t want it, but still the person behind it has this ideology that I deserve it just for being female.

I really only advocate for violence when someone’s very life and well being is threatened. If someone tries to physically assault you in any way then it’s important to do what you can to defend yourself. By any means necessary.

Truth is that no one wants to be assaulted, and I am sick of these men projecting their own fantasies onto women. Even pornography isn’t enough for them, they still feel the need to act on it. Which by the way I’m still angry over “the philosophy of rape.” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

If you solicit a feminist dom, she will hurt you for real, laugh at you, and dare you to call the cops if you complain.

Am I the only one who gets the sense that Esmay is speaking from personal experience here?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Olive O’Sudden | June 22, 2015 at 3:17 pm

If you solicit a feminist dom, she will hurt you for real, laugh at you, and dare you to call the cops if you complain.

Am I the only one who gets the sense that Esmay is speaking from personal experience here?

I think one of five things happened:

One, this lady was a really shitty domme and Dean assumed she was a feminist because he needed something to confirm his biases.

Two, the lady was a really shitty domme and told Dean she was a feminist, and he uses her for all his straw-women.

Three, the lady was a feminist who happened to be a very good domme and Dean consented to be humiliated and abused, and then turned around and complained that she did too good a job, despite the fact he never gave her the safeword or safe signal. (Because any domme worth her salt would have immediately stopped play if given the safeword or safe signal.)

Four, he saw another domme do this online or in a porno and thinks that all feminists must be like that. Because biases and straw-people.

Five, he’s making it all up in an attempt to shame female dommes because he doesn’t think that wimmens should be able to domme men, even if the menfolk ask for it.

Bee-tee-dubs, Dean-o, “dom” refers to a male dominant, “domme” refers to a female dominant. I’m pretty sure it stems from the French language. Though depending on your dom/me, you’ll call them whatever they tell you to.

– Love, a BDSM-loving feminist.

9 years ago


Sadly, I’m one of/was one of the violent ones. I hospitalised my first person when I was 6 years old. I was violently abused as a child/teenager, which only served to escalate my violence, I joined the army where the violence was trained. I don’t;t know what to say other than I’ve put behind me and learned to manage it and stop it, it took me 32 years from my first act of violence to meeting my wife and then having children, that made me sober up and get the help needed. I use WHTM to help keep me straight.

And to anyone who is concerned about what I’ve said about myself I apologise. For those who have been on the receiving end of violence I hold myself accountable and am truly sorry for what you’ve endured. Thank you all for understanding

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


There’s a school of thought which holds that the proper term for a female dominant should be “dom” rather than “domme”, since it’s a contraction of “dominatrix.” However, your usage is certainly the popular one.

Judging from previous things he’s written, I suspect that Esmay uses “feminist” and “woman I dislike” interchangeably. It’s why he refers to gold-diggers and trophy wives as feminists, despite the different of opinion that feminists might have on the matter. Hence his belief that abusive doms are all feminists.

I suspect it may also be that since he is evidently a stranger to the concept of consent, the difference between “humiliating and exploitative behaviour within a scene, respecting limits” and “humiliating and exploitative behaviour in real life” is lost on him, leading to some really weird persecution fantasies.

9 years ago

On a slightly related tangent, the most recent “Last Week Tonight” had a look at online harassment against women, which had a 10 second clip of Anita Sarkeesian, and the dudebros are maaaaaad.

9 years ago

What is aex shaming? I mean, I’m dyslexic, but even my typos aren’t that bad.

9 years ago


Well, there is one more option. Dean’s hashing together a set of tweets that are part mad-libs and part meme evolution.

For example:

“Women can get men arrested by claiming they were raped”
-> “They can do this even if the sex was really consensual, and the police won’t care”
-> “Even sex workers, people paid to have sex, could do it”
-> “Feminist sex workers will scream rape and have you arrested to steal your money and laugh when you are raped in jail. ” [actual tweet]
-> “This ability gives women power over men”
-> “It’s so lopsided that women could even use the threat of rape to rape a man”
-> “Women are vicious and awful for enjoying this power they obviously have”
-> “If you solicit a feminist dom, she will hurt you for real, laugh at you, and dare you to call the cops if you complain. ” [actual tweet]

You could almost follow a train of thought through the tweets, as tweeting about one thing triggers a thought about the next, on and on through a meandering mess.

“Echo chamber” is used way too much online in my opinion, but stuff like this seems like it should be in the dictionary definition.

9 years ago

@Nothing Clever:

It’s probably just a boring typo of “sex shaming.” I read it first as “axe-shaming” though, that brand of foul-smelling body spray that is the epitome of dude-bro misogyny, and chuckled a bit. 😛

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Is axe shaming something that big Vikings do to littler Vikings?

9 years ago

No, axe-shaming is when you make disparaging remarks about the prepubescent boys (and occasionally grown men) who wear Axe body spray like it’s a replacement for water when bathing.

9 years ago

Well, it’s good to see that Dean is finally pretending to care about black and latino men, although I’m not sure why he’s doing that by implying that the majority of rapists are black and latino, even though rape is a largely interracial crime. Does anyone think that he’ll now be able to explain what Stop and Frisk is and how it’s disproportionately targeted at black and latino men? Also, does this mean that the MRM will start doing work to help black victims of police brutality after responding to the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner with claims that they didn’t need to do any activism against police brutality because everyone else was committed to helping black men and was ignoring the, er, “real” victims (i.e. the white men)?

9 years ago

Also, if I hate Axe Body Spray because it sets off my asthma, is that still axe-shaming?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago



9 years ago



Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

@alaisvex — I’m really fond of the ones who bathe themselves in axe body products and then complain up and down and back and forth about any sort of perfume.

9 years ago

I’ve always had the sense that Esmay is a tightly-wound wimp who sucks up to macho men like Elam for what sense of competence and strength he has.

This reads like a full-tilt mental breakdown. I actually wonder if he’ll still be around in a month.

9 years ago

let the little boys hashtag away! we effectively shut down their creepy chat room just by giving them attention, so twitter is the only mainstream place they have for their silly weasel words. these jerkoffs are held together by their bruised egos, and thrive on their media victimhood. most men on twitter should get sick of their bleating baloney in record time. xoxox

Michael Lindsay
Michael Lindsay
9 years ago


Feminists are…anti gay, what the flying fuck?

I thought that was MRAs.

9 years ago

Mra/misogynist never ending cycle
1. Advocate abuse and harassment towards feminists, women and girls then wonder why people think they’re hateful and deny they’re hateful
2. Make racist comments ex. “Ask why his brothers hates his sisters” then immediately call feminists racist
3. Say feminists and women want rape and lie about it then immediately complain why feminists don’t care about male victims of rape.
4. Deny feminists and women ever doing anything but at the same blame them for everything.
5. Profit