
Open thread to discuss Charleston Church Shooting

Mourners outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Mourners outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday night

The news out of Charleston is horrifying: 9 people have been shot and killed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, including state senator Clementa Pinckney, the pastor at the church. As I write this, police are still looking for the suspected shooter, described as “a clean-shaven white male about 21-years-old with sandy blond hair.”

It seems rather likely that the shooting was a racist hate crime.

Please use this thread to discuss the news as well as to post any updates or additional information you find.

I know some commenters here have also been discussing another horrifying story in the news: On Tuesday, as reports, “a recently divorced … police officer shot and killed his former wife in broad daylight … in front of their daughter on an Asbury Park [New Jersey] street, authorities said.” Please use this thread to discuss this story as well.



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9 years ago

I should have added that God forbid if the shooter is Muslim. There’s no talk of mental illness in those situations.

9 years ago


I suppose I want to hold off on preemptive outrage.

@WWTH, the fact people are trying to send friend requests to the Charleston shooter is disturbing as fuck.

I hope the story doesn’t now become about him, it’s been documented time and time again that elevating mass murderers to media celebrity status is a really bad idea. I think everyone’s focus should be on the community he hurt, and how they’re not going to be brought down by this.

9 years ago

@pkayden, yes, I agree. The “mental illness pass” seems to only apply to white men.

9 years ago

Is this really Dean Esmay trying to link this racist shitbag with anti-rape advocacy? At least the commenters are calling him out.

9 years ago
9 years ago

@ rosemary I can hardly believe my eyes. Dean Esmay is implying that rape culture is false, there are few real rapes, so the young man was misled by…wait for it, feminists! I confess I was curious to see the MRA propaganda spin that would somehow lay this atrocity at the feet of women who seek equality in this society.

I see in the news article that the young man’s hobby was playing videogames on his xbox.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Bazia: That’s an excellent unpacking. Thank you.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


A badly-advised desire to protect women drove this young man to his crimes, it may be said on certain mensrights sites.

You betcha.

Reminds me not only of Trump’s description of Mexican immigrants as “rapists,” something already mentioned on this thread, but so many manurespherians’ laments about them hurting our women. And those laments usually come from the worst misogynists, who hurt women daily as a matter of the eff’ed up fact.

Roosh The Delusional D-Bag, for example, wrote the following in his recent post on “Narrative Warfare:”

We have no choice but to participate in narrative warfare, not for our physical survival, but to preserve the rights, due process, and activities that men were able to do freely not more than two generations ago. (…) We need to recruit and convert men to stop being swallowed up by the enemy, because they will not stop. They will criminalize normal masculine behavior, degrade the feminine so the very idea of beauty is destroyed, and ruin countries that were once good places for men to live in.

They in Roosh’s case are those evil feminists, Jews, SJW, and other leftists hellbent on destroying civilization as Roosh and his ilk see it — even as they blather on about how nasty and worthless women are, and share their “triumphs” in personally degrading them, this time for real.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


the young man was misled by…wait for it, feminists!

IATWF. (It’s All Teh Women’s Fault). As always.

9 years ago
Reply to  Aunt Edna

Tangentially related updates:

While the state is flying flags at half-mast, the Confederate battle flag over the state capitol is not.

Also, SCOTUS announced their decision today that Texas’s denial of a proposed “Sons of Confederate Veterans” license plate was not a violation of the SoCV’s constitutional rights.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

There’s some high quality stupid out there today of the LET HIM NOT BE WHITE OMG HE CANT BE WHITTE variety

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Re: let him not be white

Last night I saw online commenters, probably on DM, speculate that the shooter could have been a woman.

Because mass killings are a woman’s thing.

We are not going to make any progress toward a more peaceful society if we continue our denials about the relationship between the toxic masculinity and young (white) men’s aggrieved entitlement.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

P.S. And not just young men’s entitlement.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

While the state is flying flags at half-mast, the Confederate battle flag over the state capitol is not.

This makes me angry. Very very angry. Far angrier than the initial attack did.

The initial attack was a hate-filled person acting out his violence dominance fantasies and his fringe-media-fuelled terrors. This is a deliberate insult by a government towards its minority citizens on a day which calls for solidarity above all. It’s a statement which says, clearly, “you are not us.”

The first cannot be held against the proud, grieving people of South Carolina. The second can.

I’m white. This means that I do not have to feel afraid to walk the streets of Charleston. However, it also means that white people will listen to me, and so I have a responsibility to do something.

I’m going to write a letter.

9 years ago

@Aunt Edna It is never a young white man’s deliberate crime. The moral fault is always somebody else’s. You just have to look for the usual suspects; feminists, minorities, single mothers, the mentally ill – the ones you already don’t like.

9 years ago

Really? Dean Esmay posts that shit just when AVFM publishes a bollocks puff piece about themselves, writing:

I could spend the rest of this article pointing out, in a thousand ways, why we don’t hate women or anyone else; how we are a remarkably diverse group whose membership crosses all lines of sex, race, sexuality, religion, lack of religion and political orientation. But there is no need to do that when the truth of that blazes across thousands of pages on this website.

For the record, most of the word count in that article is spent going “WE DON’T HATE WOMEN BECAUSE WE HAVE WOMEN WRITERS!”

9 years ago


Is this the right wing talking point or something? Somebody on Gawker was saying to me that just because it’s being investigated as a hate crime, doesn’t mean it’s racism. Maybe it’s an atheist who hates religion.

Obviously it’s a talking point. Given how incessantly the right portrays atheism as dangerous to American society, having an incident whose details (at the time) allowed them to spin the narrative in the direction of killing people because they’re Christian isn’t something they’ll let slip past.

What’s the saying? Never waste a tragedy?


Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


Sure. Just like KKK don’t hate blacks; they only want an equal society for all, or some other ridiculously untrue and self-serving crap.

I saw recently a manurespherian saying that it is obviously impossible that they hate women, because would men hating women spend so much time learning about them? And that ‘learning’ is what goes on in the ‘sphere. Obviously.

9 years ago

I hope Dean Esmay has not been replaced as managing editor at AVFM because he has gotten too extreme even for AVFM. I have seen his opinions fixate, narrow and harden over a period of a couple of years.

9 years ago

An unironic thanks, Obama! for pointing out that this doesn’t happen in countries that have some gun control.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

we are a remarkably diverse group whose membership crosses all lines of sex, race, sexuality, religion, lack of religion and political orientation.

Yes, Dean, you’re a veritable tapestry of the human condition. That’s why the Men’s Rights subreddit is 89% male, 85% white, 86% western English-speaking natives, 75% ages 18 – 34, 70% single, and 91% childless.*

(That 91% childless makes me wonder: why are they so obsessed with child custody and family court issues?)

*Source: Granted, it’s from 2013, but I doubt their demographics have shifted fundamentally since then.

9 years ago

Alright, AVFM doesn’t hate women, it’s just that fucking their shit up gives them an erection. That’s not hate, that’s love…

9 years ago

Oh whoops. That AVFM piece was written just over a year ago. Still, nothing has changed about them.

9 years ago

So when a black man rapes a white woman it’s “hurting our women”, but when white men rape a white woman it’s “normal masculine sexuality”.

Got it.

On another note, my guess is that the overwhelmingly childless guys obsessing about so-called uneven child-custody laws is just about clinging to one more fake reason why their demographic is so “oppressed”. People actually in the trenches know better as to what the real percentage of men are that challenge custody arrangements.

I’ll admit that I didn’t know the demographic was so young. Many of them come off middle aged to me.

9 years ago

I’m so sorry for the victims of this hate crime and I hope the perpetrator gets the death penalty.

It just goes to show that things haven’t gotten much better since the 60s. This and the constant police brutality.