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The Honey Badger Brigade has hired a disbarred lawyer to help them with their “case” against the Calgary Expo

Harry Kopyto, the disbarred lawyer hero #GamerGate deserves?
Harry Kopyto, the disbarred lawyer hero #GamerGate deserves?

Do you remember that alleged case the Honey Badger Brigade was allegedly planning to bring against the Calgary Expo?

In case your memory needs refreshing: the Honey Badgers — a mostly female antifeminist “brigade” closely associated with A Voice for Men — were tossed out of the Expo earlier this year after they showed up flying the banner of GamerGate. The Badgers threatened to sue, and somehow managed to raise a little over $30,000 to pay for their possible legal expenses.

Then they went silent on the whole suit thing for a looong time.

Today they announced (archived here) that they’d hired a fellow named Harry Kopyto as their “legal council” [sic], paying him a retainer of $3500. As one of the Badgers — apparently head Badger Alison Tieman — explained on their web page:

Honey Badger Brigade Mod  randomactor • 5 hours ago We retained the legal services of Harry Kopyto. He is a very controversial figure in the area of human rights and discrimination law and a disbarred lawyer. However he has received awards for his work defending human rights--specifically he has fought for the rights of dissenters and underdogs, marxists, gay people, racial minorities and now us.  He also works on scale, which is necessary since 30k is basically nothing when it comes to legal costs.

Wait. He’s a what kind of lawyer, exactly?


Ohhh. A disbarred lawyer. A lawyer who is specifically prohibited from practicing law.

Huh. How exactly did Mr. Kopyto get disbarred? According to Wikipedia:

In 1989, Kopyto was charged with professional misconduct by the Law Society of Upper Canada for allegedly overbilling the province’s legal aid plan by $150,000 over a three-year period. …

Among the findings of the tribunal hearing the case were that it was physically impossible for Mr. Kopyto to have billed the sums he did as the times billed exceeded the hours in the day.

Kopyto’s defense? He hadn’t meant to overbill. It’s just that, you know, he didn’t really keep proper records, so when it came time for him to “guess” the amount of time he had worked for some of his accounts, he had just guessed wrong. Oops! Hey, in some cases he (probably) underbilled!

No, really. That was his argument.

Kopyto is also prohibited from working as a paralegal in Ontario. As Wikipedia explains:

In February 2015, the law society’s tribunal issued its decision denying Koptyo’s application for a paralegal license due to concerns that Kopyto is “ungovernable”[27] though conceding his generosity and devotion to his clients. Tribunal chair Margot Blight wrote in her decision that “Mr. Kopyto continues to be an enigma” in that “He insists that he supports the rule of law, while asserting that he, and his clients, are entitled to disregard legal rules willy nilly (sic) when conscience so dictates.”[28]

Though unlicensed, Kopyto continues to advise clients and seeks standing to represent them at tribunals and hearings

I can’t help but be reminded of the dynamic meth-making duo in Breaking Bad, who decided to hire a lawyer who was a criminal as their criminal lawyer.

Tieman has been kept busy trying to explain just why they hired a disbarred lawyer as their “legal council” [sic]. Her main argument? The case will take place in Alberta, where paralegal work is unregulated, so technically he can still research stuff for them, or something, even though he remains in Toronto. where he’s not legally allowed to do paralegal work. [UPDATE: Turns out her legal argument may not hold water; see end of this post for more.]

randomactor  Honey Badger Brigade • 4 hours ago It's a felony for a disbarred lawyer to practice law in the U.S. Is it not in Canada? 1  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Honey Badger Brigade Mod  randomactor • 4 hours ago Apparently not.  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Andrew C. Kuryla  Honey Badger Brigade • 4 hours ago "Mr. Kopyto remains a disbarred lawyer and is not permitted to practise law in Ontario." 1  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar randomactor  Honey Badger Brigade • 4 hours ago This is comedy unobtainium. 1  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Honey Badger Brigade Mod  randomactor • 4 hours ago The lawsuit will take place in Alberta not Ontario. Further because he has experience in these kinds of cases, he's doing the legal leg work.  If/when we need the services of a lawyer, we will get one. Until then we'll avoid the 250-500$ price tag for research.

Tieman insists there really will be a case, honest!

Tariq  Honey Badger Brigade • 3 hours ago None of this changes the fact that you literally took $30K of other people's money, promising them a trial, and gave it to a proven fraudster who can't even set foot in a courtroom with you.  Anyway, I do applaud your honesty on that point. 1  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Honey Badger Brigade Mod  Tariq • 3 hours ago Again, he can function as a paralegal in Alberta. If and when we need a lawyer we will get one. Until then, he can function to do the legal legwork and prepare the paperwork.  >promising them a trial  And what makes you think they won't get one? Even though I'm going to be facing the brunt of the potential fallout, I'm going to do everything in my power to make this get to trial, if the Expo doesn't settle beforehand.

It’s all so very ethical.

And pretty fucking hilarious. Though probably a bit less so to those who actually donated money to the Badgers.

Since we’re talking about the Badgers, I feel I should remind you all of The We Hunted the Mammoth “Legal” Fund to Spite the Honey Badger Brigade, which is still taking donations.

I pledge not to hire any disbarred lawyers. Instead, I will use the money for snacks and other important “legal” things, by which I mean things that as far as I know are legal for me to do (like buying snacks). I will also use some of the money to feed my “legal council,” one Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq.

We Hunted the Mammoth Legal Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq.
We Hunted the Mammoth “Legal” Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq.

If you donate, please specify that your donation is intended “to spite the Honey Badgers.”

The last I checked, I was only $39,529 short of my arbitrary $40,000 goal. THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED. And to those who donated to charity instead of to me. 

UPDATE: It looks like paralegaling in Alberta isn’t quite as unregulated as Tieman thinks it is. In the comments here, someone called J.C. has pointed me to a web page explaining How to Become a Paralegal in Alberta. Turns out that paralegals working in Alberta need to do so under the supervision of a lawyer. Here’s what the page says; I’ve bolded the especially relevant bits:

At this time, paralegals in Alberta are not regulated, meaning that they do not need to pass an examination or meet minimum training/educational standards to be able to work lawfully as paralegals. Thus aspiring paralegals may begin their careers through on-the-job training or by seeking post-secondary education.

However, paralegals are required to work under the supervision of a lawyer and avoid activities that might be regarded as unauthorized practice of law. For example, paralegals are not permitted to represent people in court. Paralegals may conduct legal research, submit registration documents to the appropriate agencies, and assist with certain types of legal matters, including trial cases, under the supervision of a lawyer.  

Huh. Does Kopyto have a lawyer supervising his work for the Honey Badgers?

H/T — Sarah Nyberg (@srhbutts), whom you really should be following on Twitter

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9 years ago

Poe’s law?

My only guess is that a real lawyer laughed them out of the office. What are the odds this guy directly defrauds them vs gathers evidence in a manner that makes a real lawyer unable to use it?

9 years ago

Apparently they also threatened to sue anyone who covered the story and made the Badgers look bad. Start getting worried David /s !

9 years ago

So, the Honey Badgers raised $30,000 dollars to sue Calgary Expo because they were kicked out for being disruptive and violating the Expos terms, and then paid $3500 to a former lawyer who was disbarred for overbilling the provinces legal aid fund $150,000?

Sure. Sounds legit.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Would I be sued for posting about it in a comments section, or would they just call me a “femcommunazi cunt” and move on? It’d be amusing if they did try to sue someone for just reporting on the story, and posting the statement that the expo made. I mean, it’s not illegal to tell someone else what someone said about you.

And, as is customary with every Honey Badger article I comment on here’s my obligatory: Get the fuck out of my Hogwarts house you pitiful excuses for human beings.

Hufflepuffs want nothing to do with you and your ilk. We’re accepting of all people, unless they’re Class A Assholes.

9 years ago

Hahahahaha ah hahahahahaha

“Well, you see, we took the $30,000, put it in a duffle bag, and handed it to a man at the bus stop who said he was a lawyer. He’ll be back.”

I like stories like this because the people of Gamergate get to lose money and then the Honey Badgers don’t get the money either. It just goes directly into the toilet. Nobody wins but comedy. And I guess a disbarred lawyer known to have committed fraud in the past.

9 years ago

I worked for the Expo and watched this whole thing unfold. I can tell you that Expo execs are not even thinking about this matter, let alone thinking about settling. They laughed it off from day 1.

9 years ago

Oh. My. Gd. They collected thirty grand to sue somebody and hired a disbarred lawyer with it. With that, if they had a case, they could have hired a real attorney, and gotten to trial.

Why o why do they keep making themselves laughingstocks? Why can’t they just collect money and use it in some sane fashion? I give up, I can’t follow their hilarious logic.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

They’re gonna be laughed out of court before they even get there.

Even in Alberta, ha ha.

9 years ago

So they want to silence any reporting on alleged wrongdoing? Interesting. #Gamergate

Hoosier X
9 years ago

Is anybody from AVFM going to step in and help the poor, defenseless womenfolk who make up their women’s auxiliary group?

9 years ago

The funny part is the guy was an advocate for the poor and disenfranchised (i.e. gay people before it was fashionable) and what got him disbarred was more than likely just the establishment’s way of finding something to shut him up. Google him. But hey, manboobz has to play to his audience.

9 years ago

I’m very ignorant of legal matters, so maybe I’m not understanding these things right. I thought the OP said that the Honey Badgers paid Kopyto $3500, and Tieman tweeted she wanted to avoid paying $250-$500 for research, but isn’t that what she’s paying Kopyto for?

Brian Jenkins
Brian Jenkins
9 years ago

The weird thing, though, is that Kopyto has apparently spent his whole legal career advising left-wing causes (legal aid, opposition to racially discriminatory laws, etc.) Why work for these wingnuts?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

OFF TOPIC: I just beat someone in Tavern Brawl in five moves.

(Nefarian totes OP; need nerf.)

PussyPowerTantrum, the Lousy Flouncer
PussyPowerTantrum, the Lousy Flouncer
9 years ago

I’m starting to think Tieman, like Paul Elam, is a Colbert-esque satirical character created to generate comedy fodder. Because seriously, how else do you explain their actions?

On a more serious note, you have to love how the HBs are shitting on their donors by calling their $30,000 donation “nothing” and using the amount to justify their actions in hiring a disbarred lawyer. Especially when you consider that their original goal was $40,000 and they achieved most of that. So by their own logic they asked for an absurdly low amount for their stated goal of mounting a legal challenge and were never serious (or honest) about their purpose.

9 years ago

David, you are kidding right? Not one nickel will be returned to donators. May I make a prediction? Expo will be asked to do some silly face-saving thing. Maybe a nuisance value “settlement” — I’ll guess five grand. Maybe a mushymouth statement that Tieman can come back. If Expo goes for this to get the doofuses out of their hair, it will be trumpeted far and wide as a “victory.” Then the Honeybadgers will take the 25 grand they saved out and use it on MRA biz. or am I giving them too much credit?

9 years ago

What a week!

Dolezal, Trump and now this.
It’s like a circus on crack.

Their whole attitude, both the Honey Badger and AVFM, is so self-important and serious when the reality is, as Boo says above, they are already forgotten. I’m still giggling over Jordan Owens Oh so serious directorial critique of the Jem movie which, for me, falls in the same category. It’s like they’re all a bunch of con artists, trying to find an angle. It amazes me that people actually send them money.

9 years ago

The Little haters did it Again….I think we can go and buy popcorn now 😉

9 years ago

Bazia, I don’t think it will ever get that far, its a nuisance suit. Temper tantrum because they were asked to leave the party when they weren’t actually invited.

9 years ago

Called it. 🙂

My guess is that “200-500$ on research” is them being billed by real lawyers to be told they have no case.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention- Even Hufflepuff lands the occasional dud, i.e. Zacharias Smith. But he was just an asshole not an abusive turd bomb like any of the H.B.s.

Don’t you just love (by which I mean hate) when bullies play the righteous victim after being punished for bad behavior? (I’m looking at you, Christian Right and manospherians)
Also: Disbarred lawyer= TOTALLY LEGIT!

9 years ago

Good luck trying to sue anyone covering the story. I don’t know what the rules governing freedom of the press are in any other country but the US, but I’m guessing they’re strong enough for a lawsuit to be laughed out of any court anywhere.

I almost feel bad for this disbarred lawyer. Seriously. If their lawsuit fails, and it will, the manosphere is going to turn on him. I’m reminded of Manson family lawyer Ronald Hughes.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

totallyalphadudebro | June 17, 2015 at 9:27 pm
@Paradoxical Intention- Even Hufflepuff lands the occasional dud, i.e. Zacharias Smith. But he was just an asshole not an abusive turd bomb like any of the H.B.s.

True ’nuff.

But it still sucks that we get stuck with these weenies.

Haven’t we ‘Puffs suffered enough by being mis-characterized as “dopey” and “losers” by the fandom?!

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