awesome cuteness kitties

Cat videos are some sort of magic elixir, new study allegedly not conducted by cats finds

Confirming what most We Hunted the Mammoth readers have suspected for years, a new study from Indiana University reports that watching cat videos on the internet makes you feel good.

According to a press release from Indiana University about the study:

The Internet phenomenon of watching cat videos, from Lil Bub to Grumpy Cat, does more than simply entertain; it boosts viewers’ energy and positive emotions and decreases negative feelings, according to a new study by an Indiana University Media School researcher.


The research was conducted by assistant professor Princess Meow Meow Fluffybottom the 3rd Jessica Gall Myrick, an expert in “emotions and media.” Princess Fluffybottom Myrick surveyed some 7000 internet users, who reported that


  • They were more energetic and felt more positive after watching cat-related online media than before.
  • They had fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety, annoyance and sadness, after watching cat-related online media than before.
  • They often view Internet cats at work or during studying.

The study found that when I am watching cat videos I am definitely not goofing off.

“Even if they are watching cat videos on YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional pay-off may actually help people take on tough tasks afterward,” Myrick said.

The results also suggest that future work could explore how online cat videos might be used as a form of low-cost pet therapy, she said.

Below, some more LOW COST PET THERAPY y’all!

H/T — Your friendly neighborhood Crip Dyke

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Elektra Kenway
9 years ago

@Luzbelitx + and anyone else considering adoption

Careful with kitties! The little ones are usually curious and will destroy your home in no time. They require a looooot of attention, constantly. I learned this the hard way: I adopted one and I had to return him because I couldn’t keep up. It broke my heart, but I couldn’t give him what he needed, and I didn’t want both of us to be unhappy.
Since there’s a child at your home, they’ll possibly get along quite well and be able to follow each other’s rythm, but little kitties can get on your nerves, too.
I adopted mine when she was 6 months old, there’s also a lot of vaccines and some medical procedures fit for them from that age on, and they’re also far calmer, too (their own personalities play a part too).

Furthermore, if you’re possibly moving any time soon, I strongly suggest you wait. Cats take a while to adapt to a home, and if you move when they feel finally comfortable there, it may be a bit annoying to them to adjust.

Since we’re both from Argentina, I suggest you check Centro Michimiau ( that’s where I adopted my baby!
Don’t worry if you walk in the place and suddenly fall in love with every single cat in the room, it’s absolutely normal.

9 years ago

If watching kittehs in the virtual world has positive effects on people’s mood…actually interacting with one’s furrylittleperson (that’s how I refer to one of my cats) must be SUPER beneficial. But of course, all cat people know this already.

chronically lurking
chronically lurking
9 years ago

Cat videos are a nice reprieve from the pictures of an eight and ten week abortion (with the appropriately tiny circles – raspberry and prune respectively – marking the pretty much indistinguishable fetus and the caption “is it really a choice??”) I was subjected to at the intersection that opens to Safeway.

It was of course two white dudes, which led me to wonder whether either of them have ever seen what comes out of the average period before. An extra large period was about what the majority of both pictures looked like, and hubs and I were about to eat, too…

9 years ago

I can never watch Maru’s sliding box game without laughing my head off.

9 years ago

My favorite Maru video.

9 years ago


Thank you! I will take all that into account.

I had a kitten once, but it didn’t end well 🙁

I was thinking of adopting an adult after reading this comic.

9 years ago

I had to share – this is officially my new favourite ‘cat’ video:

9 years ago

Where I work, people sometimes bring in stray kittens that we vaccinate, etc. and adopt out. Of course, the kittens must be handled a lot. It is an absolutely awesome workplace perk.
When my husband was recently in the hospital (minor heart attack; he’s home and doing very well now), I took pictures and a video of our cats in for him. I am glad to know that my treatment plan was scientifically-based.