awesome cuteness kitties

Cat videos are some sort of magic elixir, new study allegedly not conducted by cats finds

Confirming what most We Hunted the Mammoth readers have suspected for years, a new study from Indiana University reports that watching cat videos on the internet makes you feel good.

According to a press release from Indiana University about the study:

The Internet phenomenon of watching cat videos, from Lil Bub to Grumpy Cat, does more than simply entertain; it boosts viewers’ energy and positive emotions and decreases negative feelings, according to a new study by an Indiana University Media School researcher.


The research was conducted by assistant professor Princess Meow Meow Fluffybottom the 3rd Jessica Gall Myrick, an expert in “emotions and media.” Princess Fluffybottom Myrick surveyed some 7000 internet users, who reported that


  • They were more energetic and felt more positive after watching cat-related online media than before.
  • They had fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety, annoyance and sadness, after watching cat-related online media than before.
  • They often view Internet cats at work or during studying.

The study found that when I am watching cat videos I am definitely not goofing off.

“Even if they are watching cat videos on YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional pay-off may actually help people take on tough tasks afterward,” Myrick said.

The results also suggest that future work could explore how online cat videos might be used as a form of low-cost pet therapy, she said.

Below, some more LOW COST PET THERAPY y’all!

H/T — Your friendly neighborhood Crip Dyke

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9 years ago

I saw a couple minutes of Trump’s announcement speech, and it was all basically,

Elect me president because I can afford to pay people to watch my money!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Isn’t Trump like the best part of a billion in debt? Didn’t he go bankrupt twelve times? Didn’t his companies go bankrupt 17 times in the past 19 years?

How do people keep falling for him? I’m guessing that the toupee has magical powers.

Neon Vincent
9 years ago

@Pandapool: Trump is running for president.

I am unsure if that is hilarious or frightening yet.

I’m on the side of hilarious. For starters, my wife observed that Trump’s announcement reminded her of Penguin running for Mayor of Gotham city. I agree. Both Trump and Penguin are cartoons of a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is like. It’s just that Trump actually exists in real life.

As for future comic potential, I’m optimistic that Trump will provide as much material as Herman Cain and his Plan 999 from Outer Space did in 2011 and 2012.

9 years ago

I’ve never seen a cat do ‘begging’ but my mom’s dog used to do it. I don’t think anyone taught him.

9 years ago

I don’t think Trump has much in the way of support from the people. If you’re rich enough, you don’t need it. There’s little chance of him connecting with people in the early primary states. He’s especially not going to understand Iowa, I don’t think. If a candidate doesn’t take one of the following three states; Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, they’re finished. He’ll lose. Declare victory anyway because he operates under a similar level of self delusion as the manosphere and go back to hosting Celebrity Apprentice. It’s very rare that Republicans don’t hand the nomination to the candidate the leadership wanted. Reagan over Bush in 1980 and Bush over McCain in 2000. And the latter victory wasn’t that remarkable considering that GWB, stupid as he is comes from a dynastic family. His name was enough to keep him from being considered fringe.

Trust me, the Republican leadership will not allow Trump to win the nomination.

It’s Jeb Bush’s turn. Especially now that their former rising stars were a bust. Chris Christie was tainted by bridgegate and Marco Rubio has proven he’s not ready. Jeb is awful in his own right. There’s enough to worry about. Best enjoy the GOP clowncar comedy goldmine while we can!

9 years ago

The kitten has gone from a teeny-weeny grizzly bear to an attention seeking purr box. That was fast. Last night I was out walking when my son called me, “Mommy, I think he’s having trouble breathing”. I came home and he was just hissing his brains out at the kids. Not today. Today it’s “Love me, ugly giants!”

9 years ago

The best part will be watching them turn on each other.

9 years ago

I needed cat videos too. I started a new job a few weeks ago, and already found out they pay me around $450 less than my male colleague who does the same thing, and started at the same time. I guess he was better at negotiating, or that’s what they would say if I pointed it out.
And today, one guy made a really bad rape joke about a female politician he doesn’t like, saying the world would be a better place if she were raped. I should really say something, but he’s far up the hierarchy and I can’t afford to get fired unless I find another job first… I’m trying to apply for a few other jobs, but that makes me feel kind of guilty since I only stayed a few weeks so far. Which makes no sense… I think it would be fair to leave at this point…

9 years ago

@ Krib “I wonder if this holds for videos of other cute animals. Cats, puppies, ducklings, axolotls, anything that shows neoteny”

It does. And babies, and people laughing. There are studies from the 90s that showed that if “sad” (ie., depressed, but not clinically depressed, people who have had a bad few days, etc) watch comedy that makes them laugh, they get out of their depression faster than those who watch murder mysteries, dramas, etc. There is also some evidence that if your force yourself to smile on a day you feel down, or out of energy, it will get you out of it faster.

Again, I mean to only imply when it’s just a mood of being sad, not when you are dealing with real issues of depression.

9 years ago

Try not to feel guilty. You don’t owe them anything.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


You need to change the cat’s emotional state when it is with you. Do this by getting the cat to associate you with something good. Food is an easy fix.

If you live with the cat, and the cats eat on demand from a full bowl, start feeding them on a schedule in different rooms. Stick around while the cat that doesn’t like you eats. After a few days, start trying to feed the cat from your fingers and petting the cat while eating. You want the cat to associate the pleasure of eating with your presence.

It should only take a week or two, and then you can go back to leaving them with a full bowl to eat on demand.

9 years ago

Not that I really needed an excuse for watching cute kitties, but…oh, what the hell. ANY excuse will do!

9 years ago


I started therapy last week and my therapist has an incredibly fluffy black cat… he got all the belly rubs till I left. I think having a little furry one at home would be nice.

I suppose you realise that that cat is a kind of therapist too? I don’t know whether he understands he’s a professional, but it’s a job nonetheless.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Trump’s an entertainer, not a politician. I’m with katz – he’s mainly running to keep his name in the headlines and drum up ratings for “The Apprentice”. He still has 30 days (plus a 43-day extension) to file the financial paperwork to formally enter the race, which gives him plenty of time to fly in, make a lot of noise, shit all over everything, and depart. Seagull candidate.

Best quote from his announcement speech: Iran is taking over Iraq “and they’re taking it over bigly”.

9 years ago

Thanks. I’ll try that. They already do eat separately because Dracy gobbles up her food and then steals other animal’s share. She gets shut in the bedroom with her own dish so Toni and Bailey ()the dog) eat in peace.

9 years ago
Reply to  Flying Mouse

Ta @flying mouse. Nominative Determinism really applied to those two Botti (the short version if his name) was a total tubster who liked to loaf in the sun. Jemima Puddleduck was exceptionally prissy, but shite could they scrap.

9 years ago


But is your therapist aware of gynocentrism? I’ve heard that’s the most important thing to look for in a therapist.

9 years ago

He still has 30 days (plus a 43-day extension) to file the financial paperwork to formally enter the race, which gives him plenty of time to fly in, make a lot of noise, shit all over everything, and depart. Seagull candidate.

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9 years ago


I didn’t think of it before, but now that you mention it I totally agree 🙂

I think he finds it’s a very rewarding profession, if our first meeting is anything to go by.

Let’s have a kitty!!
comment image


Ha! That was exactly what came to my mind when she brought it up!

I had cancelled our first appointment in order to attend the #NiUnaMenos protest (more info), so she was aware I am part of the Gynocracy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@fromafar2013: MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!

9 years ago

I just returned my kittens to the shelter to get adopted out 🙁 We really, really wanted to keep one of them.

9 years ago

Heard about how one top guy in the Canadian Military thinks the pervasive sexual harassment is a symptom of biology, thought it might be appropriate to share here:

… Yeah. He’s since back pedalled, but wth?

9 years ago

EJ (The Other One)
“Hugs, Fruitloopsie (or best wishes if touchphobic.) I hope everything works out.”

Thanks and I love hugs! And I’m fine now thanks.

9 years ago

Agreeing with several previous commenters here that the Trump candidacy is more on the hilarious end of things (though I still need to turn the radio down when they play snippets of him because ugh).

Most analysts I heard point out that it’s actually the Republicans who are most upset he declared – because nobody really believes he’ll win or even get nominated, but he’ll draw a lot of attention in an already overcrowded field, and he may take up the space of a more viable candidate during primary debates etc. Which is good news in my book!

Plus he has the awkward habit of actually saying what he thinks out loud instead of using dogwhistle code or dropping hints, and making the Republicans either have to disassociate from him or look terrible by association. Like actually being an open “birther” instead of just throwing veiled but plausibly deniable aspersions on Obama. I actually hope he’ll drop a few diamonds along the lines of Guiliani’s “Obama doesn’t love America” whopper (where the rest of the Republicans were left with the choice of either saying “okay, actually, while I may not like the guy, Obama probably does actually love America” through gritted teeth or pretty much owning up to being racists).

It’s like the Republican presidential field was just joined by that one uncle who always gets drunk and belligerent at Thanksgiving, and they’re just waiting to see what he’ll say this time.

9 years ago

Also back on topic, can’t go without this classic: