Confirming what most We Hunted the Mammoth readers have suspected for years, a new study from Indiana University reports that watching cat videos on the internet makes you feel good.
According to a press release from Indiana University about the study:
The Internet phenomenon of watching cat videos, from Lil Bub to Grumpy Cat, does more than simply entertain; it boosts viewers’ energy and positive emotions and decreases negative feelings, according to a new study by an Indiana University Media School researcher.
The research was conducted by assistant professor Princess Meow Meow Fluffybottom the 3rd Jessica Gall Myrick, an expert in “emotions and media.” Princess Fluffybottom Myrick surveyed some 7000 internet users, who reported that
- They were more energetic and felt more positive after watching cat-related online media than before.
- They had fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety, annoyance and sadness, after watching cat-related online media than before.
- They often view Internet cats at work or during studying.
The study found that when I am watching cat videos I am definitely not goofing off.
“Even if they are watching cat videos on YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional pay-off may actually help people take on tough tasks afterward,” Myrick said.
The results also suggest that future work could explore how online cat videos might be used as a form of low-cost pet therapy, she said.
Below, some more LOW COST PET THERAPY y’all!
H/T — Your friendly neighborhood Crip Dyke
YESSSS! Finally!
I know they’re not videos, but have some Princess Monster Truck

and Hamilton the Hipster Cat.
These cats are sorely needed, because Trump is running for president.
I am unsure if that is hilarious or frightening yet.
But at least kittens.
This. This right here is exactly what I keep coming back to WHTM. Yay.
Trump running for president is hilarious. He’s not going to win. He will provide a goldmine for every comedian that ever cover politics. I just wish the Colbert Report was around for this.
It’s frightening not because he could win. It’s frightening because I’ll have to fucking see his face in all the fucking political ads he’s gonna spam all over the place.
Plus, if he doesn’t get bored, the assholes who will vote for him ironically. I fear and loath them the most.
Since we’re on the topic of cat. does anyone have any advice for winning over a cat that doesn’t like me? My cat (Dracarys) and my dad’s cat (Toni) don’t like each other. So Toni associated me with the stress that Dracy’s presence has brought into her life I think. Occasionally Toni will let me pet her if she’s in a relaxed state. But most of the time she growls, hisses and swats at me when I get near her. I’ve never lived with a cat who disliked me before. Is there anything I should do? Or things I shouldn’t do?
Therapy, my ass.
It’s obvious the end is near.
Let the record reflect that I, for one, welcome our feline overlords, and any suggestions I ever favored dogs are malicious and unsubstantiated gossip.
And those empty vodka bottles poking from underneath the pile of tears-soaked Kleenex are most definitely not mine. The dog did it.
I think I saw an episode of My Cat from Hell that dealt with that. You might want to look it up. Jackson Galaxy is pretty awesome, too. He’s, well, the Cat Whisper.
Cat videos are gold! I will ALWAYS watch them. Of course, I am a cat lover and a nerd, so….
I’m looking forward to his campaign if only to see John Oliver rip him apart, and not being from the states I get all the hilarity without having to see him at all.
Unless he wins then….
Better think about cats
Wait…who funds this research? I have one year left on a useless degree and plan to further my debt with grad school. So, I am convinced I can further this research. I have two cats! I watch cat videos! I know others that watch cat videos!!!
Not to worry, Trump has no intention of winning. He doesn’t want to do actual work. He just wants the free publicity.
Can’t he just buy commercial time and be douche without running for president?
It’s just not the same if you have to pay people to let you vomit assholery all over them on television.
That is literally a political campaign.
A theory as to WHY cat videos bring joy:
When I was a kid my Grandmother had two cats a ginger Maine coon stylee tomcat called Botticelli and a black and white queen called Jemima Puddleduck… I’ve never been able to identify with cats since them ‘cos they set the bar to high. Other people’s cats are nice though.
I needed these kitty videos and pics I saw and read some horrible stuff that made me super angry and I cried. I’m glad there are places like these that exist and I forget about all the bad things in the world.
Gaaaah! I want a cat!! I have a great living situation, the only problem is a strict “no pets” rule :(. Once I get a career that pays me enough to get my own place, I’m adopting a kitty.
Hugs for you!
Thanks! 😀