#gamergate attention seeking davis aurini drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs gross incompetence imaginary oppression incoherent rage jordan owen mansplaining mantrum men who really shouldn't be making movies misogyny oppressed white men pig-biting mad reactionary bullshit sarkeesian!

Bathtub orator Jordan Owen responds to critics of The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer with funny voices, mansterics

If their reaction to the widespread mockery of The Sarkeesian Effect trailer is any indication, the two biggest critics of the “critic who cannot be criticized” cannot handle much in the way of criticism. Davis Aurini, the Nazi-er of the two Sarkeesian Effect auteurs, has been blocking the critics on his Youtube channel, evidently oblivious to the ironies. Jordan Owen, the one with the hair, has been yelling into his computer and putting the results up on Youtube. (See above.)

I wouldn’t really recommend watching the entire 18-minute-plus video, in which Owen, bristling with anger, reads out his response to a two-week-old piece in the Houston Press making fun of the trailer, unless you have some sort of fetish for long-winded long-haired dudes talking in silly “Valley Girl” voicesmaking fun of the spelling of people’s names, literally screeching about the “racism and sexism” allegedly faced by white dudes, and generally making no fucking sense whatsoever (while gratuitously working the n-word into their rants).

Seriously, just watch the bits I’ve linked to in the paragraph above and you’ll have a pretty good taste of the whole thing. Or read the rather amusing (and accurate) executive summary prepared by one anti-gamergater here.

The skin, it is a bit thin, no?

Here’s the original Sarkeesian Effect Trailer.

Oh, wait, that was my version. Here’s the one by Owen and Aurini.

And in case you didn’t get that “bathtub orator” reference in the title, this will explain it.

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Big Al
9 years ago

@Lea definitely two flicks I’ll look around for, hopefully they’ll pop up on Netflix but the UK version is pretty crappy compared to what US subscribers get.

I also want to see a film called Motivational Growth. Combs basically voices a growth of mould in a twenty-something loser’s bathroom and tells him to do stuff. Looks really trippy and gross, haha.

9 years ago

I loved Banshee Chapter. Very creepy! It’s not often I get some actual scares out of a movie, but I did with that one. Same vibe as Pulse (the original Japanese one obvs) and Pontypool. Two other movies that manage to make some old tropes scary and original.

Also, everyone needs to see It Follows if you haven’t already. I really hope it comes on Netflix.

9 years ago

When the documentary fails, will Owen go Galt? Aurini is already on MGTOW strike. I fear for our society and the implications of losing these creators, these great men of history!

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

@Zen – wait, he’s a fan of Jem and the Holograms? A woman hating bag of Dorito crumbs like him? I don’t believe it. GET OUT OF MY FANDOM JORDAN OWEN.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Hello! I am (hopefully) back from my router-imposed internet exile!

On topic:

The irony is palatable and makes me very happy in a “Wicked Witch of Irony” kind of way.

Also, while trying to find a funny gif for this post, I came across this and laughed a lot harder than I maybe should have:

9 years ago

Pontypool was good, wasn’t it? So weird.

9 years ago

literally screeching about the “racism and sexism” allegedly faced by white dudes, and generally making no fucking sense whatsoever (while gratuitously working the n-word into their rants).

And the word “wh*re.” Fucking priceless complaining about “sexism and racism against white men” while dropping racial and sexist slurs.

9 years ago

Is the skull’s name McArthur?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago
Mew York Kitty (@CCMSparkster)

@Lea I do know what people mean when they say “you can’t be racist against white people” but I do wonder why we don’t call it “institutional racism” vs. “social racism” or something like that. It seems like doing that would save a lot of energy trying to explain this stuff because the mainstream of society (as in those who could go either way and aren’t just locked into closet or blatant white supremacy) consider racism to be ANY discrimination or prejudice against someone based on their race.

What I’ve usually said is, “While people of color can say hateful bigoted things about white people, they really don’t have any institutional power whatsoever to put it into action like white people do. However, white people not only have the ability to express hatred for people of color but the ability to put it into action from police brutality to job and housing discrimination. Because I’m white, I don’t have to worry about a lot of things people of color generally worry about like being brutalized by the police for ‘looking suspicious’ or some other bullshit reason. I know that if I smoke weed in public, the most I might get is a ticket, not jail time. I know that if I do something stupid or foolish, it won’t be attributed to my race.”

9 years ago


I’ll second that recommendation for It Follows; I got to see it at a local theater and loved it. Genuinely suspenseful, cool premise, and it sidestepped (or just plain subverted) a lot of lazy tropes. I loved noticing all the subtle things that were used to make you feel unsettled and uncomfortable.

9 years ago

If Owen has any sense, he’ll have kidnapped the skull as a backup plan. When the film is finally released, and the two have a (second) public breakup, he can get even by sending Aurini pictures of McArthur in front of distinctive landmarks.

Now I’ll never be able to watch Amélie without thinking of Jordan Owen. Also, I’ll have to break up with Audrey Tautou (in my head). I hope you’re happy!

9 years ago

@apeculiarpersonage – Yes. The skull’s name is McArthur.

9 years ago


Ok, that is a surprise. I assume it was ranting just because it’s Owen. Thank you for actually watching it. I got part of the way through the infamous bathtub video something like 9 months ago and still can’t stand the sound of his voice enough to listen to him talk. I’m not sure why. Owen isn’t as horrible a person as Aurini, but I can still listen to Aurini’s pretentious bullshit.

9 years ago

Oh dear, accept the fact that all media is subject to criticism before making a documentary, boys. This amount of childishness is just sad.

9 years ago

You know, I wasn’t sure about The Sarkeesian Effect project before. You know, begging for $15k a month just to start filming, then posting updates that prove neither Owens nor Aurini can use a microphone, including themselves in the shot when interviewing people – it all looked like either the whole thing was a scam, or Owens and Aurini were deluded about their own ability to make a movie, or both. But having seen Owens read all his lines off sheets of white paper while talking a mile a minute and never looking at the camera, I have no doubt that this documentary is going to be top quality and worth every cent of its backers’ pocket money.

9 years ago

> but I do wonder why we don’t call it “institutional racism” vs. “social racism” or something like that.

I suspect it wouldn’t make a difference – the people who don’t want to listen wouldn’t listen any more.

9 years ago

If they can’t handle a little critism then there is no way they can handle what Anita has been through. What a couple of thin skinned nincompoops.

9 years ago

literally screeching about the “racism and sexism” allegedly faced by white dudes,

Racism and sexism are institutions, aimed at keeping non-whites and women, respectively, in “their” place, which is of course inferior to whites and men. So, if you’re a white guy, you’re not disadvantaged by racism OR sexism, by definition. Both, in fact, benefit you in ways you never even thought about. (Like, oh, not being killed by cops. Or not having rape and/or death threats leveled against you on the regular by the other sex. That sort of paltry little thing.)

What these guys call “racism against whites” and “sexism against men” is, in fact, nothing more than legitimate criticism leveled at the institutions of ACTUAL racism and ACTUAL sexism.

9 years ago

It has been said before but i’ll say it again.

Does this guy and his buddy have any sense of self-awareness? Because it doesn’t feel like anyone can have as little of it as these guys seem to have.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bina

That sort of paltry little thing

The little things also benefit. I’ve had the example of a sniffer dog in a Tube queue start getting a bit excited and the poor black kid behind me being asked “for a word” rather than the white guy in the three piece suit (me).

9 years ago

“He calls that “the rules of political correctness” rather than a fact. ”

It is not a fact.

There are some dictionary definitions of racism for you. Aren’t y’all feminists always quoting dictionary definitions of feminism?

9 years ago

Pontypool was good, wasn’t it? So weird.

It’s the only zombie/infection subgenre movie that I thought did anything remotely creative and interesting since 28 Days Later.

Alpha von Carousel
Alpha von Carousel
9 years ago

I remember the anti-“political correctness” backlash from the 90s that pretty much used the same bullshit rhetoric as the current one.