If their reaction to the widespread mockery of The Sarkeesian Effect trailer is any indication, the two biggest critics of the “critic who cannot be criticized” cannot handle much in the way of criticism. Davis Aurini, the Nazi-er of the two Sarkeesian Effect auteurs, has been blocking the critics on his Youtube channel, evidently oblivious to the ironies. Jordan Owen, the one with the hair, has been yelling into his computer and putting the results up on Youtube. (See above.)
I wouldn’t really recommend watching the entire 18-minute-plus video, in which Owen, bristling with anger, reads out his response to a two-week-old piece in the Houston Press making fun of the trailer, unless you have some sort of fetish for long-winded long-haired dudes talking in silly “Valley Girl” voices, making fun of the spelling of people’s names, literally screeching about the “racism and sexism” allegedly faced by white dudes, and generally making no fucking sense whatsoever (while gratuitously working the n-word into their rants).
Seriously, just watch the bits I’ve linked to in the paragraph above and you’ll have a pretty good taste of the whole thing. Or read the rather amusing (and accurate) executive summary prepared by one anti-gamergater here.
The skin, it is a bit thin, no?
Here’s the original Sarkeesian Effect Trailer.
Oh, wait, that was my version. Here’s the one by Owen and Aurini.
And in case you didn’t get that “bathtub orator” reference in the title, this will explain it.
Oh thank goodness for this post! I need a bit of (unintentional) comedy…
“prostatesteria” to be as analogous as it’s anatomically possible to be.
Holy shit. Owen appears to be fully clothed. And who said professionalism is dead these days.
Only 18 minutes of whining this time?
He calls that “the rules of political correctness” rather than a fact.

He and his fans are congratulating themselves for responding to critics in this manner instead of claiming Jordon is being harassed “like Sarkeesian does”.
I think they are to the point of believing their own lies. That’s alot of self delusion.
Meanwhile, Anita Sarkeesian is mentioned in More this month alongside Ashely Judd as a “troll tamer”.
The comment section is hilarious.
*Cries racism.
*Wears shirt depciting work of overtly-racist writer.
Uh-huh… yeeeeeeah. (Saying this as someone who loves some of Lovecraft’s stuff and is influenced by him, but shit, dude was a racist, man.)
Big Al,
Yes he was. I love it too, but that dude was a racist and a sexist.
Good for you for having the fabulous Jeffery Combs as an avatar, btw.
It doesn’t matter if Owen blocks commenters on his YouTube channel or not, because people will make YouTube videos mocking his documentary, and he will watch every single one of them. And respond at length. Which will be even more hilarious than the parodies.
If he had any self-awareness at all, Owen wouldn’t have left Aurini responsible for editing after the technical disaster of every single update they have posted so far. Not that Owen would do much better, since his idea of preparation seems to be “smoke tons of weed, get brilliant inspiration while taking bath, point cam at self in bath talking about brilliant inspiration.’
I’m completely shocked that he believes mocking a man is equivalent to threatening to rape and/or kill a woman. Shocked!
Do I even to bust out the Margaret Atwood quote? I think we all know it by now.
He does not even tell us why Mcarthur is no longer in the videos!
Actually it’s about plastic skulls in YouTube rants!
What a very, very, very silly man. But at least this is some light relief after the last two horrible stories.
I can’t wait to see Owen and Aurini losing their shit over the reviews their finished movie will get (assuming they ever release it).
Also, too, looking through his YouTube videos after clicking through to read what his fans had to say, one of the shorter ones is about Jem & The Holograms. I’m still trying to figure out what it says about Owen that he rants for 15 and a half minutes about a 150-second trailer for a movie based on a 1980s cartoon designed to sell dolls to little girls.* Why even care if you weren’t a fan of the show?
*Actually, I think it means Owen secretly writes Jem & The Holograms porn fanfic where all those hot cartoon band members totally want him.
“Big Al,
Yes he was. I love it too, but that dude was a racist and a sexist.
Good for you for having the fabulous Jeffery Combs as an avatar, btw.”
@Lea in fact, you could say that due to his attitudes towards women (I.e. he was completley terrified by them,) you oculd argue he was pretty “beta,” haha.
Combs is an absolute legend, as is Stuart Gordon. Big fan of the stuff they put out in the 80’s and early 90’s!
Jordan Owen is a big fan of Jem and the Holograms and is Pissed that they didn’t 1)hire him to write the soundtrack (really, he applied) and 2) Pissed that the movie doesn’t make him happy because it isnt just like a 30 year old cartoon. He gives a critique of what they should have done, because he’s an expert at those things in spite of the quality of the above trailer.
I watch Jordan Owen you tube just to facepalm.
That’s all well and good, but what about the skulls?
I’m not going to hold my breath.
Big Al,
I just saw Combs in a movie on Netflix called “Would You Rather”. He’s the highlight of the film. He oozes smarmy goodness. I’d have skipped it, but Jeffery Combs.
I also recently saw a great performance out of Ted Levine in Banshee Chapter. He basically plays Hunter S. Thompson. Well worth seeing just for him.
He slides into an awesome Sam Kinison impression at the “allegedly faced by white dudes” link. I wish I had an image account somewhere. That cheesy grin he gives at the end of that particular rant is priceless.
I really liked Banshee Chapter. It’s one of the few (maybe the only) movie in recent memory that managed to evoke that creepy feeling I used to get when sneaking horror shows lat night as a kid.
EJ the OO
No skulls, just dopey old Jordan.
I did notice something in the Sarkeesian trailer that I hadn’t before, when Jordan is interviewing the woman with black hair, the PhD candidate, he is sweating like iced tea in August. More odd exiting.
They are just such strange characters, Owen and Aurini. Somehow I can’t look away. ????
Sorry, *editing*.
It bugs me that he reads his rants off sheets of paper like a primary school kid giving a book report. Small potatoes given everything else, but 1. He writes these damn things, he should be able to remember them, 2. Failing that, cue cards, and 3. Failing that, keep the papers out of frame.
If Owen has any sense, he’ll have kidnapped the skull as a backup plan. When the film is finally released, and the two have a (second) public breakup, he can get even by sending Aurini pictures of McArthur in front of distinctive landmarks.
It was good -n- spooky. Very eerie. Plenty of suspense.