a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males empathy deficit entitlement men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sexual harassment sympathy for murderers

Man kills woman said to have reported him for sexual harassment; Red Pillers “find it hard to blame him.”

Friends and family remember Andrea Farrington, who was murdered on
Friends and family remember Andrea Farrington

On Friday, security guard Alexander Kozak was reportedly fired from his job at the Coral Ridge Mall in Iowa. According to news accounts, Kozak, a self-identified “born free, gun toting, Constitution loving American,” returned home, retrieved a handgun, then returned to the mall, where he shot and killed a young woman named Andrea Farrington, with whom he was reportedly obsessed.

A local radio station reported that Kozak was fired

due to complaints of sexual harassment of store employees. It’s believed he targeted the woman, who reportedly worked at the Iowa Children’s Museum, because her complaint was the last in a series and led to his firing.

Over on the Roosh V forum, an online hangout for “Red Pillers” and fans of the repugnant pickup artist and rape legalization proponent, some of the regulars are “finding it hard to blame” Kozak for the murder.

Despite knowing even less about the case than what I’ve posted above, one commenter, going by the name Ziltoid, concluded that Kozak had probably been guilty of nothing more serious than offending the victim’s delicate sensitivities.

Like rape, does the term sexual harassment prettymuch no longer have any real meaning?
IE it’s safe to assume there’s no chance this guy actually touched her or said anything overtly lewd?

As somebody who’s been job hunting for some time now picturing being fired, in this job market, over some twit finding you “creepy”… Sad to say I’m finding it hard to blame him.

While a number of commenters found Ziltoid’s justification of outright murder a bit creepy in themselves — one urged him to “[p]lease don’t ever leave your house” — others agreed that Kozak was guilty of nothing more than being unattractive to women.

Given the lack of details regarding the allegations, it is safe to assume he did not touch or proposition these women. Simply put, he was guilty of having no game and/or being creepy. … 

As far as I’m concerned, his being guilty of not giving these bitches the tingles is what caused him to get fired, and in turn, murder this chick.

Samseau, one of the more active commenters on Roosh’s site, concocted an elaborate hypothetical scenario in which “Alex [Kozak]’s only crime was being average.” As Samseau sees it, Kozak was probably fired for something as trivial as telling a mall customer she looked “beautiful.”

He bases this on a news report saying that Kozak, who took his wife’s last name when he married last fall, was raised by a single mother.

[A]fter examining the above facts here is the most likely conclusion:

He wasn’t being rude to anyone on his job. He wasn’t trying to be a pick-up artist on the job and shitting where he eats. His ‘prior-complaints leading up to his firing’ are almost certainly trumped-up charges. His crime? Being a beta male raised without a father and a domineering mother.

After he was fired for no good reason, as Samseau imagines it,

this poor man, who receives such injustice is immediately filled with burning rage; all of the issues of his childhood neglect well-up inside of him, and he stops thinking rationally.

“What the fuck is this. How am I supposed to keep my wife now? How can we have children if I have no income? What am I supposed to do now? I DID NOTHING WRONG!! THAT FUCKING BITCH! THAT STUPID WHORE! I KNOW WHO DID THIS. SHE THINKS I’M A SEXUAL HARASSER?”

Alex believes his life is over. He knows he won’t find another job; it took him nearly a year to find this one. He won’t find another girl; he’s already balding and his current wife is so beautiful to him it is impossible to imagine life without her. He already knows he’ll never find a girl as good as her to be his wife; he’ll never get to be the father he never had.

He goes home, crying. He finds his gun and loads it. And he rushes back to the mall with blood in his eyes.

Samseau admitted that, aside from the bit about Kozak’s father being absent in his life, he made all this up.

I cannot prove if the above is true, but based on my understanding of beta-male psychology raised by single-mothers, and feminist psychology, the above is probably very accurate. 

He added, a little surprisingly, that

I do not think this man was justified to murder. He must be imprisoned.

After this moment of lucidity, Samseau went on to add a “but” that rendered it moot.

But the amount of self-control it would have taken him not to snap was more than an average man could handle; indeed it would have required a Saint-like amount of virtue to not blow up after having his life completely destroyed.

Paraphrasing a line from a creepy short story by Roosh in which a young female journalist is stalked and killed by a man she “got fired,” Samseau declares that “Alex’s only crime was being average.”

Who knew that “being average” involved committing premeditated murder?

So far, it’s looking like Samseau’s imagined scenario doesn’t bear much resemblance to what actually happened.  A cousin of Farrington told a reporter that the murdered woman had confided in her about Kozek’s alleged stalkerish behavior,

saying several times that he had engaged in disturbing behavior toward her for at least the past six weeks. …

Kozak would stare at her while she was working, leave notes on her car and “just be scary and weird.”

“She was scared that he knew so much about her,” Dayton said.

While no one else on the Roosh V forum comes quite as close to outright endorsing the murder as Ziltoid and Samseau, others make the familiar argument — which I discussed in more detail in my post yesterday about would-be cop killer James Boulware –that outbursts of this sort of male rage are a sign, not of the often toxic versions of masculinity that our society still promotes, but of too much feminism.

Red_Pillage returned with this, er, analysis:

Society is churning out weak men with no masculine guidance by the truckload. Add to that the social ramifications of unrestrained and optimized hypergamy, what you get is men with nowhere to turn. That masculine energy will express itself in destructive ways if it is not channeled properly.

There’s gonna be a lot more Elliot Rodger’s coming down the pike. Now in this case the guy apparently wasn’t an incel, but I would be willing to bet that his murderous rage came from (at least in part) sexual frustration coupled with losing his job.

In Rooshland, of course, sexual frustration is ultimately the fault of women for not giving men the sex they “need.”

Suits, meanwhile, wondered

how often are we going [to] be seeing this happen in a society that criminalizes normal male behaviour?

I suppose it’s not surprising that fans of Roosh — who seriously argued several months ago that legalizing rape (on private property) would end rape — would think that the only way to protect women from creepy harassers would be to stop enforcing the rules, and the laws, against harassment, so as not to piss the harassers off.

That’s a bit like arguing we should abolish laws against murders because murderers sometimes threaten or kill witnesses to their crimes.

Sexual harassment may be disturbingly common, and once upon a time it was indeed considered more or less “normal male behavior.” (Look at any old magazine from the 1950s or 1960s to see endless variations on the comedic trope of the middle-aged businessman chasing his buxom young secretary around his desk.) But that doesn’t make it right.

The fact that laws against harassment make some men very, very angry isn’t proof that these laws are bad. It’s proof that some men still think they have a right to use predatory strategies in their pursuit of “bangs.” And that’s why we have these laws to begin with.

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9 years ago

Interests: Chloroform, “blunt force objects”.
Books: The Anarchist’s Cookbook (really)
Activities: Practicing with swords, video games, “shopping mall”.

“Shopping mall”. Where the victim was, and where he stalked and killed her…

BRB, gotta go lose my lunch. Yeah, it’s nearly 4:30 here. But I feel queasy just reading that.

@Karen, I hope your next job is better than your last in every way.

Biot (on a different browser this time)
Biot (on a different browser this time)
9 years ago

@sunnysombrera: I was about to type out his sentence when I saw that Bina had ninja’d me. For what it’s worth, a judge also set a $10 million cash-only bond when he appeared in court for the first time on Saturday. He also admitted to police that he intentionally killed her and that it was premeditated after he was read his Miranda rights.

@Mari: RawStory already has a report that put “open-carry nut” ahead of “sexual harassment complaints,” and some people on my Facebook feed are going off of his open-carry/pro-gun/right-wing aspects. I wish I could pick up the Internet, shake it a few times, and yell in its face that it wasn’t about the gun as much as it was about the harassment and the entitlement or aggression.

9 years ago

On a quick OT note, WordPress are refusing to take down that “Philosophy of Rape” blog, playing the free speech card.



chronically lurking
chronically lurking
9 years ago

Yup, I’m from that part of Iowa and I was reading more “lol open carry nut!” than anything about sexual harassment.

I sadly correctly assumed there was some toxic masculinity going on here (especially because, as others mentioned, there was a recent murder suicide carried out in front of my old neighborhood grocery store about 40 miles away from this place by some dude angry about his ex, minutes after my mom had gone shopping just to bring it home). But this is actually the first place I heard about the sexual harassment bits.


Granted my source of news from there is Facebook, not Iowa news outlets. But I still read “open carry” on a news outlet before I read “sexual harassment”.

Incidentally, you don’t see a lot of Bible thumping open carry fanatics in that part of Iowa. Small pockets of Bible thumpers, particularly rich families of the “obnoxiously conservative” variety, yes, but they generally care more about gay marriage, “religious liberty”, or abortion more than carrying guns around everywhere. That general rule might actually even be true for the more rural parts of Iowa, as well. Not that it makes it OK to focus on, just contextualizing it a bit.

chronically lurking
chronically lurking
9 years ago

For the record and to be fair, I did check the news outlet I was linked to again and they are saying the local police don’t want to officially comment on his motive at this time. Sounds like one of those “they actually know what the motive is but don’t want to put the victim’s family and coworkers in the media line of fire while they investigate” kind of things.

Sarah Gawricki
9 years ago

Reblogged this on the abattoir heart.

9 years ago

WordPress calls calling for the rape of little girls in order to break their spirits permanently free speech? comment image

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Here’s the tweet:

(With bonus “Satire means whatever I want it to mean!” Which makes me wonder…)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

*eye twitches*

9 years ago

David linked to an update on twitter, apparently the sites down now.

9 years ago

FYI (if anyone revisits this thread), WordPress took the site down. I went on Twitter to tell them that, ‘satire’ or not, it violated their TOS but they’d already done it. Yay! *throws glitter now it’s everywhere*

9 years ago

Ninja’d by @Snuffy!

9 years ago



But fuck this whole “free speech” shit, from here to the South Pole.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Well, I’m not that excited. It should never have gone up in the first place.

9 years ago

Well, yeah. It pretty clearly violated WP’s TOS, and I’m not impressed they waffled on that (and pulled the ‘satire’ card bc… come ON). Glad they took it down though.

Brandi Nemer Mastain
9 years ago

When does it cross the line? So it’s ok to just stand and stare at someone? He put notes on her car. HE WAS MARRIED. So ya, that is creepy as fuck. No man can begin to understand what it is like to have a stalker, ever. The guy who used to just “stare” at my sister, eventually kidnapped her, and beat and raped her for 4 hours, stalked our house, burned down our garage, sent people after her siblings…..a guy she didn’t even know…until the day he grabbed her. Big rocks being thrown through our windows of our house, over 50 slit tires over a 3 year period. Financial and emotional stress caused my dad to have a stroke.

So it isn’t fucking OK to kill someone that your fucking retarded self can’t have.

Would you feel that way if it was your sister …or mother?

BTW…the company he worked for say he resigned.

9 years ago

About the punishment for murder in the US, it depends on the state. In Iowa, first degree murder can result in a sentence of life without hope of parole, and they mean that. Once someone is convicted, you rarely hear about them. No endless death row appeals, no parole hearings, no news of any kind unless they die or (as happened in one case) kill a fellow prisoner.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Everytime I see your name, I think of Mari from Geek Remix.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Out of cynical curiosity, what are the odds of this guy being let off despite everything?

Brandi Nemer Mastain
9 years ago

Actually was wondering how you all would feel if the creeper was doing this to your wife, daughter, sister….it’s still ok?

So the victim was tired of creepy notes on her car, tired of him starring at her….so she does something about it, by complaining…and gets killed.

So are you all saying women should just be subjected to it.

Do you all know that she wasn’t the first one to complain about him, crossing the line? Just one of several women who complained.

What he did, is why women get so freaked out. If women didn’t have to see this crap time and time again, they wouldn’t make a deal of it.

He couldn’t have her, and made sure no one else could either.

It’s stunning how you all think that is ok.

9 years ago

@Pandapool, I hadn’t thought of that. I was barely aware of Geek Remix. I’ll have to watch some of the videos in Mari solidarity.

@SFHC, I can’t recall a lot of cases where someone got off in Iowa for a crime this heinous. There have been instances of people being found mentally incompetent to stand trial, in which case they move into the Medical and Classification Center and are never heard from again. I recall a case where a guy who killed his family wound up there, and I believe the young man who planted bombs in mailboxes across the country because he wanted to draw a smiley face on a US map is still a resident. They have a hospice, so if someone under a life sentence is dying, they may get transferred to the Center instead of getting a compassionate discharge. (The Center is about two miles from where the crime took place and even closer than that to my place of employment. Every few years, someone escapes for a bit and we have a lockdown. Fun times.)

This guy could try for a lesser sentence by claiming he didn’t really mean to shoot her until the moment he did it, thus going for Murder in the Second. But Iowans tend to be pragmatic about these things. If you go home, get your gun, go back to work, and shoot someone, they’re going to conclude you meant to do it.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Geek Remix is aaammmaaaazzzing. Their 2 Girls 1 Let’s Play series is awesome. Stacy and Mari are just the funniest, plus Mari does all these theory videos about games, mostly on Life is Strange, and they do game previews of indie games a lot.

9 years ago

I looked up the pipe bomber out of curiosity. It seems he wound up a similar facility in Minnesota because it’s considered a federal issue:

I remember this case mostly because of one of the victims. Her hand was partially blown off when she went to collect her mail. She jumped into her car, drove out to a field where her husband was working on a tractor and asked him to drive her to the hospital. I think she then made sure the investigators looked for her wedding ring. Iowans are tough.

9 years ago

It strikes me that I’m coming off as a real apologist for Iowa. I’m not a native, and this thread reminded me of some things I noticed when I moved here that I admire. There are also things I’m not nearly as fond of. (Bob Vander Plaats, I’m looking at your sorry ass.)