a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males empathy deficit entitlement men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sexual harassment sympathy for murderers

Man kills woman said to have reported him for sexual harassment; Red Pillers “find it hard to blame him.”

Friends and family remember Andrea Farrington, who was murdered on
Friends and family remember Andrea Farrington

On Friday, security guard Alexander Kozak was reportedly fired from his job at the Coral Ridge Mall in Iowa. According to news accounts, Kozak, a self-identified “born free, gun toting, Constitution loving American,” returned home, retrieved a handgun, then returned to the mall, where he shot and killed a young woman named Andrea Farrington, with whom he was reportedly obsessed.

A local radio station reported that Kozak was fired

due to complaints of sexual harassment of store employees. It’s believed he targeted the woman, who reportedly worked at the Iowa Children’s Museum, because her complaint was the last in a series and led to his firing.

Over on the Roosh V forum, an online hangout for “Red Pillers” and fans of the repugnant pickup artist and rape legalization proponent, some of the regulars are “finding it hard to blame” Kozak for the murder.

Despite knowing even less about the case than what I’ve posted above, one commenter, going by the name Ziltoid, concluded that Kozak had probably been guilty of nothing more serious than offending the victim’s delicate sensitivities.

Like rape, does the term sexual harassment prettymuch no longer have any real meaning?
IE it’s safe to assume there’s no chance this guy actually touched her or said anything overtly lewd?

As somebody who’s been job hunting for some time now picturing being fired, in this job market, over some twit finding you “creepy”… Sad to say I’m finding it hard to blame him.

While a number of commenters found Ziltoid’s justification of outright murder a bit creepy in themselves — one urged him to “[p]lease don’t ever leave your house” — others agreed that Kozak was guilty of nothing more than being unattractive to women.

Given the lack of details regarding the allegations, it is safe to assume he did not touch or proposition these women. Simply put, he was guilty of having no game and/or being creepy. … 

As far as I’m concerned, his being guilty of not giving these bitches the tingles is what caused him to get fired, and in turn, murder this chick.

Samseau, one of the more active commenters on Roosh’s site, concocted an elaborate hypothetical scenario in which “Alex [Kozak]’s only crime was being average.” As Samseau sees it, Kozak was probably fired for something as trivial as telling a mall customer she looked “beautiful.”

He bases this on a news report saying that Kozak, who took his wife’s last name when he married last fall, was raised by a single mother.

[A]fter examining the above facts here is the most likely conclusion:

He wasn’t being rude to anyone on his job. He wasn’t trying to be a pick-up artist on the job and shitting where he eats. His ‘prior-complaints leading up to his firing’ are almost certainly trumped-up charges. His crime? Being a beta male raised without a father and a domineering mother.

After he was fired for no good reason, as Samseau imagines it,

this poor man, who receives such injustice is immediately filled with burning rage; all of the issues of his childhood neglect well-up inside of him, and he stops thinking rationally.

“What the fuck is this. How am I supposed to keep my wife now? How can we have children if I have no income? What am I supposed to do now? I DID NOTHING WRONG!! THAT FUCKING BITCH! THAT STUPID WHORE! I KNOW WHO DID THIS. SHE THINKS I’M A SEXUAL HARASSER?”

Alex believes his life is over. He knows he won’t find another job; it took him nearly a year to find this one. He won’t find another girl; he’s already balding and his current wife is so beautiful to him it is impossible to imagine life without her. He already knows he’ll never find a girl as good as her to be his wife; he’ll never get to be the father he never had.

He goes home, crying. He finds his gun and loads it. And he rushes back to the mall with blood in his eyes.

Samseau admitted that, aside from the bit about Kozak’s father being absent in his life, he made all this up.

I cannot prove if the above is true, but based on my understanding of beta-male psychology raised by single-mothers, and feminist psychology, the above is probably very accurate. 

He added, a little surprisingly, that

I do not think this man was justified to murder. He must be imprisoned.

After this moment of lucidity, Samseau went on to add a “but” that rendered it moot.

But the amount of self-control it would have taken him not to snap was more than an average man could handle; indeed it would have required a Saint-like amount of virtue to not blow up after having his life completely destroyed.

Paraphrasing a line from a creepy short story by Roosh in which a young female journalist is stalked and killed by a man she “got fired,” Samseau declares that “Alex’s only crime was being average.”

Who knew that “being average” involved committing premeditated murder?

So far, it’s looking like Samseau’s imagined scenario doesn’t bear much resemblance to what actually happened.  A cousin of Farrington told a reporter that the murdered woman had confided in her about Kozek’s alleged stalkerish behavior,

saying several times that he had engaged in disturbing behavior toward her for at least the past six weeks. …

Kozak would stare at her while she was working, leave notes on her car and “just be scary and weird.”

“She was scared that he knew so much about her,” Dayton said.

While no one else on the Roosh V forum comes quite as close to outright endorsing the murder as Ziltoid and Samseau, others make the familiar argument — which I discussed in more detail in my post yesterday about would-be cop killer James Boulware –that outbursts of this sort of male rage are a sign, not of the often toxic versions of masculinity that our society still promotes, but of too much feminism.

Red_Pillage returned with this, er, analysis:

Society is churning out weak men with no masculine guidance by the truckload. Add to that the social ramifications of unrestrained and optimized hypergamy, what you get is men with nowhere to turn. That masculine energy will express itself in destructive ways if it is not channeled properly.

There’s gonna be a lot more Elliot Rodger’s coming down the pike. Now in this case the guy apparently wasn’t an incel, but I would be willing to bet that his murderous rage came from (at least in part) sexual frustration coupled with losing his job.

In Rooshland, of course, sexual frustration is ultimately the fault of women for not giving men the sex they “need.”

Suits, meanwhile, wondered

how often are we going [to] be seeing this happen in a society that criminalizes normal male behaviour?

I suppose it’s not surprising that fans of Roosh — who seriously argued several months ago that legalizing rape (on private property) would end rape — would think that the only way to protect women from creepy harassers would be to stop enforcing the rules, and the laws, against harassment, so as not to piss the harassers off.

That’s a bit like arguing we should abolish laws against murders because murderers sometimes threaten or kill witnesses to their crimes.

Sexual harassment may be disturbingly common, and once upon a time it was indeed considered more or less “normal male behavior.” (Look at any old magazine from the 1950s or 1960s to see endless variations on the comedic trope of the middle-aged businessman chasing his buxom young secretary around his desk.) But that doesn’t make it right.

The fact that laws against harassment make some men very, very angry isn’t proof that these laws are bad. It’s proof that some men still think they have a right to use predatory strategies in their pursuit of “bangs.” And that’s why we have these laws to begin with.

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Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago


I don’t see how you’ve been censored. Your incoherent evopsych babble is your own doing. You know, maybe that’s your brain trying to censor you. Try your “arguments” about non-existing “ideologies” and your biotruths, I think we could all use a laugh. Honestly.

9 years ago

I’m perfectly happy to admit I’m not up to the challenge of debating someone who apparently isn’t even capable of coherently stating their position.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

LMAO @ ‘honest debate’ proposal from a misogynist.


emilygoddess - WHTM Mod
emilygoddess - WHTM Mod
9 years ago

Right? It’d be like debating a bot, or the proverbial chess-playing pigeon.

9 years ago

The Jezebel comments also made an excellent point that things like Not All Men, Not All Women, Not All Muslims etc is a given. It doesn’t need to be said! The MRA belief that feminists think ill of men everywhere is a MASSIVE FUCKING MYTH yet they won’t back down from it no matter how much we prove them wrong, which is why there is always at least one barging into every relevant discussion with #NotAllMen.

Just shows their priorities, doesn’t it. It’s even more obvious when they take cases like this along with Elliot Rodgers or even some fictional aesop they made up themselves (see: Elam’s “How We Kill Johnny” piece) and place 100% of their focus on how evil women drove the poor man to murder and yet COMPLETELY gloss over the fact that SOMEONE DIED AGAINST THEIR WILL.


Couple this with the constant “women behave yourselves or you’ll be killed/raped!” threats that are increasing in popularity and I s2g, women’s lives are just collateral damage to them. As long as they get their way women’s lives literally mean nothing. Not even lip service.

And they wonder why we think they’re dangerous.

9 years ago

You aren’t honest, troll and this isn’t a space for debating misogynist shitheads. You’ve presented nothing to debate. Troll on down the river. You don’t even know what censorship means. Your ripe for the mocking, but that’s it.

Do I even need to point out that trying to make a thread about a murdered woman about your ego is a shitty thing to do?

9 years ago

But he’s such a Brave Hero. /s

9 years ago

And they wonder why we think they’re dangerous.

I don’t think they really wonder that. I think they just don’t understand why we aren’t cowering in a corner like they think we should. They would be under the same threat. I remember one guy claiming that women had to be lying about how common rape and abuse are because if we were really that worried for our safety, we’d never leave the house. The idea that we might be a bit heartier than they are threatens their concept of masculinity.

9 years ago

@troll: “Help, help, I’m being repressed!”

9 years ago

Good point.
Just piss off already, will you? I know you’re simply going to scamper off to your MRA buddies and go “I tried a reasonable debate with feminists and they refused LOL they must have nothing to reason with!” Go ahead. You being here or not being here makes not even a tiny iota of difference to what we do and what we stand for.

9 years ago

Indeed, I also feel sorry for his wife. Even if he was hiding his dark side from her, to find out that the man you married was not only obsessing over other women but also willing to murder them at their rejection…She’ll probably have trouble trusting her own judgement for a while. Poor woman. Do you really think it’s possible that if Kozak hadn’t murdered Farrington, after a while he might have turned on his wife in some way? Clearly he had a problem with feeling entitled to women.

Make that a “me three” — I feel sorry for his wife. She may have been abused, too, if his known pattern of behavior also holds true at home. Being married to a violent, entitled asswipe is a heavy cross to bear. I hope she gets out from under, soon.

Big Al
9 years ago

The Adversary? Pfft. I think Satan’s got plenty of better things to do than go all keyboard warrior in the name of Nice Guys(tm).

9 years ago

Make that a “me three” — I feel sorry for his wife. She may have been abused, too, if his known pattern of behavior also holds true at home. Being married to a violent, entitled asswipe is a heavy cross to bear. I hope she gets out from under, soon.

(Assuming she was indeed abused). Well, considering that he’s highly likely to get charged with murder in court it seems that she HAS gotten away from him. Whether she’ll file for divorce papers while he is in the clink I don’t know, but maybe his jail time will at least give her the space she needs to realise she is better off without him.

9 years ago

Ooops, he already has been charged. What’s the usual term for first degree murder in the USA?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Debate, as in the formalised verbal sport, is actually an extremely bad way of discussing ideas. The winning moves in debate are:

– Gish gallop (that is, throw out as many non-sequiteurs as possible as quickly as possible)
– Never explain your own position, only attack the opponent
– Strawman whenever you can

This means that debate is almost ideally suited to dishonest people and dishonest ideas. Indeed, the people you see clamouring to hold debates are generally those who hold dishonest ideas: creationists, misogynists, ethnic supremacists, et cetera. More honest people will go in for other methods of examining ideas: dialectic, peer review, critical theory, and so on. Debate is for sophists.

9 years ago

It’s unfortunately impossible to do here due to censorship but I’m quite sure none of you people stand a chance against me in an honest debate.

Do your worst, champ. So far, you haven’t actually presented any kind of argument. I think you’re full of shit and you’re not going to come back and present one. Because you know that you’d lose. If you just leave a drive by turd, you still get to tell yourself that you would totally win if not for the evil feminist censorship.

Do you think we’re scared? There are pieces of guys like you in our stool every morning.*

Repeat : Honest debate.
Are you up to the challenge?

Cliché, but obligatory and relevant.
comment image

9 years ago

* Bonus points for anyone who got the reference.

9 years ago

RIP Andrea Farrington

I remember a couple months ago a troll was going on about demonizing male sexuality, which for him included rape. I guess it was just a matter of time before the manosphere unironically whines, “why are you demonizing murder?!” Does it really need to be spelled out for those MRAdjacent idiots that murder is evil? Like it’s much worse than reporting someone for sexual harassment. I get that they identify with the murderer, but why can’t they identify with non-murdering decent men that make up the majority of the population?

@troll Last time I checked, wehuntedthemammoth wasn’t a part of the U.S. government, so censorship is not something David can do. If you can’t get something so basic right, how can others be confident you are even worth debating, assuming you would argue in good faith?

9 years ago


25 yrs minus parole.

9 years ago

A good example of the mental gymnastics you have to perform to reconcile the egalitarianist ideology with evolution/biology.
It makes social darwinism look scientific in comparison.
Check out the verbosity and word salad needed to rationalize all the absurdities! What a mess of confusion!
It reads just like a feminist paper …

And what would you know about feminist papers? You’ve clearly never read one. But you sure are heaping on the word salad. Mmmmmm, smells like TROLL!

It’s unfortunately impossible to do here due to censorship but I’m quite sure none of you people stand a chance against me in an honest debate. Repeat : Honest debate.
Are you up to the challenge?

I am, but I know you’re not! Therefore: NO SALE. FUCK OFF, TROLL.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

but I’m quite sure none of you people stand a chance against me in an honest debate. Repeat : Honest debate.
Are you up to the challenge?


Us: *yawn*

Funny how these guys are able to brush off their own manipulative behavior (“Sleep with me or I WILL TAKE HOSTAGES/KILL YOU/KILL MYSELF/BRING DOWN WESTERN CIVILIZATION”) as “normal and understandable”. Whereas women going about their business (choosing mates, objecting to inappropriate behavior, preferring to be treated decently) are manipulative damselers, gold-diggers, and attention whores. I think we’ve wandered into the MRA Projection Cineplex again.

Here’s what’s “normal and understandable”:

o Feeling sad and frustrated after a rejection.

Here’s what’s not “normal and understandable”:

o Stalking a co-worker when you’re newly married. (FFS.)
o Murdering said co-worker because your scary, creepy antics cost you your job.
o High-fiving the murderer and blaming the victim.
o Sexual extortion.
o Emotional racketeering.

Single mom here, and my 3 1/2 year old twin boys understand this concept better than the OP does. Stop blaming this shit on “domineering mothers and absent dads”. There’s no way in hell I’m ever letting my boys near a Redpill “alpha”. I want them to be able to form stable, loving adult relationships, understand the basics of Humaning 101, hold down a job without getting fired for being a creepy harrassing cockwomble, and feel manly and successful without the aid of 6,000 guns and meaningless bully-sex.

In fact, I would venture that being raised by a redpill dad, and having toxic gender essentialism crammed down the kids’ throats from an early age, makes this kind of shooting spree much more likely to occur than being raised by a single mom. There’s no way redpill dads can successfully model dealing gracefully with rejection. See the bullet points above.

9 years ago

(Assuming she was indeed abused). Well, considering that he’s highly likely to get charged with murder in court it seems that she HAS gotten away from him. Whether she’ll file for divorce papers while he is in the clink I don’t know, but maybe his jail time will at least give her the space she needs to realise she is better off without him.

I hope she does. She deserves better.

Ooops, he already has been charged. What’s the usual term for first degree murder in the USA?

Depending where one is, anything from an awfully long time in the can, to the death penalty.

(checks location)

In Iowa, according to the wiki-diki, it’s life without parole.

Yeah, I’d say divorcing him would be a good move on her part.

9 years ago

I lost my job on Friday but I have not, nor will I in the future, kill anyone over this.

9 years ago

@The Adversary,

go on then, state you case, honestly.

A woman just got murdered by a man she hardly knew because she complained after he spent six weeks harassing her, and numerous individuals over on the RooshVForum are showing sympathy towards his actions.

Those are the facts, what’s your argument?