
Red Pill Redditors now straight-up advocating Nazi policies on women. As in “what literal Hitler literally did.”

Red Pill dream girl
Red Pill dream girl

Anyone who’s paid much attention to the growth of the “Red Pill” ideology in the manosphere is aware that many of the most fervent Red Pillers not only lean right politically, they lean so far right that they more or less look like this:

(The cat's right, not yours.)
(The cat’s right, not yours.)

Only much less cute.

Well, now the Red Pillers on Reddit are just straight-up advocating Hitler’s policies on women during the Third Reich. Not just advocating traditionalist policies similar to what Hitler did. Literally saying that Germany today should literally adopt literal Hitler’s literal “solution” to the Woman Problem. 

In a discussion of what the Red Pillers see as a disastrous drop in the birth rate in Germany, one commenter suggested that “Germany knows what it has to do, and Germany has demonstrated it is capable of doing it with cold, calculated German efficiency.”

He linked to a Wikipedia page on “Women in Nazi Germany,” which noted that

Women in the Third Reich lived within a regime characterized by a policy of confining women in the roles of mother and spouse and excluding them from all positions of responsibility, notably in the political and academic spheres.

Other Red Pillers thought this sounded fine and dandy, upvoting his comments and adding their own thoughts:

[–]Piroko 17 points 12 hours ago  Germany knows what it has to do, and Germany has demonstrated it is capable of doing it with cold, calculated German efficiency.  The question is, will they?  permalinkembedsavereportgive gold [–]HAMMURABl 31 points 12 hours ago*  Trust me, Germany 2015 is like the opposite of Germany 1935. As op said, todays germany will push for more women working and more immigrants to counter the ever declining birth rate.  The causal thinking of "more women working" » "less babies" can MAYBE be seen by the average german, but solutions of sort "women staying more at home would solve the demographic catastrophe" are completely anathema to him.  Its like the germans cant find a stable midpoint, they have to go from one extreme to the other.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]BloodyPhallus 16 points 11 hours ago  I'm fascinated by what will happen in Germany. Will another leader arise to take back the country, or will it become a nation of towelhead nutjobs? Eighty years from a proud German people to a weak, castrated German people, will there be a German people in another eighty years?

In case anyone is wondering, Piroko also

Apparently, to paraphrase an old WWII propaganda poster encouraging carpooling, when you post in the Red Pill subreddit, you post with Hitler. 

H/T — r/thebluepill

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9 years ago

Most of the damage Germany did to other countries in the EU was in the form of pushing for hard austerity measures in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

They’ve been diasterous. Austerity measures are a fucking lie.

9 years ago

“Germany knows what it has to do, and Germany has demonstrated it is capable of doing it with cold, calculated German efficiency.”

Ahem. Speaking as an ethnic German, and the daughter of two German immigrants who lived through that war (and as a granddaughter of two German men who were conscripted by the Waffen-SS and the Kriegsmarine during it), I have just one thing to say to this Scheißhammel:


9 years ago

New MRA hero? It’s still early and just making a speculation, but apparently the assailant took issue with the police taking his child.

9 years ago

Golly gosh. How surprised am I!

The husband I divorced back in the 70s was very proud of his family’s German heritage. Proud enough to tell me that Hitler had the right idea about women. He thought Kinder, Küche, Kirche, sounded just fine and dandy and i’d be better off if I agreed with that.

The fact that he was a lazy drunkard who’d no more be able to support a child, let alone a non-working wife, than a feather can support a horse never really occurred to him. All he was really interested in, you may be shocked to hear, was controlling whether I had any money, what I did, when I did it and, hopefully, wasn’t keen on doing by my own volition. And he was willing to use his fists to make his point.

If the Men’s Reich Movement had been around back then, he’d have been an enthusiastic devotee. (Though I couldn’t see him giving any money to anyone, including Paulie, when there was still booze to bought at the pub.)

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

@Bina: let me be the first to congratulate you on your mastery of your mother tongue. German is a beautiful language, especially for… certain occasions.

@Ezzie: I just realised that we all seem hellbent on making the “ish” in your being okay(-ish) bigger, sorry. But then that’s also a very German characteristic…

9 years ago

@kakanian – I remember spotting a piece in the newspaper about 3 years ago, about a survey that found 60% of Austrians would be willing to vote for a Nazi party, and feeling utterly appalled.
Dunno how accurately the survey reflects the entire electorate, but Austria’s always been pretty right-wing, apparently.

Our Dark Lord, Sir Christopher Lee did not spend the 1940s hunting Nazis for the allies, just for them to pop up all over the fucking place as soon as there’s an economic downturn, Goddammit!

9 years ago

Well, surprise.

9 years ago

My half-German ass wants to punch them in the effin’ face. Whenever anyone invokes Nazism as a logical way to conduct a society on any level, my rage goes from 0 to 60 in under a millisecond. My Dad was a kid during WWII and I’ve heard about what it was like there during that time and I do NOT stomach ignorant right-wing American f***s waxing philosophical about something they know nothing, NOTHING about. Not much more I can say about this without my brain melting in anger.

9 years ago

Being a german woman living in Germany, I see that when it comes to motherhood, this whole idea of Germany being quite the opposite to what it was in 1935 is not true. One of the reasons why women don’t have kids – or only one child – is the immense expectancy to how a mother should be. It actually comes from the mother image that was formed by Nazis: a mother would define herself through her kids only, would sacrifice herself for her kids, would be nothing else than a 100 per cent mom, and so on. Society still expects mothers to stay at home or work part-time only. Working full time while having kids is regarded as something very problematic, leading to poorly raised children with psychological issues. And that simply makes many women think they just can’t live up to that image. So, the irony of the whole thing is: a very conservative role model causes a low birth rate.

It’s not the only reason of course: childcare is mostly only available in the forenoon, and not during school holidays (so there is none for 12 weeks in the year).

9 years ago

re: Aunt Edna

Of course, the Germans are no more “cold”, “calculating” or “efficient” than the French. Both nation states have diverse populations, and the stereotypes are often exclusionary. Regarding social policy, both Germany and France have progressive positions on a lot of things, but ugly ones on others (Islamaphobia?).

9 years ago

So much learnings and updates about European (and a side of South American) culture and current goings-ons, thank you everyone! Some of it was new to me, some of it was more depth on issues I’d seen hinted at elsewhere. Taking down racists and misogynists is always even better when it comes with a bonus of new information.

@ Miss Andry, Hoosier, Luzbelitx, Bernardo Soares: So many great new literally-Nazi shamings portmaneus in this thread, thanks to all of you! I’m definitely using them from now on too. “Machofascho”/”machofascist” is even more refreshing and works for the ones who are less overtly, well, Nazi.
…And now I’ve just thought of “machogestapo,” it sounds wonderfully silly yet accurate for how they talk to and want to treat people who don’t agree with their gender beliefs.

9 years ago

Holy shit. I haven’t read up if anyone else saw this but a guy shot up Dallas Police Headquarters because of a custody issue.

I just move to Dallas 7/8 months ago.

Dunno about MRA ties but I would not be surprised.

9 years ago

I just posted about that too. I don’t know if he was an MRA. It’s more likely he was one of those right wing militia types IMHO, but I’m guessing the MRAs are going to step in and blame gynocentric courts for this poor man snapping or some such crap.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Heinlein was a conservative libertarian in the 1950’s and wasn’t afraid of voicing more extreme views of the kinda-sorta-maybe fascist social Darwinist variety. A lot of libertarianism is considerably more watered down now except for guys like Stefan Molyneux (and if you actually read Murray Rothbard’s books). The Forever War by Joe Haldeman is a good Military SF response to Starship Troopers.

In terms of Nazi social policies, a welfare state that gives nearly equal support to everyone (better access to health care and education, etc.) tends to make women less dependent on men even in traditionally patriarchal societies. In particular, women have more of a choice in whom they have relationships with and domineering men with lots of money have a more difficult time coercing women into relationships (Roosh would say men need to use “clown game” in this situation). The Nazis “fixed” this by creating programs that subsidize breeding by “racially pure” couples. Another method is to ensure that women don’t have access to good social services.

9 years ago

The guy in Dallas has had multiple issues with DV, custody was taken away from both parents and he has a history of making threats on social media about the custody issue. both parents were ordered to pay child support. I’ve been following closely on Twitter since early am and although the conversation was predictably racist and “Libtard vs GOP/FOx news” there, the real issue was the custody thing. He shot up the police station from an armored car then called 911 ranting about the cops taking away his child. There are other issues for sure but I’m interested to see how father’s righters take this on. I’m expecting them to support it as the Armageddon they all think needs to happen so someone will pay attention to them a la Rodger.

For those outside the US, I am personally embarrassed about Texas. It is a crazy place, especially in the past week.

I love this space, I read every word, just shy about posting comments.

9 years ago

For those outside the US, I am personally embarrassed about Texas. It is a crazy place, especially in the past week.

Better not use the word crazy here.

9 years ago

I gather that the problem was the combination of austerity, an inherited corrupt political system and economies that weren’t capable of competing under the terms set by the austerity rules.

This the article you read?

They say that they think other Austrians would vote for a Nazi party, not that they themselves would. It’s a fairly theoretical exercise as honest-to-good nazi parties are illegal in Austria anyway and known former Nazis were active members in all parties in all provinces of the country postwar, so they always had plenty of representatives in the system.
German nationalists were generally found in all parties pre-Anschluss as well. Like Karl Renner, a pretty famous social-democractic viennese major, was pro-Anschluss granted that the Germany they’d join were ruled by socialist parties.

9 years ago

Oh I am so sorry, I do know better about the ableist language, I’ve been on
Twitter since very early am and am infected. Mea Culpa.

9 years ago


I understand.
It’s the culture we live in, so easy to slip up occasionally.

9 years ago

I am always a bit suspicious of people talking about how only certain parts of the country are off. It requires ignoring stuff going on all over the US.

Case in point. The McKinney police department didn’t try to say their incident was defensible and even the main offender apologized. Part of that may be the atmosphere but I am happy to see some progress.

9 years ago

Sorry, I shouldn’t dig into it here. Not a thread for that.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

Tell me if I’m wrong. Its been a long time since I’ve seen it, but in the Starship Troopers movie, the society that was portrayed in it, wasn’t very misogynist. They had men and women on the same sports teems, and men and women even shared the same locker rooms. I’m guessing, Piroko isn’t really a fan of the film version.

9 years ago

Disgusting, but entirely unsurprised to hear (read) this.

9 years ago

@ Kakanian – Yes! That’s the one.

A further 42 per cent agreed with the view that life “wasn’t all bad under the Nazis”

was the bit that I found the most unsettling. And from the context of studying Ingeborg Bachmann, it seems that pre- and post-war Austria had its own dark relationship to Nazism.

9 years ago

Hold on!

Someone said destroy Buenos Aires!? :O