a voice for men all about the menz antifeminism grandiosity gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

MGTOWs are planning to take over Puerto Rico and start their own lady-hating country there. No, really.

Starting your own country on an island? Simpsons did it. (But with girls.)

Over on A Voice for Men, a Man Going His Own Way named Frank Worley has unveiled a most immodest proposal: turning Puerto Rico, or at least a giant chunk of it, into a MGTOW nation. Yes, he’s serious. Also, an idiot.

As Worley sees it,

Women have used democracy to pressure our gutless politicians into surrendering our constitution, personal liberty and any semblance of due process. … Nothing male is sacred or protected. 

Instead of trying to organize politically to fight the evil dispossession of men — who control only 80% of congressional seats in the United States — Worley wants to rip it up and start again. 

The entrenched forces of Marxist Feminism and the cowardly politicians who cater to them, have taken all that is worthwhile from these once great and free nations.  So what is left for those of us who seek only to be treated as equals under the law?  …

The only immediate and complete solution to this problem is to concentrate our forces to create a majority in a single location so that WE become the state.   

The “it” that will be ripped up? Puerto Rico, or at least its eastern third. Worley hopes to turn at least this portion of Puerto Rico into some sort of alimony-free libertarian island paradise for the MGTOWs of the world. Well, the MGTOWs of America. They have to have American citizenship for Worley’s, er, ingenious plan to work.

One of my early proposals was the establishment of a micro-independent state on the eastern third of Puerto Rico.  The idea was to ask people who supported independence to move to one of several municipalities … and then vote for Mayors and council members who supported our program and then call a referendum.  If the petition for independence was denied by Congress then simply declare independence recognizing what that might imply.

Never mind that most of the supporters of Puerto Rican independence today are lefty types who aren’t likely to be big fans of either the MGTOW or the “libertarian paradise” aspects of Worley’s proposal. All he needs is to get a few American MGTOWs to move to the eastern third of Puerto Rico. Like, say 25,000 of them.

To accomplish this micro independence I would need upwards of 25 thousand MGTOW’s to relocated to the specific areas and register to vote.  … Any American citizen can move to Puerto Rico and vote and run for office and vote for independence.

Then, hey presto, a MGTOW nation in which “we write and enforce the laws without having to cow tow to the feminists.”

I’m sure the current residents of Puerto Rico will be thrilled to have tens of thousands of lady-hating white dudes show up overnight in an attempt to take over the government and declare themselves a MGTOW nation.

Also, the word is “kowtow.” “Cow towing” looks like this:

How to Cow Tow
How to Cow Tow

Worley, evidently taking inspiration from Starship Troopers, also declares that in this new nation, SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP.

The definition of being equal under the law in this proposal is service.  Military or civilian part time service is required for all citizens and immigrants both to deny entry to those who would seek only benefits of the new country and also to eliminate all other constantly changing definitions of who is a ‘protected class.’  Complete your service and you are equal under the law; fail to complete and you are not.

Yes, I’m sure libertarians will flock to a country where they will be forced into government service if they want full citizenship.

Oh, and did I mention that Worley, by his own admission, doesn’t even speak Spanish very well?

On A Voice for Men, Worley’s proposal met with, well, let’s charitably call it a mixed reaction. While many were sympathetic, they weren’t exactly sure this was a very practical plan. Dean Esmay even felt the need to stick up a little note at the start of the post declaring that “AVfM neither endorses nor rejects this proposal.” 

Hey, I can’t blame them. Given that AVFM is the most “activist” of all Men’s Rights organizations, and it just cancelled its much ballyhooed conference this year because organizing is just too darn hard, it is a little difficult to imagine MRAs or MGTOWs becoming organized enough to plan a picnic in the park much less take over a third of Puerto Rico, a US territory with 3.5 million inhabitants, a great number of whom live on the island’s eastern third.

And that’s not even taking into account the sabotage a would-be MGTOW nation would face from evil feminists.

Chris  Shrek6 • 2 days ago They wouldn't have to send in troops, once word got out about a large community of men without women in it, the feminists would flood in to take over majority voting power. How could you stop them, unless you were able to buy up all the land in question and put up 'no women allowed signs. 3  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar decemberx  Chris • 8 hours ago − Avatar Frank Worley  Chris • 2 days ago I suspect the feminists won't move in great numbers until we are getting close to the goal. At which time it would be too late. Essentially, they are going to start with what they always start with, ridicule.

Wow. The imaginary planet on which these guys live is a lot more entertaining than the planet Earth I live on.

I can’t help but think of the episode of The Simpsons in which Bart and his friends are stranded on a desert island, and Bart spells out his absurd vision of the paradise their island can become if they all work together:

Bart Simpson: And every night the monkey butlers will regale us with jungle stories.

Nelson: How many monkey butlers will there be?

Bart Simpson: One at first, but he’ll train others.

Good luck, fellas! Send a monkey butler over to let us know how this turns out.

EDIT: Also, if Puerto Rico doesn’t work out for you, why not try one of these lovely islands?

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9 years ago

It’s not just you. These assholes prey on men in pain.

I just spoke to a friend of mine who after a hard and long overdue break up from a ltr had been encouraged to “go his own way” by his new “friends”. He told me he was being influenced by some shitty guys but he’s got his head on straight now. He thanked me for not forgetting who he really was inside all of the anger and bitterness. He got lost for a while.

I’m glad you kept your head and are making it through this tough time. It’s hard not to let pain twist you into someone you don’t want to be. You can consider your ability to hold on to you a major triumph.

What he went through was rough as I’m sure what you are going through is. He sort of become the follower in the relationship and upon breaking free he sort of fell into following a group of bros. A habit of nearly two decades is hard to break. Part of trying to turn his life around had been going to the gym and getting out to bars to meet new people. Well, the assholes were there waiting for vulnerable guys with broken hearts. They were telling him he needed to get his “manhood” back, blah,blah, blah. He was talking some seriously nasty shit for a while and was sure he was going to settle down with a woman half his age and start having babies to make up for lost time right away. When he couldn’t find a woman just out of her teens to fall in love with him in a weekend, he blamed women for being broken. I honestly think he just wanted a do-over and was angry that we don’t get those. The clock only moves one way.

That’s not the guy I know. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s practical. He’s not gullible. He doesn’t believe in short cuts. He’s got a heart as big as all outdoors. But he was easily influenced in his weakness. Midlife crisis + ugly breakup is a hell of a drug. The genuine him went right out the window.

He found his way out to the other side of that thorny thicket. He says he’s happy again. He shook off the losers who wanted to turn him into a perpetually miserable clone of them. He’s going to be OK.

I hope you’re happy again soon too. What you are going through is one of the hardest things anyone can over go through. I hope you can take extra-great care of yourself. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be healthy. The best thing you can do for your kids is treat yourself kindly. If you want it, here’s a hug. ——–> HUG

9 years ago

I am in favour of separatism for all sorts of reasons – lesbian separatism, black separatism, etc. There is an community in Kakadu of about 500 indigenous people who live a fairly separatist life (though probably do not identify it as such). Separatist communities are usually a reaction to a hostile larger community, and there often many good things to be gained from a withdrawal from it, at least for a time.

The problem here of course is that they have chosen another country – 99% American men somehow feel it is appropriate to go to Puerto Rico? I am willing to bet that having sex with the local women would be completely OK for these so called MGTOWs! I believe that most of them whine about the ‘quality’ of Western women specifically.

MGTOWs are very keen going to prostitutes to fulfil their sexual needs (just look at the website – the most popular topic) – they feel that this makes the financial transaction clear and therefore more honest than a relationship, they also know that they do not have to think about their partners pleasure and happiness. Whilst I can approve of this in the sense that it is better to stay away from relationships if that really is your view of women, I do not believe that most of these men really want to avoid relationships. It is certainly not uncommon for men who go to prostitutes to try and create a relationship out of the interactions.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Hey, man, sending you well wishes and a dumbo octopus (because octopi give the best hugs). Also a link to Cute Overload because you need it.
comment image?w=560&h=330

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

Flying Mouse,
Me too. I was the worst back then. Most of my friends were “nice guys” who liked me because I was soooo “cool” and not like other girls. (Also because tits.) I was only friends with other women who by their own admission didn’t like other women. (We thought it was so funny that we could stand each other. Gods, it was anything but.) I knew my friends were shitty to their girlfriends and to women in general, but I blamed other women for being dumb enough to fall for guys they should have. If I could keep them in check, they should have been able to too.Nevermind that I knew that the second I flirted with or fucked any one of them, I’d be out of the “one of the boys” club. Any woman actually interested in dating them was doomed from the start. The only way to win was not to play.

It wasn’t until I got married and pregnant (Suddenly my guy friends treated me veeery differently when it was clear that I was never, ever, really, really never going to fuck them.) that I stated to see just what a bunch of assholes my friends and I really were. It wasn’t until I realized that I might have a daughter that I truly started to take stock of myself. I had to decide what kind of mom I was going to be and that meant trying to sort out who I was going to be. (I was only 21.) I stopped hating all things pink and “girly”. I stopped thinking of feminine as a bad thing to be. I was still holding on to a metric shit ton of internalized misogyny. Getting involved in the Vagina Monologues and with a domestic crisis center helped. I got to know other women and know their experiences. I’m lucky. I started seeing that my mother’s brand of “equality” had really been expecting nothing from men and everything from yourself. Yes, sisters could do it for themselves but they had to do it for everyone else too. I might be a stew of miserable toxic mess today if some things had not have turned my head around.

I still had a long road to walk to get here and I’m still on it trying to figure things out, but I am so grateful I made it this far. Internalized misogyny would have eaten me up. I much prefer the asshole I am today to the asshole I was. I don’t even want to think about the asshole I might have become.

9 years ago


I bet they think Puerto Rican woman are all submissive. I also bet they have never actually met a Puerto Rican woman.

9 years ago

Are there even 25,000 MGTOW?
How do they think they’ll support themselves?
Why do they think feminists would chase after them? Who gives the tiniest fuck?

They really are like children fantasizing about running away. They have no clue as to what independence really feels like or how much work it takes. They want mommy to regret making them wash behind their ears. They dream of women paying attention to them. Sometimes I think even us laughing at their clueless ineptitude may be a relief to them. At least it means we know they exist.

Someone spelled out the manurosphere’s main motivation in the last thread: External locus of validation / control.

9 years ago

Wait a sec, Puerto Rico is a US territory. Why do they think they can take over 1/3 of the island and get away with it?

I mean, I realize this is all pipedream “wouldn’t it be nice if” BS, but I like my dreams a little more thought out. I mean, not only would they have to contend with local police but they’d have to deal with the military. And Puerto Rico’s military is the United States military. WTF? Why not just claim you’re going to take over Washington while you’re at it?

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Can we have a contest to design their national flag? Or maybe a battle one? Like one with a fedora that says “Don’t Tread on Me.”

9 years ago

Both if you a big squidgy Ta to both if you… I’ve known plenty of guy like you’ve mentioned, trouble is by distancing myself from them I’ve become pretty isolated, I’m in the process if reaching out to new people. As I said I bumped into a Justice for m… Member. Wow what an eye opener of idiocy. I think by saying to myself “I have to do this, in the most supportive way possible for my daughters ” is keeping me focused in the conscious uncoupling (what an awful phrase) of my wife and I. I care for her, I’m getting closer to detached love for her. We both need to move on.

What I find best is David calling these tools out and showing them to be the nonsensical fools that they are.

9 years ago
Reply to  Miss Andry

Well we know what the regulation uniform is
Big black fedora
Black leather blazer jacket (cheap leather)
Black shirt
Black weird ex suit trousers
And highly polished black leather 10 eye boots

The flag will be scarlet background, white disk and a fucked up pisstake of floyd’s wall logo with a mailed gauntlet like the Royal Armoured Corps regimental crest.

9 years ago

@Autosoma – Best of luck to you.

9 years ago

I’ve just been looking through the AVFM comments, check out this mantrum from Shrek6:

‘Shrek6 CHUD1985 • 20 hours ago

Feminists haven’t accomplished a single thing that is good for anyone, least of all women. All that has been given to them and women in general, has been given by weak spineless men.

And I got to say, and laugh at the same time, you or anyone else looking at this and seeing women as oppressed by some fictitious patriarchy, would have to be utterly blind and brainwashed. Sorry, but I am tired of dealing with dropkicks who keep saying women have been down trodden and have only recently been given equality by feminism.

You lazy good for nothing women who claim this, refuse to go do any dangerous and filthy dirty work, you refuse to work very long hours in jobs that will likely either kill you or shorten your life, you refuse to go into the armed forces and fight on the front lines and have your pretty little faces blown off, you refuse to suffer the punishment you deserve when you falsely accuse a man of rape or any other crime, which by the way the majority of rape claims ARE false.

You think that children are your possessions and that men are all pedophiles, when in fact there are as many women sexually abusing children as men. Well, if someone told me there were more women doing it, I would most definitely believe that!

You pathetic excuses for human beings, absolutely bore me to tears. I am so tired of hearing about the poor women in this world who supposedly have it worse then men.

None of you give a damn about the boys and men that are slaughtered in the thousands each day in third world countries, all you care about are the girls sold into sex slavery. Yes that is terrible, but HEY what about the baby boys, teenage boys and men, who are hacked to death by machete or burned alive in buildings, or shot as they try to escape, or forced to work in mines for the evil rich, or forced to work in dangerous opium drug labs for the worlds most evil men and women?

Your whole comment to me smacks of dumb ignorance. You haven’t even bothered to do any research and actually give me something worth reading. Just a bit of feminist mouth froth, that is all you could spit onto this page.

And as for your, “No one would accept being second-class citizens.”

What the hell do you think we are doing here? Huh?

Men are finally fed up with being third class citizens and slaves to women who have never deserved their sacrifice. That is why we are fighting.

And YOUR privilege is coming to an end, very quickly. Go tell all your feminist mates and educate your girls that they are not going to get a husband and have kids in the future. Most will be lucky to even experience sex with a real human male, because as time goes by, so many more men are refusing to have anything to do with a woman. You are all too expensive and risky to have anything to do with. And the really good women who number in the tiniest of a percentage, are very hard to find. So most men will eventually buy out altogether and leave all you women alone, lonely and barren.

And all of this is your fault for being so damn greedy and power hungry. Serves you right. You will reap what you have sown and you deserve every ounce of what you get.

The fruit-loop “Man Made Global Warming” clowns out there are demanding that the world’s population is decreased. Well, it’s coming. Soon there will be a massive drop in the birth rate the world over.

Tell me. What do you women think you are going to do then? Hmmm!’

The ‘Hmmm!’ at the end makes me wonder if this is even genuine. But given his track record I suspect it is.

9 years ago

I thought the uniform was turtlenecks and cheap suits.

9 years ago

@ sn0rkmaiden | June 11, 2015 at 1:34 pm

I was going to pick that comment apart, but then I read:

The fruit-loop “Man Made Global Warming” clowns

And I was like:

9 years ago

Also, this:

Tell me. What do you women think you are going to do then?

9 years ago

Yes, I’m sure libertarians will flock to a country where they will be forced into government service if they want full citizenship.

Considering how many libertarians positively worship Starship Troopers… I mean, a majority of libertarians has always been about FYGM, instead of any coherent ideology, and non-universal citizenship sounds like a good way to keep the unwashed masses out of government, right?

Also, from the lunatic:

Women have used democracy to pressure our gutless politicians into surrendering our constitution

This American constitution worship… something is seriously wrong with people if they put a document written by guys 200 years dead over democratic rule of the people.

9 years ago

Shrek6 is more mangry than the real shrek. XD

Nothing new just more “Feminism hasn’t done anything good”
Translation: feminism hasn’t done anything good for me, I’m the only person that matters

“what about the men and boys?”
Translation: men and boys are more important than icky women and girls who cares about them? I actually haven’t done anything for men and boys either, that takes work and I hate work just as much as I hate feminists and feeeeemales in general because I can’t get them to do stuff for me and love me.

“The fruit-loop “Man Made Global Warming” clowns”
Translation: beep bop I don’t know what I’m talking about beep boop bop

9 years ago

Octo, no ableist language here please.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kestrel

@kestral ta

epitome of incomprehensibility

Let’s talk about hyphens!*

Re “Man Made Global Warming”: I guess Shrek6 thinks a single man caused global warming?

I find it funny when people whine about “man hating feminists.” That’s probably more accurate than “man-hating feminists” most (though not all) of the time.

*Some style guides don’t recommend hyphens for compound adjectives, but if the meaning is ambiguous, a hyphen can help a lot.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Hm, actually, I’m willing to bet that 99% of the time you get “man hating feminists” rather than “man-hating feminists.”

epitome of incomprehensibility

Or women hating feminists (sans hyphen) like Judgy Blather and her ilk.

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