Over on A Voice for Men, a Man Going His Own Way named Frank Worley has unveiled a most immodest proposal: turning Puerto Rico, or at least a giant chunk of it, into a MGTOW nation. Yes, he’s serious. Also, an idiot.
As Worley sees it,
Women have used democracy to pressure our gutless politicians into surrendering our constitution, personal liberty and any semblance of due process. … Nothing male is sacred or protected.
Instead of trying to organize politically to fight the evil dispossession of men — who control only 80% of congressional seats in the United States — Worley wants to rip it up and start again.
The entrenched forces of Marxist Feminism and the cowardly politicians who cater to them, have taken all that is worthwhile from these once great and free nations. So what is left for those of us who seek only to be treated as equals under the law? …
The only immediate and complete solution to this problem is to concentrate our forces to create a majority in a single location so that WE become the state.
The “it” that will be ripped up? Puerto Rico, or at least its eastern third. Worley hopes to turn at least this portion of Puerto Rico into some sort of alimony-free libertarian island paradise for the MGTOWs of the world. Well, the MGTOWs of America. They have to have American citizenship for Worley’s, er, ingenious plan to work.
One of my early proposals was the establishment of a micro-independent state on the eastern third of Puerto Rico. The idea was to ask people who supported independence to move to one of several municipalities … and then vote for Mayors and council members who supported our program and then call a referendum. If the petition for independence was denied by Congress then simply declare independence recognizing what that might imply.
Never mind that most of the supporters of Puerto Rican independence today are lefty types who aren’t likely to be big fans of either the MGTOW or the “libertarian paradise” aspects of Worley’s proposal. All he needs is to get a few American MGTOWs to move to the eastern third of Puerto Rico. Like, say 25,000 of them.
To accomplish this micro independence I would need upwards of 25 thousand MGTOW’s to relocated to the specific areas and register to vote. … Any American citizen can move to Puerto Rico and vote and run for office and vote for independence.
Then, hey presto, a MGTOW nation in which “we write and enforce the laws without having to cow tow to the feminists.”
I’m sure the current residents of Puerto Rico will be thrilled to have tens of thousands of lady-hating white dudes show up overnight in an attempt to take over the government and declare themselves a MGTOW nation.
Also, the word is “kowtow.” “Cow towing” looks like this:

Worley, evidently taking inspiration from Starship Troopers, also declares that in this new nation, SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP.
The definition of being equal under the law in this proposal is service. Military or civilian part time service is required for all citizens and immigrants both to deny entry to those who would seek only benefits of the new country and also to eliminate all other constantly changing definitions of who is a ‘protected class.’ Complete your service and you are equal under the law; fail to complete and you are not.
Yes, I’m sure libertarians will flock to a country where they will be forced into government service if they want full citizenship.
Oh, and did I mention that Worley, by his own admission, doesn’t even speak Spanish very well?
On A Voice for Men, Worley’s proposal met with, well, let’s charitably call it a mixed reaction. While many were sympathetic, they weren’t exactly sure this was a very practical plan. Dean Esmay even felt the need to stick up a little note at the start of the post declaring that “AVfM neither endorses nor rejects this proposal.”
Hey, I can’t blame them. Given that AVFM is the most “activist” of all Men’s Rights organizations, and it just cancelled its much ballyhooed conference this year because organizing is just too darn hard, it is a little difficult to imagine MRAs or MGTOWs becoming organized enough to plan a picnic in the park much less take over a third of Puerto Rico, a US territory with 3.5 million inhabitants, a great number of whom live on the island’s eastern third.
And that’s not even taking into account the sabotage a would-be MGTOW nation would face from evil feminists.
Wow. The imaginary planet on which these guys live is a lot more entertaining than the planet Earth I live on.
I can’t help but think of the episode of The Simpsons in which Bart and his friends are stranded on a desert island, and Bart spells out his absurd vision of the paradise their island can become if they all work together:
Bart Simpson: And every night the monkey butlers will regale us with jungle stories.
Nelson: How many monkey butlers will there be?
Bart Simpson: One at first, but he’ll train others.
Good luck, fellas! Send a monkey butler over to let us know how this turns out.
EDIT: Also, if Puerto Rico doesn’t work out for you, why not try one of these lovely islands?
Hmmm. My initial feeling is one of annoyance – that the first lesbian couple in DC comics is positioned so that it carefully leaves open the possibility of a boy dating them, so as to be as nonthreatening as possible about it. The fact that it seems carefully positioned to leave open the fantasy of “open relationship = FFM triad” doesn’t help. However, as a straight man who doesn’t read comics my initial feeling is hardly authoritative.
If there’s a bisexual female comic geek in the house, could they please
rant to me about comicseducate me on this matter? My privilege is blinding me and it’s uncomfortable.Thought I heard something about batwoman being a lesbian in a committed relationship, but I don’t follow comics so I’m not sure.
Poor Harley has been yo-yoing between her abusive relationship with the Joker and Ivy since she first appeared in the cartoons. The sexual relationship with Ivy has been implied in the cartoons, but she always goes back to Mista J. That’s probably what they’re referring too.
@EJ, @Spindrift,
Batwoman has been a lesbian since she was re-introduced in 2006. It caused a lot of stir in the media when DC announced her.
EJ (the other one), I have started a new game of Dwarf Fortress. I blame you.
I will now gloat because my map is full of iron ore and coal-bearing rock. It also says deep metals. So there.
Write it up! Let’s see if we can get a WHTM tumblr Dwarf Fortress community going. Or even a succession game.
Growing up in England I was never a big fan of Marvel comics except some of the black & white ones. Those adverts though; America seemed like a magic world; you had Sea Monkeys!!!!!
I did read all the English comics though like ‘Action’ and ‘2000AD’. They were pretty radical (Action got banned) but had some great stories. Are any of you familiar with any of them?
There was a general consensus amongst my girl friends (i.e. friends who were girls) that “The Ballad of Halo Jones” was the best comic story about women ever written.
@EJ: The only thing that happened so far was, from the third wave of immigrants, arose one farmer who had a possessed look about him. He took over a craftdwarf’s workshop, hissed whenever someone else came near, dashed about collecting wood, and produced an artifact scepter (that I haven’t figured out how to look at yet).
Otherwise, I’m getting established, which is hard when the miners took one look at the magnetite vein they’d uncovered digging out my first stockpile, jizzed in their pants, and immediately set about tearing out all the walls to get at the ore.
@Alan Robertshaw: The only feature I know of from 2000AD is Judge Dredd, and I have never been interested in him.
I would love to see more DF Tumblrs.
Don’t expect any from me because I always get too into games and forget to take screenshots. Maybe a vid.
My artifact scepter is of persimmon wood, with bands of persimmon wood, hazel wood and almond wood.
Kind of yawn, to be honest. And he didn’t even get experience!
Hey, anyone saw Bethesda’s presentation yesterday?
Two mobile games – one, Fallout Shelter, which you look over a vault; it’s free and the only thing you pay for is lunchboxes which have cool items in it; there’s no build timers or anything. Two, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, which is a DTCG, probably to compete with Hearthstone, also free. The only bad news is that they’re for IOS, no Android. Android users will probably have to wait. (Am I the only one that finds it funny that computer games come out for PC first, but mobile games come out for iPad first?)
And, of course Fallout 4. The protagonist(s) are married and have a kid, and you can choose between playing the wife or husband. It should be very interesting story wise. Also, character creation is a lot like Sims 4 with no sliders, minus the body stuff. Head, skin and hair like every game before.
And there’s soooo much more, but I am restraining myself as it is.
My router was being a bastard, so no, unfortunately. ; n ;
That actually sounds interesting (too bad it most likely won’t be one of the vaults you could do those “social experiments” in). Too bad I don’t have an Apple phone to play it on. I’ll be getting an Android phone next week maybe though, so I’ll wait.
Oooh. That sounds fun, actually. I’ve heard Hearthstone is good, and I’ve been meaning to get back into card games. >.> *has 15 plus year old Pokemon cards in a binder on her shelf as she speaks*
Apple has to have struck some kind of Faustian deal for that one. I mean, Steve Jobs may have been reincarnated, but the devil’s still got him on file.
I’m glad you can still be a lady and the character customization has expanded. I was really worried that with a voiced main character we’d lose all of that, but I’m glad it’s still here. And, let’s face it, the idea of a voiced main character in Fallout kinda sat a little awkward with me. It’s a big change.
Think it’ll be like Mass Effect in a way?
OH! I was meaning to tell you guys: I got a complete mammoth fossil in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, so I turned it into a model to remind me of all of you~
(Don’t mind the date, I was cheating a bit with the DS clock because I was bored.)
Also, Gulliver isn’t just AN alpha male, he’s THE alpha male! Take that, Red Pillers!
Don’t use Photobucket. Photobucket’s weird. : I
Yeah, if you want I can detail everything I learn or I can find you a vid of the conference.
Also, Mass Effect Andromeda, BTW. The only thing I care about EA wise.
@Falconer: Legendary woodcrafter probably isn’t that useful anyway. I’ve got three legendary stonecrafters and it’s an utter waste – I keep hoping for a useful skill like mason or weaponsmith but all four moods thus far haven’t given it to me once.
The default key for viewing artifacts is “l” (lowercase L).
@Jackie: I have tried to teach myself to ignore E3 and other such hype machines. As far as I’m concerned a game doesn’t exist until release day.
@Paradoxical: Let us be frank. Steve Jobs sold his soul long ago. Now that Christopher Lee is dead and so will be taking over management of hell, however, we may soon see things change on that account.
XD I like to see what games are coming up. Usually I wait to see some LPs or I wait until all the DLC comes out with the GotY edition.
I’ll tell you this, EA’s is pretty disappointing so far. They teased some ME and they had some cute indies and PvZGW2 but other than that eeehhhh nah.
Okay, now you’re just playing “how many acronyms can I fit in one sentence.”
You need a translation? 😛
@katz: Jackie’s a young person. She’s probably using that ‘text-speak’ of theirs. Soon she’ll be saying ‘lol’ while taking a selfie or something like that.
I worry about the young people. Back in our day we just took drugs and beat people up. I can’t relate to them.
@Paradoxical: So Alpha! How peacock! Wow!
@EJ: Well, I talk about the POV of the MC in my YA HF WIP, so I’m in no position to judge.
@katz: I understood that. Am I a terrible person?
“Well, I talk about the [point of view] of the [master controller] in my [young adult] [hot femme] [work in progress], so I’m in no position to judge.”
I see why you used acronyms…