alpha males red pill reddit

Red Pill dudes agree: Volunteering can totally be alpha, just as long as you don’t help poor people. Or kittens.

Hold frame and do not give in to this kitten's devious "I want food" shit test.
Kitten shit-testing a human. Hold frame and do not give in! 

So one public-spirited gentleman who calls himself retturd has a question for the alpha dudes of the Ask The Red Pill subreddit: Is volunteering seen as blue pill? Retturd assures the assembled color-of-pill experts that “I love volunteering and helping people in general.” He just worries that being so helpful might be seen as terribly beta.

The regulars assure him that volunteering is perfectly fine for alphas. As long as they’re careful about just who they are helping. Helping old dudes and learning from their old-school alpha ways? Perfect. Helping poor people? Not so much:

abdada 11 points 6 hours ago  All men should have a cause that they actively do but don't talk about.  I volunteer at an old folk's home 2-3 weeks every year. It isn't charity; I learn freely from hanging out with old dudes.  But having a cause that is your own isn't beta. Helping others can be construed as white knighting, so you have to define what your limits in charity are.  I won't help poor people most of the time because I don't see many of them changing. I define my limits on my charity because it is my time and it is my money (sometimes) I am investing in others, not just throwing around freely.

Also, helping kittens is right out, unless you’re Elon Musk. Or at the very least a sharp-dressed swole dude.

ghrelly 2 points 4 hours ago  No single action is either blue pill or red pill.  Red pill is all about people's perception of you.  If Elon Musk started volunteering at an animal shelter with kittens, people would not think any less of him cause his SMV is so high that they perceive his action in a positive light.  On the other hand, if you have a mediocre job, not social, dressed shittly, didn't work out, and volunteer to raise kittens, people will probably see you as a beta.



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9 years ago

We’re left to sit in rooms, staring at the walls, living off of air and light mist.

I think you’ve finally cracked it! The life of the narrator of the Yellow Wallpaper. That’s the lifestyle that’s acceptable for women. Not that red pillers would have read and comprehended that story.

9 years ago


You know what’s even more Alpha? Setting yourself on fire and then diving headfirst into a pool while holding a live grenade.

TBH I don’t see why Red Pillers even bother trying. I mean, El Macho is clearly the most alpha:

9 years ago

OMGosh! I saw that movie how could I possibly forget about El Macho!? And I almost forgot about Popeye. I believe he is the first Alpha.

9 years ago

I didn’t see my hobbies of archery, coal mining, and skydiving in that list, so I’m totes cool.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@SFHC – I dunno, but that’s pretty awesome! How do you make the Pokemon necklaces? Is it beadwork/bead weaving or do you make them with oven-bake clay?

When work gets less busy, I’m planning to make DNA-shaped necklaces. I mean, just the simple shape – two thicker wires twisted in a spiral for the outer edges, with four bead colours for the two base pairs in between. (Not the whole atomic structure. I’m not that ambitious.)

As for volunteering, I do some online at – translating French loan applications into English. No kittens, but I like putting my language skills to use and learning more about French African countries. Besides, I like Zidisha’s microfinance model – an upfront cost for borrowers instead of (potentially injurious) interest rates.

Anyway. I wish I had more time so I could volunteer doing active things too (I used to help make food for a soup kitchen once a week.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Everytime I see your name, I think of moogles, which is probably the point. It makes me smile. :3

9 years ago

David Futrelle
::Shakes head:: Amazing

epitome of incomprehensibility

David, you should write stories!!!

Well, not “should” – I can’t really tell people what they should or shouldn’t do – ah, forget it 🙂

9 years ago

The guy who won’t help poor people claims to have devoted literally thousands of hours and dollars to helping poor people and getting mad because it’s like they WANT to be poor!

A more astute person would look at the seeming futility of charity and the endless cycle of poverty and realize that perhaps charity, while comes from good intentions most of the time is a band aid and doesn’t address the actual causes poverty. Which is not lack of the will to bootstrap, but the lack of good policy, a not robust enough welfare state, and a lack of empathy and understanding of how people get and stay in poverty.

It takes a special kind of stupid to interact with people who are financially struggling and come to the conclusion that they’re just lazy. That describes only a percentage of people who are poor.

9 years ago

I love that its alpha to care about what other people think of you. You know what’s alpha male? Gettin high and readin poetry by candlelight in the bath son.

9 years ago


I love Despicable Me! Hah, so that must mean alphas only eat spinach?

@epitome of incromprehensibility & SFHC

Omg, I want Pokemon and DNA necklaces! And I’m not just saying that cause they’ll help me look suuuuper alpha 😛

epitome of incomprehensibility

@weirwoodtreehugger – very true. What’s lazy is thinking acts of goodwill here and there will magically cure poverty. They can and do make a difference, but poverty needs to be tackled from multiple angles, including at the root.

(I’m changing the world, one mixed metaphor at a time.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I volunteer at an old folks home 2-3 weeks out of every year. It isn’t charity; I learn freely from hanging out with old dudes.

And now I’m imagining this guy pestering the “old dudes” (not the old women, of course, because they hit the wall long ago and are therefore invisible) to tell him about the good old days when women knew their place and stayed home meekly dispensing sandwiches and blow jobs, amirite? And the old dudes are all like “wtf, kid, Doris worked at the shipyard building Liberty ships during WWII. She was on the technical crew responsible for installing operating equipment. Then she got an accounting degree, raised five kids, grew most of our food, and started her own small business. Now shut up. Judge Judy is on”.

The mindset in the OP’s comment is pretty revealing, that if you don’t extract tangible value out of every single human interaction, you’re a chump and a fool. Volunteering is only worthwhile if it boosts your SMV, otherwise forget it. Seems like a pretty sad way to live.

9 years ago

A more astute person would look at the seeming futility of charity and the endless cycle of poverty and realize that perhaps charity, while comes from good intentions most of the time is a band aid and doesn’t address the actual causes poverty. Which is not lack of the will to bootstrap, but the lack of good policy, a not robust enough welfare state, and a lack of empathy and understanding of how people get and stay in poverty.

It takes a special kind of stupid to interact with people who are financially struggling and come to the conclusion that they’re just lazy. That describes only a percentage of people who are poor.


It’s not like there are thousands of 6 figure jobs just waiting for a mentally ill homeless person to take if they pulled their bootstraps just hard enough to fill out an application

And that’s not even mentioning the fact that lazy people don’t deserve to die on the streets.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago

What’s these guys problem with individuality? It’s like they’re a bunch of nosy little conformists who are terrified to death by the idea of a woman or man possibly enjoying petting kittens between sessions of Magic: the gathering.

I mean, for me, my heroes are guys who helped people. Audi Murphy: pushed for PTSD to be recognized as a serious disease. I mean, there’s nothing more alpha than swallowing your pride and letting a trained professional help you, or helping others.

I mean, do they feel anything? Are all other human beings like balls of rust, razor blades and barbed wire to them? Is that why they hate us so much?

9 years ago

Since homeless guys are usually poor, hence the homelessness, I’m gonna assume yes on that question. But why help homeless men when feminists should be doing it for you, amirite?

But see, these guys have got the answer to that and homelessness would cease in an instant if people would only listen to them. And the answer is…{drum roll please} men become homeless when women want men to talk about their feelings. That’s all there is to it. As soon as women no longer want to talk about feelings with homeless men, the homeless men will no longer be homeless, the women will all become happy homebodies, universal harmony will rule, and the only creatures who will be out on the street are the cats.

How do we know this? Well…we know it because we know that women never dared try to discuss their feelings with men before Betty Friedan told them it was OK, and because we also know that men were never homeless before the mid-20th century and because 19th-century women never grew plump.

Correlation isn’t causation, but man, some coincidences are just too glaring to ignore.

9 years ago

I mean, for me, my heroes are guys who helped people.
it to be accessible. I’m guessing he’ll be remembered, valued and admired far more

Seriously. Jonas Salk decided not to get rich off the polio vaccine because he wanted it to be accessible. He’s far more admired and valued than some sexist and racist Ayn Rand idolizing douchebag who only volunteers to try and get old timey pick up tactics from old men.

9 years ago

“Guys die because every time they’re about to do something that might help them or be good for them there’s a chorus of their friends in the back of their mind going, ‘What are you, a fag? Oh look, he’s got an umbrella just cause it’s raining! Put your collar up!”×341.jpg

9 years ago

I feel awful for anyone fathered by a man who considers seeming “alpha” more important than empathy and doing the right thing. I’m going to have to do something extra special for my charitable, kitten-loving Dad this Father’s Day.

9 years ago

Make a “love box” for him with pictures of kitties, poetry you wrote, crochet him something, make a giant card for him. That’s what I’m doing for my “daddy”.

9 years ago


I find myself wondering how many of these people purport to be Christian. Because, y’know… religion where helping the poor and destitute is practically required, ditto things like visiting prisoners (originally to make sure the prisoners knew they hadn’t been forgotten), helping the sick, avoiding public displays of wealth and prestige, etc.

Conservative Jesus laughs at your hippie bullshit! All you need to do is accept Conservative Jesus as your personal bro, and you’re saved! You can continue being selfish. In fact, Conservative Jesus almost requires it.

9 years ago

If “Red Pill is all about people’s perception about you” as ghrelly suggests, then everything I perceive about MGTOW/PUA/Manospherians is so beta. I can’t imagine living in a world where everything I do is based on someone else’s perception versus what is right and wrong. This is why this cult cannot be reasoned with, it’s some weird and twisted popularity contest concerned with upvotes and pandering to an immature idea of how to be relevant.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Dan Kasteray:
It’s really sad, isn’t it? An external locus of self-worth is a shitty thing to have and I feel for them. It must be such a miserable way to live: “I want to do X. Wait, is X alpha? I’d better go and ask some people on the internet to make my life decisions for me.”

9 years ago

“I want to do X. Wait, is X alpha? I’d better go and ask some people on the internet to make my life decisions for me.”

“People who don’t really care about me, and who would drop me in an instant if I failed to conform to their expectations. After all, I can’t depend on advice from people who really care about me as a person, because that would be beta as fuck.”