alpha males red pill reddit

Red Pill dudes agree: Volunteering can totally be alpha, just as long as you don’t help poor people. Or kittens.

Hold frame and do not give in to this kitten's devious "I want food" shit test.
Kitten shit-testing a human. Hold frame and do not give in! 

So one public-spirited gentleman who calls himself retturd has a question for the alpha dudes of the Ask The Red Pill subreddit: Is volunteering seen as blue pill? Retturd assures the assembled color-of-pill experts that “I love volunteering and helping people in general.” He just worries that being so helpful might be seen as terribly beta.

The regulars assure him that volunteering is perfectly fine for alphas. As long as they’re careful about just who they are helping. Helping old dudes and learning from their old-school alpha ways? Perfect. Helping poor people? Not so much:

abdada 11 points 6 hours ago  All men should have a cause that they actively do but don't talk about.  I volunteer at an old folk's home 2-3 weeks every year. It isn't charity; I learn freely from hanging out with old dudes.  But having a cause that is your own isn't beta. Helping others can be construed as white knighting, so you have to define what your limits in charity are.  I won't help poor people most of the time because I don't see many of them changing. I define my limits on my charity because it is my time and it is my money (sometimes) I am investing in others, not just throwing around freely.

Also, helping kittens is right out, unless you’re Elon Musk. Or at the very least a sharp-dressed swole dude.

ghrelly 2 points 4 hours ago  No single action is either blue pill or red pill.  Red pill is all about people's perception of you.  If Elon Musk started volunteering at an animal shelter with kittens, people would not think any less of him cause his SMV is so high that they perceive his action in a positive light.  On the other hand, if you have a mediocre job, not social, dressed shittly, didn't work out, and volunteer to raise kittens, people will probably see you as a beta.



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9 years ago

You have gotta be kitten me. Such human rights. Is this misandry causing him to not help homeless guys?

Anyway, toxic masculinity at its best.

9 years ago

I’d make a terrible alpha. That kitten would have me opening a can of Felix in seconds.

9 years ago

Since homeless guys are usually poor, hence the homelessness, I’m gonna assume yes on that question. But why help homeless men when feminists should be doing it for you, amirite?

9 years ago

These people have really made themselves worthless, haven’t they? Old school macho bullshit at least had a component that you were a teensy bit useful. You were a breadwinner, or could make stuff with your hands. The new misogyny has pretty much decided that it’s all posturing, video games and manipulative crap. Even helping people is made suspect.


9 years ago

Lmbo these goddamn babies are afraid of helping kittens and underprivileged people. I don’t believe in the laughable “WE’RE A PACK OF MANLY WOLVES” framework, but these guys wouldn’t even be betas, they’d be so far off the alphabet they’re hitting unicode umbrellas. ☂

They’re afraid to help people because they don’t want their online bros to tease them for touching anything that isn’t a military grade explosive. They have the mindset of 2 year olds afraid of cooties. No, scratch that, two year olds aren’t typically afraid of kittens.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

So… only volunteer when it directly helps you? Wow. As opium4themasses said, such human rights.

9 years ago

I really hope these guys are teenagers. Then, at least there’s a chance they might grow out of this Red Pill BS. They surely can’t be grown men??

9 years ago

Aw, this is so sad. I hope the original poster’s desire to help pulls him out of that toxic culture.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

They surely can’t be grown men??

I have some bad news for you, RoscoeTCat.

9 years ago

I don’t know if I saw a guy volunteer raising kitties I would be like:
That is definitely going on the front cover of Miss Andry Magazine: “Betas” of the year

9 years ago

No single action is either blue pill or red pill.

Red pill is all about people’s perception of you.

This is probably the single most nearly-self-aware comment I’ve seen coming out of the red pill world. Yes, red pill is all about people’s perception of you; people who are steeped in toxic masculinity and have horrendous notions of what makes a person good or bad. You definitely want those people to be the ones that define you. Yup.

But remember, caring too much about what other people think of you is totes beta. So care a lot, but hide it; because if anyone catches you caring, you’re out of the group.

9 years ago

As we all know, the public perception of Robin Hood is that he is a beta mangina.

9 years ago

Of course one of ’em has to use Elon Musk. What next, are they going to use Peter Thiel – one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet – as an example of an “alpha”?

Actually, nevermind. They probably would.

9 years ago

Oh wow. Another commenter in there wrote this sentence.

But doing anything just to please others or to make a good impression or to cause others to think highly of you is beta.

How does this person’s brain not short-circuit? “Doing something solely to try to appear Alpha is Beta, so don’t do that and people will think you’re Alpha.” It’s a catch-22! The only winning move is not to play, and everyone’s lives would be so much better if Red Pillers stopped their alpha-beta game.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

On the one hand, they’d doing something! On the other hand, they’re still selfish fucking assholes!

That shit ain’t compatible, yo.

9 years ago

They’ve got one thing right, which is that when they volunteer at convalescent facilities it isn’t charity. I feel bad for whomever gets stuck with a visiting redpiller.

“Yeah yeah yeah, you were a pilot in WWII. How many chicks did you neg, though?”

9 years ago

The most alpha thing you can do is constantly check in with your internet community to make sure that they will still accept and hug you before you perform even the smallest of actions. And, of course, no alpha would make a decision for himself without direction from that internet community.

9 years ago

“Red Pill is about people’s perception of you.”

So…the red pill isn’t actually a thing you believe in but a thing that believes in you? “I didn’t choose TPR life, TPR chose me.”

9 years ago

@fruitloopsie, I second that gif!

How can they be so sure of Elon Musk’s SMV? I never heard of him.

9 years ago

I find myself wondering how many of these people purport to be Christian. Because, y’know… religion where helping the poor and destitute is practically required, ditto things like visiting prisoners (originally to make sure the prisoners knew they hadn’t been forgotten), helping the sick, avoiding public displays of wealth and prestige, etc. Led by that wonderful beta mangina Jesus Christ, who was so wimpy he allowed himself to be crucified and such a complete wuss that he healed one of the soldiers who came to arrest him (guy had an ear cut off by one of Christ’s followers, and Christ put it back on and healed it up).

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


His word are also “followed” by over 2 billion people, so that’s alpha as fuck.

9 years ago

Huh? Where did my text go? I tried to block quote and now it’s gone like magic. I guess this what you guys call the block quote monster?

9 years ago

If I may shamelessly plug the group I do a lot of volunteer work for:

Cleaning a beach can be surprisingly labor-intensive and physically demanding, but since I’m doing it to save adorable dolphins and children from rusty cans and used syringes I guess I’m pretty dang beta 😀

9 years ago

These people care so much about what everyone thinks of them, it’s pathetic. When you can’t pet a kitten because somebody might think you’re “beta”

It must be exhausting to go through your entire life evaluating whether your every action is alpha or beta. I’d feel bad for them if they weren’t such hateful assholes.

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