
Posting will resume shortly. In the meantime, a cat

Beware! Take care!
Beware! Take care!

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple days. I’ve been bogged down dealing with some non-blog business, and will resume posting as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy this cat!

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Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Go ahead, rub my belly

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Sunnysombrera, aren’t you British? I seem to remember you mentioning it. Any decent British person has been drinking since 1416.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
9 years ago

To completely change the subject, with all the kerfuffle that MRAs raised about “Mad Max,” the movie “Spy” would make their heads explode!

Melissa McCarthy kicks ass *and* gets hit on! The horror! The horror!

9 years ago

Yes I am, but AFAIK (i may be wrong) Fruitloopsie is American.

Also, Brits start drinking at 18 15.

9 years ago

Switcharoo those strikethrough numbers, oops.

9 years ago

She never even made it to 21
Bluh huh huh huh…

9 years ago

Americans on their JYA at a Brit University are always funny. They don’t realise that over here, cider is always alcoholic. They get very very drunk.

9 years ago

Also, Brits start drinking atĀ 15.

*fistbumps for all*

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Some American kids start drinking as teens, too. Especially if they live in the sticks and don’t have a whole lot else to entertain them.

Not that I’d know anything about that. *Whistles, sidles away innocently*

9 years ago

Another great victory for the Mens Human Rights Activists
/incredible sark

(Though I’m sure their triumphant crowing has already begun somewhere)

9 years ago

This cat reminds me of my own. I apologize for having posted this before, but soooooo close.

9 years ago


Half weeping angel, half cat.

There is actually a version of that video dubbed over with the Doctor’s description of the weeping angels. The timing is just perfect!

9 years ago

One of the geek pickup lines I read somewhere was “you must be a Weeping Angel, because I can’t take my eyes off of you!” That might actually work on me. Love it!

9 years ago

I’m more of a type A personality myself, but I really enjoyed this Buzzfeed of type B characteristic. Warning: cute dogs lazing around and looking extra cute.

9 years ago

As much as I don’t condone violence, I’m glad she laid a smackdown of sorts on him because damn, spitting in someone’s face and then trying to punch them for objecting to your wandering hands? That’s some Grade A asshole behaviour right there.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’m just gonna leave this here:
comment image

(Though Maleficent kind of did it first, just sayin’.)

9 years ago

its a nice cat

Dan kasteray
Dan kasteray
9 years ago

The furiosa test, me like šŸ™‚

Its all shiny and crome;)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That’s awesome. šŸ˜€

9 years ago

Ugggh! Rawwr! I’m now a Femnizombi coming for teh menz brains!

Yes, I’m a 20 year old American and thanks for the “happy birthday” I also want to thank you all for voting for me of 2036.

9 years ago

Dan kasteray

Iā€™m more of a type A personality myself, but I really enjoyed this Buzzfeed of type B characteristic. Warning: cute dogs lazing around and looking extra cute.

I guess I’m a “B” and those aren’t really problems to me. The dog at 13 is the same breed as my dog Pooh when I was little. She always treated me like I was her puppy. One day, our next door neighbor shot her. I miss her so much. RIP Pooh.

Khane's Mom
Khane's Mom
9 years ago

Dan kasteray, Love it!!!

My 25 year old daughter had a similar experience this weekend, although she is a professional massage therapist, not a fighter.

At a very crowded beach festival, she got separated from her husband and friends. While looking for her peeps, some dude grabbed her ass as she was walking by. She turned around, quickly surmised he was not one of her peeps and punched him in the face.

His friends jumped up and demanded to my daughter “What the fuck did you expect?!?” referring to her walking around the BEACH in a swimming suit. She responded “What the fuck did YOU expect?!? I am wearing a bathing suit at the beach and you’re lucky my husband wasn’t here to murder you! Keep your hands off other people!!” And then she went merrily along her way, thinking with joy of dude explaining a black eye given by a girl.

I love that kid.