hate speech homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill transphobia vox day

Vox Day: Military history proves that those who “tolerate effeminacy” will lose to those who murder gays


Vox Day, the not-quite-Nazi fantasy author and generally repellant human being, is evidently upset that some people would like trans folks to be allowed to serve openly in the military. In a blog post today (archived here), Vox (Theodore Beale) cites recent gains by ISIS as proof that armies that “tolerate effeminacy” will inevitably lose to, well, armies run by people who hate gay and trans people enough to murder them.

No, really. Here’s his argument, in all of its horrendous, er, glory:

Military history clearly demonstrates that the side that executes homosexuals, whether throwing them off buildings or having their fellow soldiers beat them to death, reliably defeats the side that allows its soldiers to dress up and pretend they are women.

Yes, wealth and technology are on the side of the crossdressing military. But attrition, geography, and history are on the side that does not tolerate effeminacy.

Naturally, Beale’s commenters step up to offer their own equally terrible opinions on the matter.

According to Musashi #0350,

This national validation of all things homo is an affront to God and we will witness the resulting consequences. This is arrogance, pride, and most of all, rebellion. So now we pollute the military and somehow expect there will be no negative outcome.

We will lose our next war, and rightly so.

Alexander adds

Let’s see how long discipline lasts when mentally ill individuals have the power of the state behind them to remove their commanders from their positions, on the basis that said commanders don’t tolerate the private prancing about in heels and stockings.

Or conversely, when the officers insist upon it.

ajw308 is afraid the armed forces could be overwhelmed by the “sexually confused.”

I fear the day is coming where the US gov’t will pay for the mutilatiotional surgery that the sexually confused think will make them happy and the US military is flooded with transgenders seeking pretend surgical reassignment

Cail Corishev, meanwhile, indulges in this rather old-fashioned fantasy:

Just imagine if we (meaning the US govt. military) came up against a Christian army — not just a heathen army that God might use to chastise us, but a Christian army that could ask for His favor directly.

Theodore Beale and his fans: in essence, a Christian version of ISIS.

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Ann Morgan
Ann Morgan
9 years ago

epitome wrote: **Okay, “attrition warfare” means to wear the enemy down through massive losses.**

Epitome, I think that Beale’s notion of ‘attrition’ means that if women are treated as breeding machines by one side, that side will eventually outnumber the other, in several centuries. There are a couple problems with Beale’s notion regarding this, including (but by no means limited to)

1. Most wars do not last for centuries
2. Long before the population in a small misogynist country outnumbers that in a larger country by treating women as breeding machines, they will come up against assorted limitting factors (starvation, disease, etc) that will cause their population to crash.
3. The inbreeding that occurs in Beale’s fantasy countries does not bode well for their chances in battle. Or their chances for long-term racial survival, for that matter. If your soldiers have an IQ of 120, and their soldiers have an IQ of 80, it’s going to take a LOT of their soldiers to be able to outfight yours, no matter how many fantasies Beale has about the matter.

9 years ago

Of course Caesar’s standard reply to the “Queen of Bithynia” jokes was “Oh yeah, I’m unmanly? Well I’m man enough to be banging your sister (Cato)/mother (Brutus)/wife (numerous Romans)”

Even with his life in significant danger in the wake of the Catiline conspiracy Caesar took time out to flaunt his “conquests”. While the senate was debating what to do about the Catiline conspiracy Caesar pulled out a letter and started reading it to himself. Cato the Younger saw him and called him out on it, claiming Caesar was in on the conspiracy and was reading instructions from his co-conspirators, demanding Caesar hand over the letter. Caesar did, and Cato was treated to reading a very graphic “love letter” from his sister to Caesar.

9 years ago

@Ann Morgan

Re: VD
You are forgetting the possibility of a vast conspiracy to smear this innocent lamb. At last count the conspiracy includes all major social media, all major media, Google, Wikipedia, the SFWA, the TWA, and, of course, the Jews.

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago

Yes, wealth and technology are on the side of the crossdressing military. But attrition, geography, and history are on the side that does not tolerate effeminacy.

What confuses me is how the fuck does geography choose sides?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

I am so glad I have learned something new. There I was thinking ISIS and AQ were winning because*:
(1) They were (still are?) trained by the US and the UK, with training camps in Turkey and Jorden.
(2) Funded armed and supplied by the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar.
(3) Supported by Israeli airstrikes and artillery attacks in the South.
(4) Have a protected (by Turkey) open border in the North, so that men, weapons and suppiies can pass right through (Like 10,000 of them with shiny new TOW US anti tank missles just did recently).
(5) Are actually quite good at manoeuvrer warfare which let them run rings around the Iraqi Govt forces.

Nope all that (and more) had nothing to do with it, it is just because they ‘kill gays’.
They also kill Christians, Shiites, Aalawites and Kurds too… very large numbers (men women and children) and rape lots of women. Does that help as well?

Obviously from that military logic I can see the real WW2 history now. The allies won because we killed more gays than the Nazis……

*Note none of those are conspiracy theories, they are well reported facts even in the mainstream media (even in Israel). Even the Wall At Journal has done an article on Israel supporting AQ………

9 years ago

Argh thanks Pandapool–I’m so close to not needing these, but I’m probably going to buy a couple of pairs anyway….

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I think Beale is using the term “attrition” here in its Frederician sense: a form of warfare in which losses mount steadily until one side or the other breaks. In this sort of warfare, what matters isn’t that you have more people but that you’re more comfortable taking losses.

For example, in the 2007 South Lebanon war, the Israeli defeat was due to them being unwilling to take losses whilst advancing to the Litani. The Hezbollah were losing three of their soldiers for every Israeli they killed, but they were happy to take that level of casualties while the Israelis were not. As a result, although Hezbollah casualties were higher and the IDF was constantly advancing, the Israeli government eventually sued for peace and withdrew the IDF.

As a result, if you’re a bunch of psychopaths (like Daesh; I will never call them ISIS) who are happy to throw teenage lives away at a whim, then you will inevitably win any attritional battle against a sane army. Your nerve isn’t going to break but theirs might, so victory is simply a matter of running up the body count until their domestic audience gets sick of the body bags and calls the troops home.

This is what Beale is referring to when he says that attrition is on the side of those who hate gays. If one side are hate-infused and glorying in their own impending martyrdom, and the other side are sensible human beings who value human life and treat other humans fairly, then the outcome of an attritional war is inevitable. This is why, in such circumstances, sensible people eschew battles of attrition and go for some other deciding factor.

9 years ago

Apparently they also have enough high-ranked turncoats from the regions they´re operating in to give them pretty accurate and close-to-date intel on the people and units they’re up against. It seems like a lot of former Baathists went over to ISIS for various reasons.
Though their most powerful regularily reported weapon seems to be their expertise in building massive car bombs.

9 years ago

EJ (The Other One): Sigh no the Israelis got totally completey absolutely…thumped…. militarily. And it was 2006 by the way….

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

2006, you’re right. Thanks for correcting me.

That particular war is a good case in point because as you point out, Israel lost the actual fighting despite doing significant damage to Lebanese civilian infrastructure, and a lot of people get those two confused. The IDF thought that the Hezbollah were going to roll over like the Hamas regularly do, and were utterly flummoxed when it didn’t happen and they didn’t get the quick propaganda victory they were hoping for.

If your opponent is prepared to take losses, then you have to ask why you’re bothering fighting. In that case Israel didn’t have a clear war goal besides “show how big our balls are”, which meant that as soon as the body bags started to come home and it became evident that the Merkava was vulnerable to landmines after all, there was no appetite for casualties. Which meant that the Hezbollah won, because they were happy to take losses and so they won the attrition fight.

I’m war nerding way too hard for a pacifist. I need to stop now. Thanks for that, though.

9 years ago

Well, I don’t know about the army but the risk of gay man in the navy has been well established. See this clip from a documentary on the matter:

9 years ago

(apparently video embedding doesn’t respect time offsets. you can skip to the important conclusions at 4:14 if you’re too impatient to watch the rest)

Road to Servitude
9 years ago

I wonder how a so-called and indeed purely hypothetical “Christian Army” of hardcore extremists resembling ISIS would treat people who wish to summon them. I don’t imagine hooligans who shoot the breeze and advocate the presence of such an army could necessarily count on the good graces of the fanatics they are invoking the “help” of
Anyway, what kind of “Christian Army” is he talking about? Is this a not-so-subtle attempt to portray Russia as the ideal Christian state? If so, it’s incredible how much depth and substance Vox Day attributes to the superficial “State Christianity” rhetoric of the current Putinocracy.

9 years ago

Uh huh, they apparently never heard of when Ehud Barak, top official in the IDF dressed as a woman for a mission to infiltrate Lebanon in order to weed out PLO terrorists. It helped propel his career.

9 years ago

Just imagine if we (meaning the US govt. military) came up against a Christian army — not just a heathen army that God might use to chastise us, but a Christian army that could ask for His favor directly.

lol, I know I’m late to commenting on this one, but this quote reminded me of this guy

And from now on that’s how I’m going to picture Vox Day.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

This talk about attrition warfare reminded me of the character of Lord Rust in Discworld books.

If I understand correctly, Lord Rust is regarded as a great war hero because he’s brave enough to lead his troops against overpowered enemy, and he’s survived to do it many times. He didn’t win any of those battles, though – he just always miraculously survived while his troops were slaughtered wholesale. And those battles weren’t usually really necessary to begin with. But it’s the bravery that counts.

9 years ago

Why doesn’t Pox just join ISIS already? He’d fit right in.

9 years ago

Since this thread is sort of about military history, I thought I’d post this here:

The sections on Russian and Polish deaths are particularly horrifying.

9 years ago

How on earth does Vox explain the almost total global domination by (gay as a tree full of really faggy parrots) Alexander the Great?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Hey, Objective? Can we not use the word “faggy”? I know your heart’s in the right place, but there’s got to be a better metaphor.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

How on earth does Vox explain the almost total global domination by (gay as a tree full of really [fuck you, I’m not posting that] parrots) Alexander the Great?

epitome of incomprehensibility

Epitome, I think that Beale’s notion of ‘attrition’ means that if women are treated as breeding machines by one side, that side will eventually outnumber the other, in several centuries.

Thanks, Ann Morgan – in that case, I see what he means. And besides your very good reasons why this wouldn’t work, there’s also the fact that treating LGBT+ people like human beings doesn’t mean people will suddenly stop reproducing. Silly Beally.

EJ, you’re so much more articulate in your description of attrition warfare than I was. Although I’m not sure if Vox Day really thinks that brainwashed martyrs are really a good thing to have in an army. Does he? If so, that’s not exactly valuing human life (straight cis male human life, presumably.) MISANDRY!

9 years ago

You clearly skirted the issue, pun intended, by basically calling Vox and his supporters poppies heads. Your thinking does not graduate past a kindergarten mind.

9 years ago

Last time I checked the british won the Falklands war and this is the same administration that legalized homosexuality. Vox does not realize that the nazis killed homosexuals yet the Jews are still here and not everyone is speaking German.