creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUAhate rape rape culture reddit slut shaming sluthate sympathy for murderers

“Philosophy of Rape” site argues that “whores and feminazis need to be put in their place through rape,” offers tips to aspiring rapists



Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”

Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !” 

Like the subreddit before it, the site declares war on “harpies,” “hussies,” “[d]ecrepid filth, dressed like hookers and reaking like vodka” and “Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores.”

The “philosophers” also take aim at “vain, vile, venemous, femenist, filth,” particularly

[t]he kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down. The type of hussies who have lobbied effectively to remove due process from proceedings against men on college campuses.

In  a post titled “Why is Rape Necessary,” the site sets forth its case for “correction.” (I’ve bolded the worst bits.)

1) Rape did serve important, healthy, and natural biological purposes historically in limiting the extent to which female bad behavior can go.

2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok and destroy their selves and everything they touch.

3. Because rape is so completely arm-barred back by the state, and feminism has grown to be this infestation that caused even the social consequences for female behavior to dissappear, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. Unbridled female sluttishness, entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction gone viral.

4. Such women need to be Corrected. Humbled. Brought back down to a healthy place and realistic mindset. For their own good as well as that of those around them. That particular corrective action is quite clear, the one that used to naturally limit the behavior: rape.

5. We are here to provide encouragement and advice how to do that and do it safely. Regression analysis to find out which variables make it less likely to get into legal trouble. Very few women report the rapes, what can you do to make it even less likely? Example: remind the victim that “no one will believe them”. When they orgasm (which is actually very common during rape, Google it) speak up and let them know that you are aware of it and that it will come out during trial if they reported it.

Yes, that’s right. After complaining that the feminist “infestation” has enabled “unbridled” female awfulness by drastically reducing the “natural limiting force [of] rape,” the rape “philosophers” acknowledge that most men who rape women face zero consequences for their action. Indeed, in another post, one “philosopher” declares that

We want to teach men that although it may be easier than ever for an innocent man to be convicted of rape when a consensual partner has buyers remorse, it’s also easier than ever for a guilty man to get away Scott free – so long as it’s done the way we advocate: actual rape-rape, as in dark-alley, ski mask, stranger rape.

Emphasis mine. Some of the rape “tips” offered on the site are wholly unoriginal:

Tell the harlot that you come from a rich family and that she will never successfully convict you of raping her in court.  Tell her that, if she tries to sue you, you will counter-sue for a huge amount of money that will bankrupt her.

Pretty sure that one’s been used before.

Tell the harlot that, if she tells the police about the rape, you will kill her entire family.  If she has children, tell her that you will rape her children before killing them.

That one too.

Other tips are little more than sadistic fantasies:

Put sugar into the harlot’s vagina to give her a yeast infection.  This will be a mark of shame on her that she will be unable to forget, and she will have to relive the rape every time she seeks treatment for it. …

After raping the harlot, steal her clothes and write “WHORE” on her chest with a red marker.  She will be forced to walk around naked with “WHORE” written on her chest, and it will be extremely humiliating for her.

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

Indeed, in a posting on slutHATE, one rape “philosopher” assured skeptics that

The Philosophy of Rape is as serious as a heart attack. We are a movement of angry, fed-up men – much like you – who have decided to take matters into our own hands. The simple fact of the matter is, simply sitting around and complaining about sluts on the Internet isn’t going to change anything. We need real-world action to correct the slut problem. That’s why The Philosophy of Rape was created. Sluts need real-world punishment, and we want to train an army of holy warriors to dish out that punishment. Your chances of getting caught are already slim, and we will teach you how to make 100% sure that you don’t get caught. 

In another comment, he reported that while

I can’t openly admit to how many harlots I’ve corrected, but let’s just say that I do indeed practice what I preach.

He offered this lovely bit of advice to anyone thinking of following in his (alleged) footsteps:

It definitely helps if you build up to the act. Keep edging closer and closer to rape until you’re finally ready to do the deed. For example, send a harlot an anonymous message telling her you’re gonna rape her, then write “HARLOT” on her car, then finally rape her when the moment is right. Build up your courage by first committing smaller acts.

He urged others to take up his peculiar fight for, er, justice:

We are going to build an army of holy warriors to correct harlots and feminazi whores around the world. All it takes is a few Elliot Rodger types to get the ball rolling. What do you have to lose? Enlist in our rape army today, and we will teach you how to correct a new harlot a week and get away with it.

Apparently unafraid of legal consequences, the person posting all this gave what he said was his real name, claiming to be “Brother” Dean Saxton, a campus “activist” of sorts who several years ago caused a stir after holding a one-man protest at the University of Arizona, holding a sign reading “You Deserve Rape.”

In another thread, “Brother Dean” explained why he felt this slogan was so effective in angering feminists: .

NOTHING pisses off feminazis more than reminding them that they are filthy harlots who desperately need to be – and, deep down, WANT TO BE – raped.

He went on to explain why the kind of rape he advocates is the most public-spirited of all the different varieties of rape:

N*ggers rape because they are feral animals who cannot control their primitive biological urges. We rape because we are holy warriors on a mission to correct harlots and purge society of unmitigated female entitlement. The Philosophy of Rape is, ultimately, about fixing society. The only way to correct harlots and feminazis is by raping them.

If “Brother Dean” is European88, he’s kept himself busy since his college protest as a moderator of 157 of Reddit’s most loathsome subreddits, including /r/CoonTown, /r/WhiteRights,  /r/nazi, /r/GasTheKikes, /r/Chimpout, /r/StormfrontForums and the lovely /r/N*ggerSafari.

Some of the slutHATE regulars dismissed “Brother Dean” as “disinfo” and “just another frustrated virgin in his basement spreading shit.” frenchy91, for his part, noted that

while i really don’t give a shit who you could rape as long as it’s not my girlfriend, nor familly member, i think you op should get raped by a group of n*ggers, just to know how it feels, then you could objectively speak about who diserve it or not. for now, you just sound like a desperate mysogincel

This is apparently what passes for a “moderate” position on slutHATE. Others there found Brother Dean’s message inspirational. A commenter calling himself mvp wrote that

i definitely support this movement

its time to fight back

“Fuck it,” wrote another. “I’ll rape a bitch for you.”

It would be easy enough to dismiss all of this as nothing more than the ridiculous fantasies of “frustrated virgin[s]” or the work of trolls. I really hope that’s all it is.

But we should remember that slutHATE is essentially a reincarnation of PUAhate, an online forum that was frequented by a young man named, yes, Elliot Rodger, who posted similarly hateful and similarly implausible-sounding comments there before setting out one evening a little over a year ago, intending to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

H/T — MoonMetropolis


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9 years ago

How is rape a “natural force”? Does it flow like water? Or blow like the wild?

Or is it maybe–just maybe–a conscious choice–or choice of conscience (or utterly detestable lack thereof)–on the part on the rapist to rape?

9 years ago

Does anyone else find it funny (not ha-ha funny) that an actual Nazi would use the term “feminazi” as a slur?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Aw, the Sesame Street aliens AND the Monkees!

Thanks, katz.

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure I know who needs to be corrected and humbled in this world, and it’s the kind of people who’d make a website advocating rape. They need to be corrected and humbled by being arrested and thrown in jail.

9 years ago

I’d like to believe that everyone on that disgusting website is a vile, pathetic troll who will hopefully never be anywhere near a woman ever.

I’d really like to believe that.

I wish I could.

9 years ago

You’d think this would be considered probable cause to obtain a whole lot of DNA samples for future reference.

Elle Kacee
9 years ago

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” ― Maya Angelou

9 years ago

Maybe wishful thinking, but I get the impression that the author’s main intent is to shock, not to encourage actual rapists. Perhaps it’s like Roosh V’s article about (ugh) “legalizing” rape. Perhaps he’ll step back and say, “No, no, I was just kidding, I’m not that bad,” and then present his real misogynist views as moderate by comparison.

I assume it’s all of the above.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Isn’t it funny that the only people who are honest about the statistics on how easy it is to get away with rape are the rapists and wannabe rapists?

9 years ago

I read it all. Because I kind of couldn’t believe it. It gets worse than David’s quotes in a way that is too triggering even for here.

This is a damaged and dangerous person whose only goal is to inflict pain to gain some kind of power, even if only by terrorizing women who know about him and manipulating other men to share his rage. There is a real threat here.

I appreciate knowing about this. I do plan to report it.

9 years ago

Sluthate is an evil site. Their users advocating rape. How would we go about getting sluthate reported for hate speech so that they can be shut down? We can even report them for child pornography possibly since that forum is basically a shelter for pedophiles.

9 years ago

“Gee willickers, I really wish there were a way for me to be misogynistic and racist at the same time. But how…”

Don’t teach Miami drivers not to leave the key in the ignition when they park their cars, teach Puerto Ricans not to commit auto theft!

“Wow, thanks Philosophy of Rape! You never let me down.”

(Just to clarify, that’s a direct quote from an article on PhoR. They even put in bold, to make sure everyone knows where they stand.)

9 years ago

Unfortunately, in the US it might not be enough to be considered incitement because the crime has to be imminent. Even the most hateful speech encouraging violence might not cover it. It might be worth sending it to the FBI anyway though, because it could hopefully at least cause them to keep an eye out. But I think just giving out general rape tips isn’t a crime, he would have to incite a specific rape.

Take that with entire mounds of salt though. I’m not a lawyer, I only did a quick Google search.

9 years ago

I didn’t realize taking selfies was sufficient cause to get raped nowadays.

9 years ago

Oh God, this is the third time in a fortnight that David’s alerted us to something that needs to be reported to the FBI. If the manosphere has this much stuff that is legit dangerous, they have NO fucking right to even THINK that feminism is a “hate movement”. THEIR SHIT ACTUALLY ENCOURAGES VIOLENCE, YO.


EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I do not often deploy harsh language. I feel that this is an appropriate time to do so.

What the fuck.


Do you dickweeds think that is even slightly fucking appropriate? See, I get it, you’re playing a game of let’s-see-who-can-be-the-biggest-insouciant-transgressive-asshole in between epic masturbation marathons fuelled by pirated Japanese schoolgirl hentai. This is something you do to try to win the approval of other shrivelled remnants of humanity whilst you speculate ignorantly on what it might be like to feel the languid caress of a woman’s touch, or for that matter the respect of a fellow human or the inside of a fucking shower stall or indeed high orbit over the planet Neptune, being as your experience of all four is probably about equal. You brag about raping other human beings, as though you could move your festering, pus-riddled cadavers away from the chairs surrounded by empty pringles cans and mountain dew bottles, as laden with rot and neglect as your mothers’ hearts are with tears. What the fuck kind of human being goes around saying shit like this in order to feel big?

See, I get it, you want to show that they’re the big men, you want to be scary. You hope that if you squint hard enough then you might mistake fear for respect. Well, I’ve got sad fucking news for you. We are afraid of you, yes, but we’re afraid of you like we’re afraid of a rabid fucking dog or a chest infection. We’ll either ignore you if we can, or we’ll wipe you out if we can’t ignore you. The moment you stop being anything but a joke is the moment you go to prison. Your hoped-for intimidation value is never going to arise, for the same reason that my life might be threatened by a chest infection but I sure as fuck am not going to be intimidated by it, let alone respect it.

See, I get it, you cling to violence and a self image as a killer because that’s the only sort of power you think you can get. Really? You can’t even get that, you pusillanimous dicksmoking wretches. You want to see yourselves as black-clad Nazis and as holy warriors. Really? If you’re real Nazis, I sure don’t remember seeing your cowardly narcissistic ass down on Maidan Square wrapped in blue and gold, in the one brief moment of glory the far right have had this century. I’m sure the news media were too busy jacking off to Kim Kardashian to announce your heroics in standing up to Putin’s tanks on behalf of your beloved fucking White Race. So you want to call yourselves holy warriors? Yeah, well nowadays we have some real fucking holy warriors in the world and I have news for you: you sure as fuck aren’t them. They’re busy selling Yazidi children as sex slaves and getting their asses kicked by Kurdish militiawomen. Go on. Head out there. See how far your entitled, enraged, self-centred attitude goes when the other guys have over-the-horizon firepower. I bet you feel brave then. You’re not holy warriors. You’re not Nazis. You have none of the discipline and none of the courage they have. Those are proper evil fuckers, and they’re willing to die like fucking morons for the sake of their dumbass cause. All you can muster is mocking people on the internet and jumping out at scared women in dark allies. Wow, such a fucking hero you are. I bet Paul Hausser would have wet himself for the chance to have your miserable asses in his divisions.

See, I get it, you like rape threats because they’re not real. If you threaten to cut someone’s throat, you can imagine that happening to you and so you’re afraid of it. If you threaten to get someone fired or to have their kids taken away, you can imagine that – assuming anyone was stone cold stupid enough to hire you or reproduce with you in the first place. Those are real threats to you. But rape? Rape isn’t real to you, it’s like Jedi powers or that night elf you have the nude pictures of on your desktop background. It’s a thing that can never happen to you, which makes it safe, which makes it a form of power you’re happy fantasising about. People who have power fantasies in which they kill loads of people or earn lots of money are at least understandable: their fantasies exist in the real world. You’re so pathetically wretched that you even have to shrink-wrap your own power fantasies in case you scare yourself with them. Sickening. Is this what a real man is like?

See, I get it, you call women harlots because you want to show that you think that sex is all they’re good for. Thing is, harlots get paid. That’s what the word means. You know, like “whore” and other demeaning gendered slurs you dot around arrogantly, you words-using-wrongly-motherfucker? A harlot is a professional who is willing to undertake sexual activities with people, possibly even you, in exchange for a suitable recompense. Harlotry does not involve any sort of power exchange. Harlotry doesn’t make her weak or stupid or squalid or debased. You know what does? Having your foetid little masturbatory power fantasies. She isn’t weak; you are. She isn’t stupid; you are. She isn’t squalid; you are; and she sure as hell isn’t debased because the only person debased here is the dogfucker who thought he could get the applause of some rancid refuse of humanity by actually taking the time to register a website in which he could post this sort of putrid, narcissistic filth. Even harlots have self-respect. Maybe you should learn from them.

You call yourself a nazi. They’d have sent you to the gas and you fucking know it. You call yourself a holy warrior. There’s nothing holy about you and you sure as hell aren’t any species of warrior. You call yourself an activist. If all you’re doing is typing one-handed misogyny in between assuring people of how badass you are, then I have some sad fucking news for you: you’re off to a pretty fucking poor start. You want to be the big, scary dark shape which makes people scared of the dark. All you are is the little scuttling cockroach which gives people a scare in the dark and reminds them that they need to invest in spray. You call yourself a monster. There are bigger monsters than you. We know, because we kicked their asses. You’re bitter because you’ve failed in everything you’ve ever attempted in life and nobody respects you, and you will fail in this too and we’re not going to start respecting you here either. We are not going to fear you. We are going to laugh at you, and you will crawl back into your hole and hang up your dreams of being the grand apostle of rapists just like you’ve had to hang up every other dream you’ve ever had.

Now get the fuck out of my gender.

9 years ago

I agree, report it anyway, but if US law really isn’t enough to cover it, well hopefully America will indeed start to crack down on hate speech and incitement to violence. “Free speech” needs to be reigned in when it comes to sociopaths like these dudes.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Okay, I’m calmer now.

9 years ago

Also, I will take your Sesame Street aliens gif, and raise you a Sesame Street aliens video.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That was both scary and beautiful.

Too bad they’ll never read it and let it sink in because they’re shitstains on a truckers’ stop toilet.

9 years ago

How the fuck is this allowed on reddit? This is incitement of violence. This is giving tips on how to commit crimes and do illegal acts. This isn’t free speech.

9 years ago

I dared myself to take a look at the actual website and what the actual fuck. I feel sick. I’m for reals going to take a shower now. And since when was there a Reddit subforum called Killing Women?!?!?!?!? REDDIT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!??!!??!!

9 years ago


epitome of incomprehensibility

Exactly. How is this NOT an incitement to violence? I get that Internet speech is harder to police, which allows for good as well as bad things, but I’d like to see him give the “I’m just kidding” defence to some sort of legal authority.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I hope some is archiving this trash because there’s no way it’s gonna be up on the internet for long.
