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“Philosophy of Rape” site argues that “whores and feminazis need to be put in their place through rape,” offers tips to aspiring rapists



Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”

Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !” 

Like the subreddit before it, the site declares war on “harpies,” “hussies,” “[d]ecrepid filth, dressed like hookers and reaking like vodka” and “Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores.”

The “philosophers” also take aim at “vain, vile, venemous, femenist, filth,” particularly

[t]he kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down. The type of hussies who have lobbied effectively to remove due process from proceedings against men on college campuses.

In  a post titled “Why is Rape Necessary,” the site sets forth its case for “correction.” (I’ve bolded the worst bits.)

1) Rape did serve important, healthy, and natural biological purposes historically in limiting the extent to which female bad behavior can go.

2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok and destroy their selves and everything they touch.

3. Because rape is so completely arm-barred back by the state, and feminism has grown to be this infestation that caused even the social consequences for female behavior to dissappear, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. Unbridled female sluttishness, entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction gone viral.

4. Such women need to be Corrected. Humbled. Brought back down to a healthy place and realistic mindset. For their own good as well as that of those around them. That particular corrective action is quite clear, the one that used to naturally limit the behavior: rape.

5. We are here to provide encouragement and advice how to do that and do it safely. Regression analysis to find out which variables make it less likely to get into legal trouble. Very few women report the rapes, what can you do to make it even less likely? Example: remind the victim that “no one will believe them”. When they orgasm (which is actually very common during rape, Google it) speak up and let them know that you are aware of it and that it will come out during trial if they reported it.

Yes, that’s right. After complaining that the feminist “infestation” has enabled “unbridled” female awfulness by drastically reducing the “natural limiting force [of] rape,” the rape “philosophers” acknowledge that most men who rape women face zero consequences for their action. Indeed, in another post, one “philosopher” declares that

We want to teach men that although it may be easier than ever for an innocent man to be convicted of rape when a consensual partner has buyers remorse, it’s also easier than ever for a guilty man to get away Scott free – so long as it’s done the way we advocate: actual rape-rape, as in dark-alley, ski mask, stranger rape.

Emphasis mine. Some of the rape “tips” offered on the site are wholly unoriginal:

Tell the harlot that you come from a rich family and that she will never successfully convict you of raping her in court.  Tell her that, if she tries to sue you, you will counter-sue for a huge amount of money that will bankrupt her.

Pretty sure that one’s been used before.

Tell the harlot that, if she tells the police about the rape, you will kill her entire family.  If she has children, tell her that you will rape her children before killing them.

That one too.

Other tips are little more than sadistic fantasies:

Put sugar into the harlot’s vagina to give her a yeast infection.  This will be a mark of shame on her that she will be unable to forget, and she will have to relive the rape every time she seeks treatment for it. …

After raping the harlot, steal her clothes and write “WHORE” on her chest with a red marker.  She will be forced to walk around naked with “WHORE” written on her chest, and it will be extremely humiliating for her.

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

Indeed, in a posting on slutHATE, one rape “philosopher” assured skeptics that

The Philosophy of Rape is as serious as a heart attack. We are a movement of angry, fed-up men – much like you – who have decided to take matters into our own hands. The simple fact of the matter is, simply sitting around and complaining about sluts on the Internet isn’t going to change anything. We need real-world action to correct the slut problem. That’s why The Philosophy of Rape was created. Sluts need real-world punishment, and we want to train an army of holy warriors to dish out that punishment. Your chances of getting caught are already slim, and we will teach you how to make 100% sure that you don’t get caught. 

In another comment, he reported that while

I can’t openly admit to how many harlots I’ve corrected, but let’s just say that I do indeed practice what I preach.

He offered this lovely bit of advice to anyone thinking of following in his (alleged) footsteps:

It definitely helps if you build up to the act. Keep edging closer and closer to rape until you’re finally ready to do the deed. For example, send a harlot an anonymous message telling her you’re gonna rape her, then write “HARLOT” on her car, then finally rape her when the moment is right. Build up your courage by first committing smaller acts.

He urged others to take up his peculiar fight for, er, justice:

We are going to build an army of holy warriors to correct harlots and feminazi whores around the world. All it takes is a few Elliot Rodger types to get the ball rolling. What do you have to lose? Enlist in our rape army today, and we will teach you how to correct a new harlot a week and get away with it.

Apparently unafraid of legal consequences, the person posting all this gave what he said was his real name, claiming to be “Brother” Dean Saxton, a campus “activist” of sorts who several years ago caused a stir after holding a one-man protest at the University of Arizona, holding a sign reading “You Deserve Rape.”

In another thread, “Brother Dean” explained why he felt this slogan was so effective in angering feminists: .

NOTHING pisses off feminazis more than reminding them that they are filthy harlots who desperately need to be – and, deep down, WANT TO BE – raped.

He went on to explain why the kind of rape he advocates is the most public-spirited of all the different varieties of rape:

N*ggers rape because they are feral animals who cannot control their primitive biological urges. We rape because we are holy warriors on a mission to correct harlots and purge society of unmitigated female entitlement. The Philosophy of Rape is, ultimately, about fixing society. The only way to correct harlots and feminazis is by raping them.

If “Brother Dean” is European88, he’s kept himself busy since his college protest as a moderator of 157 of Reddit’s most loathsome subreddits, including /r/CoonTown, /r/WhiteRights,  /r/nazi, /r/GasTheKikes, /r/Chimpout, /r/StormfrontForums and the lovely /r/N*ggerSafari.

Some of the slutHATE regulars dismissed “Brother Dean” as “disinfo” and “just another frustrated virgin in his basement spreading shit.” frenchy91, for his part, noted that

while i really don’t give a shit who you could rape as long as it’s not my girlfriend, nor familly member, i think you op should get raped by a group of n*ggers, just to know how it feels, then you could objectively speak about who diserve it or not. for now, you just sound like a desperate mysogincel

This is apparently what passes for a “moderate” position on slutHATE. Others there found Brother Dean’s message inspirational. A commenter calling himself mvp wrote that

i definitely support this movement

its time to fight back

“Fuck it,” wrote another. “I’ll rape a bitch for you.”

It would be easy enough to dismiss all of this as nothing more than the ridiculous fantasies of “frustrated virgin[s]” or the work of trolls. I really hope that’s all it is.

But we should remember that slutHATE is essentially a reincarnation of PUAhate, an online forum that was frequented by a young man named, yes, Elliot Rodger, who posted similarly hateful and similarly implausible-sounding comments there before setting out one evening a little over a year ago, intending to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

H/T — MoonMetropolis


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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I liked the part where he has a better understanding of rape than us. Some of us, maybe, but we have many people here who were sexually abused and raped. Much more than there should.

I’m pretty sure announcing that no one on any website knows more about rape than they do is a mistake considering just how many people experience sexual abuse in their lifetime. 1 in 5 women, 1 in 7 men, its just statistically impossible to not go somewhere that someone hasn’t been abused.

This is because of rape culture, dude, and you’re not doing anything to help stop it.

9 years ago

So tell me then, exactly how many internet based He-man Women Haters Club websites and forums have been shut down due to the efforts of the Mammoth Hunters? A hundred? Ten? None? How many chest thumping misogynists have you successfully enlightened? Is the answer still zero? Apparently you’re above getting involved in direct confrontation, preferring to sit in a circle affirming how offended you are by their actions. No, you go the safe route of fluffing your own ego by throwing a few signatures on a worthless online petition to make yourself feel better, then go back to eagerly waiting for the next thing the group will do nothing about other than share with each other how they have offended. That’s not good enough for me.

Panda, do the world a favor and learn how to read. Just like several other people in here you’ve taken what I said and altered it to use as an attack is just pitiful. I said majority, you changed it to “announcing that NO ONE on any website knows more about rape than they do”. If you can’t form a rebuttal to what I say without changing my words to fit your liking, why are you even responding?

Mackroth, When it happened, no. Directly afterwards, yes. A friend of my father was there out front at last bell waiting to walk me home. On a positive note I never had to stay for detention for the rest of the school year, he refused to wait. He was just your average knuckle dragging Hoffa era teamster that took shit from no one. Same guy that taught me how to shift a manual transmission without using the clutch, and I learned what the difference is between a blackjack and a sap.
As to me supposedly defending rapists, potential or real, that’s a load of crap. My style is acquire, confirm, confront, neutralize. The Mammoth Hunter method seems to be accuse, symbolic gesture, echo agreement, wait for the next thing to be upset about.

Misha, it’s easy to come across as arrogant when the rest of the room seems to be filled with echo chamber posers. Also, with a few specific exceptions, when did I ever say that I don’t like you?

Drezden, Please explain to me how sitting in your chair doing nothing other than a ping pong chain of general disapproval here of internet jackasses actually does anything to prevent sexual assaults?

9 years ago

Tone trolling, that’s new and different and we’ve never heard that before ever!

You *did* read the header, right? Tracking and mocking the new misogyny? Not, for example, “Making misogyny sites go away,” or “beating misogyny” or “destroying misogyny” or “ending misogyny” or “converting misogynists.”

There are other places on the Internet where people do those things. Here, we 1. track misogyny, and 2. mock it.

If you want to go to one of those other places, go ahead. Many of us do frequent other locations that do such things as well, because it is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE to read more than one website.

Which reminds me, I haven’t checked Eschergirls yet today. TTFN.

9 years ago

FE_Power sez:

So tell me then, exactly how many internet based He-man Women Haters Club websites and forums have been shut down due to the efforts of the Mammoth Hunters? A hundred? Ten? None? How many chest thumping misogynists have you successfully enlightened? Is the answer still zero?

Kindly direct us to where anyone claimed any of those things to be the goal of this website.

That’s not good enough for me.

And we care because…?

9 years ago

I’m not anti-feminist, I’m anti double standards.

Was there a fire sale on false equivalencies?

Sorry Sarah Palin, the massive age difference is one of the many many differences why the Dugger-Dunham false equivalency is tiresome horseshit. I don’t know what Tom Hardy did or didn’t do but he hasn’t had dozens of rape victims coming forth and speaking out against him, so there’s that.

Finally, bringing up Andrew Dice Clay, means that you are as old or even older than ancient me. I remember Clay and critics did not actually focus their ire on queef based humor; he was criticized for his sexist asshole schtick. He marketed his “outrageousness” and critics had no effect on his career, he burnt out in the 1980s due his own excesses before returning in the 1990s. Sarah Silverman was in High School when Clay first hit it big, comedy and culture has changed quite a bit in 30 years. Typically comedians of a later generation get away with things earlier generations couldn’t. That doesn’t make the queef thing any less oddly wrong however.

9 years ago

exactly how many internet based He-man Women Haters Club websites and forums have been shut down due to the efforts of the Mammoth Hunters? A hundred? Ten? None?

This is a mocking site. That is its whole purpose. Somebody decided to start a petition because this particular corner of the manosphere is particularly terrible. If you have a problem with that, you’re free to leave us alone.

How many chest thumping misogynists have you successfully enlightened? Is the answer still zero?

The mind of virulent misogynists cannot be changed. But mocking them and exposing them as the idiots they truly are can have the effect of delegitimizing them. The point is changing the people who are terrible. The point is stigmatizing them.

Please explain to me how sitting in your chair doing nothing other than a ping pong chain of general disapproval here of internet jackasses actually does anything to prevent sexual assaults?

Please explain how you know that none of us have ever done anything related to social justice besides comment on WHTM.

9 years ago

I am not familiar enough with Andrew Dice Clay to know what this queef joke was. But one big difference is that Sarah Silverman actually has a vagina and that makes joking about queefs a little different. There is context around comedy and not all sex or anatomy humor is created equal.

9 years ago

My style is acquire, confirm, confront, neutralize.

Sure it is tough guy.
Out of curiousity, have you had more success with weeaboo hijacks or battleship broadsides? They both no doubt are ace at neutralizing your Internet enemies.

9 years ago


I have no idea what queef joke FE is talking about, Clay was most famous for his dirty versions of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Howard Stern and Sandra Bernhard, among others, made plenty of queef jokes in the 1980s, I have no idea why FE thinks Clay was singled out and attracked for that particular line of jokes.

That’s your Queef Humor History lesson of the day.

9 years ago

Shorter FE:
You shouldn’t do anything about rape advocates! That’s mean!
Alerting the FBI to men advocating raping women and girls is the same as forcing women to endure pregnancy and birth against their will! ARGLEBARGLE!

You won’t stop rape advocates anyway! So there! Take that.

I don’t understand how anything works but no one here is taking me seriously! WAAHHHH!

What are mockery? How is mockery formed? How do mockery instain in mother?

FE, I am truly sorry for your lots. You’re a misogynist jackass and a cheerleader for rapists who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. You’re getting more respect than you deserve here. You’re having one argument in your head and another in this thread. You’re losing them both. You’re another hilarious troll ripe for mocking. So, thanks. That is what we’re here for. We’ll chew the flavor out of you and then you’ll leave, take your head out of your ass and learn something other than how to make a fool of yourself or be booted.

I don’t really care which.

9 years ago

All day long and perhaps for days to come, I’m just going to randomly say, “Palestine.” as if I have made a point and I will laaaaaugh.

9 years ago

I bet some of us have some embarrassing queef stories that would mortify FE.

Not me of course. *shifty eyes*

I never queefed while doing sit ups while hanging upside down on some monkey bars.
In front of people.
One of them being a guy I had a crush on.
Not I.

Had that happened though, the worst part would have been knowing that I had to sit up one more time to get down without just dropping onto my head. We all knew…er would have known. The awkward snickering would have been painful to my teenage ears, had that ever happened.

Sitting up slowly and gingerly in an attempt to stop the inevitable queef finale did not make it better.

9 years ago

We were working out together. I don’t just randomly serenade onlookers by playing my vagina like an accordion.

9 years ago

I don’t just randomly serenade onlookers by playing my vagina like an accordion.

I really enjoyed this sentence. We should discuss queefs more often, thanks FE_!

9 years ago

Drezden, Please explain to me how sitting in your chair doing nothing other than a ping pong chain of general disapproval here of internet jackasses actually does anything to prevent sexual assaults?

That would be a red herring. The matter being discussed was the relative difference and value of your (by your own admission) arrogant, abrasive asshole behaviour and the perceived abrasiveness of others here. As such, the context in which this comparison is being made must naturally be the interactions here on WHTM and this comment string specifically.

Within that context, what can be done (little though it may be) to combat sexual assaults and rape is to call out wrong or dangerous ideas. What we do beyond this virtual space is irrelevant to the point at hand and is really just a poor attempt to distract from your lack of a cogent response.

Thank you and good day.

9 years ago

Thank you and good day.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I wouldn’t have such shitty reading comprehension if you didn’t drone on and on and on. If I wanted to read an essay, I’d read a science journal, one on astronomy or medicine.

I mean, I have books I can read, books that are well written and aren’t stupid, shitty, boring troll shit that people leave here all the time.

I have read what you’ve written a thousand different times by a thousand different people allllll over the net, so excuse me if I don’t want to put in the effort to read it again for the hundredth thousandth time.

Come back and write something interesting for a change and maybe, just maybe, I might dedicate my time to mocking you in all seriousness.

9 years ago

For some reason, it just really bugs me when people tell others what should and shouldn’t offend them. Almost like they’re offended that someone else is offended.

But…if that bugs me, does that mean it offends me that someone else is offended that someone else is offended?

9 years ago

9 years ago

re: Lena Dunham vs. Josh Duggar,

Lena Dunham did receive significant criticism, as did her parents, for what she did. This includes condemnations from feminist bloggers. She also received the strongest condemnations from conservatives, who are now predominantly defending Josh Duggar. I know that confirmation bias is a hell of a drug, but you’ve gotta stop smoking it at some points.

Furthermore, the fact that Lena Dunham was seven years old when she once checked to see if her sister Grace’s vagina was similar to hers and the fact that Josh Duggar was fourteen through fifteen years old when he repeatedly groped four of his five younger sister and a baby sitter who was at the house is worth noting. Experts on child behavior have stated that it’s normal for prepubescent, pre-sexual children to be curious about their bodies and others’ bodies. They don’t view genitalia as sexual. Therefore, a seven year old touching their siblings’ genitalia is different than a fourteen-year-old or a fifteen-year-old doing the same thing. Also, a seven year old trying to see if another child’s genitalia was the same or different than his or hers is different than a fully sexual fourteen or fifteen year old playing with the breasts and genitalia of prepubescent children.

However…I’m of the opinion that it’s very disconcerting that Lena Dunham’s parents didn’t (at least as far as we know) tell her to stop doing what she was doing because it wasn’t appropriate and know that we can’t discount the possibility that there was more to this story than Dunham’s book let on.

9 years ago

Update for you, I had the wordpress rape website that the wannabe nazi put up shut down, and have a couple of my fellow neanderthals looking in to who was behind it, and the other crap at reddit. Have a nice day.

9 years ago

Why are you still here?
Sure you did, buddy. Sure you did.

9 years ago

Funny, because WordPress has said they’re not taking it down. So.

9 years ago

David just posted on twitter that it got taken down (after they had initially said they wouldn’t). However I very much doubt that this troll had anything to do with it.

9 years ago

I’m hereby convinced that the FE in FE_POOPER’s nym stands for “Feckin’ Eejit”.