creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUAhate rape rape culture reddit slut shaming sluthate sympathy for murderers

“Philosophy of Rape” site argues that “whores and feminazis need to be put in their place through rape,” offers tips to aspiring rapists



Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”

Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !” 

Like the subreddit before it, the site declares war on “harpies,” “hussies,” “[d]ecrepid filth, dressed like hookers and reaking like vodka” and “Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores.”

The “philosophers” also take aim at “vain, vile, venemous, femenist, filth,” particularly

[t]he kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down. The type of hussies who have lobbied effectively to remove due process from proceedings against men on college campuses.

In  a post titled “Why is Rape Necessary,” the site sets forth its case for “correction.” (I’ve bolded the worst bits.)

1) Rape did serve important, healthy, and natural biological purposes historically in limiting the extent to which female bad behavior can go.

2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok and destroy their selves and everything they touch.

3. Because rape is so completely arm-barred back by the state, and feminism has grown to be this infestation that caused even the social consequences for female behavior to dissappear, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. Unbridled female sluttishness, entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction gone viral.

4. Such women need to be Corrected. Humbled. Brought back down to a healthy place and realistic mindset. For their own good as well as that of those around them. That particular corrective action is quite clear, the one that used to naturally limit the behavior: rape.

5. We are here to provide encouragement and advice how to do that and do it safely. Regression analysis to find out which variables make it less likely to get into legal trouble. Very few women report the rapes, what can you do to make it even less likely? Example: remind the victim that “no one will believe them”. When they orgasm (which is actually very common during rape, Google it) speak up and let them know that you are aware of it and that it will come out during trial if they reported it.

Yes, that’s right. After complaining that the feminist “infestation” has enabled “unbridled” female awfulness by drastically reducing the “natural limiting force [of] rape,” the rape “philosophers” acknowledge that most men who rape women face zero consequences for their action. Indeed, in another post, one “philosopher” declares that

We want to teach men that although it may be easier than ever for an innocent man to be convicted of rape when a consensual partner has buyers remorse, it’s also easier than ever for a guilty man to get away Scott free – so long as it’s done the way we advocate: actual rape-rape, as in dark-alley, ski mask, stranger rape.

Emphasis mine. Some of the rape “tips” offered on the site are wholly unoriginal:

Tell the harlot that you come from a rich family and that she will never successfully convict you of raping her in court.  Tell her that, if she tries to sue you, you will counter-sue for a huge amount of money that will bankrupt her.

Pretty sure that one’s been used before.

Tell the harlot that, if she tells the police about the rape, you will kill her entire family.  If she has children, tell her that you will rape her children before killing them.

That one too.

Other tips are little more than sadistic fantasies:

Put sugar into the harlot’s vagina to give her a yeast infection.  This will be a mark of shame on her that she will be unable to forget, and she will have to relive the rape every time she seeks treatment for it. …

After raping the harlot, steal her clothes and write “WHORE” on her chest with a red marker.  She will be forced to walk around naked with “WHORE” written on her chest, and it will be extremely humiliating for her.

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

Indeed, in a posting on slutHATE, one rape “philosopher” assured skeptics that

The Philosophy of Rape is as serious as a heart attack. We are a movement of angry, fed-up men – much like you – who have decided to take matters into our own hands. The simple fact of the matter is, simply sitting around and complaining about sluts on the Internet isn’t going to change anything. We need real-world action to correct the slut problem. That’s why The Philosophy of Rape was created. Sluts need real-world punishment, and we want to train an army of holy warriors to dish out that punishment. Your chances of getting caught are already slim, and we will teach you how to make 100% sure that you don’t get caught. 

In another comment, he reported that while

I can’t openly admit to how many harlots I’ve corrected, but let’s just say that I do indeed practice what I preach.

He offered this lovely bit of advice to anyone thinking of following in his (alleged) footsteps:

It definitely helps if you build up to the act. Keep edging closer and closer to rape until you’re finally ready to do the deed. For example, send a harlot an anonymous message telling her you’re gonna rape her, then write “HARLOT” on her car, then finally rape her when the moment is right. Build up your courage by first committing smaller acts.

He urged others to take up his peculiar fight for, er, justice:

We are going to build an army of holy warriors to correct harlots and feminazi whores around the world. All it takes is a few Elliot Rodger types to get the ball rolling. What do you have to lose? Enlist in our rape army today, and we will teach you how to correct a new harlot a week and get away with it.

Apparently unafraid of legal consequences, the person posting all this gave what he said was his real name, claiming to be “Brother” Dean Saxton, a campus “activist” of sorts who several years ago caused a stir after holding a one-man protest at the University of Arizona, holding a sign reading “You Deserve Rape.”

In another thread, “Brother Dean” explained why he felt this slogan was so effective in angering feminists: .

NOTHING pisses off feminazis more than reminding them that they are filthy harlots who desperately need to be – and, deep down, WANT TO BE – raped.

He went on to explain why the kind of rape he advocates is the most public-spirited of all the different varieties of rape:

N*ggers rape because they are feral animals who cannot control their primitive biological urges. We rape because we are holy warriors on a mission to correct harlots and purge society of unmitigated female entitlement. The Philosophy of Rape is, ultimately, about fixing society. The only way to correct harlots and feminazis is by raping them.

If “Brother Dean” is European88, he’s kept himself busy since his college protest as a moderator of 157 of Reddit’s most loathsome subreddits, including /r/CoonTown, /r/WhiteRights,  /r/nazi, /r/GasTheKikes, /r/Chimpout, /r/StormfrontForums and the lovely /r/N*ggerSafari.

Some of the slutHATE regulars dismissed “Brother Dean” as “disinfo” and “just another frustrated virgin in his basement spreading shit.” frenchy91, for his part, noted that

while i really don’t give a shit who you could rape as long as it’s not my girlfriend, nor familly member, i think you op should get raped by a group of n*ggers, just to know how it feels, then you could objectively speak about who diserve it or not. for now, you just sound like a desperate mysogincel

This is apparently what passes for a “moderate” position on slutHATE. Others there found Brother Dean’s message inspirational. A commenter calling himself mvp wrote that

i definitely support this movement

its time to fight back

“Fuck it,” wrote another. “I’ll rape a bitch for you.”

It would be easy enough to dismiss all of this as nothing more than the ridiculous fantasies of “frustrated virgin[s]” or the work of trolls. I really hope that’s all it is.

But we should remember that slutHATE is essentially a reincarnation of PUAhate, an online forum that was frequented by a young man named, yes, Elliot Rodger, who posted similarly hateful and similarly implausible-sounding comments there before setting out one evening a little over a year ago, intending to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

H/T — MoonMetropolis


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9 years ago

Just googled that POR website and am surprised to see that it’s been active since last Fall. Kind of shocking that something so hateful could last on the internet so long. What does it take to remove a pro-violence against women website from the internet? How much harm as this website already caused? This is horrific.

armored goldfish
armored goldfish
9 years ago

I get sad when I consider the high likelihood that these “philosophers” are not edgelord teens, but adults. I get sadder when I consider that they may have jobs.

9 years ago

They actually believe in “correcting” little children. Pardon the strange orthography — it had to be formatted to get past the Mechaniprude™ filters at Hatewatch.

©Trademark Drink Coca Cola Dean Saxon The Philosophy of Röπe

Q: At what age should a harl©t start to be corrected? Is a harlot ever too young to röpe?

A: As soon as she’s old enough to be a harl©t, you should start correcting her. 9 – 15 is usually the ideal age to start correcting harl©ts, but no harl©t is too young to correct. These days, harl©ts are getting younger and younger. So, if you see a 6-year-old dressed like a harl©t, feel free to r©πe her. Remember: all harl©ts are equally deserving of röπe.

9 years ago

SevenofHiveMind, The reason I find you so entertaining is you’re a self parodying caricature of the Berkeley stereotype. Hell I bet you even support and go on marches for the independent Palestine state movement even though that guarantees the execution of homosexuals under sharia law. You know who uses gender & feminist studies prefixes and pronouns outside of the classroom? Extremists that have gone back for too many servings of the kool-aid.

Getting back to the rape subforum, did anyone notice that other than the posts from KinderScheisse88, almost all of the entries have been sitting dead for the last three to six months? Basically you’re getting worked up in a rabid froth over one guy and a couple of his sockpuppet accounts. You want to stop him? You want to defeat him? Worthless signatures will do nothing. I think right now the Release the alines from Area51 and Bring Back 8-Track tapes have more signatures than you do. I am amused by the “Call the FBI!” war cry. Feminists spent the last fifty years screaming for the government to stay away from what goes on with their vaginas and having the will of others imposed on them, and your initial reaction is to run to a government agency to impose your will on others. Yes, ignoring them is an option, but you have to wait for the tumor to die. If you want to defeat that subforum, you need to follow the advice of Sean Connery from The Untouchables, “If they put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue”, metaphorically speaking of course. Two ways you can do it, a weeaboo hijack, or the battleship broadside. Both involve a picture flood, the weaaboo hijack being pics of puppies, kittens, sappy motivational posters, etc. The point is to bury them in cuteness. The battleship broadside is the same thing, but you have to sink to a level below the original poster in an unrestrained gross out contest. I’m talking pics of used hygiene products, photos of infected wounds, things that would make the average person puke on their keyboard. Entirely up to you.

Sometimes I wonder if Dave is doing some kind of Andy Kaufmann performance art bit with this blog. “Hi I’m Dave and I specifically travel to the bowels of the internet breeding grounds looking for psychotic turd throwing howler monkeys jacked up on Red Bull & Otter Pops, and then act shocked when I find psychotic turd throwing howler monkeys behaving in their typical fashion.”

9 years ago

Feminists spent the last fifty years screaming for the government to stay away from what goes on with their vaginas and having the will of others imposed on them, and your initial reaction is to run to a government agency to impose your will on others.

What exactly do you think rape is? It is someone imposing their will on another person (man or woman). I find it astonishing that you think asking for protection from violation of our bodily autonomy is “imposing [our] will on others.”

It reality, asking for that protection is preventing others from imposing their will on us.

9 years ago

Y’know, it’s funny. Whenever feminists talk about the more “subtle” signs of identifying rapists and rape culture – like boundary violations, people who don’t accept “no” to questions like “Would you like a drink/a ride home/etc.”, Schrodinger’s rapist, rape jokes, missing stairs – we’re told we’re being hysterical and over-reacting. #NotAllMen! Yet, here we have a guy who is anything but “subtle.” He’s telling other men to rape women, because he hates women, and giving out tips to avoid being caught. And here we are, pointing out how this is obvious misogynist rape culture bullshit and incitement to violence to boot, and we’re told we’re being hysterical and over-reacting. It’s just trolling, me besides, it’s not that popular a website anyway!

Hmmm…I wonder why that is? /rhetorical question

But, anyway, FE_Power, it’s so great that you’re not affected by this shit on any level. I’m so happy for you that you’ve found that the best use of your time is to ridicule those who are trying to make positive change in the world. Good for you, you special little Spock-like snowflake, hovering over the rest of us regular human beings who react like regular human beings to utter awfulness! How very superior of you! I mean, “SevenofHiveMind?” How utterly clever and fresh! We’ve never heard jokes about “the feminist hive mind” before,

Now fuck off.

9 years ago

Hell I bet you even support and go on marches for the independent Palestine state movement even though that guarantees the execution of homosexuals under sharia law.

So, the solution to the possibility that LGBTQ Palestinians will be oppressed is to just oppress all Palestinians, including the gay ones? What? And no, it’s not a guarantee that “homosexuals” would be executed in an independent Palestinian state.

You know who uses gender & feminist studies prefixes and pronouns outside of the classroom? Extremists that have gone back for too many servings of the kool-aid.

Well, the true anti-feminist colors come out.

Feminists spent the last fifty years screaming for the government to stay away from what goes on with their vaginas and having the will of others imposed on them, and your initial reaction is to run to a government agency to impose your will on others.

Did you really just compare the government forcing women to house a fetus against their will to a hate group that has the potential to become violent and dangerous being watched by law enforcement? The fuck? That’s quite the false equivalency. Maybe that’s what the f and e stand for in your name?

And nice move referring to pro choice activism as “screaming” at the government. A great way to come off as someone who isn’t a misogynist and a rape apologist is too dismiss the women campaigning for reproductive rights as hysterical screeching harpies. Once again, your true colors are really showing.

9 years ago

Now fuck off.

And take your ableism with you!

9 years ago

Oops. I meant to say “to dismiss” Not “too dismiss.” Whoops.

9 years ago

FE_Power sez:

SevenofHiveMind, The reason I find you so entertaining is you’re a self parodying caricature of the Berkeley stereotype. Hell I bet you even support and go on marches for the independent Palestine state movement even though that guarantees the execution of homosexuals under sharia law. You know who uses gender & feminist studies prefixes and pronouns outside of the classroom? Extremists that have gone back for too many servings of the kool-aid.

Were you trying to see how many different ways you could say “I’m a misogynist clown who shouldn’t be taken seriously” in 4 sentences? Someone should notify Guinness. This has to be a record.

9 years ago

I know that posts here tend to be very trigger-ish, but i think that this one was especially bad in that sense, so maybe a trigger warning might have been quite good…

9 years ago

Hell I bet you even support and go on marches for the independent Palestine state movement even though that guarantees the execution of homosexuals under sharia law.

Anyone else think it’s weird that feminists are often accused of being part of a big, jewish, cultural marxist conspiracy, yet misogynists can also assume that any feminist supports an independent Palestine? Are we or aren’t we minions of the JOOOOZ!!!

9 years ago

Maybe the feminists are helping the Zionist conspiracy because any cause supported by feminists is bound to be hated because we’re all so mean and ugly. A feminist who supports Palestinian independence is secretly helping teh Jooz.

9 years ago


Ah, of course. I’ve a lot to learn before I’ll be able to manlojik properly and figure out what’s “totes happening fo real no trust me I don’t need to cite any sources”. No wonder I’m always confused when they figure out the fiendish plots I’m unwittingly a part of. Clearly I’ve not been lifting enough.

9 years ago

When I worked in the psych ward at Jackson Memorial, over four decades ago, people with psychiatric problems were called “patients”. “Nut job” was applied to the sui juris, ostensibly sane individual for whom malice and control freakery overroad all normal prudential concerns…for example, Richard Nixon. The worlds (and words) threatened to collide only once. I came in for the midnight shift report and heard the swing shift worker read: “Mr. Nixon has been agitated and hallucinating today. We have increased his Thorazine to…” I looked wide-eyed at my colleague. “No,” he assured me, “not that one”. And it wasn’t.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


At least they haven’t figured out that we’re feminazi-joozesh-she-wolves yet.

9 years ago

SevenofHiveMind, The reason I find you so entertaining is you’re a self parodying caricature of the Berkeley stereotype.

. Wow, a Berkley reference really takes me back. I eagerly await for your “Hanoi Jane”-related put down.

Extremists that have gone back for too many servings of the kool-aid.

. You know, “too many servings the kool-aid” doesn’t really make sense if you know the origin of that tasteless figure of speech.

I am amused by the “Call the FBI!” war cry. Feminists spent the last fifty years screaming for the government to stay away from what goes on with their vaginas and having the will of others imposed on them, and your initial reaction is to run to a government agency to impose your will on others.

While in this particular case I do think contacting the FBI is pointless, if someone believes violent felonies have or will be committed in various jurisdictions is pretty reasonable to contact the FBI. Is “screaming for the government to stay away from what goes on with their vaginas” your way of describing how the right to privacy and personal liberty applies to our own bodies? I’m not sure how fighting for reproductive rights and reporting potential violent crimes to law enforcement is an amusing contradiction or hypocritical.

If want to defeat that subforum, you need to follow the advice of Sean Connery from The Untouchables, “If they put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue”, metaphorically speaking of course. Two ways you can do it, a weeaboo hijack, or the battleship broadside. Both involve a picture flood, the weaaboo hijack being pics of puppies, kittens, sappy motivational posters, etc. The point is to bury them in cuteness. The battleship broadside is the same thing, but you have to sink to a level below the original poster in an unrestrained gross out contest…

Seriously, “defeat that subforum”? Sorry, we’re not going to “battle” misogynistic internet cesspools on reddit with own ridiculous and pointless channer style pranks. Adults typically don’t behave that way.

Sometimes I wonder if Dave is doing some kind of Andy Kaufmann performance art bit with this blog. “Hi I’m Dave and I specifically travel to the bowels of the internet breeding grounds blah blah blah

. I don’t get the Andy Kaufman comparison at all. David is a journalist, this blog is journalism with snark to lighten the mood. He has a pretty low key online presence and hasn’t created any sort of exaggerated online persona.
POfR is run by an online white supremacist who champions corrective rape and claims to have committed multiple rapes in the past. He and his cohorts are worse than the vast majority of dipshit misogynist asshats who make up the Manosphere. There’s nothing wrong with finding them offensive, even if they’re just trolls trying to provoke outrage. Internet trolls don’t ever actually win because at the end of the day they’re put in all sorts of time, effort and emotional investment in being internet trolls. That’s, at best, pathetic and sad.

9 years ago

Brooked, that is why you lose at the internet. The original idea of it being the series of tubes sending meaningful information back and forth as an electronic nirvana pretty much keeled over and became mulch when the popup ads for black market viagra and email for nigerian financial programs started showing up. I think the last time I checked, the internet is around 90% spam and porn. The other 10% is populated by what I only assume to be pre-schoolers on crack armed with molotov cocktails and Steam accounts.

Yes, adults do act that way to deal with jackwagon asshats online. You can’t negotiate or reason with extremists. When I was in Saudi Arabia the topic of the long running feuds between the various factions came up. One of the locals summed it up this way, there are only two possible outcomes. Either one side leaves forever avoiding the conflict, or one side finally kills off the other completely. If you want to keep going on with the eternal victim pity party, that’s entirely up to you.

The Andy Kaufmann comparison is actually quite appropriate since Kaufmann’s last five years was one great big long performance piece and he was the only one in on the joke.

Weirwood, I give the same treatment to the specialist lingo used by a friend of mine that’s an engineer, so does that make me anti-petroleum also? Also, yes it’s an almost guaranteed carved in stone probability that a Palestine state will have capital punishment for homosexuality given the Iran connection. For that reason alone I would oppose Palestine statehood. At least with Israel keeping watch, Palestine can’t execute them in public like Iran.

SevenOfCupcakeFarts, You’re adorable, don’t ever change. I’m an arrogant highly opinionated abrasive asshole, but then again, so are you. The difference between us is I know I can be an abrasive asshole, where as you have deluded yourself in to thinking your being entirely reasonable and think you hold the high ground. You were right about one thing, I am a faux bigot. I utterly loathe pleather. Ground up waste leather combined with rubber, plastic, and glue? Why don’t you just wear an old snow tire as a coat. Don’t even get me started on naugahyde. No one cares about the plight of those poor Nauga, raised just so their skins can be harvested to use as upholstery in Chrysler Cordobas.

Sparky, Oh I’m affected, and I’m willing to bet I have a much better understanding of what rape is compared to a majority of you. When I hold the door open for you at the store, that’s not chauvinistic rape culture, that’s me being polite. When I wear my Betty Boop tie or my bomber nose art bowling shirt in public, that isn’t rape culture, that’s me having delightfully tacky fashion sense. The schoolteacher that was slipping me sleeping pills and repeatedly sodomizing me when I was 9 years old, yeah that’s rape. A couple years of speech therapy just so I could talk again in public, my father having to tear down the dividing wall between mine and my brothers bedrooms just so I could sleep, spending most of my teens and early twenties dealing with uncontrollable panic attacks being triggered for no apparent reason, trying to figure out what I did to make my parents cry in the principal’s office, all sunshine and lollypops yesiree. It took them ten years to catch and convict the guy, but at least they were finally able to figure out who it was that was drugging and raping the kids in Maplewood Mo. Given his modus operandi, even though they had no physical evidence (DNA testing did not exist in 1970) they could use to tie him to the sexual assaults on myself and the other kids at the beginning of his pedophilia crime spree, the cops felt confident enough to tell us (us being the ones that the statute of limitations had run out on), they finally caught him, and who it was. Sadly when he died of cancer back in 2006 his brother was inconsiderate enough to have him cremated, thereby removing any chance of me being able to go piss on his grave yearly. To this day I have to sleep with either the bedroom door open or a light on (preferably both), terrified every girlfriend I’ve ever had with my sleeptalking to the point they leave me, and the one thing no one has been able to figure out, why I start vomiting when I smell sauerkraut. Yep my life is all peaches & cream.

There is only one person that is responsible for your own safety and well being, and that’s you. The police are not required to protect you, and several major court decisions have sided with the police in regard to that topic.
After I was able to get my head back on straight I decided I would never allow myself to be the hunted prey ever again. If you want to remain a victim forever, that’s your choice, but given some of the comments I’ve seen in here it’s like you prefer to be victims.
Average response time for a 911 dispatch is just over four minutes. More than enough for you to be restrained, transported, and never see the light of day ever again if your attacker is successful. Women that carry purses have a huge advantage over men in self defense if the carry a revolver, they can simply shoot directly through their purse. It takes men on average an extra 3/4 of a second or more to un-holster a sidearm.

Do you know why certain capsicum pepper spray cans include the marking “Bear Spray”? That’s because it’s the only pepper spray with a maximum allowed amount of capsicum (the burning agent), typically 2% or less so it does not permanently injure the bears. Everyone on here that carries pepper spray has used up 3 or 4 cans in practice aiming at a paper plate 20 feet away being moved around on a string, right? Having a defensive weapon and never practicing with it is nothing more than a security blanket. Since you have practiced outdoors that would mean you also know wind and rain are the two main enemies of pepper spray. Wind can blow the overspray right back in your own face, and rain can keep the pepper from ever reaching the target. If you’re going to depend on a can of pepper spray, at least go get some of the good French made stuff that has a bonding agent mixed in, it superglues everything together. Other downside of pepper sprays, if you target has a breathing disorder, you could kill him.

Stun guns (momentary contact) are probably some of the worst self defense weapons on the market because they require you to be within arm’s reach of you assailant. If you miss, you’re screwed, both figuratively and literally. You never want a potential attacker to be able to make physical contact with you. Add in rain being your enemy again since electricity is lazier than a millennial and takes the path of least resistance, if you’re wet, you’re going to zap yourself also. Again, also possible to kill your attacker with a stun gun if he has a heart condition, pacemaker, internal defib, etc.

Lethal defense can also be less than lethal. There’s a wide range of new revolvers made to chamber both the .45 Long Colt and a .410 shotgun shell. The most common models are called Judge or Governor. If you get all squeamish and feel that you’re being unfair to the guy trying to violate you sexually, then go with the .410 shotgun shells loaded with rubber buckshot balls. Yeah he’s probably going to be pissing blood for a couple weeks, but that is infinitely better to you becoming an organ donor to multiple people around the country.

Regardless of how you protect yourself, if you don’t practice, you’re setting yourself up to lose the encounter with the attacker.

9 years ago

FE_Power sez:

The difference between us is I know I can be an abrasive asshole, where as you have deluded yourself in to thinking your being entirely reasonable and think you hold the high ground.

Whereas you know you’re unreasonable and expect people to take you seriously anyway? Diddums.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“FE” refers to the iron rocks he has instead of a brain, right?

9 years ago

Holy smokes, I thought I was wordy.

9 years ago

What is FE_Power’s deal with sevenofmine? I’m finding the persistent cartoon villain comments a bit weird.

9 years ago

I know, right? Others have engaged with him at greater length than I have. Maybe it’s because my ‘nym and avatar are more obviously feminine than most? *shrug*

9 years ago

The Andy Kaufmann comparison is actually quite appropriate since Kaufmann’s last five years was one great big long performance piece and he was the only one in on the joke.

Kaufmann had collaborators and friends help him with all his comedy stunts; he was a successful professional comedian with plenty of fans who got that he was doing was comedy.

David is a journalist and this is a journalism blog, albeit a snarky one. Sorry, I’m not seeing the parallel here.

Brooked, that is why you lose at the internet. The original idea of it being the series of tubes sending meaningful information back and forth as an electronic nirvana pretty much keeled over and became mulch when the popup ads for black market viagra and email for nigerian financial programs started showing up. I think the last time I checked, the internet is around 90% spam and porn. The other 10% is populated by what I only assume to be pre-schoolers on crack armed with molotov cocktails and Steam accounts.

Yeah, just ignore little things such as Amazon, which has arguably surpassed Walmart as the biggest force in retail, or Netfix, the ubiquitous symbol of how the Internet is becoming the number one provider of entertainment content. It’s all spam and porn, ignore the billions involved with newer companies like Uber and fantasy sports sites like Draft Kings.

I don’t quite get how your ramblings explain “why I lose at the Internet”. I’ve never even competitively interneted.

Best of luck with your future weeaboo hijacks and battleship broadsides, I’m sure they will be very productive.

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