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“Philosophy of Rape” site argues that “whores and feminazis need to be put in their place through rape,” offers tips to aspiring rapists



Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”

Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !” 

Like the subreddit before it, the site declares war on “harpies,” “hussies,” “[d]ecrepid filth, dressed like hookers and reaking like vodka” and “Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores.”

The “philosophers” also take aim at “vain, vile, venemous, femenist, filth,” particularly

[t]he kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down. The type of hussies who have lobbied effectively to remove due process from proceedings against men on college campuses.

In  a post titled “Why is Rape Necessary,” the site sets forth its case for “correction.” (I’ve bolded the worst bits.)

1) Rape did serve important, healthy, and natural biological purposes historically in limiting the extent to which female bad behavior can go.

2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok and destroy their selves and everything they touch.

3. Because rape is so completely arm-barred back by the state, and feminism has grown to be this infestation that caused even the social consequences for female behavior to dissappear, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. Unbridled female sluttishness, entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction gone viral.

4. Such women need to be Corrected. Humbled. Brought back down to a healthy place and realistic mindset. For their own good as well as that of those around them. That particular corrective action is quite clear, the one that used to naturally limit the behavior: rape.

5. We are here to provide encouragement and advice how to do that and do it safely. Regression analysis to find out which variables make it less likely to get into legal trouble. Very few women report the rapes, what can you do to make it even less likely? Example: remind the victim that “no one will believe them”. When they orgasm (which is actually very common during rape, Google it) speak up and let them know that you are aware of it and that it will come out during trial if they reported it.

Yes, that’s right. After complaining that the feminist “infestation” has enabled “unbridled” female awfulness by drastically reducing the “natural limiting force [of] rape,” the rape “philosophers” acknowledge that most men who rape women face zero consequences for their action. Indeed, in another post, one “philosopher” declares that

We want to teach men that although it may be easier than ever for an innocent man to be convicted of rape when a consensual partner has buyers remorse, it’s also easier than ever for a guilty man to get away Scott free – so long as it’s done the way we advocate: actual rape-rape, as in dark-alley, ski mask, stranger rape.

Emphasis mine. Some of the rape “tips” offered on the site are wholly unoriginal:

Tell the harlot that you come from a rich family and that she will never successfully convict you of raping her in court.  Tell her that, if she tries to sue you, you will counter-sue for a huge amount of money that will bankrupt her.

Pretty sure that one’s been used before.

Tell the harlot that, if she tells the police about the rape, you will kill her entire family.  If she has children, tell her that you will rape her children before killing them.

That one too.

Other tips are little more than sadistic fantasies:

Put sugar into the harlot’s vagina to give her a yeast infection.  This will be a mark of shame on her that she will be unable to forget, and she will have to relive the rape every time she seeks treatment for it. …

After raping the harlot, steal her clothes and write “WHORE” on her chest with a red marker.  She will be forced to walk around naked with “WHORE” written on her chest, and it will be extremely humiliating for her.

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

Indeed, in a posting on slutHATE, one rape “philosopher” assured skeptics that

The Philosophy of Rape is as serious as a heart attack. We are a movement of angry, fed-up men – much like you – who have decided to take matters into our own hands. The simple fact of the matter is, simply sitting around and complaining about sluts on the Internet isn’t going to change anything. We need real-world action to correct the slut problem. That’s why The Philosophy of Rape was created. Sluts need real-world punishment, and we want to train an army of holy warriors to dish out that punishment. Your chances of getting caught are already slim, and we will teach you how to make 100% sure that you don’t get caught. 

In another comment, he reported that while

I can’t openly admit to how many harlots I’ve corrected, but let’s just say that I do indeed practice what I preach.

He offered this lovely bit of advice to anyone thinking of following in his (alleged) footsteps:

It definitely helps if you build up to the act. Keep edging closer and closer to rape until you’re finally ready to do the deed. For example, send a harlot an anonymous message telling her you’re gonna rape her, then write “HARLOT” on her car, then finally rape her when the moment is right. Build up your courage by first committing smaller acts.

He urged others to take up his peculiar fight for, er, justice:

We are going to build an army of holy warriors to correct harlots and feminazi whores around the world. All it takes is a few Elliot Rodger types to get the ball rolling. What do you have to lose? Enlist in our rape army today, and we will teach you how to correct a new harlot a week and get away with it.

Apparently unafraid of legal consequences, the person posting all this gave what he said was his real name, claiming to be “Brother” Dean Saxton, a campus “activist” of sorts who several years ago caused a stir after holding a one-man protest at the University of Arizona, holding a sign reading “You Deserve Rape.”

In another thread, “Brother Dean” explained why he felt this slogan was so effective in angering feminists: .

NOTHING pisses off feminazis more than reminding them that they are filthy harlots who desperately need to be – and, deep down, WANT TO BE – raped.

He went on to explain why the kind of rape he advocates is the most public-spirited of all the different varieties of rape:

N*ggers rape because they are feral animals who cannot control their primitive biological urges. We rape because we are holy warriors on a mission to correct harlots and purge society of unmitigated female entitlement. The Philosophy of Rape is, ultimately, about fixing society. The only way to correct harlots and feminazis is by raping them.

If “Brother Dean” is European88, he’s kept himself busy since his college protest as a moderator of 157 of Reddit’s most loathsome subreddits, including /r/CoonTown, /r/WhiteRights,  /r/nazi, /r/GasTheKikes, /r/Chimpout, /r/StormfrontForums and the lovely /r/N*ggerSafari.

Some of the slutHATE regulars dismissed “Brother Dean” as “disinfo” and “just another frustrated virgin in his basement spreading shit.” frenchy91, for his part, noted that

while i really don’t give a shit who you could rape as long as it’s not my girlfriend, nor familly member, i think you op should get raped by a group of n*ggers, just to know how it feels, then you could objectively speak about who diserve it or not. for now, you just sound like a desperate mysogincel

This is apparently what passes for a “moderate” position on slutHATE. Others there found Brother Dean’s message inspirational. A commenter calling himself mvp wrote that

i definitely support this movement

its time to fight back

“Fuck it,” wrote another. “I’ll rape a bitch for you.”

It would be easy enough to dismiss all of this as nothing more than the ridiculous fantasies of “frustrated virgin[s]” or the work of trolls. I really hope that’s all it is.

But we should remember that slutHATE is essentially a reincarnation of PUAhate, an online forum that was frequented by a young man named, yes, Elliot Rodger, who posted similarly hateful and similarly implausible-sounding comments there before setting out one evening a little over a year ago, intending to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

H/T — MoonMetropolis


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9 years ago

EJ, you and Sparky deserve the credit. I wouldn’t be de-escalating without the two of you.

9 years ago

Just piping up to say I fished this out from between all the derail:

Interestingly enough, my friend was roommates with a girl who was briefly dating (yeah, that didn’t last long) Brother Dean. Evidently, some of what he says, he says to get a reaction, but some of it he truly believes…. Apparently he got into a car accident and his personality changed supposedly. Not that that makes anything better about him, but I thought it was interesting.

…and to say DO TELL.

9 years ago

Allison W: And I see where you’re coming from. And I do totally agree with teaching and supporting self-esteem and self-confidence in girls and young women, because that is a good goal in and of itself. And I agree that we as a society view aggression and anger in women as less acceptable than aggression and anger in men, even when that aggression is in self-defense and that anger is justified; the same way we view aggression and anger as less acceptable in people of color, poor people, gay and lesbian people, trans people, etc.; (as the Marissa Alexander case illustrates); and that this needs to change. Because sometimes anger is totally justified and sometimes aggression is the appropriate response. It’s just not going to do a lot to stop rape, because we live in a rape culture and predators will prey.

9 years ago

Sparky: Thank you.

9 years ago

In an attempt to repair the derail I aided and abetted, I’m going to link Elliot Rodger Was A Terrorist’s petition for any newcomers to thread who might not have seen it when it was posted. I signed it; I hope everyone does.

9 years ago

There is currently a White House petition to designate The Philosophy of Rape a hate group/terrorist site. On my rather feeble device, I couldn’t simultaneously copy the address and sign the petition, but be on the lookout for it.

Amendment : I see it’s already been posted. Sign.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

When I was a kid, and the news would feature some incident of racist hate (a swastika painted on gravesite, some college kids hanging a noose outside the black student union, the rare KKK rally with 16 people in attendance, etc) or Oprah or Phil (yeah I just dated myself) would have KKK or aryan nation members on their show. My mother would say, I wish they’d stop giving them exposure. That’s exactly what they want.

This type of lunatic shit is contrived to push buttons and get clicks, pure and simple. No one is that much of a sociopath. And I wonder if we make it worse by giving them exposure, even in ridiculing them, we’re just bumping up their google rankings. Would it be better to ignore their delusions and let them fade into irrelevance (much like the KKK)?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

@Suzy Q

It doesn’t give them anything through Do Not Click.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

@Suzy Q

The KKK was once viewed as a benevolent fraternal organization. People figured out otherwise when it was connected to cross burnings and lynchings.

Do you think the world would be improved from its current state if everyone had just ignored the KKK and let it continue to pretend to be a benevolent fraternal organization? If the KKK had been permitted to control the message and everyone else had just looked the other way and been above talking about it?

I tend to think not. You’re going to have a long row to hoe if you want me to believe otherwise.

9 years ago

The government will never label POR a terrorist organization because it doesn’t consider rape a hate crime. That’s straight from the FBI; I haven’t asked them, but others have. We will have to get the law changed before anything like this will ever happen, and you can sign all the petitions you like.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

This type of lunatic shit is contrived to push buttons and get clicks, pure and simple. No one is that much of a sociopath.

Oh look, the same tired-ass concern trolling we’ve already explained away in this thread multiple times, but with bonus ableism! *glares*

9 years ago

Suzy Q sez:

Would it be better to ignore their delusions and let them fade into irrelevance (much like the KKK)?

u wot m8? The KKK faded into irrelevance because they were ignored? TIL.

9 years ago

Just so depressing but necessary to know what the enemy is training its recruits with.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

@policy of madness – No that’s not what I’m saying, and I’m not dismissing the need to act on hate speech designed to incite violence. I just don’t believe that every nut job who can dream up an inflammatory statement to post online is a threat.

@scented hard chairs — I didn’t realize I was required to read all other comments before posting. But now I know.

9 years ago

Suzy Q sez:

I just don’t believe that every nut job who can dream up an inflammatory statement to post online is a threat.

And how does one tell the difference apart from waiting til they act on their inflammatory statements?

I didn’t realize I was required to read all other comments before posting. But now I know.

When you deal with people face to face, do you just march up and barge into a conversation without knowing what’s going on or do you listen and catch up first before you start running your mouth?

9 years ago

@Suzy Q

Maybe don’t use the term “nut job” after someone’s already called you out for using ableist language?…

9 years ago

I just don’t believe that every nut job who can dream up an inflammatory statement to post online is a threat.

Cool it on the casual ableism. Not all of us who experience mental health difficulties enjoy being lumped in with people advocating rape #NotAllNutJobs.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

@seven of mine

“And how does one tell the difference apart from waiting til they act on their inflammatory statements?”

That’s the difficult question, which is my point. And why I worded it as a question.

“When you deal with people face to face, do you just march up and barge into a conversation without knowing what’s going on or do you listen and catch up first before you start running your mouth?”

I didn’t realize that posting a comment on a public website was “barging in and running my mouth.”

@spindrift and misha5678-

My apologies, I was not using “nut job” as any kind of insult against people with mental illness. I mean sociopath, though are we now defending the actions of sociopaths?

But really how do you know I have not coped with mental illness myself? Try not to assume anything about me/judge me when you’re asking me not to do the same.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

But really how do you know I have not coped with mental illness myself? Try not to assume anything about me/judge me when you’re asking me not to do the same.

… Is this Allison under a sock?

9 years ago

But really how do you know I have not coped with mental illness myself? Try not to assume anything about me/judge me when you’re asking me not to do the same.

Nobody assumed anything about you. You were being asked not to use ableist language. How “Don’t say that here” has led to “Don’t think you know me!” I’ll never know, but it comes across as a somewhat baffling derailment.

FYI Suzy Q, the overwhelming majority of individuals who commit abusive and/or violent acts are not clinically sociopathic (in the sense I think you mean it). This is one of the many easily debunked myths surrounding mental health.

9 years ago

The government will never label POR a terrorist organization because it doesn’t consider rape a hate crime. That’s straight from the FBI; I haven’t asked them, but others have. We will have to get the law changed before anything like this will ever happen, and you can sign all the petitions you like.

Sadly, this is probably true. I was contemplating why hate crime laws don’t apply to violence against women the other day. I came to the depressing realization that it’s because if men couldn’t be let off with a slap of the wrist for violence against women anymore, prisons would be filled to the brim. Beyond even what the US prison industrial complex demands. Also, violence against women is so pervasive and normalized, it doesn’t even register as hate.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

“the overwhelming majority of individuals who commit abusive and/or violent acts are not clinically sociopathic (in the sense I think you mean it)”

Yes I am aware of that. I believe you were the one accusing me of ableism and insulting people with mental illnesses by using the term sociopath (I’ll concede on “nut job,” that was insensitive of me.) but nowhere did I suggest that sociopathic behavior = mental illness or vice versa. Just for the record.

9 years ago

I believe you were the one accusing me of ableism and insulting people with mental illnesses by using the term sociopath.

That literally never happened. Scroll up and re-read the comments.

Hint: ‘nut job’ and ‘lunatic shit’.

9 years ago

I read a lot but not all of the comments, so I’m not sure if this was brought up. I saw the petition, but I don’t think anyone has addressed whether this is considered conspiracy to commit a crime. If this were a website with tips on how to successfully steal from stores, for example, would it get investigated? Or does it have to be planning out specific crimes, like names, dates, locations? I’m pretty sure they’d be busted if it were a website openly planning to break into a jewelry store or murder someone, but I’m not sure where the line is.

Also, weirwoodtreehugger, I don’t think the number of people in prison is necessarily a concern to our justice system. Those prisons make money. But then I’m sure a lot more people the justice system sees as not really criminals, like white men, for example, would end up behind bars and then that might be a problem. It’s not like they’re thugs or anything. 😉

9 years ago

True. Filling up the prisons with men who committed violence against women would threaten the power structure. Filling them up with poor POC for non-violent drug crimes enforce it. Obviously the people sacrificed to the prison industrial complex are going to be in the latter group.

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