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“Philosophy of Rape” site argues that “whores and feminazis need to be put in their place through rape,” offers tips to aspiring rapists



Last year, I wrote about a repellant little “community” on Reddit: the PhilosophyofRape subreddit, devoted to promoting what it called the corrective rape of “filthy, unmitigated, sluts … [t]hat badly need to be punished. Badly.”

Reddit being what it is, the subreddit remains up to this day. And now the folks behind it have taken their repugnant “philosophy” to the web. Earlier this week, one of the subreddit’s numerous moderators, a veritable cauldron of bigotries who calls himself European88, announced the grand opening of a new Philosophy of Rape website. He urged his fellow “philosophers” to “[s]ubscribe and submit your rape tips … !” 

Like the subreddit before it, the site declares war on “harpies,” “hussies,” “[d]ecrepid filth, dressed like hookers and reaking like vodka” and “Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores.”

The “philosophers” also take aim at “vain, vile, venemous, femenist, filth,” particularly

[t]he kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down. The type of hussies who have lobbied effectively to remove due process from proceedings against men on college campuses.

In  a post titled “Why is Rape Necessary,” the site sets forth its case for “correction.” (I’ve bolded the worst bits.)

1) Rape did serve important, healthy, and natural biological purposes historically in limiting the extent to which female bad behavior can go.

2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok and destroy their selves and everything they touch.

3. Because rape is so completely arm-barred back by the state, and feminism has grown to be this infestation that caused even the social consequences for female behavior to dissappear, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. Unbridled female sluttishness, entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction gone viral.

4. Such women need to be Corrected. Humbled. Brought back down to a healthy place and realistic mindset. For their own good as well as that of those around them. That particular corrective action is quite clear, the one that used to naturally limit the behavior: rape.

5. We are here to provide encouragement and advice how to do that and do it safely. Regression analysis to find out which variables make it less likely to get into legal trouble. Very few women report the rapes, what can you do to make it even less likely? Example: remind the victim that “no one will believe them”. When they orgasm (which is actually very common during rape, Google it) speak up and let them know that you are aware of it and that it will come out during trial if they reported it.

Yes, that’s right. After complaining that the feminist “infestation” has enabled “unbridled” female awfulness by drastically reducing the “natural limiting force [of] rape,” the rape “philosophers” acknowledge that most men who rape women face zero consequences for their action. Indeed, in another post, one “philosopher” declares that

We want to teach men that although it may be easier than ever for an innocent man to be convicted of rape when a consensual partner has buyers remorse, it’s also easier than ever for a guilty man to get away Scott free – so long as it’s done the way we advocate: actual rape-rape, as in dark-alley, ski mask, stranger rape.

Emphasis mine. Some of the rape “tips” offered on the site are wholly unoriginal:

Tell the harlot that you come from a rich family and that she will never successfully convict you of raping her in court.  Tell her that, if she tries to sue you, you will counter-sue for a huge amount of money that will bankrupt her.

Pretty sure that one’s been used before.

Tell the harlot that, if she tells the police about the rape, you will kill her entire family.  If she has children, tell her that you will rape her children before killing them.

That one too.

Other tips are little more than sadistic fantasies:

Put sugar into the harlot’s vagina to give her a yeast infection.  This will be a mark of shame on her that she will be unable to forget, and she will have to relive the rape every time she seeks treatment for it. …

After raping the harlot, steal her clothes and write “WHORE” on her chest with a red marker.  She will be forced to walk around naked with “WHORE” written on her chest, and it will be extremely humiliating for her.

Whether these rape “philosophers” are actually living out their repellant philosophy, I couldn’t tell you. They insist that they’re quite sincere.

Indeed, in a posting on slutHATE, one rape “philosopher” assured skeptics that

The Philosophy of Rape is as serious as a heart attack. We are a movement of angry, fed-up men – much like you – who have decided to take matters into our own hands. The simple fact of the matter is, simply sitting around and complaining about sluts on the Internet isn’t going to change anything. We need real-world action to correct the slut problem. That’s why The Philosophy of Rape was created. Sluts need real-world punishment, and we want to train an army of holy warriors to dish out that punishment. Your chances of getting caught are already slim, and we will teach you how to make 100% sure that you don’t get caught. 

In another comment, he reported that while

I can’t openly admit to how many harlots I’ve corrected, but let’s just say that I do indeed practice what I preach.

He offered this lovely bit of advice to anyone thinking of following in his (alleged) footsteps:

It definitely helps if you build up to the act. Keep edging closer and closer to rape until you’re finally ready to do the deed. For example, send a harlot an anonymous message telling her you’re gonna rape her, then write “HARLOT” on her car, then finally rape her when the moment is right. Build up your courage by first committing smaller acts.

He urged others to take up his peculiar fight for, er, justice:

We are going to build an army of holy warriors to correct harlots and feminazi whores around the world. All it takes is a few Elliot Rodger types to get the ball rolling. What do you have to lose? Enlist in our rape army today, and we will teach you how to correct a new harlot a week and get away with it.

Apparently unafraid of legal consequences, the person posting all this gave what he said was his real name, claiming to be “Brother” Dean Saxton, a campus “activist” of sorts who several years ago caused a stir after holding a one-man protest at the University of Arizona, holding a sign reading “You Deserve Rape.”

In another thread, “Brother Dean” explained why he felt this slogan was so effective in angering feminists: .

NOTHING pisses off feminazis more than reminding them that they are filthy harlots who desperately need to be – and, deep down, WANT TO BE – raped.

He went on to explain why the kind of rape he advocates is the most public-spirited of all the different varieties of rape:

N*ggers rape because they are feral animals who cannot control their primitive biological urges. We rape because we are holy warriors on a mission to correct harlots and purge society of unmitigated female entitlement. The Philosophy of Rape is, ultimately, about fixing society. The only way to correct harlots and feminazis is by raping them.

If “Brother Dean” is European88, he’s kept himself busy since his college protest as a moderator of 157 of Reddit’s most loathsome subreddits, including /r/CoonTown, /r/WhiteRights,  /r/nazi, /r/GasTheKikes, /r/Chimpout, /r/StormfrontForums and the lovely /r/N*ggerSafari.

Some of the slutHATE regulars dismissed “Brother Dean” as “disinfo” and “just another frustrated virgin in his basement spreading shit.” frenchy91, for his part, noted that

while i really don’t give a shit who you could rape as long as it’s not my girlfriend, nor familly member, i think you op should get raped by a group of n*ggers, just to know how it feels, then you could objectively speak about who diserve it or not. for now, you just sound like a desperate mysogincel

This is apparently what passes for a “moderate” position on slutHATE. Others there found Brother Dean’s message inspirational. A commenter calling himself mvp wrote that

i definitely support this movement

its time to fight back

“Fuck it,” wrote another. “I’ll rape a bitch for you.”

It would be easy enough to dismiss all of this as nothing more than the ridiculous fantasies of “frustrated virgin[s]” or the work of trolls. I really hope that’s all it is.

But we should remember that slutHATE is essentially a reincarnation of PUAhate, an online forum that was frequented by a young man named, yes, Elliot Rodger, who posted similarly hateful and similarly implausible-sounding comments there before setting out one evening a little over a year ago, intending to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

H/T — MoonMetropolis


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9 years ago


9 years ago

Glad I’m good with a knife.

9 years ago

I read a few of its posts. I have not felt more sickened in a very long time. This is just… beyond vile, actively evil, I don’t even know what. I don’t want to believe people like this actually exist.

9 years ago

This is the worst thing I have ever read. I know this site is for mocking, but I honestly can’t think of anything even remotely funny about this.

I need a shower.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Glad I own a German Sheppard. And bear mace.

Because if these fucks think that I’m going to lie down and let it happen, they’ve got another thing coming. I will bite, claw, scratch, whatever I have to to get out of that situation alive and mostly unharmed.

I’ve survived this shit before, and I’ll do it again.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Two quick reminders:

The SPLC’s Spring 2015 Intelligence Report had a piece on the “Philosophy of Rape:”

And the FBI tip line is here:

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I am done.

Done done done done done in so many ways I am done.

9 years ago

This is… legitimately terrifying. *shudders*

9 years ago

I’ve been reading this blog for awhile, so I’m not usually surprised by the shit that comes out the manosphere, but this…

I have no words for this. There are not words strong enough to accurately describe how horrible this is.

Is there enough here to report this to the authorities? The writer has admitted to multiple rapes and is encouraging others to do the same.

9 years ago

Over here in Europe (Germany, at least), 88 is (neo)nazi shorthand for HH, and you can probably guess what famous nazi phrase that abbreviates. So I am totally unsurprised at that person being hugely disgustingly racist.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I am very seriously hoping these…p-people…get doxxed to hell and back and put in the securest of maximum security prisons.

I will also invest in many steel toe shoes for genital stomping and I WILL stomp on ANY of these fucker’s genitals enough to make their pelvic region indistinguishable from meat slurry if they fucking get near me or anyone I know.

9 years ago

There’s so much screwed up here. For example, “Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring” and “the kind who get conferences to talk about mens suicide rates shut down” sounds like a warped version of the mean-world-syndrome where media begins to determine one’s perception of reality, skewing it in very negative ways. It like digital media has hijacked their consciousness, making them see and believe in things that aren’t really happening, or happening at so low a frequency that it may as well not be happening. The participants in these subreddits are advocating violence as a way of punishing this perceived world, a world that is ultimately just mimetic. Lets hope that like their worldview, their hatred also remains mimetic.

Big Al
9 years ago

I think a bunch of low-lives who advocate rape to control, police and correct womens’ behaviour, but then describe feminsim as embodying “entitlement, narcissism, vileness and destruction” need to get a dictionary asap and look up the word irony. While handing themselves into the nearest police station.

Genuinely sickening.

Armored Scrum Object
Armored Scrum Object
9 years ago

Mercy: I’m pretty sure I read the same in a blog post about US neo-Nazis years ago (probably by David Neiwert, who has written extensively about various US proto-Fascist movements).

9 years ago

“Decrepid”, “reaking”, “venemous”, “femenist”, etc. Plus a Whole Slew of Random Fucking Capitalization.

I’d fear these guys more if they had only stayed awake in English class.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


Is there enough here to report this to the authorities? The writer has admitted to multiple rapes and is encouraging others to do the same.

Yes, there is:

Remember, see something, say something — it applies to online activities as much as ‘real’ life.

In the SPLC report (which I linked above), Mark Potok mentions that the FBI is aware of the site’s existence, but it does not hurt to remind them of it again (and again), en masse.

9 years ago

My God. I consider myself to be a pretty peaceful person, but when it comes to human garbage like these guys, I’d rip their skin of in a blink of an eye. It seems to me that they are frustrated with women’s sexual freedom (very common theme in the manosphere) because women make the choice NOT to sleep with disgusting, vile cockroaches like them and that frustrates them. It’s easier to blame women for your lack of sexual activity than do a bit of introspection and realize that you are the problem, not the “Big Bad Slutty Witches of The West.” I would really love to see all of these guys doxxed and punished. Perhaps that would take away their courage to write this kind of bullshit on the internet under the protection of anonymity.

9 years ago

I have to hope that given the spelling and grammar this is mostly younger people trying to be edgy.

The alternative… is too much to take.

9 years ago

Lalala just daydreaming about what I’ll do to anyone who’s stupid enough to rape me or anyone belonging to me.

9 years ago

Wait waitwait…
2. Women in many ways are like children, and most can not self-regulate very well, so in the absence of something like parents or a natural limiting force like rape, they just run amok.

Not always, but quite often enough that it is statistically significant, at least one parent is a woman. So how can a woman be a ‘limiting force’ for a woman if a woman cannot even be one for herself? Their reasoning is a woman is always inferior like a child, regardless of age. So how does, say, a 35 year old woman be a ‘limiting force’ on her 18 year old daughter, if she herself needs parental guidance… from her mother? Or do we all just have fathers now? Are father the only parent? Why not say “fathers” then and skip this whole parent thing?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


They made a website dedicated to giving tips on how to rape and get away with it because they think raping women will “correct” them.

Do you think they have any sort of logical facilities that would point out that women can also be parents when they’ve made a website dedicated to rapping and getting away with it?

9 years ago

Who the fuck actually says ‘hussies’?

David Heffron
David Heffron
9 years ago

Holy fuck. Can we report this to the FBI or something? They’re actively discussing taking part in a criminal conspiracy, aren’t they?

epitome of incomprehensibility

Maybe wishful thinking, but I get the impression that the author’s main intent is to shock, not to encourage actual rapists. Perhaps it’s like Roosh V’s article about (ugh) “legalizing” rape. Perhaps he’ll step back and say, “No, no, I was just kidding, I’m not that bad,” and then present his real misogynist views as moderate by comparison.

(As if people are going to be fooled. Even if he’s not serious here, he’s said some pretty disgusting things which won’t be easy to explain away.)

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