
A MGTOWs lament: “The fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn’t live on this planet anymore.”

Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers
First, women had to take back the day: Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, in 1967, was attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers

So over on the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) subreddit, the regulars are discussing the various ways they’re oppressed by a Nike-sponsored women-only nighttime 10k run called “We Own the Night.” Basically, it’s Take Back the Night with running, and Nike.

Well, a guy who calls himself “DegradedSerf” is having none of it. Because lesbianism? And a lack of women in the stage-construction business?

The two things I wanted to point out are the obvious lesbian connotations, there are DJs and dancing and what not until late, women only on a massive scale, and the fact that although the theme is claiming public spaces at night for females, I worked on assembling and deassembling all the stages, lighting, etc. etc. and there were no women working on the whole site. 

You know, I hate to tell you this, fella, but there are places where there is lesbian dancing and “what not until late” every single night of the week. Also karaoke, sometimes. Google “lesbian bars.”

So anyway, “We Own the Night” is a sign of the End Times for normal manly men.

If you combine it with the slutwalk phenomenon now women have more rights and privileges than ever before and now a feature of the political and cultural landscape is these mass, semi-sexual, female only (eunuchs sometimes tolerated) demonstrations that public space, (physical and psychological) belongs to women and they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

DegradedSerf’s lament about the slut walks inspired this little exchange:

Nicholas_ 5 points 1 day ago  Knowing the fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn't live on this planet anymore. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]RecQuery 1 point 5 hours ago  I sometimes wish we could go live in a colony somewhere just to show the world what things would be like without us. Even if you don't engage you're still supporting society by being there.

Huh. I’ll admit, there are a number of things that sometimes cause me to think I don’t want to live on this planet any more. You know, like genocide, rape as a weapon of war, the millions of people on earth who are living in extreme poverty, that sort of thing.

This guy is driven to existential despair by … women protesting rape.


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

isidore13 | June 4, 2015 at 12:02 am
Why do they always think there’s money in being feminist?

Or in being a rape victim?

Shit, they see nothing but PERKS and MONEY in being both those things.

How about they come be a feminist for a while and see what it’s like considering they think it’s so fucking awesome?

9 years ago

Why do they always think there’s money in being feminist?

They can give tens of thousands of dollars to Paul Elam and nothing happens, so since feminists actually make stuff happen, they must have millions of dollars, right?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I think it’s just lazy conspiring, switching in “feminism” for “Judaism”. Anti-semites and misoginst run in tight crowds.

9 years ago

@katz, nice burn *high five*

@paradoxical, right?! I would support that but would not want any sort of exchange program.

9 years ago

I said feminist need for women to be raped and beaten because that is how they make their money.

I really wish someone would explain how women getting raped and beaten is some kind of money-making scheme of feminists.

Because that idea makes 0 sense.

9 years ago

Explain to us why the organizers of this event should care if you find it antagonistic? Why do you think your feelings are to be prioritized over the feelings of the women who organized the event and the women who attended it? The event wasn’t intended for you. It’s not about your concerns. Everything isn’t about you.

9 years ago


9 years ago

@panda, I suspect so. How awful it must be to be so angry all the time.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

What about feminists murdered by anti-feminists? Do their ghosts collect a giant novelty ecto-cheque?

9 years ago

Erin Pizzey’s findings are not congruent with science.

She based her findings on anecdotes and personal experience from running a DV shelter, which certainly doesn’t mean that they are not valuable and worth discussion. But has she published peer-reviewed articles, conducted academic studies whose findings have been duplicated?

The only “study” she repeatedly refers to she conducted using self-reporting questionaires given to only 100 women at her DV shelter.
Her books are more biographical than scientific, based on her personal experiences and the experiences of the women in her shelter.

For a group of people continually criticizing feminists for poor methodology, skewing stats and purporting causation from correlation etc. MRAs sure do look the other way when the findings of so-called studies fit their agenda and further their ideology.

9 years ago

@ParadoxicalIntention Obviously this needs to be said: not every feminist agrees with what these feminists did. Threatening someone and killing their pet is wrong, and that shouldn’t have happened.

Erin Pizzey got anonymous abuse and someone killed her dog. Given that she ran a refuge for abused women, it’s totally unclear from her account why she assumes the feminists did it, and not a vengeful abuser of one of her clients, but it’s not like any specific feminists have been accused. We’re just the kind of people who do things like that apparently.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Cool. Thanks for the clarification. 😀

9 years ago

I can’t believe someone trotted out that old chestnut about Pizzey’s dog. Pizzey’s dog either got sick or got injured (shot, maybe? I don’t remember the details) in the 90s, and Pizzey said that she’d been getting anonymous threats from feminists, and maybe feminists hurt her dog. The dog was not killed.

Obviously it is terrible to hurt an animal, but really, this is feminism’s dirty little secret? That maybe a feminist hurt someone’s dog twenty years ago?

9 years ago

Pandapool Rosewood burned down because a white woman accused a black man of beating her. Witnesses said it was her lover who beat her and she lied to conceal her affair. The old feminists- some of them- were horribly racist and used it to promote themselves. The Klan carried a banner saying, “”First and Always Protect Womanhood” right before Rosewood burned.

The Rosewood massacre was in 1923 in rural Florida and I can assure it wasn’t feminists who were fermenting mass racial violence in the US at the time. Plenty of people were openly horribly racist, then and now, including feminists but your attempt to tie feminism to the acts of a murderous white racist mob is both ridiculous and dishonest. I’m going to need a citation on the claim that feminists “used it to promote themselves”, because public displays of reverence for white women is about the belief of mythical racial purity.

Plus, weren’t you just blaming women and not feminists before, when you wrote “a white woman’s lie could burn down an entire town. That is power.”?

9 years ago

Crap, for got to block quote the first paragraph.

Pandapool Rosewood burned down because a white woman accused a black man of beating her. Witnesses said it was her lover who beat her and she lied to conceal her affair. The old feminists- some of them- were horribly racist and used it to promote themselves. The Klan carried a banner saying, “”First and Always Protect Womanhood” right before Rosewood burned.

9 years ago


I probably should go to bed.

9 years ago

9 years ago

I really wish someone would explain how women getting raped and beaten is some kind of money-making scheme of feminists.

THEY NEVER EXPLAIN THIS. Which is annoying, because I could use some money.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

This “Rebecca” Rip Van Winkle dude must have slept for at least past twenty years, judging by the quality of his comments.

Trolls today.

9 years ago

Policy of Madness-I really wish these morons would actually go their own way and live on one of the lovely deserted island that were discussed in one of the earlier posts-

How about Snake Island? Anyway, I wonder what exactly makes them think that we would miss them?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs-Yeah. That line proves that these men are afraid of losing their ill gotten privilege that the patriarchy has given them. They know the patriarchy has given them a sweet deal at expense of women and the mere thought of women having equal rights and finally being respected as fellow human beings terrify them.

9 years ago

@ weirwoodtreehugger “Explain to us why the organizers of this event should care if you find it antagonistic?”

Well they’re free to have it any way they want and men shouldn’t turn up if they’re not wanted. But it’s more or less what it says by restricting it to women; how it frames the problem. If men merely being about, in the background making up numbers at a police-monitored march, for example, makes every space unsafe, then there’s no solution to that. Because men aren’t going to just stop going out in public after dark. This is sort of how the perception of antagonism arises.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

*sings* Nobody likes Bryce, everybody hates Bryce, go back to AVFM…

(Sleep deprivation + 1.75L of iced coffee = Silliness.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago



Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

And obligatory bowing to the Dark Lord.

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