
A MGTOWs lament: “The fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn’t live on this planet anymore.”

Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers
First, women had to take back the day: Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, in 1967, was attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers

So over on the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) subreddit, the regulars are discussing the various ways they’re oppressed by a Nike-sponsored women-only nighttime 10k run called “We Own the Night.” Basically, it’s Take Back the Night with running, and Nike.

Well, a guy who calls himself “DegradedSerf” is having none of it. Because lesbianism? And a lack of women in the stage-construction business?

The two things I wanted to point out are the obvious lesbian connotations, there are DJs and dancing and what not until late, women only on a massive scale, and the fact that although the theme is claiming public spaces at night for females, I worked on assembling and deassembling all the stages, lighting, etc. etc. and there were no women working on the whole site. 

You know, I hate to tell you this, fella, but there are places where there is lesbian dancing and “what not until late” every single night of the week. Also karaoke, sometimes. Google “lesbian bars.”

So anyway, “We Own the Night” is a sign of the End Times for normal manly men.

If you combine it with the slutwalk phenomenon now women have more rights and privileges than ever before and now a feature of the political and cultural landscape is these mass, semi-sexual, female only (eunuchs sometimes tolerated) demonstrations that public space, (physical and psychological) belongs to women and they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

DegradedSerf’s lament about the slut walks inspired this little exchange:

Nicholas_ 5 points 1 day ago  Knowing the fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn't live on this planet anymore. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]RecQuery 1 point 5 hours ago  I sometimes wish we could go live in a colony somewhere just to show the world what things would be like without us. Even if you don't engage you're still supporting society by being there.

Huh. I’ll admit, there are a number of things that sometimes cause me to think I don’t want to live on this planet any more. You know, like genocide, rape as a weapon of war, the millions of people on earth who are living in extreme poverty, that sort of thing.

This guy is driven to existential despair by … women protesting rape.


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9 years ago

Yes, I can totally see how the sentiment “women should be able to use public spaces safely” translates into “PUBLIC SPACES R FOR WOMYN ONLY ALL MEN WILL BE PERSECUTED TO FULLEST EXTENT OF LAW”.

9 years ago

OK, I just looked at the Nike “We Own the Night” race website and there’s nothing at all in there about “Take back the night.” It’s a fun race, for women. The manager of my local running store mentioned to me awhile back that the majority of that chain’s customers are women. Undoubtedly Nike has figured this out and is sponsoring these events to capture some of those sweet sweet consumer dollars. Incidentally, I’m signed up for a Nike Women’s 15k here in Toronto in a couple of weeks, and the FAQ specifies that men are welcome to run as well…

9 years ago

There is a lesbian bar in Tampa. It alternates nights with drag shows and men, though.

Ima Pseudonym
Ima Pseudonym
9 years ago


How depressing to check and see that, yes, The Otherside and Revolutions are both gone since I left Atlanta. There appears to be a new place, though.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


For the worst part is that I go to a religious university, so there are a lot of folks wandering around my daily life who believe shit like this article. (and my grandparents wonder why I’m not dating anyone)
I just felt like having someone else read it and be angry as well, so I can stop feeling like I’m overreacting or being silly.

You are not being silly. Like EJ (The Other One) and you, I too still see red when faced with the religiously-justified misogyny — because that’s what that crap about men being made in God’s image and women being their helpmeets, along with wives submitting to their husbands is really about.

I too was raised in a religious family and was deeply religious myself for quite a long time, but could not deal with the religion’s treatment of women as second-class citizens (oh, I know how the religious deny and rationalize it — I’ve heard it all, many times over). I had to unshackle my mind and chuck the whole sick enterprise — and I am very glad I did.

Been married for over three decades to an atheist man who, while not hostile to religion, sees no need for it, and certainly does not subscribe to the wifely submission and similar nonsense.

9 years ago

For the worst part is that I go to a religious university, so there are a lot of folks wandering around my daily life who believe shit like this article. (and my grandparents wonder why I’m not dating anyone)

The most insulting wedding I’ve ever been to was two Calvinist seminarians. They don’t ordain women but there was a woman going to the seminary for fun, I guess. There was a line in the vows where the husband promised to patiently explain the Scriptures to the wife. They were attending the exact same school, getting the exact same degree, and this guy constantly talked about how smart and awesome she was, but he was a guy and therefore inherently more able to understand the Bible than she was.

9 years ago


Oh man, I hadn’t yet heard that the Lexington closed. That is devastating. I used to live just around the corner from that place in SF… ah, the memories… that place was a legend. 🙁

::checks:: Agh, the Savoy in Santa Clara is gone too. Bummer.

I may not be the biggest fan of the Gossip Grill here in San Diego, but hey, at least it exists (so far); AFAIK there hadn’t been a lesbian bar in town since Six Degrees (RIP) closed.

9 years ago

This is why I support the construction of Island 3 type space colonies. These sad guys can have their own colony pair, heck they can have a whole cluster(side if you will) if needed. They can live all on their own, go their own way, and nobody will give a single care about them. Then when they all die off we can reuse the colonies for other purposes.

9 years ago

“I worked on assembling and deassembling all the stages, lighting, etc. etc. and there were no women working on the whole site.”

I’m a woman, and I work on site building and striking staging, lighting, and sound systems. Often I am the only woman there, or there are only one or two others. Comments I have gotten from men within the industry:

“Why don’t you go fold the drape? That’s a girly job.”
“Nono, you go set up the screen. The small one. You should be able to handle that.”
“Anyone who works with us gets an honourary dick!”
“Why don’t you go be the fly bitch. (notices I’m the only woman) Haha, hey, that works!”

Comments I have heard from women outside of the industry:
“Wow, really? You can do that?”
“Your job is really… physical? They let you do that?”
“Are the guys you work with… okay?”

From the industry I get a really strong sense that I am a weird outsider and everyone assumes I can’t do my job. From outside the industry, I get a really strong sense that women assume that they can’t do the job or that they won’t be hired or that they’ll be treated badly. So, shockingly, there aren’t a lot of women who do my job.

And it’s a pretty good gig! It pays better than anything else I’d be doing, it’s flexible, it’s specialized, and there are union positions available. I am very glad to have it. So these guys whining about how they’re doing this hard job and that means that women are the oppressors because they aren’t working this job are so fucking clueless. If they were women, they’d be working retail or busing tables, but they’re men so they get high paying, flexible trade work. Boo fucking hoo.

Take it from a woman in the industry: it’s a good job and you can do it. Men that whine that they’re sooo oppressed because they have a solid, secure, relatively well paid job where they occasionally have to pick up something heavy are full of just so much bullshit it boggles the mind.

9 years ago

Sorry for the late reply my church and family explained that the men should protect and make women feel safe not do everything a man tells you to do or let him do whatever he wants to you.
So these men from that site are in the wrong and they deserved to be mocked.

I’m sorry for everyone who has known really bad Christians and I’m glad that you got away from them.

9 years ago

The gay bars here in my hometown (San Jose, just south of San Francisco) are largely mixed affairs. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a gay bar that catered to one sex over the other (Maybe Renegades? But they alternate nights), though it is true that several of them have gone out of business lately from real estate prices.

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
9 years ago

Why, oh why are these people so incensed by the concept of women being able to make their own decisions? Why is this concept so frightening to them?

9 years ago

I’m not sure why these events need to be women only. It come across as antagonistic, even if it isn’t intended to be. Men can stay in the background…don’t see a problem.

9 years ago

I’m not sure why these events need to be women only. It come across as antagonistic, even if it isn’t intended to be. Men can stay in the background…don’t see a problem.

Because men don’t stay in the background. Even in the unlikely event that every man in attendance believed they should stay in the background, the reporters would still seek them out to interview.

9 years ago


Gossip Bar is on that Buzzfeed list and it’s still open, so San Diego is doing better then LA and SF in that respect.

SF Weekly had an article last year about lesbians are being pushed out as gay neighborhoods become more affluent. I realize this isn’t a news flash.

@Ima Pseudonym

How depressing to check and see that, yes, The Otherside and Revolutions are both gone since I left Atlanta. There appears to be a new place, though.


There is a lesbian bar in Tampa. It alternates nights with drag shows and men, though.

I was going by the Buzzfeed list and cities I was familiar with, I’d like to think there are more than nine lesbian bars in the US. A friend of mine lives in Wilton Manors, Florida which dukes it Provincetown, MA for “gayest town in the US” and yet it’s only lesbian bar, New Moon, closed recently. (I know Wilton Manors is nowhere near Tampa.)

There are gay/lesbian mixed bars and clubs with women’s events or nights, it’s just that the stereotypical big city lesbian bar of yesteryear is almost completely gone. I mean really gone, unlike big city independent book and record stores which have taken a beaten, yet all big cities still have several great ones, despite Amazon’s destructive reign over retail. And Amazon doesn’t even sell lesbians. (I realize that wasn’t the best analogy but I’m leaving it in.)

I’m a bit shut in and not a big drinker so I was never much of a barfly, but I liked knowing they were there, that I could pop in and have a drink in a DJ free environment without a bunch of dudes being there.

I also like your handle makingfitzcarraldo.

9 years ago

Shut up, Bryce.

Take your male tears to AVFM. Or whine on Fox News’s site about why there isn’t a white history month while you’re at it. This isn’t a social justice 101 site and if you can’t figure out why marginalized groups (whether they’re women, LGBTQ people, people of color, whatever) need to have spaces/events for themselves, there’s really no point in taking you seriously or treating you as someone here in good faith.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Bryce | June 3, 2015 at 9:47 pm
I’m not sure why these events need to be women only. It come across as antagonistic, even if it isn’t intended to be. Men can stay in the background…don’t see a problem.

Yeah, I’m with WWTH on this one. This isn’t Feminism 101. So, please kindly fuck off with your “But I’m just saying!” attitude.

And if you think women wanting a space to themselves is “antagonistic”, then you really need to go Google some things about why women don’t feel safe in spaces with men.

This isn’t about men’s fee-fees, this is about women’s safety. Go fucking Google the whole “Take Back the Night” event before you spout off some more nonsense.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


I’m guessing this is it?

9 years ago

Woman-hating feminists need women to be raped and beaten because that is how you make your money.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Shush, child– grownups are talking.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Note: Please don’t read the comments unless you want some lulz. GWW is already in there going on about how wrong the sock is.

9 years ago

Feminism is a hate movement. You’re a bunch of troglodytes who think you’re “progressive.”

9 years ago


I’m a woman, and I work on site building and striking staging, lighting, and sound systems. Often I am the only woman there, or there are only one or two others.

There’s almost always at least one woman, occasionally more, in crews I’ve seen striking the stage when I go see bands or plays. These are usually smaller music venues and theaters, so I’m not sure about their union situation. I was going to mention his pissy aside, I also caught it and was annoyed. Sorry, dude, women have that job too, these are stage crews not special forces units.

9 years ago

People who like this website might like Storm Front too.