
A MGTOWs lament: “The fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn’t live on this planet anymore.”

Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers
First, women had to take back the day: Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, in 1967, was attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers

So over on the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) subreddit, the regulars are discussing the various ways they’re oppressed by a Nike-sponsored women-only nighttime 10k run called “We Own the Night.” Basically, it’s Take Back the Night with running, and Nike.

Well, a guy who calls himself “DegradedSerf” is having none of it. Because lesbianism? And a lack of women in the stage-construction business?

The two things I wanted to point out are the obvious lesbian connotations, there are DJs and dancing and what not until late, women only on a massive scale, and the fact that although the theme is claiming public spaces at night for females, I worked on assembling and deassembling all the stages, lighting, etc. etc. and there were no women working on the whole site. 

You know, I hate to tell you this, fella, but there are places where there is lesbian dancing and “what not until late” every single night of the week. Also karaoke, sometimes. Google “lesbian bars.”

So anyway, “We Own the Night” is a sign of the End Times for normal manly men.

If you combine it with the slutwalk phenomenon now women have more rights and privileges than ever before and now a feature of the political and cultural landscape is these mass, semi-sexual, female only (eunuchs sometimes tolerated) demonstrations that public space, (physical and psychological) belongs to women and they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

DegradedSerf’s lament about the slut walks inspired this little exchange:

Nicholas_ 5 points 1 day ago  Knowing the fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn't live on this planet anymore. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]RecQuery 1 point 5 hours ago  I sometimes wish we could go live in a colony somewhere just to show the world what things would be like without us. Even if you don't engage you're still supporting society by being there.

Huh. I’ll admit, there are a number of things that sometimes cause me to think I don’t want to live on this planet any more. You know, like genocide, rape as a weapon of war, the millions of people on earth who are living in extreme poverty, that sort of thing.

This guy is driven to existential despair by … women protesting rape.


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9 years ago

So… If “women only on a massive scale” carries “obvious lesbian connotations”, what does that say about a work environment where “there were no women working on the whole site”? What’s an obvious connotation for the goose is just too icky to consider for the gander.

9 years ago

I sometimes wish we could go live in a colony somewhere just to show the world what things would be like without us.

So do I, dude…so do I. Because one thing’s for certain, they won’t be worse.

9 years ago

If you combine it with the slutwalk phenomenon now women have more rights and privileges than ever before and now a feature of the political and cultural landscape is these mass, semi-sexual, female only (eunuchs sometimes tolerated) demonstrations that public space, (physical and psychological) belongs to women and they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

“Eunuchs sometimes tolerated”??? What in fucknation are they talking about? Men who don’t rape…are eunuchs? Or is that yet another insulting reference to trans women, who are NOT eunuchs, never mind men?

And why is women having rights always a BAD thing to these guys, anyway — so bad that they want to abandon human society for the wilds of wherever? Oh yeah, I forgot…give a woman the right to do things without a chance that she might be raped, and you deprive a man of the opportunity to rape her. Zero sum, blahblah.

These guys are losers, all of them. But it doesn’t take women succeeding to point up how hard they fail. They do that all by their widdle NOT-going-their-own-way selves.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

Any place with no expressions of this fine gentleman’s masculinity being tolerated won’t be inimical so much as just comfy for me. Then again, I probably count as some gender traitor mangina to them, not a man.

9 years ago

As usual, due to one event like this going down it will mean the end to civilization as we know it.

I can’t get over how silly it is that these people think that such a small thing as a all-women marathon thing means that western society will fall. It’s like how Doosh V claimed that women with short hair will bring forth the apocalypse.

This is a disaster of biblical proportions.

9 years ago
Miss Andry
9 years ago

Fine, go establish a colony to show us what life would be like without you. Just don’t be surprised when we don’t ask you to come back.

9 years ago

I was not previously aware of Kathrine Switzer’s shocking story; consider me gratefully informed.

9 years ago

“rights and privileges” = being able to host events for ourselves every once in a while?

Events hosted specifically because public space does not otherwise belong to women, in fact.

I get the distinct impression that nobody in the thread bothered to Google “slut-walks” to actually find any information about why they happen, and what they’re about.
I get the impression that no MRA actually bothers to research anything, because Research Is For Pussies. If a man is a Real Man, his testosterone gives him the power to just instinctively know stuff with logic and correctness and he never has his authority challenged because Penis.

Seriously, though. In what world do they live where women gathering outdoors even once is going to bring about its end? A fucking terrifying one that’s constantly on the brink of apocalypse. No wonder they seem so paranoid.

9 years ago

I know this is unrelated, but I need to share this new piece of psudo-religious abuse apologia about ‘confronting your wife’s sexual refusal’ or I will go crazy with repressed rage.

9 years ago

Why would men going their own way care at all whether a woman is gay or straight? Why would they worry about falsely being accused of rape?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


What I am addressing here is the wife who consistently and routinely denies her husband sexually simply because she does not need sex as much or she thinks she should not have to do it except when she is in the mood or she thinks her husband should have to earn sex with her by “putting her in the mood” by doing various things she expects or likes.

Because foreplay is a feminist plot to destroy civilization.

Yeah, these guys are so, so special.

We had this convo — about sexless marriages — here before. It is indeed a serious problem when one spouse habitually does not want to have sex while the other does, but somehow I suspect all (or most of) these godly Christian men have issues that make their wives withdraw from them over time (or sooner).

Obviously that’s a personal preference, but I cannot imagine being attracted to a man who believes that he is created in God’s image and my role on Earth is to be his helpmeet. I mean, lolwut? That itself is a super-repellent. Supposedly most fundie Christian women would be OK with that, at least in theory, but who knows. Apparently they too cannot stand their men, lol.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Wow. That site seems tailor-made to make me rage, and make me rage it did. As a community we should take care to keep Lea far, far away from it or her swear levels will blot out the sun.

9 years ago

Hello everyone.

I’ve been lurking for two years and I’m finally posting my first comment. (I’m shy ????)

There’s an episode of Ed the sock, it’a literally a sock-puppet smoking a cigar, taking a strip out of AVfM and Paul Elam. It made me laugh my pants off and I’m not normally a fan of Ed the sock.

I completely suck at anything computery, (well…duh…I’m a feeeemale) and I can’t seem to copy the damn thing and post it here.

Maybe David or someone else might check it out and post it?

Ima Pseudonym
Ima Pseudonym
9 years ago

…they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

Given the sentiment expressed, one wonders just what this dude considers “expressing masculinity”. o.O

9 years ago

I think the colony idea is excellent. It would be fantastic if they would actually put the “G” in MGTOW and just go.

9 years ago

@Aunt Edna and EJ
For the worst part is that I go to a religious university, so there are a lot of folks wandering around my daily life who believe shit like this article. (and my grandparents wonder why I’m not dating anyone)
I just felt like having someone else read it and be angry as well, so I can stop feeling like I’m overreacting or being silly.

9 years ago

@apeculiarpersonage – 1. I do love the name of a different article on that site called “Christian Husbands – You don’t have to pay for the milk when you own the cow”. Nothing makes a wife feel special like comparing her to a domesticated animal. 2. If you think your marriage isn’t going well when the husband isn’t getting as much sex as he wants, wait until you are brow beating your wife into sex. It is hard to feel loved in anyway when you are being emotional manipulated to have sex you don’t want to have. Also, once the trust is broken, it is really tough to reconnect. I don’t know what is so bad about making an effort to get your partner in the mood. Most people aren’t asexual. Perhaps if you listen and treat your wife as a beautiful human being who is also created in god’s image, it just might go better.

9 years ago

@Alpha von Carousel

I’m concerned that once these manly men learn that there are lesbian bars their heads might asplode.

A side note of questionable interest.

Lesbian bars have pretty much ceased to exist in US cities. There are two in NYC, one in Manhattan and one in Brooklyn, and that’s two more than most cities. The last one in San Francisco closed in 2014, I doubt another one will open, if only due to the pricy real estate market. Many large cities don’t have one – Chicago, DC and Philadelphia to name a few.

8 of the 17 “most popular lesbian bars” listed in Buzzfeed are closed and the article is less than two years old. Out of the remaining nine, three are in NYC (I’d argue The Cubbyhole is a mixed crowd bar now). That leaves seven in the US, which less than the number of gay men’s bars in many individual mid-sized cities.

There are numerous social, economic and demographic reasons for this trend, the most obvious being most that big cities’ gay neighborhoods are overwhelmingly male and relatively expensive. For instance, contrary to what L Word may have portrayed, very few lesbians accually live in that ultimate gay male mecca, West Hollywood.

On the bright side, there’s a lesbian bar in Dallas called Sue Ellen’s, which is the best city specific name for a bar ever. Youngsters will have to google the TV show Dallas to know why.

“The 17 Most Popular Lesbian Bars In The U.S. (Yes, They Exist)”

9 years ago

This week on MGTOW Crybaby theatre: “In a world where sluts have the AUDACITY to walk”

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

You’re a lot tougher than I am. I came from a religious background, and even though I’m now out of it and am male, that passage made me see red. Dealing with that on a daily basis must be frustrating. Please accept my internet high-five of deconvert solidarity.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

You certainly aren’t overrreacting. A certain level of red mist seems entirely healthy over that.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


Couldn’t read it all. Not only is the content abhorrent, but the writing style is meandering, going constantly into pre-emptive strikes against the criticism the dude knows is coming.

Of course, if you have to constantly pepper your advice with “but don’t use this to be abusive!” your advice is probably shit and you should rethink putting it into essay form on the internet.

9 years ago

Colossians 3:19 – Husbands, love [your] wives, and be not bitter against them.

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Ephesians 5:28 – So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

1 Peter 3:7 – Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Proverbs 22:10 – Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


The problem with those passages is when they are paired against their (often mirrored) commands to women: men are told to love and honor their wives, and women are told to obey their husbands. These are not equivalent commands, and so those verses are often used to beat women over the head. “Look, God told your husband to love you, so he has obligations, too. So you need to do what he says and shut the hell up about it.”

The real problem, however, is that they were written in social contexts that are completely removed from the ones in which they are read, and the “plain meaning” to the writer of a passage is essentially guaranteed to be different from the “plain meaning” that people today invest in it.